Maintaining Measurement Plans

This chapter provides an overview of measurement plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Measurement Plans

Measurement plans identify and group the characteristics that you use as quality indicators for an operation, product, or process. The characteristics may be quantitative (directly measurable), such as dimensions or finish; or they may be qualitative, such as product desirability. For each characteristic, you can also define the procedures and methods that you use to monitor process stability.

This section lists common elements and discusses characteristics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Measurement Plan

Displays an identifier for a set of characteristics and instructions.


Displays a specific characteristic name or identifier.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCharacteristics

A Quality business unit and quality function must exist before you can define characteristics. When creating characteristics in a measurement plan, determine:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Measurement Plans

To define measurement plans, use the Measurement Plans component (QS_MFDS_PLAN). This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Measurement Plans - Characteristics


Quality, Establish Control Plans, Measurement Plans, Characteristics

Create and edit measurement plan characteristics. Define a group of characteristics for analyzing quality data. Specify the unit of measure, specification, acceptance limits, and the control procedures and charts for monitoring the characteristics. Define formulas to calculate sample values for characteristics that cannot be measured directly.

Formula Definition


Click the Enter Formula button on the Formula tab of the Measurement Plans - Characteristics page.

Create or edit characteristic formulas.

Measurement Plans - Instructions


Quality, Establish Control Plans, Measurement Plans, Instructions

Add operator instructions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Characteristics

Access the Measurement Plans - Characteristics page.

Note. Do not use special characters, such as dashes and percent signs, in characteristic names.

Class Type Code (classification type code)

Select the classification code that you want to use for inspection requirements.

See Maintaining Characteristic Class Types.

Data Type

Select the data type for this characteristic. Values are:

Variables: Quantitative or physically measurable (or derived) properties, such as size, mass, or time.

Defects: Qualitative or observed data on defect types—such as scratches and blemishes—and associated counts.

Defectives: Counts the number of units that are defective using a pass-or-fail criteria.

Subgroup Size

Enter the size of the sample taken during each inspection cycle. A 0 indicates that the subgroup size may vary, and the size is entered at the time of inspection. Size ranges are:

  • Variables: 1 – 20

  • Defects: 0 – 20

  • Defectives: 0 – 500,000

Incomplete Subgroup

Select to determine how the system responds when insufficient data exists to satisfy the subgroup size that is defined. This field is applicable to the variables data types only.

Average: The system completes incomplete subgroups using the average of the sample values that have been collected.

Do Not Accept: The system analyzes the subgroup only after the subgroup size is reached.


Select to enable data collection for the characteristic.

Return Results

Select to have the system return subgroup results to integrated applications. This option also enables applications that call Quality data to capture information from the Quality session and use it for additional processing. In practice, the most significant results are usually pass-or-fail counts.

Quality returns results for a single defectives type characteristic. Indicate the characteristic for which the system returns results.


Select the Controls tab.

Control Chart

Select the control chart that the system uses to monitor process variability. The standard system-supplied charts include:

c Chart

np Chart

p Chart

u Chart

X and Moving Range

Xbar and Range

Xbar and Sigma

Any custom charts that you define are also available for selection. Control chart selections depend on the characteristic data type.

Graphic Preferences

Select the default analysis content and graphic presentation for a characteristic during data entry or review. Graph preferences are configured using the Graph and Display Preferences component.

Control Procedure

Select the control procedure that the system uses to assess process control.

Specification Limits

Select the Specification Limits tab.

LSL (lower specification limit) and USL (upper specification limit)

Enter the limits for product or dimensional adherence. They are typically manufacturing and assembly tolerances or customer-specified targets. Leave either field blank to accommodate unilateral specifications.

LAL (lower acceptance level) and UAL (upper acceptance level)

Enter the absolute minimum and maximum values accepted during manual data entry operations. This reduces the entry of spurious data. You can leave either or both fields blank.


Select the Formula tab.

Factor 1 and Factor 2

Enter constant values that are imported into optional, derived characteristic formulas.


Specify a formula that the system uses to derive sample values for the characteristic. Enter the formula or click the Formula Definition button to access the Formula Definition page.

Note. During data entry, the system calculates sample values of characteristics with defined formulas. These cannot be edited.

