Entering Bills Online

PeopleSoft Billing provides two methods for entering new bill information: importing bills through the Billing interface or manually entering data online.

This chapter provides an overview of online bill entry and discusses how to:

See Also

Using Express Billing

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Online Bill Entry

This section lists common elements and discusses:

Online bill entry enables you to enter bills directly into the system and bypass the Billing nterface. Although the manual method is less common than using the billing interface, it is useful for miscellaneous billing activity and for small departments that do not warrant their own tracking systems.

Online bill entry, whether for standard or express billing, enables you to view and modify online bills that have been imported through the Billing interface. You can review the bills before converting them into invoices.

When entering bills online, you should understand the difference between bill header and bill line data:

See Also


Processing Billing Interface Activity

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Click the Pro Forma button to save the current component and run the Pro Forma process (BIIVC100) on the default server. If the invoice format is a Structured Query Report (SQR), the system saves the list file for the bill on the default server.

Click the Invoice button to save the current component and run the invoice job on the default server. If the invoice format is an SQR report, the system saves the list file for the bill on the default server

Note. If one or more invoice lines have a summarization template, then the system generates a summarized invoice or pro forma. If no lines have a summarization template, then the system generates a detail invoice or pro forma.

Click the ChartFields Display Override button to access the Online Override of ChartField Display Template page, where you can define the ChartFields that you use on the bill entry pages.

Note. Bill entry accounting templates affect the ChartFields that appear online. They do not determine whether a ChartField is populated with a value. The system can populate a ChartField automatically with a value defined in the distribution code.

Click the Change Bill Currency button to access the Change Bill Currency page, where you can change the currency type.

Note. You cannot change the currency to a currency with a different currency precision. If the number of decimal positions that are specified for the new currency is different from the number for the original currency, access the Customer - Miscellaneous General Info page to change the default currency in the customer record. Alternately, select the Prompt for Billing Currency Options on the Customer - Bill To Options page if you want the system to prompt you for the billing currency when you add a new bill for a customer.

See Changing the Bill Currency.

Go To Bill To Address button

Click the Go To Bill To Address button to access the Create Consolidated Header - Address page, where you can view more information about the customer, such as contact name or location.


Displays the line number that the system assigns once you have run the Pro Forma Pre-process or invoice Finalization process steps if you enable the system to automatically assign line numbers automatically. The system assigns this line number according to the sort-by criteria that you specify for the invoice form. The field is blank until you perform either the preparation or finalization steps.

If you enable manual line numbering on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page, you can enter this value manually. You can enter invoice line numbers on new bills or change existing bills by entering new lines, deleting lines, or updating invoice line numbers. When you save the page, the system re-sorts the invoice line numbers according to the line numbers that you enter. The system checks for duplicate line numbers, and if one is detected, it displays a Duplicate Invoice Line Number error message when you press Tab to exit the field.


The value that you select in the Table field determines the options that are available. For example, if the bill line identifier comes from the Charge Code table, select the table value ID. The values available in the Identifier field would come from the Charge Code table. You can, for example, select from the Discount table or the Surcharge table to enter dollar amount discounts and surcharges.

Values for the Identifier field include:

  • ID: The identifier originates from the BI_CHARGE table.

  • D: The identifier is a discount code, which originates from the BI_DISC_SUR table.

  • S: The identifier is a surcharge code, which originates from the BI_DISC_SUR table.

To enter a one-time only identifier (one that does not come from any pre-established table), leave the Table field blank and enter an identifier and description.

Bill Line Description

Enter or modify the description of the bill line.

Note. If you enter or modify a bill line description or a discount or surcharge description when you are signed onto the system in a language other than the base language, the system saves the description to the billing tables in the sign-on language only.

Modifications that you make in languages other than the base language might not be appropriate for other users who sign on to the system using a different language and view the same bill.

Additionally, the system prints bill line and discount or surcharge descriptions on invoices, which might not be appropriate when a customer’s language is different from the user’s sign-on language.

Consequently, the system saves the modified description to the billing tables in the sign-on language only. Users who sign on to the system using other languages will not have access to the modified description, they see the description in their sign-on language, or in the base language (if available). Additionally, when the invoice is printed, the system might not print the modified description if the invoice language is different from the language in which the description was modified.


Displays the percentage of the bill line to be applied to the general ledger ChartField.

Important! You cannot save this bill in RDY (ready) status unless the total of all accounting lines for any non-zero bill line equals 100 percent. If you have already tried to save in RDY status and have encountered an error, first change the status to something other than RDY. After you correct the accounting line percentages, change status back to RDY and save it again.


You can enter an amount instead of a percentage of the gross amount to send to the account. When you do, the system calculates the percentage in the Percentage field. The restrictions on saving in RDY status still apply if you use amounts to calculate the percentages.

Stat Amount (statistical amount)

Displays the quantity of the unit of measure that is associated with the statistics code. This field must not equal zero (0) when you track data using a statistics code. When you enter a value in the Stat (statistics code) field, the Stat Amount field becomes available for entry.

Note. To track statistical information in conjunction with deferred revenue bills, use the Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical Info page to enter the data by way of statistics account. Statistical data is passed to PeopleSoft General Ledger with current period entries on a separate accounting entry line. Statistical information might also be passed to PeopleSoft General Ledger with current period accounting entries from the Standard Billing - Acctg - AR Offset page, Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv page, and Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Payables page, as these accounting entries are not prorated into future periods.

Budget Date

The Load GL process (BILDGL01) searches for this value in the bill line distribution record for revenue, discount or surcharge, or interunit expense. If no value appears on these pages, the Load GL process uses the default value from the Accounting Date field in the bill header.


Displays the total percentage of account distribution.


Displays the total dollar amount that is assigned to all accounts.

Gross Extended

Displays the total gross extended amount for the bill line.

PO (purchase order)

Displays the associated purchase order number.

Contract, Contract Date, and Contract Type

If a sales contract is associated with the order, you can enter the contract number, date, and type.

Service Cust (service customer)

Use this reference field for unique business needs. This field is optional and prompts against the customer tables to enable you to select a customer from that list. You might enter a service customer if you are billing a customer for a service, but you are sending the bill to a different bill-to customer.

Resource Category and Resource SubCategory

Select to identify additional levels for defining and tracking resources. For example, you might have a general resource type, Labor, but want to track labor more specifically. By creating resource categories, you can track different types of labor such as architect, carpenter, plumber, and electrician labor. You could then create resource subcategories of standard labor and overtime labor. In this example, by using the resource types, resource categories, and resource subcategories, you could easily calculate total labor costs for a project, total overtime hours, architect overtime hours, or carpenter standard hours.

Open Item Key

When an Open Item account applies to or is chosen for a bill line, you must set the Open Item Key (unless the system is configured so that Receivables creates General Ledger accounting entries). The system displays the Open Item Key field on the Reference Information tab of the accounting lines only when you select an Open Item account.

Journal Line Reference

The system displays the Journal Line Reference on the Reference Information tab of the accounting lines whether an Open Item account applies. You may leave this value blank.

Progress Payment Sequence Number

Identifies a progress payment term in a contract.

See Also

Searching for Bills

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNew Invoice Number Assignment

When you enter a new bill online, you can enable the system to automatically assign an invoice number, or you can manually enter individual invoice numbers. To assign invoice numbers manually at bill entry, select the User Definable - For New Bills check box on the Invoice Number page. If you enter your own invoice number, the system ensures that a unique number is assigned to the business unit when you save the bill.

To assign a new invoice number to a bill:

  1. Select a business unit on the Standard Billing - Add A New Value search page.

  2. Enter the bill type identifier, bill source, and customer to have the system populate the fields on the bill header pages that use the default information associated with these values.

  3. Click Add to accept the next system-assigned invoice number; alternately, enter an invoice number manually and click Add.

See Also

Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Assigning Invoice Number IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInvoice Line Number Assignment

There are two methods for assigning invoice line numbers in PeopleSoft Billing:

  1. Assign invoice line numbers manually during bill entry on the Standard Billing - Line - Info 1 page.

  2. Enable the system to assign line numbers automatically by using the sort-by ID tied to the invoice during the Finalize process (BIIVC000).

System-Assigned Line Numbering

The system assigns a line number to each line once you perform the pro forma preparation or invoice finalization steps. The system assigns this line number according to the sort-by criteria that you specify for the invoice form. The Line field on the bill entry bill line pages remains blank until you perform either the preparation or finalization steps.

Manual Line Numbering

The manual invoice line numbering feature enables you to enter invoice line numbers during online bill entry. You can control invoice line numbers when you insert bill lines into a new or existing bill or delete existing bill lines, or when you update invoice line numbers for existing bill lines. Manual invoice line numbering applies only to bill lines that you enter online; it doesn't apply to bill lines that you import through the Billing Interface.

To enable manual line numbering, select Enable Manual Line Numbering on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page. The Manual Line Numbering option on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page is automatically set to On.

