Employee-Facing Supply Chain Management Pagelets

The PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack includes pagelets for use in the employee portal registry. This chapter discusses how to:

Note. Pagelets are documented in a Pagelets Used to <Task Description> table when they do not require extensive discussion.

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Pagelets by Functional Role

PeopleSoft provides these employee-oriented role groupings as examples of how to organize pagelet access by function.

This section discusses:

Note. Brokers also use many of the customer service-oriented pagelets. Additional broker-oriented pagelets are discussed in the “Customer-Facing Supply Chain Management Pagelets” chapter.

See Also

Pagelet Security

Broker Pagelets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBroker Pagelets

These pagelets enable brokers to view key information about customers and products and effectively manage promotions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCustomer Service Manager and Customer CSR Pagelets

These pagelets enable customer service managers and representatives to view key information about customers and products and effectively manage promotions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSalesperson Pagelets

These pagelets enable salespersons to view key information about customers and products and effectively manage promotions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales Manager Pagelets

These pagelets enable sales managers to effectively manage promotions:

Click to jump to parent topicPersonalizing PeopleSoft Promotions Management Pagelets

This section discusses how to personalize promotion calendar options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Promotion Calendar Options

Access the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page from the Customer Promotions Calendar pagelet, the National Allowance Calendar pagelet, or the Nat'l Allow and Promo Calendar pagelet.

Employees can decide what months they want to display on the calendar pagelets and what customer promotion and national allowance statuses they want to include in the calendar data.

This page is dynamic. The status fields that appear are different depending on the calendar pagelet from which you access this page.

Number of Calendars To Display

Select the number of calendars to display on the pagelet. This option allows you to display multiple calendars with different customization options.

Display Calendar

Select to display the calendar on the pagelet. If this option is not selected, the promotion and national allowance details are displayed without the calendar.

Starting Month

Select the starting month for the calendar pagelet. Options are:

Current Minus x Months: The system displays data on the calendar beginning with the current month minus the number of months that is entered in the x Months field.

Current Month (default): The system displays data on the calendar beginning with the current month.

Current Plus x Months: The system displays data on the calendar beginning with the current month plus the number of months that is entered in the x Months field.

User Defined: Use this option if you want the system to display the calendar by using a user-defined option. This option requires custom coding to enable the calendar to work with the user-defined option.

From Date

Select the promotion date that the system uses to determine if a promotion appears on the calendar. Options are: First Arrival Date, First Order Date, or First Ship Date.

Through Date

Select the promotion date that the system uses to determine if a promotion appears on the calendar. Options are: Last Arrival Date, Last Order Date, or Last Ship Date.


Select the number of months, one to six, to display for this calendar.

Customer Promotion Status

Select the customer promotion statuses for which you want to view data on the calendar.

This group box is available only when customizing the Customer Promotions Calendar pagelet or the Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendars pagelet.

National Allowance Status

Select the national allowance statuses for which you want to view data on the calendar.

This group box is available only when customizing the National Allowances Calendar pagelet or the Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendars pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing Promotions Portal Options

Access the Personalize Promotions Management pagelet from the Review Promotions pagelet, the My Promotions pagelet, the Sales History by Customer pagelet, the Product Sales pagelet, the Discretionary Funding Status pagelet, or the Planned Promotional Funds pagelet.

Users can select the currency and default setID in which to display the information on the pagelet.

Customer Promotion Status

Select the customer promotion statuses for which you want to view data on the My Promotions or Review Promotions pagelet.

National Allowance Status

Select the national allowance statuses for which you want to view data on the My Promotions or Review Promotions pagelet.

From Sales Calendar and Through Sales Calendar

Select a sales calendar from which and through which to display data on the Product Sales or Sales History by Customer pagelet.


Select a period of time within the selected from and through sales calendar for which to display data on the Product Sales or Sales History by Customer pagelet.

Note. The default setID is used to determine the currency in which to display the data if one is not specified on this page. The default setID does not determine what promotional data is displayed because the user can view data from all setIDs for which they are authorized.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Promotions

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPagelets Used to View Promotions

Use the following pagelets to view promotional information.



For More Information

Customer Promotions Calendar.

Lists customer promotions and promotion details in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion, description, customer ID, customer name, first order, and last order).

Note. In the three-column format, the description and customer name columns don't appear on the pagelet.

See Defining Promotions.

