Creating Buying Agreements

This chapter provides an overview for buying agreements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Buying Agreements

Through the use of buying agreements, structure flexible and easy-to-use buying arrangements for customers or groups of customers. A buying agreement is a schedule between you and the customer defining terms and conditions. Buying agreements enable you to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Product Source

Appears by default from the General Information - Sold To Options page.

System: Use the product IDs that are in the system. If the buying agreement applies to a customer group, this option is the default and cannot be changed.

Customer: Use the customer’s part numbers.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Buying Agreements

To define buying agreements, use the Buying Agreement component.

This section discusses how to enter buying agreement header information.

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Buying Agreement Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Buying Agreement Type

Define codes that can categorize buying agreements. Buying Agreement Types categorize buying agreements for reporting purposes or mark buying agreements with similar renewal characteristics, such as annual purchase agreements.

Buying Agreement Form


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Create Buying Agreement

Enter buying agreement header information. Define to whom the buying agreement applies (this can be a customer or customer group) and the effective dates of the buying agreement. Enter buying agreement line information including associated product groups or product IDs and establish pricing for those products.

Refresh Buying Agreement Prompt Table


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Create Buying Agreement, Refresh Prompt Table

Establish parameters to initiate the process to update the active buying agreement table if you make changes by using electronic data interchange (EDI) or a conversion program to buying agreements, sold to customers, customer groups, products, or product groups. The system automatically updates this table whenever changes are made online.

Close Agreement


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Convert and Close Agreements, Close Buying Agreement

Establish process parameters to close buying agreements that reach their expiration dates, the buying agreement ending date plus grace days. Once closed, the buying agreement cannot be referenced on sales orders or quotations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Buying Agreement Header Information

Access the Buying Agreement Form Page.

Note. If you enter orders against a buying agreement or if orders are automatically created from releases, the only changes that you can make on the buying agreement line are in the Maximum Quantity (or Amount) and % Over fields.


In Add mode, click to copy data from an existing buying agreement or from a quote.


Values are:

Active: Can be referenced on orders and copied to another buying agreement.

Canceled: Is not valid and cannot be referenced on orders. Canceled buying agreements can be copied.

Hold: Is on hold for an indefinite period of time and cannot be referenced on orders. Buying agreements that are on hold can be copied.

Closed: All terms are fulfilled or the buying agreement is expired. Closed buying agreements cannot be referenced on orders but can be copied.

Buying Agreement Type

Established on the Buying Agreement Type page.

Start Date and End Date

Enter for the buying agreement. The system date is used as a default for the start date. The term of the buying agreement can span multiple fiscal years.

Grace Days

The grace days are added to the end date to obtain the grace end date (in Display mode). If you do not want to provide an extension, enter 0.

Maximum Amount and % Over Amount (percentage over amount)

Use to permit buying agreement orders to exceed the maximum amount by that tolerance percentage. These fields are for information only.

Minimum Order Amount

Enter the smallest dollar value for which the buying agreement pricing applies. This field is for information only.

Price Can Be Changed on Order

Use to enable the price to be changed on the quote or order. Otherwise, you cannot adjust the price manually and repricing the sales order does not change the price for lines that are associated with this buying agreement.

Adjustment Allowed

Set to Yes if you want to allow this Buying Agreement to be eligible for adjustments. Set to No if you do not want this buying agreement to be eligible for additional pricing adjustments.

Note. Allowing buying agreements to be adjusted can also be controlled at the Customer, Group, and Order Management Business Unit level.

Customer or Customer Group

Select either, then select a value from the available options.

Important! You can apply a buying agreement to a customer group only if you designate the group as a sales buying agreement group type on the Customer Group Table page.

Currency Code

Identifies the customer's currency for the buying agreement.

Rate Type

Identifies the market rate type that is associated with the currency code that is on the buying agreement.

Default Contract

Indicates that this is the primary buying agreement for the customer or customer group. This buying agreement is selected by default on any sales orders that are entered for the sold to customer or a sold to customer in the specified customer group.

Customer Buying Agreement

Click to copy data from quotes or buying agreements for a designated sold to customer or customer group.


Applies To

Select whether the Buying Agreement line applies to a Product or a Product Group.

Product Source

Select the product source, the available options are Customer and System.

Product ID Entered

Enter a product ID. The products that are available are determined by the catalogs, if any, that are associated with the sold to customer on the General Information - Product Catalog page.


Note. If the buying agreement is for a customer group, all the products that are in the system are available.