Use the Line field on the Standard Billing - Line - Info 1 page to enter invoice line numbers. You can enter invoice line numbers on new bills or change existing bills by entering new lines, deleting lines, or updating invoice line numbers. When you save the page, the system re-sorts the invoice line numbers according to the line numbers that you enter. The system checks for duplicate line numbers, and if detected, displays a duplicate invoice line number error message when you press Tab to exit the Line field.

The system also checks for blank invoice line numbers. The system does not change the status of a bill to RDY (ready) if there are blank invoice line numbers. If you change the status of a bill with any blank invoice line numbers to RDY and click Save, the system issues an error message.

You can:

If both assigned and unassigned invoice line numbers exist, the system generates a warning. You can have the system assign invoice line numbers to the unassigned line numbers, or you can cancel the save.

If you enable manual line numbering, the Pre-Process and Finalization process (BIIVC000) does not assign line numbers to those bill lines. In that case, the line numbers that you assign at bill entry remain intact. If, however, any of the conditions for manual line numbering are not met, then the Pre-Process and Finalization process assigns the invoice line numbers.

When you copy a bill or define groups of bills to be copied together, the bill copy is an exact replica of the original invoice. The copy includes the same invoice line numbers and retains the value of the manual invoice line numbering option on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page of the original bill.

Recurring bills are exact replicas of the original invoice. They include all of the same invoice line numbers and retain the value of the manual invoice line numbering option on the Standard Billing - Header Info 2 page of the original bill.

For returned material authorization (RMA) adjustments, the invoice line numbers and manual invoice line numbering option on the original bill carries over to resulting bills.

Bill Adjustment

When adjusting an entire bill (credit entire bill, credit and rebill), the system copies invoice line numbers to the resulting bill.

When adjusting selected lines (for example, when creating net adjustments, reversal and rebill, and credit lines), you can:

See Also

Adjusting Bills

Establishing Invoice Formatting, Sorting, and Printing Options

Defining Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChunking

Bills can consist of hundreds of bill lines. Chunking enables you to control the number of rows that appear for the corresponding bill. You view rows of data in chunks so that you do not have to wait for the system to retrieve and display all bill lines at once.

Specify a value on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page for Bill Entry Max Rows (bill entry maximum rows) to define the maximum number of rows that appear when you display a bill. After the system returns the first chunk, use the arrow command buttons to select a chunk to view.

Note. A chunk is not the same as the amount of data that appears on screen at one time. It represents all of the rows in the scroll at a given point in time.

If a bill is subject to VAT, processing is performed to check for line information that may be out of synchronization with header information. All bill lines have to be loaded into the chunking group so that all lines can be assessed when determining if data is out of synchronization. If there are more bill lines than your chunking group, and the bill is subject to VAT, then you can load all bill lines into the chunking group by increasing the size of the maximum row. Or, if the number of bill lines is prohibitive, another option is to changes the bill status through the Change Bill Status process (BIIVCSTS).

See Defining Billing Installation Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInvoice Line Summarization

When you assign summarization templates to the lines in a bill, you can print an invoice in which the lines are grouped and summarized according to the criteria in the template. The print options on most invoicing run control pages enable you to print a summarized invoice, a detail (regular) invoice, or both types of invoice for any bill. If the print options are not available, such as when you use the Invoice or Pro Forma buttons from the bill entry pages, Billing will print the summarized invoice if any lines in a bill are assigned a summarization template (and a detail invoice will not be printed).

Bill lines can be grouped and summarized by any of the bill line fields. In addition, the system can use two summarization fields, Summarization Group Type and Summarization Group.

Note. The Summarization Group Type and Summarization Group fields may not be used in the configuration of a particular summarization template. When they are used in the template configuration, the fields must be populated for the bill lines to be summarized correctly.

See Also

Understanding Bill Summarization

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefaults

Bill line values inherit default values from the bill header only when you first enter the bill line in online bill entry. If you change information on a bill line or the bill header, the new information might not appear in both the header and line unless you manually entered it.

When you assign a header value and insert a new line, the system initializes the fields that derive default values from the header to correspond to the header values. Although you can override the bill line default values, changing the value of a bill line—even if you change that value for all bill lines—does not update the header value. Similarly, if you assign a header value and enter bill lines, and then change the header value and enter additional bill lines, the bill header value retains the second value and matches only those line values that you entered after you changed the header value.

Bills that come from the Billing interface have values on the bill header that the system might have assigned using bill-by options. A bill that you create with this option has the same field value in the bill header and all bill lines.

Warning! If you have installed both PeopleSoft Receivables and PeopleSoft Billing, enter receivables data that is consistent with the accounts receivable level and accounts receivable option on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page. For example, if you send data to PeopleSoft Receivables at the header level only (that is, you select Header is an AR Open Item), then enter the data at the header level. Conversely, if you send data to PeopleSoft Receivables at the line level only (that is, you select Bill Line is AR Open Item), enter the data at the line level. The Load AR Pending Items process (BILDAR01) sends to PeopleSoft Receivables only the data at the level that is defined on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page.

See Also

Establishing Default Levels for PeopleSoft Billing Options

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChartField Combination Edits

ChartField combination edits prevent errors in the combination of ChartFields that PeopleSoft Billing passes to the general ledger system. Enable combination edits on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page by selecting Edit Chart of Account Combinations.

If you enable the combination edits feature, you must enter account combinations that are defined as valid combinations. The PeopleSoft Billing system validates the accounting entries against the predefined combination edit rules. If you enter an invalid ChartField combination, you cannot save the bill. If you use distribution codes for entering ChartField values, ensure that the ChartField values that are defined with the distribution codes satisfy the combination edit rules. Otherwise, the system generates an error and does not save the bill until you correct the ChartField information by entering a valid combination.

Note. If you enable ChartField inheritance or ChartField balancing, the system performs combination edits during the Pre-Load process.

See Also

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Editing ChartField Combinations

Using Journal Generator

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAffiliate ChartField Defaulting Feature

The Affiliate ChartField Defaulting feature enables you to automatically populate the Affiliate ChartField value on accounting entries in bill entry when you are using the Affiliate Defaulting method.

When you select the Affiliate Defaulting Applies option on the General Ledger business unit that corresponds to the PeopleSoft Billing business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_GL.CUST_VNDR_AFFILIATE = Y), the system provides automatic defaulting. If you provide Affiliate values when importing bills through the Billing Interface, the system does not use these values when affiliate defaulting applies. In that case, the Billing Interface uses Affiliate default values for accounting entries rows, and the Affiliate field is not available for entry in bill entry. For transactions created within the From General Ledger business unit, the system maps the To business unit to the Affiliate field. For transactions created within the To business unit, the system maps the From business unit to the Affiliate field.

Note. For transactions within the To business unit, PeopleSoft Billing does not pass the Affiliate field value to PeopleSoft Payables during the Generate AP Vouchers process (BIGNAP01). PeopleSoft Payables assigns this value and overrides any values that were provided.

When you select the Affiliate Defaulting Applies option, the system overrides any inheritance rules that you specify in InterUnit and IntraUnit setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Types and Entry Reasons

The system uses entry types and entry reasons to categorize pending items when passing PeopleSoft Billing information to the PeopleSoft Receivables system. You can define these default entry types and reasons for debit and credit activity at multiple levels. You can define them at the business unit, bill type, and bill source levels. In addition, you can override the defaults during bill entry at the bill header and bill line levels.

This last option enables you to assign entry types and reasons when you make adjustments to invoices. When you click the link next to the invoice numbers on the Adjust Entire Bill page and the Adjust Selected Bill Lines page, the system displays the bill entry so that you can make changes.

In bill entry, you can enter an entry type and entry reason on the bill itself if you define the accounts receivable level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page with the value Header is Open Item. The Load AR Pending Items process (BILDAR01) uses the value that you enter online when passing items to the PeopleSoft Receivables system instead of using default values for this information from the bill source, bill type, or business unit at the time of bill entry.

The system verifies that the entry type is the appropriate debit or credit type for the invoice amount and that the reason code corresponds to the entry type. If the combination is invalid, a warning message instructs you to click the prompt button for a list of values. This message is only a warning at the bill header level, because it is possible that the invoice amount may have changed from positive to negative when taxes were applied.

Note. If you enter an entry type and entry reason at the header level but the accounts receivable level is defined as Line is Open Item (on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page), the system does not forward the values to PeopleSoft Receivables.

The entry type and entry reason codes that you establish in PeopleSoft Billing are always passed to PeopleSoft Receivables for the processing of pending items. However, PeopleSoft Receivables uses these values to classify pending items only if on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page you elected to have PeopleSoft Receivables create the accounting entries. If you elected to have PeopleSoft Billing create the accounting entries, then the receivables system uses the receivables account that is defined in one of the following places:

See Also

Adjusting Bills

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOnline Bill Inquiries

PeopleSoft Billing enables you to inquire about bills in a specified currency: transaction, euro, or base. To view a bill in one of these currencies, access the appropriate page in the Inquiry component or click the currency buttons at the top of the bill entry pages to view the perspective that you want.