My Promotions

Displays all customer promotions and national allowances for the user with promotion details as specified on the Personalize Promotions Management page (description, status, customer name, first order date, and last order date).

Note. In the three-column format, first order and last order date columns don't appear and the customer ID displays on the pagelet instead of the customer name.

See Defining Promotions.

National Allowances Calendar

Lists national allowance details in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion, description, first order and last order dates).

Note. In the three-column format, the description column doesn't appear on the pagelet.

See Defining Promotions.

Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendar

Lists national allowances and customer promotion details, in a calendar format as specified on the Personalize Promotions Portal Calendar page (promotion, description, customer ID, customer name, first order and last order dates).

Note. In the three-column format, the description and customer name columns don't appear on the pagelet. In addition, the customer ID and customer name columns are not populated for a national allowance on the pagelet.

See Defining Promotions.

Review Promotions

Displays all customer promotions and national allowances for the user with promotion details as specified on the Personalize Promotions Management page (promotion, status, customer ID, entered on date, contact ID, calendar code, promotion period).

Note. In the three-column format, contact ID, calendar code and promotion period columns don't appear on the pagelet.

See Defining Promotions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Calendar Information

This section discusses:

Customer Promotions Calendar Pagelet

Access the Customer Promotions Calendar pagelet.

Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendar Pagelet

Access the Nat'l Allow & Promo Calendar pagelet.

National Allowances Calendar Pagelet

Access the National Allowances Calendar pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Promotion Fund Information

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDiscretionary Funding Status Pagelet

Access the Discretionary Funding Status pagelet.

Displays available discretionary fund total amounts for a period (from top down funds and accrual funds), as well as the amounts that are planned, committed, spent, and returned against all discretionary funds. Click on the View Details link to see detailed information about the amounts for specific funds.

Top Down Funds

This amount is summed from all funds with a Fund Type of Discretionary, a Funding Method of Top Down, and a Status of Approved.

Accrued Funds

This amount is summed from all funds with a Fund Type of Discretionary, a Funding Method of Fixed Accrual, Rolling Accrual, or Zero-Based Accrual and a Status of Approved.

Total Funds

This amount is calculated as top down funds plus accrued funds.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions with statuses of planned, released, pending approval, management approved, customer canceled, closed and recalled.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions with a status of Customer Approved.

Balance of Funds to Plan

Balance of funds to plan is calculated as total funds minus committed/approved minus planned.

Total Spent

The amount is summed from all off-invoice discounts that are given, all credits that are given, all deductions that are written off, all checks that are written and all overhead costs that are accumulated for promotions against discretionary funds.

Total Return

The total amount received against RMAs for promotions that are associated with discretionary funds.

Balance of Funds to Spend

Balance of funds to spend is calculated as total funds minus total spent plus total return.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

See Also

Defining Funds

Defining Promotions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDiscretionary Funding Status - Details by Fund Pagelet

Access the Discretionary Funding Status - Details by Fund pagelet.

Total Funds

This amount is the total budgeted amount for this fund.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions for this fund with statuses of planned, released, pending approval, management approved, customer canceled, closed and recalled.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions for this fund with a status of Customer Approved.

Balance of Funds to Plan

Balance of funds to plan is calculated as total funds minus committed/approved minus planned.

Total Spent

The amount is summed from all off-invoice discounts that are given, all credits that are given, all deductions that are written off, all checks that are written and all overhead costs that are accumulated for promotions against this discretionary fund.

Total Return

The total amount received against RMAs for promotions that are associated with this discretionary fund.

Balance of Funds to Spend

Balance of funds to spend is calculated as total funds minus total spent plus total return.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDiscretionary Funding Status - Fund Details by Customer and Promotion Pagelet

Access the Discretionary Funding Status - Fund Details by Customer and Promotion pagelet.

Total Funds

This amount is the total budgeted amount for this specific customer and fund.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions for this fund and specific customer with statuses of planned, released, pending approval, management approved, customer canceled, closed and recalled.


The amount is summed from all customer promotions for this fund and specific customer with a status of Customer Approved.

Balance of Funds to Plan

Balance of funds to plan is calculated as total funds minus committed/approved minus planned.

Total Spent

The amount is summed from all off-invoice discounts that are given, all credits that are given, all deductions that are written off, all checks that are written and all overhead costs that are accumulated for promotions against this discretionary fund for this customer.