Customer Item Number

The customer’s part number, or product alias, appears in the Customer Item Number field, if you define an alias on the General Information - Product Aliases page and the Product Source is Customer. The system product ID appears in the Product ID field.

Note. You can configured the maximum number of lines displayed on buying agreements on the Installation Options — Order Management page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Install Options, Order Management).


The Quantity/Amount fields vary depending on the selection of Product or Product Group in the Applies To group box and the selection of Quantity and Amount.

Maximum Quantity (or Amount)

Defines the maximum ordering limit for the product during the buying agreement period. This field places a lower limit on the quantity that you can enter on an order line that references the buying agreement line. Orders that violate these limits can be placed on hold, depending on the parameters for business unit holds that you establish on the Holds Processing page.

You can define a maximum for a buying agreement line by quantity or amount for products, but only by amount for product groups.

Note. You can only generate releases for buying agreement lines that specify a quantity. You cannot generate sales orders from buying agreement lines that specify an amount.

Unit of Measure (UOM)

Enter separate buying agreement line products in different UOMs.

% Over (percentage over)

If the business unit parameters that are established on the Holds Processing page define a hold on sales orders that surpass a maximum quantity or amount for a buying agreement, enter a tolerance to override that hold.


Rebate ID and Penalty ID

Select an ID if you're implementing rebates and penalties to track whether the customer meets or does not meet the buying agreement quantity.

Payment Terms ID and Payment Method

Use to select different options for the line than those from the Buying Agreement Header - Terms page.


Exclusive Pricing ID

Use to link pricing with the buying agreement line if the buying agreement applies to a single customer and the buying agreement line identifies a single product. Exclusive pricing is established on the Arbitration Plan page by tying a price rule to an arbitration plan. The exclusive pricing ID is used to derive the net unit price for the buying agreement line.

Ship To Customer

The field is linked to the sold to customer that is selected on the buying agreement header. Choose a different ship to customer for the buying agreement line. This field is unavailable for entry if the buying agreement applies to a customer group.

Ship From INV BU (ship from inventory business unit)

The highest-priority Inventory business unit, the one with the highest priority assigned number in the ship to customer’s distribution network, is used as the default in the field. This field is unavailable for entry if you define the buying agreement for a customer group or if the line references a product group.

Net Unit Price

If you enter this field, you cannot enter an exclusive pricing ID. If the buying agreement applies to a product group, enter a single net unit price, which the system uses for all products in the group.

List Price

From the Inventory business unit if the product can be stocked.

Extended Net Price and Extended List Price

The net unit price or list price multiplied by the maximum quantity.

Standard Discount

Use to apply a standard discount to the buying agreement. The discount is applied to the net unit price on the sales order if this buying agreement line is assigned. It is not applied to the net unit price of the buying agreement.



Enter a product ID. The products that are available are determined by the catalogs, if any, that are associated with the sold to customer on the General Information - Product Catalog page.

The customer’s part number, or product alias, appears in the Customer Item Number field, if you define an alias on the General Information - Product Aliases page and the Product Source is Customer. The system product ID appears in the Product ID field.


Note. If the buying agreement is for a customer group, all the products that are in the system are available.

Product Group

Product Groups

Available options differ, depending on whether catalogs are associated with the sold to customer.

  • If the customer does not use catalogs, the product groups that are available must be defined as a Buy Agrmnt (buying agreement) product group type on the Product Groups page.

  • If you attach catalogs to the customer, the available product groups must be included in the customer’s catalog. The product groups that are available if the buying agreement applies to a customer group must be defined as a buying agreement product group type on the Product Group Table page

Note. If you define a buying agreement for a customer group and a product group, it is possible that customers with attached catalogs might be included in a buying agreement for products that they are not authorized to buy. If this occurs, the system notifies you at order entry.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Additional Buying Agreement Information

This section provides information about entering or modifying additional information for the options available under the Header menu section of the Buying Agreements form.

This section discusses how to:

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Header Additional Information


Select Additional Info in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Enter information about buying agreements, negotiators, contacts, and record reason codes for changes to the buying agreement.

Header Attachments


Select Attachments in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Attach various media to a buying agreement at the header level.

Buying Agreement Usage


Select Buying Agreement Usage in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Review sales order buying agreement lines by line, order, or product.

Header Competitors


Select Competitor Information in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Enter information about the competition for a buying agreement.

Customer Conversations


Select Customer Conversation in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Use to view or add conversations about or with a customer.

See Managing Conversations.

Line Summary


Select Line Summary in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Review buying agreement line information.