Click the View in Transaction Currency button to retrieve bill information in the transaction currency.

Click the View in Euro Currency button to retrieve bill information in Euros.

Click the View in Base Currency button to retrieve bill information in the base currency.

Once you have chosen a currency, the currency perspective remains the same when you select other pages in the component. When you inquire about bill data, the page fields are usually the same as those on the bill entry pages, but you can only view the information. You cannot enter or change data. All of the page examples in this chapter show the transaction currency perspective.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Bill Entry Accounting Template

To configure a bill entry accounting template, use the Bill Entry Accounting Template (BI_ACCTG_TMPLT) component.

Bill entry accounting templates enable you to define a selection of ChartFields that you want to work with while using the bill entry pages. If there are ChartFields that have a constant value when you enter accounting information for invoices, you can configure a template to exclude those ChartFields. Defining an accounting template minimizes data entry and prevents redundant information. Define the bill entry accounting template at the system, business unit, bill type, or bill source level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page.

Note. Bill entry accounting templates affect the ChartFields that appear online. They do not determine whether a ChartField is populated with a value. The system can populate a ChartField automatically with a value that is defined in the distribution code.

This section lists the pages that you use to configure the bill entry accounting template.

See Also

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Configure the Bill Entry Accounting Template

Page Name

Object Name



Bill Entry Acctg Template (bill entry accounting template)


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Define Preferences, Bill Entry Accounting Template, Bill Entry Acctg Template

Select the ChartFields that you want to work with while using the bill entry pages.

You can override these values when using bill entry by clicking the ChartFields Display Override button on any of the bill entry pages. Fields that you do not select do not appear in bill entry.

Online Override of ChartField Display Template


Click the ChartFields Display Override button on bill entry pages.

Select the ChartFields that you want to work with while using the bill entry pages.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Header Information

Header information applies to the entire bill. The bill header contains all information that identifies the bill's source, destination, appearance, format, and the internal codes and dates that distinguish the bill from others in the accounting system. If you import a bill through the Billing interface, the system includes header information. If you enter the bill online, you must specify all the header data on these pages.

On the bill header, you can override entry type and entry reason defaults, set document sequence parameters, enter currency exchange rates, and view VAT information.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Bill Header Information

Page Name

Object Name



Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 (information 1)


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Info 1

Access and review bill header general information.

Change Bill Currency


Click the Change Bill Currency button on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

Select a new currency code.

Bill To Business Unit


Click the Maintain Bill To GL Unit Detail button on the Standard Billing - Header Info 1 page.

Define a valid PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit InterUnit pair.

Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information


Click the View Credit Card Information button on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

Enter or modify customer credit card information.

Credit Card Address


Click the Credit Card Address button on the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page.

Enter customer credit card billing address information.

Standard Billing - Header Info 2 (information 2)


Click the Header Info 2 link on the Standard Billing - Header Info 1 page.

Enter additional bill header information.

AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution)


Click the AR Distribution link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

Review the ChartField values for a receivables account.

Bill Header VAT Information


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing

Select Header Info - 2 in the Navigation box.

Click the VAT Information link.

Define header-level VAT defaults.

Prepayment Lookup


Click the Prepayment Lookup link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Select customer prepayment and document cross-reference information to apply to an invoice.

Standard Billing - Address Info


Click the Address link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Access and review bill header address data.

Courtesy Copy Addr (courtesy copy address)


  • Click the Copy Address link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

  • Select the Courtesy Copy Address option in the Navigation list.

Enter the number and distribution of courtesy copies.

Standard Billing - Header - Note


  • Select the Header - Note option in the Navigation list.

  • Click the Notes link on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 or Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Create or attach general header notes to bills.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 1


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Info 1

Review general bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Info 2


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Info 2

Review additional general bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - AR Distribution

Review the ChartField values for an receivables account.

Review Billing Information - Details - Address Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Address Info

Review bill address information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Courtesy Copy Addr


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Courtesy Copy Adr

Review the number and distribution of courtesy copies in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Note


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Note

Review general header notes that are attached to bills in the specified currency perspective. Header notes apply to the entire bill. Examples of header notes include announcements of sales, changes in personnel, changes in price lists, and other general information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering General Bill Header Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

Invoice Date and Accounting Date

Select the date that you want to appear on the bill. If you specify a value that falls within a period that is currently closed in PeopleSoft Billing, the system issues a warning. To specify an open period in PeopleSoft Billing, navigate to Billing Definition - Business Unit 1 page and click the Update Open Periods link to access the Open Period Update page, where you can define open periods for a GL business unit and ledger group.

If the invoice is associated with a VAT billing business unit, the system uses the invoice date as the effective date when processing VAT defaults. If you do not provide an invoice date, the system uses the current date as the effective date.

If you specify an accounting date in the Accounting Date field that falls within an accounting period that is currently closed in PeopleSoft General Ledger, the system issues a warning. To specify an open period in PeopleSoft General Ledger, use the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.


To define a bill as a recurring bill template, select Recurring. To define a bill as an installment bill template, select Installmnt (installment). Otherwise, select Once.

Installment Bill Schedule

Click to access the Installment Bill Schedule page. To generate an installment billing schedule, the schedule that is associated with the bill cycle must have a setID that corresponds to the bill's business unit.

Recurring Bill Schedule

Click to access the Recurring Bill Schedule page. To generate a recurring bill schedule, the schedule that is associated with the bill cycle must have a setID that corresponds to the bill's business unit.


(Required) Select a customer to have the system populate the Curr (currency code) field with the customer's default currency.

When you enter an InterUnit customer and press Tab to exit the field, the Bill To Business Unit page appears if the InterUnit customer has no default PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit or if the default General Ledger business unit does not make a valid interunit pair.

Click the Change Bill Currency button to access the Change Bill Currency page, where you can change the currency type.

Note. You cannot change the currency to a currency with a different currency precision. If the number of decimal positions that you specify for the new currency is different from the number for the original currency, access the Customer - Miscellaneous General Info page to change the default currency in the customer record. Alternately, select the Prompt for Billing Currency Options on the Customer - Bill To Options page if you want the system to prompt you for the billing currency when you add a new bill for a customer.


Click to access the Standard Billing - Address Info page, where you can view more information on this customer, such as contact name or location.

Maintain Bill To GL Unit

Click this button to return to the Bill To Business Unit page if you want to redefine a valid GL unit pair.

SubCust1 (subcustomer 1)

If you have defined this customer with subcustomer 1 and subcustomer 2 qualifiers in the Maintain Customers component, you must specify a value here and in the SubCust2 (subcustomer 2) field. If you have defined data to pass to PeopleSoft Receivables at the header level only, you can override this value. However, you cannot leave it blank. If it is blank, the system populates these fields with defaults that are defined in the Maintain Customer component.

Invoice Form

(Required) Select a format for the bill. You can add new invoice forms on the Invoice Formatting Options - General page.

Note. (NLD) When printing an acceptgiro invoice, you may only choose portrait-format invoice forms.

Invoice Media

Select the media for invoicing the bill:

  • Print

    Billing will generate a printable invoice.

  • EDI

    Billing will transmit an electronic interchange invoice (additional setup is required).

  • Email

    Billing will generate an email notification and the invoice will be presented through the eBill Payment application. (PeopleSoft eBill Payment must be installed.)

From Date and To Date

Indicate the date range of billing activity that the corresponding invoice covers.

Pay Terms (payment terms)

(Required) Enter payment terms.

Pay Method (payment method)

Displays the payment method. The system searches the customer record for a default payment method. If it doesn’t find a value, the system doesn't populate this field.

Click the View Credit Card Information button to access the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page, where you can review or update credit card information for the customer.

Remit To

Displays a list of financial institutions that are associated with the payment. Enter a value in this field, as well as an associated payment account, in the adjacent field.

Note. (NLD) When generating an acceptgiro invoice, you can select only eligible Dutch financial institutions. Eligible institutions will have a Bank ID Qualifier of 007 or 008.


Enter a receivables account to override the system defaults that are provided at other levels.

Note. The value in this field appears by default based on the default hierarchy. However, the billing default hierarchy does not recognize new effective-dated rows on the Distribution Code page. Therefore if a change is required for the Account field, it can be entered manually on the Header - Info 1 page or the PreLoad process will pick up the new effective-dated row during the Finalization process.

AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution)

Click to access the AR Distribution page, where you can view the remaining ChartField accounts for the accounts receivable account.

The following fields contain the internal contact’s information. Override any of these defaults by entering a value.

Sales (salesperson), Credit (credit analyst), and Collect (collector)

If you do not specify these contacts, the system populates these fields with default values from the customer table.

Note. The system uses as the default value for the Sales field the team member on the default support team with the highest priority number that is defined on the Support Team Mbrs (support team members) page. Define the default support team on the Miscellaneous General Info page. For example, if you defined team member A with a priority of 002 and team member B with a priority of 003, the system selects team member A as the default sales person.

Biller (billing specialist)

The system populates this field with a default value from the business unit, bill type, bill source, or customer options, depending at which level you specified this value.