Total Return

The total amount received against RMAs for promotions that are associated with this discretionary fund and customer.

Balance of Funds to Spend

Balance of funds to spend is calculated as total funds minus total spent plus total return.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPlanned Promotional Funds Pagelet

Access the Planned Promotional Funds pagelet.

Displays the promotion description, customer ID, promotion costs (fixed and variable), net incremental sales, and return on investment for all promotions that are not canceled, closed, or customer approved.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

See Also

Defining Funds

Defining Promotions

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Product Sales

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProduct Sales Pagelet

Access the Product Sales pagelet.

Displays in bar chart format the actual versus planned sales amounts for a product during the current period. The pagelet displays data for all products that the user is authorized for on the active product tree defined on the Promotions Options - General Options page in PeopleSoft Promotions Management. If returns have been received for the product, the returned amount is subtracted from the actual sales amount.

See Also

Defining Promotions

Establishing Product Trees

Introduction to Sales Order Entry

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales History by Customer Pagelet

Access the Sales History by Customer pagelet.

Displays customers with the expected promotional sales amount from all promotions, the actual sales amount for the current period, and the actual sales amount from the same period last year. The expected promotional sales amount is the sum of all planned ship quantities multiplied by the product prices defined on the promotions. The actual sales amounts include all invoiced amounts for the customer, not just invoiced amounts for promotional activity, minus any returns received for the customer.

Note. This pagelet is only available in the two column format.

See Also

Defining Promotions

Introduction to Sales Order Entry

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Customer Information

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPagelets Used to View Customer Information

Use the following pagelets to view customer information.

Pagelet Name


For More Information

Buying Agreements

Displays buying agreements. Employees can navigate into buying agreement details.

See Creating Buying Agreements.

Customer Account Balances

Displays account balances for a customer.

See Setting Up and Reviewing Customer Credit Profiles.

Customer Aging

Displays customer aging information.

See Setting Up and Reviewing Customer Credit Profiles.

Customer Conversations

Displays recent conversations for a customer. Employees can navigate into individual conversation detail or add a new conversation.

See Managing Conversations.

Customer Notes

Displays notes that are assigned to a customer.

See Entering Customer Notes.

Customer Search

Enables employees to search for existing customers to populate the additional pagelets with customer data.

See Maintaining General Customer Information.

See Maintaining Additional Customer Information.

Expiring Buying Agreements

Displays buying agreements that are going to expire for a customer. Employees can navigate into buying agreement details.

See Creating Buying Agreements.

Invoice Summary

Displays summarized invoice information. Employees can navigate into invoice details.

See Entering Bills Online.

Last 10 Product Purchases

Displays the last 10 purchases for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and product information.

See Setting Up Products.

Last 10 Shipments

Displays the last 10 shipments for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and shipping information.

See Maintaining Order Schedule Information.

Recent Orders

Displays recent orders. Employees can navigate into order details.

See Introduction to Sales Order Entry.

See Maintaining Order Header and Line Information.

See Maintaining Order Schedule Information.

Recent Quotes

Displays recent quotes. Employees can navigate into quotation details.

See Maintaining Quotation Information.

Recent RMAs

Displays recent returns. Employees can navigate into RMA details.

See Maintaining Quotation Information.

Schedules Past Ship Date

Displays schedules that are past the ship date for a customer. Employees can navigate to see order and shipping information.

See Maintaining Order Schedule Information.

Trade Promotions

Displays trade promotions for a customer. Employees can navigate into individual trade promotion detail.

See Viewing Promotional Activity.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Product Information

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPagelets Used to View Product Information

Use the following pagelets to view product information.

Pagelet Name


For More Information


Displays product availability information. Employees can view quantity that is on hand and quantity that is reserved for a product by ship from business unit and unit of measure.

See Maintaining Order Schedule Information.

Current Product Summary

Displays information about the product, including the description. Employees can navigate to see detail product information, view the list prices by inventory business unit, and check price and availability.

See Setting Up Products.

Product Alternates

Displays alternates for a product. Employees can navigate to view product information.

See Establishing Product Attachments.

Product Notes

Displays notes that are assigned to a product.

See Establishing Product Notes.

Product Search

Enables employees to search for existing products to populate the additional pagelets with product data.

See Establishing Product Notes.

Product Specifications

Displays product specifications for a product.

See Establishing Product Specifications.