Header Notes


Select Notes in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Use to add notes to the header buying agreement.

Header Terms


Select Terms in the Header menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Define payment and shipping options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Information About the Buying Agreement

Access the Header Additional Information page.

Contact Sequence Number

The primary contact that is established for the sold to customer on the Contact Customer page in the Maintain Contact menu.

Product Source

Select type of product ID for the buying agreement to identify the ordering product preference for the sold to customer. Options are: Customer, System, UPC, or Universal.

Team Member

Enter any number of people who are responsible for negotiating the buying agreement. Associate team members with a buying agreement ID in order to populate the Buying Agreement Renewal letter and the Buying Agreement Status report. You can also define a workflow to route buying agreement renewal notices to those individuals.

Reason Code

Enter a reason code if you make any changes to the buying agreement or if you change the status of the buying agreement to Hold. The description of the reason code appears. Reason codes with a reason type of sales buying agreement must already be defined in the Establish Order Processing menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Attachments with Buying Agreement Header Information

Access Header Attachments page.


Click this button to browse for and add an attachment.


After you upload an attachment, click this button to view it.

Attached File

After you upload an attachment, its name displays here.

Attachment Type

Enter the file type and add a Description of the multimedia item that you’re attaching.

Note. Attachment type is not a file extension, but a categorization of the attachment defined through system configuration on the Attachment Types page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Attachments, Attachment Types).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Notes with Buying Agreement Header Information

Access the Header Notes page.


Determines the order in which notes are printed on the selected documents.


Select a value:

Standard: Assigns a standard note. For this value, select a standard note code. Standard notes are created on the Common Definitions Standard Notes page.

Custom: Creates a custom note. For this value, select a note type, and then enter the custom note in the text field.

Use Predefined Standard Note

Select this option to use a predefined note for your customer note.

Note Code

Enter the note code for this note. If you are using predefined standard notes, select the standard note to assign to this page or type in the note code. The note type, note text, key words, and print on documents are displayed.

Note Type

For custom notes, select the note type for the note.

Documents To Print The Note On

For custom notes, select Buying Agreement Renewal or Buying Agreement Status.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Additional Buying Agreement Line Information

This section provides information about entering or modifying additional information for the options available under the Line menu section of the Buying Agreements form.

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Line Attachments


Select Attachments in the Line menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Attach various media to a buying agreement at the line level.

See Associating Attachments with Buying Agreement Header Information.

Line Competitors


Select Competitor Information in the Line menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Use to view and add information about competitors.

Line Usage


Select Line Usage in the Line menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Review buying agreement line usage.

Line Notes


Select Notes in the Line menu field on the Buying Agreement Form page.

Associate standard or custom notes with a buying agreement at the line level.

See Associating Notes with Buying Agreement Header Information.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Quotes or Existing Buying Agreements

You can copy quotes or existing buying agreements to new buying agreement.

  1. In Add mode, click the Copy link on the Buying Agreement Form page to copy from an existing buying agreement or from a quote.

    Choose Quotes or Buying Agreements.

  2. Select the quote on the Quotes by Customer page or buying agreement on the Buying Agreements by Customer page from which you want to copy information.

    Select whether to copy the header, all or some on the lines for the quote or buying agreement.

  3. Use the Quote Lines page or Buying Agreement Lines page to copy the individual lines to the buying agreement.

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Buying Agreement Form


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Create Buying Agreement, Buying Agreement Form

Use the Buying Agreement Form page to begin entering buying agreement header information.

Quotes by Customer


Click the Customer Buying Agreements link on the Buying Agreement Form page, and select Quotes on the Selection Criteria page.

Copy quotes to a new buying agreement.

Quote Lines


Select a quote to copy from the Quotes by Customer page and select Selective in the dialog box that appears.

Select a quote and click the Show Detail Entry link on the Quotes by Customer page.

Copy quote lines from an existing buying agreement to a new one or view the quote lines.

Buying Agreements by Customer


Click the Customer Buying Agreements link on the Buying Agreement Form page, and select Buying Agreements on the Selection Criteria page.

Copy an existing buying agreement to a new buying agreement.

Buying Agreements Lines


Select a buying agreement, and click the Show Detail Entry link on the Buying Agreements by Customer page.

Copy lines from an existing buying agreement to a new one or view line information.

Select a buying agreement to copy from the Buying Agreements by Customer page, and select Selective in the dialog box that appears.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Sales Orders from Buying Agreements

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Order Creation

Values are: Single Ord for Each Contract (single order for each contract) or Single Ord for Multi Buying Contracts (single order for multiple buying contracts).