(NLD) Acceptgiro

The Acceptgiro indicator appears on the Header - Info 1 page when the billing business unit is eligible to generate acceptgiro invoices.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft General Ledger Business Unit InterUnit Pairs

Working with Installment Bills

Generating Recurring Bills

Establishing Invoice Formatting, Sorting, and Printing Options

Maintaining Additional Customer Information

Processing Credit Cards

Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Defining and Updating Open Periods and Adjustment Periods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging the Bill Currency

Access the Change Bill Currency page.

To change the bill currency, select a New Currency Code and click OK. Click Cancel to return to the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page without changing the bill currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft General Ledger Business Unit InterUnit Pairs

Access the Bill To Business Unit page.

Bill-to business units are required for InterUnit bills.

Bill To GL Unit (bill-to general ledger business unit)

Select to define a valid bill-to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit and bill-from General Ledger business unit pair.

See Also

Establishing InterUnit and IntraUnit Billing

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing ChartField Values

Access the AR Distribution page.

Select the accounts receivable distribution code that represents the combination of ChartFields that you want to use in generating the accounting entries for PeopleSoft Receivables. The system populates the accounts receivable ChartField values on the bill according to the code that you select.

Override any of this information, if necessary. Only the account number is mandatory.

See Also

Generating Recurring Bills

Working with Installment Bills

Defining and Updating Open Periods and Adjustment Periods

Processing Credit Cards

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Bill Header Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

Integration between PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to match prepayments in PeopleSoft Receivables to invoices in the PeopleSoft Billing system. You can check PeopleSoft Receivables for on-account items by business unit and customer ID; match them to a contract, order, account, or policy number; and apply them as deposits or prepayments to invoices. This is useful, for example, for a contract that doesn't begin until you receive a deposit on account, or for an insurance policy that doesn't take effect until you receive a prepayment. An on-account item is a PeopleSoft Receivables entry type category that is applied to a payment received from a customer for which there is no matching open item. On-account items are assigned a system function ID of either WS-05 or DM-03.

In PeopleSoft Receivables, when you receive a prepayment for which you have no matching open item, enter it as an on-account item along with the associated prepayment reference information in the Document field.

Prepayment Lookup

In PeopleSoft Billing, when you create an invoice online, click to access the Prepayment Lookup page, where you can search a list of documents and associated prepayment amounts from PeopleSoft Receivables for the customer ID.

Paid Amount

When you select an item, the system displays the amount in this field and the reference information in the Paid Reference field on the bill header. Overwrite this cross-reference and payment information, if necessary. The prepayment is reflected in the net amount due and is printed on the invoice. PeopleSoft Billing passes the PAID_REFERENCE value to the Document field in PeopleSoft Receivables. Consequently, you can match a specific prepayment to a specific contract, order, account, or policy number.

Note. To import prepayment information into PeopleSoft Billing through the billing interface, you must populate the PAID_AMT and the PAID_REFERENCE fields in the Billing Interface Header table (INTFC_BI_HDR). PeopleSoft Billing does not validate the data in the billing interface; you must validate prepayment information in the source system before you pass the data to PeopleSoft Billing.

Fwd Balance (forward balance)

Displays any prior balance that is unpaid.

Letter of Credit ID

Enter the letter of credit number. A letter of credit is a document stating a commitment to pay someone (supplier, exporter, vendor) a stated amount of money on behalf of a buyer (or importer) as long as the vendor meets specific terms and conditions as specified by the document. Use the Standard Billing - Header - Note page for any item descriptions or goods requirements.

Accrue Unbilled

If you selected Accrue Bills at This Level at either the bill type or business unit levels, then that information appears by default on this page and the system populates this option automatically. For the bill to be eligible for accrual, you must select this option.

Entry Event

Define the default entry event code for the entire bill. Valid options include only those values that are identified with the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE). This field appears for each bill header only if entry events are defined as Required or Optional in the Billing field on the Installation Options - Entry Event page. The code that you select here uses default values for all bill lines for the corresponding bill and overrides the values that you set at the business unit and bill type levels.

Manual Line Numbering

Select No to disable the manual line numbering option. The default is Yes if you have enabled manual invoice line numbering on the Installation Options - Billing - General Options page. If you have not enabled manual line numbering, this group box does not appear.

Note. Manual invoice line numbering bypasses the chunking feature of PeopleSoft Billing. When you enable manual line numbering, the system disables the chunking buttons and sets the value of the Bill Entry Max Rows field on the Bill Entry Bill Line pages to 99999. Thus, when you call up a bill, the entire set of rows appears.

Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can specify sequencing values for documents. Statutory legal requirements in some countries require that all financial transactions (documents) be classified into different transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents that you enter be numbered sequentially. The document sequencing feature enables you to maintain established business practices by meeting both of these requirements. If you have enabled document sequencing for a particular business unit and you create a document (such as a journal, invoice, or voucher) for that business unit, this link appears on the bill entry pages.

VAT Information

Appears only if the invoice is tied to a VAT billing business unit. Click to access the VAT Header Information page, where you can view or modify header-level defaults.

To inquire about VAT header information, access the page through the Inquire component. Standard Billing - Header - VAT Information has all the same fields in inquiry as in entry, but all fields are read-only.

VAT Information - Needs Review

Appears only if you have changed a VAT driver value after the system has applied VAT defaults. Return to the Header - VAT Information page to review the VAT driver data and ensure that the system-generated VAT defaults are accurate.

Exchange Rate

Accounting transactions are prepared in the base currency (the primary reporting currency of the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit). Consequently, each bill needs a currency exchange rate that the system uses to convert bill currency to base currency. The currency code for the base currency appears beneath the rate type. The exchange rate converts amounts in the bill currency to an equivalent amount in base currency.

Rate Type

Displays the assigned rate type of the bill-to customer. You can select a different rate type.

Click the Exchange Rate Detail button to access the Exchange Rate Detail page, where you can review detailed information about the rate.


Use to assign to bills the exchange rates from market rate tables. Alternatively, you can provide an exchange rate. To provide such a rate, select User. When you select User, the Rate Type field is available. Enter a revised rate, or click the Exchange Rate Detail button to enter detailed rate information on the Exchange Rate Detail page.

Euro Currency

If you enter a bill in euro-participating currency, the system requires an exchange rate to convert the bill currency to euros. For bills in euro-participating currencies, the euro currency code appears with a rate for converting the bill currency to euros. Click the Exchange Rate Detail 2 button for more information about the rate. The system always retrieves euro exchange rates from market rate tables. The euro exchange rate line is hidden if the bill is not in euro-participating currency.

Base Currency To

If you enter an interunit bill, the system requires an exchange rate to convert the bill currency to the base currency of the business unit to value. For interunit bills, this field is the base currency of the business unit to value. The system uses the corresponding exchange rate to convert the bill currency amounts to this base currency. Click the Exchange Rate Detail 3 button for more information about the rate. They system always retrieves interunit exchange rates from market rate tables. The system hides the interunit exchange rate line if the bill is not an InterUnit bill.

See Also


Invoice Line Number Assignment

Understanding the Unbilled Revenue Accrual Process

Establishing VAT Defaults at the Header Level

Running the Load AR Pending Items Process (BILDAR01)

Applying Payments

Defining Market Rates

Defining Document Sequencing

Defining Billing Installation Options

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Header-Level VAT Defaults

Access the Bill Header VAT Information page.

Business Unit

Displays the billing business unit that is associated with the bill header.


Displays the invoice that is associated with the bill header.

Go Back To Bill Header

Click to return to the Header Info 2 page.

Expand All Sections

Click to expand all of the group boxes and display all of the fields on the Bill Header - VAT Information page.

Collapse All Sections

Click to collapse all of the group boxes and hide all of the fields on the Bill Header - VAT Information page.

Physical Nature

The system determines the physical nature from the bill header when bill lines do not have a default physical nature. For example, if a charge code on the bill line is defined with a default physical nature, the system uses that value on the bill line. However, if the charge code on the bill line does not have an associated default physical nature, then the system uses the default physical nature defined on the bill header or the bill line value.

Change Physical Nature

Click this button if you want to change physical nature (to goods or services) and reset all VAT defaults at this level only.

The system obtains the default for this field from the header level defaulting hierarchy, and uses this value as an input during the VAT defaulting process.

VAT Locations

The fields that appear in this group box depend on the physical nature that you select.

Ship From Country

The system obtains the default value from the ship-from business unit if available, or from the billing business unit location when there is no ship-from business unit. Because a location is required for all business units, the system always populates this field with an initial value.

In the case of transactions that involve goods or freight service transactions, use this field to determine the VAT treatment.

Ship From State

The system obtains the default value from the billing business unit location only when the ship-from country tracks VAT by province.

Ship-To Country

The system obtains the default value from the ship-to customer's address, or from the bill-to customer's ship-to address if the ship-to customer is not available. In the case of transactions that involve goods or freight service transactions, use this field to determine the VAT treatment.