See Also

Defining Control Charts

Defining Graph and Display Preferences

Defining Control Procedures

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Formula Definitions

Access the Formula Definition page.

Equation component buttons are grouped according to these types of functions (from left to right):

You can define a characteristic formula by entering values in the Formula field or by:

Examples of Characteristics

This table provides examples of characteristics formulas:

Type of Calculation


Multiply two characteristics.


Calculate the deviation from the nominal of the specification.


Note. Requires bilateral specifications.

Round the value of length to hundredths.


Calculate Cpk for the current subgroup of length.

(MINS((USL[Length]–MEAN[Length] /(3*STDEV[Length])) ((MEAN[Length]–LSL[Length]) / (3*STDEV[Length])))

Note. Recommended usage should include the length characteristic with n>7 (at least 3) and an Xbar and sigma chart.

Cpk characteristic should be n=1 with an X and Moving Range chart.

Note. When defining formulas with algebraic calculations, enclose the formula in parentheses, for example, (VAL[Length] * VAL[Width]).

Equation Construction Functions

This table provides equation construction function examples:




ABS( )

Absolute value of the quantity specified in parentheses.


Note. Computes absolute value of the reading entered for length.

EXP( )

Exponential function. Returns e raised to the power of the specified value.



Factor 1 from the Specifications page.



Factor 2 from the Specifications page.


INT( )

Integer portion.


Note. Computes integer portion of the reading entered for length.

LOG( )

Natural log function.


LOG10( )

Log based 10 function.



Lower specification limit of the current characteristic.


MAXS (maximum)

Maximum value in subgroup of readings entered for a characteristic.


Note. Computes maximum value in the subgroup of readings entered for length.


Mean of subgroup of readings entered for a characteristic.


Note. Computes mean of the subgroup of readings entered for length.

MINS (minimum)

Minimum value in subgroup of readings entered for a characteristic.


Note. Computes minimum value in the subgroup of readings entered for length.


Nearest integer.


Note. Computes nearest integer to the reading entered for length.


The center point between the nominal specification lower limit and the nominal specification upper limit (LSL, USL).



π (3.14159)

(VAL[Diameter]) * PI

Note. Multiplies the reading entered for diameter by 3.14159.


Range of subgroup of readings entered for a characteristic.


Note. Computes range of the subgroup of readings entered for length.


Square root.


Note. Computes square root of the reading entered for length.


Subgroup size of the current characteristic.



Standard deviation of subgroup of readings entered for a characteristic.


Note. Computes standard deviation of the subgroup of readings entered for length.


Upper specification limit of the current characteristic.



Reference to the current sample for the characteristic.

VAL[Length] * VAL[Width]

Note. The equation processor works from sample 1 to sample n within the current subgroup and attempts to reference the characteristics that make up the derived one.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Operator Instructions

Access the Measurement Plans - Instructions page.

Enter the text for the instructions. The text corresponds to the entire measurement plan.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Measurement Plan Configuration Information

Use inquiries to view configuration data associated with the measurement plan. The inquiries provide an overview of characteristic specifications and their changes for all measurement plans associated with the Quality business unit and the quality function that you select.

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Measurement Plan Review


Quality, Review Quality Plans, Measurement Plans, Measurement Plan Review

Review current characteristic information or historical specification changes.

Characteristic Specifications


Quality, Review Quality Plans, Characteristic Specifications

Review current specifications and historical changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Measurement Plans

Access the Measurement Plan Review page.

Note. The specifications that appear may differ from the specifications on the process assignment. You can override the specifications when defining the control plan.

See Also

Viewing PeopleSoft Quality Graphics

Using the PeopleSoft Quality Application Client

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Characteristic Specifications

Access the Characteristics Specifications page.

Review specification limits for one or more measurement plans for a business unit and quality function.

Date From

Enter a starting date from when you want to review the full specification history. Select the Full History check box to enable the starting date.

Note. The system initially displays the current date minus one day.

Full History

Select to review the entire specification change history. Clearing this check box disables the Date From field.

Active Only

Select to review only current characteristic specifications.

Graph Results

Click this button to launch a Pareto analysis of the original summary value for each inquiry.

See Using PeopleSoft Quality Graphics.

See Also

Maintaining Characteristics