Release Quantity

This quantity must be equal to or greater than the minimum order quantity that you define on the Buying Agreement - Line page and must be in the valid increment for the product. Establish valid product-ordering increments by UOM on the Product Attributes by UOM page.

Ship To Customer

Displays information from the Buying Agreement - Line page. Change the ID if you want the release to go to a different ship to customer.

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Line Release


Click the Release Information link from the buying agreement header or line level.

Set up buying agreement releases when you know the customer’s scheduling requirements.

Create Sales Orders


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Convert and Close Agreements, Convert Agreements to Orders, Create Sales Orders

Set up the parameters for the Create Sales Orders process (OMCNTRCT). The Create Sales Orders process automatically generates sales orders from the buying agreement releases that are defined on the Line Release page.

Generate Order By Customer


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Convert and Close Agreements, Convert Agreement by Customer, Generate Order by Customer

Create sales orders online for sold to customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Buying Agreement Line Releases

Access the Line Release page.

Start Date

Enter the date and optionally the start time from which all releases are to be built.

Copy Line Release

Click the link to populate the bottom of the page with the number of releases that are entered.

Order To Date Quantity

Displays the total quantity that is already entered on sales orders that reference the buying agreement line. The quantity is calculated by taking all the order lines that reference the buying agreement line, unless they are canceled, and subtracting the RMA Quantities (returned material authorization quantities), if they are returned in the same unit of measure.


Values are: Each Month, Every Day, Every Hour, Every Week, and Quarterly. In the For field, enter the number of releases to create for the interval that you select.

Note. The Release Quantity value multiplied by the value in the For field cannot exceed the value in the Order To Date Quantity field for the line.

Change Planning Flags

Use to Select All or Clear All buying agreement lines for PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Schedule, Requested Arrival Date, Requested Arrival Time, and Release Quantity

The system automatically populates the fields based on the interval and the number of releases that are selected.

Include in Planning

Select to enable PeopleSoft Supply Planning to consider release quantities in the planning algorithms.


Appears along with the Line field when a sales order is automatically created for the buying agreement line release.

Note. You can define buying agreement releases only for single-customer buying agreements in which the buying agreement lines specify a quantity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Sales Orders Created from Buying Agreements

Access the Create Sales Order process page.

Sold To Customer

If this customer has open buying agreements with established buying agreement releases, the orders are created from the releases. If you leave this field blank, the process creates orders for all sold to customers with open buying agreement releases.

Request Arrival Thru Date/Time

The system creates order lines for buying agreement releases, starting with the current date and ending with the date and time that you enter here. The time must be entered manually in the field to the right of the calendar button.

Note. After you run the Create Sales Orders process, run the Order Completion process (OM_BACKGRND) to access the orders in the standard order entry pages. After running the Order Completion process against the orders, run the Hold Checking (OM_HOLD), Credit Checking (OM_CREDIT), and Populate Demand (OM_DEMAND) processes to move the orders into inventory fulfillment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Ad Hoc Sales Orders for Buying Agreements

Access the Generate Order by Customer page.

Order Status

The selection becomes the default on the sales order that is created from the buying agreement.

Order Group

Appears by default along with Source from user preferences, or select values that appear by default on the sales orders that are created from the buying agreement.

PO Number

Enter the field and a PO Line if the customer requires this information on the sales order.

When you save your work and the system creates a sales order, order information appears in the group box.

Note. After you create these orders, run the Order Completion process to access the orders on the standard order entry pages. After running the Order Completion process against the orders, run the Hold Checking, Credit Checking, and Populate Demand processes to move the orders into inventory fulfillment.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Buying Agreement Rebates and Penalties

To define rebate penalty definitions and rebate penalties, use the Rebate Penalty Definition and Rebate Penalty components.

To enhance control of the buying agreement relationships that you have with customers, you can implement rebate and penalty calculations for sales buying agreements.

This section discusses how to:

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Accounting and Billing


Click the Accounting and Billing link on the Order Management Definition - Order Management Setup page.

Specify a Rebate Product, Penalty Product ID, and Rebate/Penalty Bill By ID.

Rebate Penalty - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Definition, Definition

Set up the formulas that the system uses to calculate rebates and penalties.

Rebate Penalty - Definition Step


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Definition, Definition Step

Define the points at which the penalty or rebate amount or percentage changes.