Note. The Ship-To Country field value on this page will default from the country of any ship-to address you enter on the Standard Billing - Header - Order Info page.

Ship-To State

The system obtains the default value from the ship-to customer location state only when the ship-to country tracks VAT by province.

The following additional fields appear if you define the physical nature as Service.

Location Country

For services only, displays the billing business unit (seller) location country.

Location State

For services only, displays the billing business unit (seller) location state. The system populates this field with a default value only when the location country tracks VAT by province.

Customer Location Country

For services only, displays the customer's (buyer) bill-to location country.

Customer Location State

For services only, displays the customer's (buyer) bill-to location state. The system populates this field with a default value only when the customer location country tracks VAT by province.

Service Performed Country

For services only. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, at customer or business unit level), the system sets the value for this field according to these premises:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the ship-from business unit location country.

    If the system cannot obtain the ship-from business unit, it uses the billing business unit location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the with the ship-to customer location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the buyer's location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the customer's bill-to location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the supplier's location, the system defines the service performed country with the value from the billing business unit location country.

Service Performed State

For services only. The system obtains a default value for this field only when the service performed country tracks VAT by province. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, customer or business unit level), the system sets the value for this field according to these premises:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system defines the service performed state with the ship-from business unit location state.

    If there is no ship-from business unit, the system uses the billing business unit location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system defines the service performed state with the ship-to customer location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the buyer's location, the system defines the service performed state with the customer's bill-to location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the supplier's location, the system defines the service performed state with the billing business unit location state.

VAT Defaults

Service Type

If the physical nature of the transaction is defined as Service, this field appears. The system retrieves the value from the service VAT treatment default, according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

This value determines whether the VAT treatment is defaulted based on the ship-to and ship-from countries, or the buyer's and seller's countries.

Place of Supply Driver

If the physical nature of the transaction is defined as Service, this field appears. The system retrieves the value from the service VAT treatment default, according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy. It is used in determining the default place of supply, which determines where VAT is liable.

Reporting Country

Displays the country for which this VAT will be reported. This field determines many of the VAT defaults.

Defaulting State

Displays the state that defaults based on the VAT reporting country.

Customer Registration Country and Customer Registration ID

Displays the registration country and ID of the bill-to customer.

Customer Exception Type

Displays the exception that is granted to the customer. Options are: None, Exonerated, or Suspended. This value defaults from the bill-to customer VAT defaults.

Certificate ID

If applicable, displays the ID of the VAT exception certificate of the bill-to customer.

Calculate at Gross or Net

Indicates how VAT is calculated. Options are:

Gross: The system calculates VAT before it applies any early payment discounts.

Net: The system calculates VAT after it deducts early payment discounts. If there are two percentage discounts, the system uses the larger of the two when it calculates VAT. The system will not use discount amounts, only discount percentages.

The default value comes from the VAT entity driver.

Recalculate at Payment

Select this check box to enable the recalculation of VAT at payment time to allow for any early payment discounts, if you are calculating VAT at gross. This causes the system to adjust the VAT amount at the time of payment if the discount has been taken. This is set on the VAT entity driver.

Declaration Point

Displays when VAT transaction information should be recognized for reporting purposes. VAT due on sales is due on the date and time. Options are:

Accounting Date: VAT is recognized on the accounting date.

Delivery: VAT is recognized on delivery.

Invoice: VAT is recognized at time of invoice.

Payment: VAT is recognized at time of payment.

This value is retrieved through the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

Declaration Date

This field determines the date that the VAT transaction is recognized. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a value during the Finalization process.

If the Declaration Point is set to Accounting Date, this value appears by default from the Accounting Date field on the Header Info 1 page, and you can not override it. However, if you need to change the Declaration Date, you can change the Declaration Point to Delivery or Invoice.

The declaration date is not available for entry if the declaration point is set to Payment.

VAT Rounding Rule

Displays the VAT rounding rule. The value comes from the VAT country driver definition. Options are:

Natural Round: Amounts are rounded normally (up or down) to the precision specified for the currency code. For example, for a currency defined with two decimal places, 157.4659 would round up to 157.47, but 157.4649 would round down to 157.46.

Round Down: Amounts are rounded down.

Round Up: Amounts are rounded up with a rounding precision to one additional decimal place.

Treatment Group

The system determines this value based on the VAT defaulting algorithm. Options are: Domestic Sales, European Union Sales, Exports, No VAT Processing, and Out of Scope.

Within PeopleSoft, the system uses detail VAT treatment values on the transaction lines for applying the precise defaults applicable to the transaction lines. Each of these detail VAT treatment values are associated with a VAT treatment group. The system tracks the VAT treatment group on the header to ensure that individual transaction lines are grouped together under one VAT treatment group.

Adjust Affected VAT Defaults

Click this button to adjust the VAT Defaults on this page that are affected by changes you have made to this page.

The system retains all changes that you have made to VAT defaults that affect other VAT defaults.

If you change the value of any VAT drivers, click the List of Fields to be Adjusted button to review which VAT defaults will be affected by the modification when you click the Adjust Affected VAT Defaults button.


Displays the level of VAT defaults that will be affected when you click the Reset All VAT Defaults button. You may reset all defaults on the header and all existing bill lines, all defaults on the header only, or all defaults on the existing bill lines only.

Reset All VAT Defaults

Click this button to reset all the VAT defaults. All changes that you have made to VAT Defaults will be lost.

Note. The values of the following fields on the bill lines must be the same as their values on the bill header level for VAT bills: Ship From Country, Ship-To Country, VAT Reporting Country, and Customer's VAT registration Country. If the bill line values are not identical to those on the header, you cannot save the bill in RDY status. In addition, the VAT treatment on all the lines must belong to the VAT treatment group on the header.

See Also

Working with VAT

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Customer Prepayment Information

Access the Prepayment Lookup page.

The system displays a list of documents and associated prepayment amounts from PeopleSoft Receivables for the customer ID. The system retrieves these values from the Item table based on the Receivables business unit and customer ID of the item match with that of the bill header, an item status Open and the system function ID WS-04, WS-05, DM-02, or DM-03.

Sel (select)

Click to select the prepayment to apply to the invoice.

AR Unit (accounts receivable unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Receivables business unit that is associated with the customer ID.

Item ID

Displays the unique identifier that is assigned to the prepayment when it is entered in the receivables system. In PeopleSoft Receivables, items are the individual receivables that comprise a customer’s balance.

Document ID

Displays the contract, account, policy, or order number to which the prepayment was applied in PeopleSoft Receivables.

System Function ID

Displays the identifier that defines PeopleSoft Receivables activities. Each system function is prefixed with a two-letter identifier that describes the part of the PeopleSoft Receivables system that uses this function.


Click to apply the prepayment and document cross-reference information to the invoice.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Bill Header Address Information

Access the Standard Billing - Address Info page.

Attention To

The system populates this field, as well the primary bill-to contact, the primary bill-to location, and Location with default values. Override these values, if necessary.

Email ID

Displays the invoice contact's email address. The system sends the notification email to this address when you select Email as the Invoice Media setting.

Invoice Media

Select P if the invoice is to be printed only, E if it is transmitted by electronic data interchange (EDI) only, or N if the invoice is to be presented through PeopleSoft eBill Payment only. If EDI transmissions are defined, the EDI Profile field displays the EDI profile name for the customer.

The system populates the other fields on this page, such as the address detail fields, with default values as you enter values into the fields that are available for entry.

See Also

Processing EDI Transactions in PeopleSoft Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Courtesy Copy Information

Access the Standard Billing - Courtesy Copy Addr page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Global Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating or Attaching Bill Header Notes

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Note page.

Header notes apply to the entire bill. Examples of header notes include announcements of sales, changes in personnel, changes in price lists, or other general information.

You can control the placement of header notes when you define the invoice formatting options. You can define a header note to be primary, secondary, or remaining. A primary header note appears in the invoice heading. You can have the secondary and remaining header notes appear either before the first bill line, just after all bill lines, or after invoice totals are printed.

Bill Header Notes

To select a predefined note (one that you have already defined on the Standard Note page in General Options), select Standard Note Flag and select a note code in Std Note(standard note). Once you press Tab to exit the Std Note field, the note type ID appears in the Note Type field, and the predefined text for that note appears in the Note Text field. To create a note, do not select Standard Note Flag. Select a note type, and in the Note Text field, enter the text to appear on the invoice.

Internal Flag Only

Select if you do not want the note to appear on the actual invoice.

Invoice notes that are defined for customers appear on the invoice when the invoice is printed. The following table provides examples of the different types of notes you might print on invoices and the actions that you need to take to enter them into the system:

Print Option



To print a note on all invoices (effective date and effective status can be controlled).

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the Customer Notes page, associate the standard note code with customers.


To print a note on all invoices for multiple customers (effective date and effective status can be controlled).

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the customer Notes page, associate the standard note code with the customers who should see this note on invoices.


To print a note on all invoices for one customer.

