Using the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench

This chapter provides an overview of the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench and discusses how to use the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench

You can use the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench to retrieve, review, and modify multiple requisitions for the purpose of performing these functions:

See Also

Creating Requisition Header Information

Creating Requisition Lines

Entering Distribution Information

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must have the authority to perform the actions that you specify against the requisitions that you retrieve and select. Set up this authority on the User Preferences: Procurement - Requisition Authorizations page.

See Also

Defining Requisition User Authorizations

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench

Page Name

Object Name



Reconciliation WorkBench - Filter Options


Purchasing, Requisitions, Reconcile Requisitions, Reconciliation Workbench, Reconciliation Workbench - Filter Options

Select attributes to search for requisitions.

Reconciliation Workbench


Click the Search button on the Reconciliation WorkBench - Filter Options page.

Analyze, approve, unapprove, cancel, and close requisitions.

Requisitions inquiry


Click the Requisition ID link on the Reconciliation Workbench page.

View the information associated with the requisition.

REQ DOC Status


Click the Doc Status (document status) button on the Reconciliation Workbench page.

View the requisition document status inquiry.

Reconciliation WorkBench - Requisition Lines


Click the Lines button for a requisition on the Reconciliation Workbench page.

View the lines associated with the selected requisition.

Reconciliation WorkBench - Requisition Schedules


Click a Line number link on the Reconciliation WorkBench - Lines page.

View the schedules associated with the selected requisition.

Reconciliation WorkBench - Requisition Distributions


Click a Schedule number link on the Reconciliation WorkBench - Schedules page.

View the distribution associated with the selected requisition.

Reconciliation WorkBench - Processing Results


  • Click an Action button on the Reconciliation Workbench.

  • Click the View Processing Results link on the Reconciliation Workbench.

Review the results returned when you take an action on selected requisitions.

Reconciliation WorkBench - Processing Log


Click the Log button for a not qualified requisition on the Reconciliation Workbench - Processing Results page.

View the message text stating why a requisition was not qualified for processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Requisitions

Access the Reconciliation Workbench - Filter Options page.

When using the Reconciliation Workbench, first select the desired requisitions. You can specify the requisition selection criteria on the Reconciliation Workbench - Filter Options page.

To save time and resources, we recommend that you always enter some selection criteria to reduce the number of records retrieved. This is especially useful in a high-volume environment.

In addition, keep in mind that the workbench can be saved and the saved criteria is reusable.

Search Criteria


Select the requester that created the requisitions. Once you select the requester if they use procurement cards the Card Number field will become available.

Card Number

Select the procurement card number associated with the requisitions.


Partially or Fully Sourced

Select this check box to view requisitions were one or more lines on a requisition have been sourced to a purchase order.


Open Encumbrances

If you are using commitment control, the Open Encumbrances check box appears as a search parameter. This check box enables you to search for requisitions that are tied to purchase orders with an open balance.


You can enter multiple ChartField combinations as search criteria. For example, you can search for requisitions in GL Unit US001 and Account 50000, as well as US005 and Account 1200.

Click Search to retrieve the selected information and have it appear on the Requisition Reconciliation WorkBench page.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench

Access the Reconciliation Workbench page.


Enter a description for the workbench. The first time in the workbench you must enter a description before you can save the workbench.

Requisition ID

Click a linked requisition ID to access the corresponding Requisitions inquiry page.

Click the Doc Status button for the selected requisition to access the Requisition Document Status inquiry page for the requisition.

Click the Lines button for the selected requisition to access the Reconciliation Workbench - Requisition Lines page.

Click one of the following buttons to perform actions on the requisitions that you have selected for processing:


Click to change the status of the selected requisitions to Approved.


Click to change the status of the selected requisitions to Open.


Click to cancel the selected requisitions and all lines.

Note. When canceling requisitions, the system does not create change orders. If change order tracking is required for canceled requisitions you must cancel requisitions individually through the Add/Update Requisitions component.


Click to close the selected requisitions from further processing. To override requisitions that are not qualified and make them available for closing, select the requisition IDs and click the Override button.

To give a user the authority to override non-qualified requisitions, click the Override Non-Qualified Requisitions for Close check box on the User Preferences - Procurement: Requisition Authorizations page.

Requisitions that are associated with purchase orders which have not yet been closed will not be qualified for override. If you are using commitment control, you will not be able to close requisitions that are associated to purchase orders unless the purchase orders are closed and have successfully been budget checked.

See Defining Requisition User Authorizations.


Click to save the selected requisitions.

Set Filter Options

Click this link to access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Filter Options page, where you can enter selection criteria for a new subset of requisitions to review, modify, or act upon.

View Processing Results

Click this link to access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Processing Results page, where you can view the results of the actions that you have performed.

See Also

Creating Requisition Header Information

Inquiring About Document Status

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Requisition Lines

Access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Requisition Lines page.

Select or clear requisition lines, or click Select All or Clear All. Click Return to Reconciliation Workbench to include the selected requisition lines in further processing.

List of Requisition Lines


Click a line number to access the schedule for the line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Requisition Schedules

Access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Requisition Schedules page.

Sched Num (schedule number)

Click a schedule line number to access the associated distribution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Processing Results

Access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Processing Results page.

The system reviews the documents for the action taken on the Reconciliation Workbench page and determines whether the requisitions are qualified for that action.

Click the Override button to move not qualified requisitions in the Not Qualified group box to be qualified for the action in the Qualified group box.

When closing the requisition, the system displays this button that you can click to override the edits on selected lines that are not qualified if you have the authority to do so. This makes the lines available for closing and moves the lines to the qualified side.

To give a user authority to override non-qualified requisitions, click the Override Non-Qualified Requisitions for Close check box on the User Preferences - Procurement: Requisition Authorizations page.

Note. This button will only be available if the user has the authority to override non-qualified purchase orders for close.

See Defining Requisition User Authorizations.

Accounting Date for Action and Update Budget Date Equal to Accounting Date

Displays the accounting date for action, which is used to determine the open period or allowable open date range for budget checking a requisition when you are using commitment control. The system updates the accounting dates with this date for the requisitions being closed or canceled by using the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench.

Click the Log button to access the Reconciliation WorkBench - Processing Log page. This page is a log for the selected nonqualified requisition that states why the requisition was not qualified for the previous processing action.


Click this button to proceed with the processing of the qualified requisitions. The system prompts you to confirm this selection.


Click this button to cancel the processing.

See Also

Understanding the Close Requisitions Process