Introducing the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack

This chapter provides an overview of the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack and discusses the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack pagelets.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack

The PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack is a collection of portal pagelets for corporate intranet or extranet homepages that provides access to key data and transactions that are within the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management applications for use in employee and customer portal registries.

When you install the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack, users can personalize their portal homepages by adding the pagelets that they need. Standard PeopleSoft role-based security ensures that users can access only the pagelets that are appropriate to their roles.

You can configure the portal homepage with three narrow columns or one narrow and one wide column. Some pagelets have both a narrow and a wide version, each with its own object name. When you see two object names for a pagelet, the first one refers to the narrow version.

Some pagelets support personalization; the Customize button in the pagelet title bar alerts you to this capability. Click the button to access the personalization page.

You can also design pagelets when the installation includes PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals PeopleBook Preface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAudience

The PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack pagelets are targeted for specific functional roles, which generally fit into two audiences (mirroring the different portal registries):

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPagelet Security

Similar to page access, you control pagelet security at the component level by associating it with a permission list (which is then associated with a role); each pagelet has its own component to enable more granular access. You can ascertain a pagelet's component name in PeopleSoft Application Designer by searching for definition references to the page's system, or object, name.

PeopleSoft groups pagelets into functional roles as an example of how to organize access. You need to create the proper permission lists and associate them with actual role definitions before users can access them, or use the permission list definitions that PeopleSoft delivers in the sample data. We deliver sample data security objects (roles and permission lists) that you can use as an example of how to set up pagelet access.

The sample roles that include access to PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack pagelets are:

Employee (Internal)


Customer service manager.

Customer service representative.


Purchasing manager.


Warehouse manager.

Warehouse personnel.

Customer (External)



Note. We provide a breakdown of pagelets by functional role in the beginning of each audience-oriented chapter.

See Also

Employee-Facing Supply Chain Management Pagelets

Customer-Facing Supply Chain Management Pagelets

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9 PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack Pagelets

The following table lists all of the pagelets that make up the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack, and identifies:

Note. When combined with employee in the audience column, customer refers only to a broker user, an external customer who conducts business on behalf of other customers, and not to an individual consumer.

Pagelet Name




Enabling Application(s)



Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Displays product availability information. Employees can view quantity that is on hand and quantity that is reserved for a product by ship from business unit and unit of measure.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Buying Agreements


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays buying agreements. Employees can navigate into buying agreement details.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Current Product Summary


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Displays information about the selected product, including the description. Employees can navigate to see detailed product information, view the list prices by inventory business unit, and check price and availability.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Customer Notes


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays notes that are assigned to a customer.

Requires at least one of the following products: PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft Billing, or PeopleSoft Receivables.

Customer Promotions Calendar (TD_NATIONAL_PGLT, TD_NATIONAL_PGLTW)

Broker, Salesperson.


Lists customer promotions and promotion details for the user in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion code, promotion description, customer ID, customer name, and dates).

Note. In the three-column format, the description and customer name columns don't appear on the pagelet.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Customer Search


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Enables employees to search for existing customers to populate the additional pagelets with customer data.

Requires at least one of the following products: PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft Billing, or PeopleSoft Receivables.

Discretionary Funding Status


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays available discretionary fund total amounts (from top down funds and accrual funds) for which a user is authorized for a given period, as well as the amounts that are committed, planned, spent, and returned against all discretionary funds.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Discretionary Funding Status — Details by Fund pagelet


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays available discretionary fund details (from top down funds and accrual funds) for each fund for which a user is authorized for a given period, as well as the amounts that are committed, planned, spent, and returned against these discretionary funds.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Discretionary Funding Status — Fund Details by Customer and Promotion pagelet


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays available discretionary fund total amounts by customer and promotion for a specific fund for which a user is authorized, as well as the amounts that are committed, planned, spent, and returned against this discretionary fund.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Expiring Buying Agreements


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays buying agreements that are going to expire for a customer. Employees can navigate into buying agreement details.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Invoice Summary


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays summarized invoice information. Employees can navigate into invoice details.

PeopleSoft Billing.

Last 10 Product Purchases


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays the last ten purchases for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and product information.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Last 10 Shipments


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays the last ten shipments for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and shipping information.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Most Recent Bills


Broker, Customer.

Employee, Customer

Customers can use this pagelet to review the invoice number, balance, and currency of the most recently generated bills. Customers can click View All Bills to access the Bills - Bill List page, where they can review details for their most recent nonconsolidated invoiced bills.

PeopleSoft eBill Payment, PeopleSoft Billing.

Most Recent Consolidated Bills


Broker, Customer.

Employee, Customer

Customers can use this pagelet to review invoice information for the most recently generated consolidated bills. Customers can click View All Consolidated Bills to access the Consolidated Bills - Bill List page, where they can review details of their most recent nonconsolidated invoiced bills.

PeopleSoft eBill Payment, PeopleSoft Billing.

My Promotions


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays all customer promotions and national allowances for the user with promotion details (promotion description, status, customer name, and first and last order dates).

Note. In the three-column format, first order and last order date columns don't appear and the customer ID displays on the pagelet instead of the customer name.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendar (National Allowance and Promotional Calendar)


Broker, Salesperson.


Lists national allowance and customer promotion details for the user in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion code, promotion description, customer ID, customer name and dates).

Note. In the three-column format, the description and customer name columns don't appear on the pagelet.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

National Allowances Calendar


Broker, Salesperson.


Lists national allowance details for the user in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion code, promotion description, and dates).

Note. In the three-column format, the promotion description column does not appear on the pagelet.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Planned Promotional Funds


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays the promotion description, customer ID, promotion costs (fixed and variable), net incremental sales, and return on investment for all promotions the user is authorized to that are not canceled, closed, or customer approved.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Product Alternates


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Displays alternates for a product. Employees can navigate to view product information.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Product Notes


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Displays notes that are assigned to a product.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Product Sales


Broker, Salesperson, Sales Manager, Customer Service Representative.


Displays in graphic format the actual versus planned sales amounts for a product during the current period. The pagelet displays data for all products that the user is authorized for on the PeopleSoft Promotions Management active product tree.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Product Search


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Enables employees to search for existing products to populate the additional pagelets with product data.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Product Specifications


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Broker, Salesperson.

Employee, Customer

Displays product specifications for a product.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Recent Conversations


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays recent conversations for a customer. Employees can navigate into individual conversation detail or add new conversations.

Requires at least one of the following products: PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft eBill Payment, PeopleSoft Billing, or PeopleSoft Receivables.

Recent Orders


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays recent orders. Employees can navigate into order details.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Recent Quotes


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays recent quotes. Employees can navigate into quotation details.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Recent RMAs


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays recent quotes. Employees can navigate into RMA details.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Review Promotions


Broker, Salesperson.


Displays all customer promotions and national allowances for the user with promotion details (description, status, customer ID, entered on date, contact ID, calendar code and promotion period).

Note. In the three-column format, contact ID, calendar code and promotion period columns don't appear on the pagelet.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Sales History by Customer


Broker, Salesperson, Sales Manager, Customer Service Representative.


Displays customers with the expected promotional sales amount from all promotions for the user, the actual sales amount for the current period, and the actual sales amount from the same period last year.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.

Schedules Past Ship Date


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays schedules past the ship date for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and shipping information.

PeopleSoft Order Management.

Trade Promotions


Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Manager, Salesperson.


Displays trade promotions for a customer. Employees can navigate into individual trade promotion detail.

PeopleSoft Promotions Management.