Define a note on the customer Notes page. Select Custom in the Classification field, then specify the note in the Text field. Select Invoice in the Print on Document field.


To print a note on certain invoices.

Define the note on the Standard Notes page and select Invoice in the Print On Document field. On the Bill Header Notes page, associate the standard note code with the invoices that should include the note.


To print a note on one invoice.

Enter the note text directly on the Bill Header Notes page for that invoice.


See Also

Maintaining Additional Customer Information

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Information

Bill line data pertains to a particular line of a bill. Charge identifiers, descriptions, pricing, discounts and surcharges, general ledger account codes, and line notes are included in this class of information. If you enter the bill online, you must specify all line data on the bill entry line information pages.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Bill Line Information

Page Name

Object Name



Standard Billing - Line - Info 1


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Info 1

Enter bill line general data.

Standard Billing - Line - Info 2


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Info 2

Enter additional bill line general data.

Standard Billing - Line - Tax Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Tax Info

Enter tax-exempt information and data necessary for calculating taxes.

Ship-to Override


Click the Override button on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax Info Page.

Override the ship-to location.

Standard Billing - Line - VAT Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - VAT Info

Access and review bill line VAT information.

Standard Billing - Acctg Rev Distribution


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - Rev Distribution

Enter bill line accounting information.

Standard Billing - Acct - Deferred


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - Deferred

Enter information that is necessary to send the bill line accounting data to the general ledger system.

Standard Billing - Acctg - AR Offset


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - AR Offset

Enter bill line receivables offset information; specify different receivables accounts for each line.

Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - Statistical Info

Enter statistical data by way of a statistical account.

Standard Billing - Acctg - Unbilled


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - Unbilled AR

Edit bill line unbilled receivables ChartFields.

Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv

Edit bill line interunit expense and inventory ChartFields.

Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Acctg - InterUnit Payables

Edit internit payables ChartField information.

Standard Billing - Discount/Surcharge


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Disc/Surcharge

Enter any discount and surcharge information for any bill line. List any combination of discounts and surcharges as appropriate.

Disc/Surcharge Distribution


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Disc/Surcharge Distribution

Enter the full ChartField accounts for a discount or surcharge.

Disc/Surcharge Deferred


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Disc/Surcharge Deferred

Enter ChartFields for a deferred discount or surcharge information.

Standard Billing - Line - Note


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Note

Enter and review bill line notes information.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Info 1


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Info 1

Review general bill information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Info 2


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Info 2

Review additional general bill information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Tax Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Tax Info

Review bill tax information at the line level in the specified currency perspective when using the delivered tax solution in PeopleSoft Billing.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - VAT Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - VAT Info

Review bill VAT information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - Rev Distribution


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - Rev Distribution

Review bill accounting information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - Deferred


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - Deferred

Review deferred bill account information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - AR Offset


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - AR Offset

Review bill receivables offset information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - Unbilled AR


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - Unbilled AR

Review unbilled receivables ChartFields at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv

Review bill expenses and inventory information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Discount/Surcharge


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Discount/Surcharge

Review discount and surcharge information in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - InterUnit Payable Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - InterUnit Payable

Review InterUnit payables information in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Acctg - Statistical Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Acctg - Statistical Info

Review statistical information in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Note


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Note

Review bill note information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Bill line notes are notes that are associated with a particular line. When the invoice prints, these notes can appear either before the bill line, after the bill line, or as a footnote. When they are footnotes, the notes can appear before or after the bill totals.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line List


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line List

Review bill line details.

Review Billing Information - Disc/Surcharge Distribution


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Disc/Surcharge Distribution

Review the full ChartField accounts for a discount or surcharge.

Review Billing Information - Disc/Surcharge Deferred


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Disc/Surcharge Deferred

Review ChartFields for a deferred discount or surcharge information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering General Bill Line Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Info 1 page.

Unit Price

When you select an identifier, this field and the description, unit of measure, and revenue distribution code appear by default. Override any of these defaults, if necessary.

Quantity, UOM (unit of measure), Unit Price, and Gross Extended Price

Enter line-specific values. You must enter or verify these for each bill line. The system automatically computes the gross extended amount when you enter a unit price, and the system computes the unit price when you enter a gross extended price.

Less Discount, Plus Surcharge, and Net Extended Amount

Displays information that refers to this bill line only.

VAT Amount and Tax Amount

Tax amounts on the bill line are broken down into a VAT amount and a sales and use tax amount. The system tracks these amounts separately. Although both a VAT code and a sales and use tax code can appear on the same bill line, that is unlikely.

The Line VAT Alert warning appears if you modify VAT drivers after you applied VAT defaults for the associated bill line. Return to the Line - VAT Info page to review the VAT determinants and VAT defaults for the affected bill line and to ensure that these values remain accurate.

If you are in a VAT environment, the Go To Bill Line VAT Info Page button is enabled. Click it to access the Standard Billing - Line - VAT Info page to view line VAT defaults.

Error Status

Displays the third-party tax vendor error code and its description if you are using a third-party tax vendor and a tax calculation error occurs.

Line Type

(Required) By default displays the type based on the identifier that you enter in the Identifier field and the table from which it came. The different line types enable you to categorize the bill lines. Translate values are BRT (billing retainage, which comes from PeopleSoft Project Costing), ADV (advanced billing), REV (standard chargeable revenue lines), DISC, (discount lines), SUR (surcharge lines), FRGT (freight), and RSTK (restock). The translate values FRGT and RSTK are used primarily with PeopleSoft Order Management. Even if PeopleSoft Order Management is not installed, you can use these values to define the surcharge line.


Select to enable the accumulations feature. Accumulated balances enable you to define and run balances for any set of essential combinations in PeopleSoft Billing.

If you define the line item amount or quantity field for which you want to track cumulative balances on the Accumulation Description page, select this check box. If you update an existing bill line whose item amount or quantity field has been defined on the Accumulation Description page as one for which you track cumulative balances, the check box is selected by default. If you do not want to include this bill line amount or quantity in the cumulative balance for this line item, clear this check box.

From Date and Through Date

If applicable, enter the dates that are associated with this bill.

Tax Code, Tax Exempt, and Exempt Certification Number

Enter a code that has been predefined on the Tax Code page if you are using the PeopleSoft Billing delivered tax solution and not a third-party tax vendor. The tax code you enter for the bill lines determines the tax rate to calculate for each line. Tax is applied to each line separately, rather than applied to a subtotal of the bill, which enables you to establish different tax rates for each bill line. If a bill line is tax-exempt, select Tax Exempt and enter the exempt certification number instead of a tax code.

Tax Timing

Indicates whether a PeopleSoft Contracts bill line is taxed. PeopleSoft Contracts bills can be taxed upon generation or upon service. When a bill is taxed upon service, the system taxes only the service bill; the system does not apply tax to the initial bill or any utilization bills.

This field appears on the Standard Billing - Line Info 1 page only when PeopleSoft Contracts populates this field with a value S (taxes on services rendered). The system does not calculate taxes or VAT for the bill line when this field has the value S. When the tax timing field is blank, the system applies normal tax or VAT calculations to the bill line.

Note. If all bill lines do not appear within the Bill Line group box, use the chunking buttons to view more bill lines.

See Also

New Invoice Number Assignment


Calculating VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

Defining Accumulations

Setting Up PeopleSoft Billing Charge Codes

Calculating Sales and Use Tax in Supply Chain Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Bill Line Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Info 2 page.

Purchase Order and Contract No. (contract number)

If applicable, enter values in these fields and enter the corresponding line values.

Contract Date and Type

If applicable, enter the values that are associated with the bill line.

SubCustomer 1

If applicable, enter a value in this field the SubCustomer 2 field, and the Revenue Recognition Basis field. Enter new information or override the defaults for this information.

Use Effective Dated Price on Recurring Bills

Select if this is a recurring bill or a recurring bill template, and you want the price of this bill line to display the default prices, discounts, and surcharges effective as of the invoice date.

System Source

Displays the system where the bill originated.

Entry Event

Define the default entry event code for each bill line. Valid options include only those values that are identified with the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE). This field appears for each bill line only if entry events are defined as Required or Optional in the Billing field on the Installation Options - Entry Event page. The code that you select overrides the values that you set at the business unit, bill type, and bill header levels.

AR Level (accounts receivable level)

Indicates the level at which PeopleSoft Billing passes open items to the receivables system.

AR Option (accounts receivable option)

Indicates the level of detail that passes to the PeopleSoft Receivables offset accounting entries. If it is Use Header for Distribution, the system creates receivables offset entry at the header level (one entry per invoice). If it is Use Line for Distribution, the system creates the receivables offset entry at the line level (one entry per bill line). This value is defined system-wide either by business unit or by bill type. When you enter a bill, the system derives this value from the table setup.

GL Level (general ledger level)

Displays the application that you use to pass accounting entries to the general ledger system: PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Receivables, or none. This value is defined system-wide either by business unit or by bill type. When you enter a bill, the system derives this value from the table setup.