Rebate Penalty Table


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Order Management Foundation, Rebate and Penalty Table

Select the parameters for applying the rebate or penalty. Before you select a rebate and penalty definition, establish rebate and penalty definitions on the Rebate Penalty - Definition page.

Calculate Rebates/Penalties


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Rebates and Penalties, Calculate Rebate and Penalties

Establish the parameters for the Calculate Rebates/Penalties process.

Rebates and Penalties


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Rebates and Penalties, Verify Rebates and Penalties

View the results of the Calculate Rebates/Penalties process. View or alter penalty and rebate information on this page.

Rebate Interface


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Rebates and Penalties, Load Penalty and Rebate Intrfc

Populate the interface tables in PeopleSoft Billing with penalty invoice and rebate payment information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Formulas to Calculate Rebates and Penalties

Access the Rebate Penalty - Definition page.


Changes by default to Active.

Basis Parameters

Select from the options to set the type of comparison that the system uses to determine whether rebate or penalties are applicable:

Amount: Buying agreement amounts are compared to order amounts.

Percent: The rebate or penalty is based on the percent difference between the ordered amount and the buying agreement amount.

Quantity: Buying agreement quantities are compared to order quantities.

None: The penalty or rebate calculation is based on whether the customer meets the buying agreement terms.

Amount or Percent

Define as either. The values in the Amount Type and Percent Type fields vary according to the basis parameter that you select. The table lists the possible combinations:


Basis Parameter

Rebate and Penalty Amount Type

Rebate and Penalty Percent Type

Amount, Percent, None

Flat Amount

% of Amount (percent of amount).


Flat Amount

Flat Amount per Unit

Net Price

(List-Net) Price

% of Amount.

% of Net Price (percent of net price).

% of (List-Net) Price (percent of list net price).

Note. The Amount that is referred to in % of Amount for rebate percent type is the qualified base that is selected on the Rebate Penalty Table page.

Maximum Amount

The system caps the rebate or penalty at this amount, even if the calculation for the rebate or penalty is a higher figure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Points to Calculate Rebates and Penalties

Access the Rebate Penalty - Definition Step page.

Break ID

Enter the field and the percent or the basis amount of the rebate or penalty. Where applicable, enter the low and high amounts. The available fields on this page are determined by the selections on the Rebate Penalty - Definition page.

The table lists the combinations of basis parameter types, rebate penalty parameter types, and amount or percentage types, which determine whether you must define steps. It also includes examples of sample rules.


Basis Parameter

Rebate Penalty Parameters

Amount or Percent



Definition Steps




% of Amount

No (1 step allowed to enter percent).

Break ID 1.

Percent 3.

3 percent of the buying agreement.

5 percent of amount that exceeds the buying agreement.



Flat Amount

One step to identify the Flat Amount.

Break ID 1 Amount 20,000 USD.

Rebate is 20,000 USD if the buying agreement terms are met. The penalty is 20,000 USD if the buying agreement terms are not met.



Flat Amount per Unit

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Amount 20 USD.

Rebate is 20 USD for each unit that exceeds the buying agreement amount.



Flat Amount

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Amount 10,000 USD.

Low 1.

High 100.

Break ID 2, Amount 25,000 USD.

Low 101.

High 200.

The rebate is 10,000 USD if the quantity difference between the buying agreement terms and the orders is between 1 and 100. It is 25,000 USD if the difference is between 101 and 200.



(List-Net) Price

Only 1 step allowed.

Break ID 1.

Low 15.

High 99999.

The rebate does not start until the customer orders 15 units more than the buying agreement amount. If there is no upper limit, enter 99999 as the high amount.



Net Price

Only 1 step allowed.

Break ID 1.

Low 15.

High 99999.

The rebate does not start until the customer orders 15 units more than the buying agreement amount. If there is no upper limit, enter 99999 as the high amount.



% of Amount

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Percent 3.

Low 1.

High 500.

Break ID 2 Percent 10.

Low 501.

High 6000.

The rebate is three percent of the sales that exceed the buying agreement terms if the quantity difference between the buying agreement terms and the orders is between 1 and 500. The rebate is 10 percent of the sales that exceed the buying agreement terms if the quantity difference is between 501 and 6000.



(List-Net) Price

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Percent 50.

Low 1.

High 500.

The rebate is 50 percent of the (List-Net) Price, multiplied by the quantity over the buying agreement terms, if the quantity difference between the buying agreement terms and the orders is between 1 and 500.



Net Price

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Percent 35.

Low 1.

High 500.