See Also

Processing Deferred Revenue Accounting Entries

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Tax Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Tax Info page, which displays fields appropriate for the tax solution chosen for the Billing business unit.


You must enter a certificate number on all lines that are marked as exempt. Predefine certificate numbers for every customer in the Customer component on the General Information - Tax Exempt Certificate Info page before entering invoices that use the certificate. Select from the valid certificates that are defined in PeopleSoft, or enter a valid, effective certificate that is not defined in PeopleSoft.

If you are using a third-party tax vendor, PeopleSoft Billing passes this number to the tax vendor, where the entire line amount is exempt from any tax calculations. The system uses this number in the tax vendor register and audit file for reporting.

Customer Group

Enter the Vertex customer group code.


Identifies a department within an organization. Defaults from the Billing business unit.


Identifies a division within an organization. Defaults from the Billing business unit.

Error Desc (error description)

If a tax calculation error occurs during third-party tax vendor calculations, the returned error codes and messages appear in this field. Refer to the third-party tax vendor documentation for an explanation of these errors.

For transactions that are processed by Taxware, the error codes are returned in this order:

  • General completion code.

  • State completion code.

  • County completion code.

  • City completion code.

  • District completion code.

  • Secondary state completion code.

  • Secondary county completion code.

  • Secondary city completion code.

For example, in an error description of 0095, 0099,0001,0001, the first error code is a general return code, the second is a state completion code, the third is a county completion code, and the fourth is a city completion code.

Exempt Reason

This field appears only when you use Taxware Sales and Use Tax as the third-party tax application. Enter Taxware reason codes to indicate why taxes are exempt for the bill line. You must add translate values into the field TAX_EXEMPT_RC to use them online.

Group With Line

Enter an arbitrary code to group bill lines for tax treatment. All lines that should be treated together must use the same group code. Group lines when the taxability of one line item is linked to the taxability of another line item. For example, the taxability of travel expenses in some jurisdictions is dependent upon the taxability of the service for which the travel expenses were incurred.

Include VAT (include value added tax)

A value of Y (yes) indicates that the VAT amount is subject to sales and use taxes. The system adds the VAT amount to the net-extended amount before calculating sales and use taxes.

Job Number

The system passes this value to Taxware Sales and Use Tax to determine tax exceptions only.

Ord Accept(order acceptance address)

The place of business where you accepted a purchaser's offer to buy or the place where you became contractually obligated to make the sale. This value defaults from the order acceptance location that is associated with the Billing business unit. Third-party tax vendors use this field to determine tax jurisdiction. If you have not provided an order acceptance address, the third-party tax vendor assumes the address is the same as the Ship From address.

Order Origin

The place of business where you receive a purchaser's offer to buy. The value appears automatically from the order origin location that is associated with the PeopleSoft Billing business unit. This field is used only by Taxware for jurisdiction determination. If you have not provided an order origin address, the third-party tax vendor uses the order acceptance address as the order origin address.

Perform Loc (service performed location)

Billing passes the address information of the ship-to-location as the service performed location.

Ship To

The system retrieves the ship-to address from:

  • Address Override on the Standard Billing - Line - Tax Info page.

    This page contains a ship-to override address that takes precedence over the ship-to customer's address. To access this address, click Override and complete the appropriate address information. You must provide at least a valid state and postal code combination. The Override button appears only if you selected to use a third-party tax vendor on the Billing Definition - Business Unit 2 page.

  • Ship-To Customer on the Standard Billing Line - Tax Info page.

    This page also contains the ship-to customer and ship-to location that make up the address. These fields initially display defaults from the Ship-To Customer field and the Ship-To Loc (location) field on the Standard Billing - Header - Order Info page, but you can override the default for each bill line. If you have not entered anything on the header page and do not enter a ship-to customer and location, the third-party tax vendor is not able to calculate taxes for this line.

Note. The ship-to customer and location values are required, even if you provide a ship-to address override.

Ship-To Loc (ship-to location)

The customer location to which the goods will be shipped, or where the service was performed.

Ship From

Enter the ship-from location for the bill line. If you do not provide a value, the third-party tax vendor uses the ship-to address as the ship-from address.

Store Loc (store location)

The system passes this value to Vertex as the store code, or to Taxware Sales and Use Tax as the business location code

Tax Customer

Enter the customer to pass to the third-party tax vendor for exemption processing. If you leave this field blank, the system sends the ship-to customer to the third-party tax vendor.

Tax Date

The tax date is the date on which tax should be calculated. When using Vertex, document and tax date will generally be the same. However, for an invoice whose lines have different ship dates, the system uses the ship date as the tax date. When you leave the tax date, it defaults from the document date.

Tax Detail

After you have calculated taxes, this scroll area displays the different applicable tax authorities, along with the percentage and amount of tax. For Vertex O Series and Taxware Enterprise, the system also displays the Tax Jurisdiction Name and Max Tax indicator. If Max Tax is applied, the indicator will have a value of Y. Otherwise, it will have a value of N. If using PeopleSoft tax calculations, the tax authorities are associated with the tax code that is entered on the bill line. If using third-party tax vendors, the tax authorities are:

  • ST: Represents state tax.

  • CTY: Represents city tax.

  • CNY: Represents county tax.

  • DST: Represents district tax.

  • SCN: Secondary county tax.

  • SCI: Secondary city tax.

  • SDI: Secondary district tax.

  • GST: Represents Canadian goods and services tax.

  • PST: Represents Canadian provincial sales tax.

  • OTH: Other.

Tax Exempt

Select when entering invoice lines that are exempt from taxes.

Tax Group

The system passes this value to Vertex as the product category, or to Taxware as the product code. You can set a default value from the charge code ID.

Trans Type (transaction type)

Select None, Lease, Purchase, Return, Rental, Sale, or Service. You can set a default value from the charge code ID. The system passes this value to the third-party tax vendor for tax calculation.

Sub Type

Select from the valid transaction subtypes. You can set a default value from the charge code ID. This value is passed to Vertex Q Series only.

Tax User Area

The system passes this value to Vertex Q Series for reference purposes only.

Title Pass (title passage)

Select the point of title passage. Select Seller, Buyer, or Destination. The system passes this value to Taxware Sales and Use Tax for jurisdiction determination.

Use Loc (use location)

The location where the goods are to be used. Billing passes the address information of the ship-to-location as the use location.

Note. Refer to the third-party tax vendor documentation for more information about specific third-party tax vendor terms and values.

The tax solution that you select for the Billing business unit determines which fields are displayed on the Line - Tax Info page:


Vertex Q Series

Vertex O Series

Taxware Sales and Use Tax

Taxware Enterprise


Bill Line fields







Customer Group


















Exempt Reason






Group With Line






Include VAT






Job Number






Ord Accept






Order Origin






Perform Loc






Ship From






Ship To






Ship-To Loc






Store Loc






Tax Customer






Tax Date






Tax Exempt






Tax Group






Tax User Area






Title Pass (title passage)






Transaction Type






Transaction Subtype






Use Loc






Tax Detail fields

























Tax Juris Name






See Also

Defining Tax Control and Deferred Revenue Options

Establishing VAT Defaults at the Header Level

Setting Up Tax-Exempt Certificate Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding the Ship-To Location

Access the Ship-to Override page.

Enter an override address for the ship-to address for the current line. You must provide at least the postal code. When finished, click OK.

See Also

Setting Up Third-Party Tax Solutions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line VAT Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - VAT Info page.

The Line VAT Alert warning appears adjacent to a bill line if you modify VAT drivers after you applied VAT defaults for the associated bill line. Review the VAT determinants and VAT defaults for the affected bill line to ensure that these values remain accurate.

Expand All Sections and Collapse All Sections

Click to expand or collapse all group boxes and display or hide all fields on this page.

Get VAT Defaults

Click to apply VAT defaults from the common VAT function. This button appears only if you have not previously applied VAT defaults for the associated bill line.

Note. If you enter VAT bill lines and save the bill without going to the bill line VAT page, this button does not appear.

Physical Nature

The physical nature of a transaction indicates whether it is for a good or a service. For many countries, there is a requirement to report the sale and purchase of goods separately from services. The system retrieves the default value from the identifier value (charge code or product), or from the bill header.

Change Physical Nature

Click to change the physical nature associated with the bill line, and to reset all VAT defaults on the line.

VAT Locations

The fields that appear in this group box depend on the physical nature that you select.

Ship From Country

The system retrieves the default value from the ship-from business unit if available, or from the Billing business unit location when there is no ship-from business unit. Because a location code is required for all business units, this field always has an initial value.

In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Note. To save the bill in RDY status, this value must be the same as the ship-from country on the VAT bill header.

Ship From State

The system retrieves a default value from the Billing business unit location only when the ship-from country tracks VAT by province.

Ship To Country

The system retrieves a default value from the ship-to customer's address, or from the bill-to customer's ship-to address if the ship-to customer is not available. In the case of transactions involving goods or freight service transactions, this is used to determine the VAT treatment.

Note. The Ship To Country field value on this page will default from the country of any ship-to address you enter on the Standard Billing - Line - Order Info page.