The rebate is 35 percent of the Net Price, multiplied by the quantity over the buying agreement terms if the quantity difference between the buying agreement terms and the orders is between 1 and 500.



% of Amount

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Amount 100 USD.

Low 1.

High 10,000.

The rebate is 5 percent of the buying agreement if the amount difference between the buying agreement terms and the orders is between 1 USD and 10,000 USD.



Flat Amount

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Amount 100 USD.

Low 100,000.

High 999,99.9

The rebate is 100 USD if the buying agreement terms are exceeded by more than 100,000 USD.



% of Amount

At least 1 step.

Break ID 1 Percent 3.

Low 5.

High 5.

The rebate is three percent of the buying agreement amount if the buying agreement terms are exceeded by five percent or more.



Flat Amount

At least 1 step

Break ID 1 Amount 300 USD.

Low 2.

High 2.01.

Break ID 2 Amount 1,000 USD.

Low 2.1.

High 999.

The rebate is 300 USD if the buying agreement terms are exceeded by 2 percent. The rebate is 1,000 USD if the buying agreement terms are exceeded by more than 2 percent.

Note. The system does not calculate a rebate or penalty over the last high amount or percentage. Overlapping steps are not allowed, and the low amount or percentage must be less than the high amount or percentage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Parameters for Applying the Rebate or Penalty

Access the Rebate Penalty Table page.

Qualified Orders

Select All Orders or Invoiced Orders as the amount to compare to buying agreement terms to determine whether a rebate or penalty is applicable.

Qualified Base

Determines how to calculate the rebate. The table describes the options and how each is calculated for rebates that are associated with buying agreements and independent sales rebates.


Note. The qualified base works differently with buying agreement or sales rebates.


Qualified Base

Buying Agreement

Sales Rebate

Agreement or Previous Amt/Qty (agreement or previous amount/quantity).

Rebate calculated on the buying agreement numbers.

Rebate calculated on the previous period or compared to period amounts and quantities.

Amount/Qty Difference (amount/quantity difference).

Rebate calculated based on the difference between sales and the buying agreement amounts.

Rebate calculated on the difference between the current sales and quantities and previous (or compare to) amounts and quantities.

Qualified Sales Amount/Qty (qualified sales amount/quantity).

Rebate calculated on the sales that are associated with the buying agreement.

Rebate calculated on the amount and quantity of sales in the current period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing the Parameters for the Rebate and Penalty Calculation Process

Access the Calculate Rebates/Penalties page.

Calculate penalties and rebates for a single Buying Agreement ID or for all buying agreements in a setID with expiration dates that are between the dates that you enter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Altering the Rebate and Penalty Information

Access the Rebates and Penalties page.

Buying Agreement ID

Displays customers who have a penalty or a rebate for the selected ID and the agreement line number.


Rebates and penalties are created with Pending status. When you review the penalty or rebate, manually change the status to Approved.

Recalculate ?

Select for a sold to customer, so that rebates and penalties are not recalculated during subsequent runs of the Calculate Rebates/Penalties process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPopulating the Billing Interface Tables

Access the Rebate Interface process page.

Enter a setID and a buying agreement ID to limit the run to particular setIDs and buying agreement IDs. If you leave the fields blank, the process runs for all setIDs and buying agreement IDs.

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring About Buying Agreements

PeopleSoft Order Management provides easy access to buying agreement information. View order activity for a buying agreement or a buying agreement line, and see all the buying agreements that you establish for a customer or customer group, even down to line detail.

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Agreement Usage


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Review Buying Agreement Info, Buying Agreement Usage, Agreement Usage

View order activity against a buying agreement, including the line and schedule number against which the order is applied.

Agreement Summary


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Review Buying Agreement Info, Line Summary, Agreement Summary

View a summary of the activity for all the lines that are on a buying agreement. You can also select a line to view the line detail on the Agreement Line Use page.

Agreement Line Use


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Review Buying Agreement Info, Line Usage, Agreement Line Use

View line details of the buying agreement usage.

Customer Buying Agreements


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Review Buying Agreement Info, Customer Buying Agreement, Customer Buying Agreements

View buying agreements by customer.

Quote Lines


Select a quote, and click the Show Detail Entry link on the Customer Quotes page.

View quote lines.

Buying Agreements Lines


Select a buying agreement, and click the Show Detail Entry link on the Customer Buying Agreements page.

View line information for the buying agreement.

Customer Quotes


Order Management, Buying Agreements, Review Buying Agreement Info, Customer Quotes

View quote data for a particular sold to customer.