Note. To save the bill in RDY status, this value must be the same as the ship-to country on the VAT bill header.

Ship To State

The system retrieves a default value from the ship-to customer location state only when the ship-to country tracks VAT by province.

The following additional fields appear if you define the physical nature as Service:

Location Country

For services only. Displays the country of the business unit that is the source of the transaction. If the line is from PeopleSoft Order Management, the system uses the Order Management business unit location country. If the line is from PeopleSoft Inventory, the system uses the ship-from business unit location country. If the line is from PeopleSoft Contracts, the system uses the Contracts business unit location country. If the line is from PeopleSoft Asset Management, the system uses the Asset Management business unit location country. If none of these business units are available, or if the source of the transaction is not as listed above, then the system uses the Billing business unit location country.

Location State

For services only, displays the state of the business unit that is the source of the transaction. If the line is from PeopleSoft Order Management, the system uses the Order Management business unit location state. If the line is from PeopleSoft Inventory, the system uses the ship-from business unit location state. If the line is from PeopleSoft Contracts, the system uses the Contracts business unit location state. If the line is from PeopleSoft Asset Management, the system uses the Asset Management business unit location state. If none of these business units are available, or if the source of the transaction is not as listed above, then the system uses the Billing business unit location state. The system retrieves a default value for this field only when the location country tracks VAT by province.

Customer Location Country

For services only, displays the customer's (buyer) bill-to location country.

Customer Location State

For services only, displays the customer's (buyer) bill-to location state. The system retrieves a default value for this field only when the customer location country tracks VAT by province.

Service Performed Country

For services only. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, at the charge code or customer level), the system sets the value for this field as follows:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system populates the service performed country with the ship-from business unit country. If there is no ship-from business unit, the system uses the billing business unit location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system populates the service performed country with the ship-to customer location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the buyer's location, the system populates the service performed country with the customer's bill-to location country.

  • If the services performed flag is the supplier's location, the system populates the service performed country with the billing business unit location country.

Service Performed State

For services only. This field is defaulted only when the service performed country tracks VAT by province. Depending on the services performed flag setting in the VAT defaulting hierarchy (for example, at the charge code or customer level), the system sets the value for this field as follows:

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-from location, the system populates the service performed state with the ship-from business unit state. If there is no ship-from business unit, the system uses the billing business unit location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the ship-to location, the system populates the service performed state with the ship-to customer location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the buyer's location, the system populates the service performed state with the customer's bill-to location state.

  • If the services performed flag is the supplier's location, the system populates the service performed state with the billing business unit location state.


Use this group box to view or update VAT defaults.

Service Type

If the physical nature on the line is defined as Service, this field appears. The system retrieves the value from the service VAT treatment default, according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy. This value determines whether the VAT treatment is defaulted based on the ship-to and ship-from countries, or the buyer's and seller's countries.

Place of Supply Driver

If the physical nature on the line is defined as Service, this field appears. It is retrieved from the service VAT treatment default according to the VAT defaulting hierarchy. It is used in determining the default place of supply, which determines where VAT is liable.

Reporting Country

Displays the country for which this VAT will be reported. This determines many of the VAT defaults.

Note. To save the bill in RDY status, this value must be the same as the reporting country on the VAT bill header.

Defaulting State

Displays the state that defaults based on the VAT reporting country on the VAT header.

Customer Registration Country

Displays the registration country of the bill-to customer.

Note. To save the bill in RDY status, this value must be the same as the customer registration country on the VAT bill header.

Place of Supply Country

Displays the country where the place of supply occurs. If the physical nature on the line is defined as Service, this field appears.


The system determines this value using a VAT defaulting algorithm. Options are:

Deemed Service Export: Services that are provided in the supplier’s country to a foreign buyer, where the supply of these services must be zero-rated (that is, the place of supply is the country in which the supplier is located and registered for VAT, but the customer is located in another country).

Domestic Goods Sale: Sale of goods where the supplier and customer are located in the same country.

EU Distance Sale: Sale of goods between European Union (EU) countries in which the supplier is registered in an EU country and the purchaser is not registered in an EU country. The VAT rate charged is the rate applicable in the supplier's country.

EU Goods Sale: Sale of goods between European Union countries.

EU Sale (Simplification): Used for a transaction between an intermediary and the purchaser in cases when there is a sale of goods between European Union countries involving three parties: the purchaser, an intermediary (bill-from) supplier, and the actual goods supplier. Each party is located in a different EU country and registered in his own country, and not in either of the other two countries. The only difference between this VAT treatment and that applied to normal EU sales is that the supplier is required to print a different message on the invoice referencing the statute that applies to triangulation, rather than the one that references the statute for normal EU sales.

No VAT Processing: No VAT processing required.

Out of Scope EU Services: EU services out of the scope of VAT.

Outside of Scope: Outside the scope of VAT.

Zero-rated EU Service: Sale of services within the European Union subject to zero-rated VAT.

Zero-rated Goods Export: Export of goods subject to zero-rated VAT.

Zero-rated Services Export: Export of services subject to zero-rated VAT.

Within PeopleSoft detail VAT treatment values on the transaction lines are used for applying the precise defaults applicable to the transaction lines. The detail VAT treatment must belong to the VAT treatment group assigned on the bill header.


Displays the VAT applicability. Options are:


Exempt (not subject to VAT)

Outside of Scope of VAT

This value defaults from different levels in the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

VAT Code

Displays the VAT code that defines the rate at which VAT is calculated for this line. This value defaults from different levels in the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

Transaction Type

Displays the code that categorizes and classifies this transaction for VAT reporting and accounting. This value defaults from different levels in the VAT defaulting hierarchy.

Adjust Affected VAT Defaults

Click this button if you want the system to adjust the VAT Defaults on this page affected by changes you have made to this page. All changes you have made to VAT Defaults that affect other VAT Defaults will be retained.

If you change the value of any VAT drivers, click the List of Fields to be Adjusted button to review which VAT defaults that will be affected by the modification when you click the Adjust Affected VAT defaults button.


The system always sets this field to This Level Only.

Reset All VAT Defaults

Click this button if you want the system to reset all the VAT Defaults. All changes you have made to VAT Defaults will be lost.


In this group box, the system displays the VAT calculation information for the associated bill line. You can review net extended amount, the percent that is used in the calculation, the calculated VAT amount, and the VAT basis amount. You can calculate VAT amounts in the Bill Summary component, or during the Pro Forma or Finalization processes (BIIVC000). If the bill has not had VAT amounts calculated, the VAT amount on this page is zero, even if the VAT percentage is non-zero.


If both the source and destination business units are members of the European Union, the InterUnit transfers may require Intrastat reporting.

Intrastat Transaction Flag

When selected, indicates that the bill line is applicable for Intrastat reporting. The system sets this value with the VAT defaulting process.

Nature of Transaction 1

Intrastat transactions are identified by the nature of transaction codes. All EU member states require the first digit for Intrastat reporting. In addition, several EU member states use a second digit to categorize transactions.

Designate the first digit of the default codes that are used for Intrastat transactions that the system automatically compiles on the Nature of Transaction Codes - 1st Digit page.

Nature of Transaction 2

Intrastat transactions are identified by the nature of transaction codes. All EU member states require the first digit for Intrastat reporting. In addition, several EU member states use a second digit to categorize transactions.

Designate the second digit of the default codes that are used for Intrastat transactions that the system automatically compiles on the Nature of Transaction Codes - 2nd Digit page.

Fiscal Regime

Determines the type of transaction that will be reported on the Intrastat report.

See Also

Establishing VAT Defaults at the Line Level

Working with VAT

Setting Up and Running Intrastat Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Account Distribution Information

Access the Standard Billing - Rev Distribution page.

You can have more than one account distribution line for each bill line. Information on this page is not required if you define the general ledger option as AR Creates GL Acct Entries or No GL Accounting Entries on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page.

Bill Line Distribution - Revenue

The ChartField values in this group box appear automatically based on the distribution code. If you leave the distribution Code field blank, you must enter the ChartFields here. Information on this page controls the revenue and inventory accounting entries that are created for the bill-from business unit's books.

Bill Line

The bottom of this group box displays the various totals for this line to provide an overall line status. This is particularly useful if you have distributed accounting information to several general ledger accounts.

See Also

Establishing InterUnit and IntraUnit Billing

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Deferred Accounting Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - Deferred page.

For each bill line, you can define multiple deferred account distribution lines. Accounting distribution information for deferred revenue is not required under the following circumstances:

Deferred Revenue Distribution

The ChartField values in this group box appear automatically based on the distribution code. If you leave the Distribution Code field blank, you must enter the ChartFields here. Information on this page controls the revenue and inventory accounting entries that are created for the bill-from business unit's books.

See Also

Processing Deferred Revenue Accounting Entries

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Receivables Offset Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - AR Offset page.

For each bill line, you can have only one receivables offset line, which is valid only if you defined the accounts receivable option on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page as Bill Line is AR Open Item. Otherwise, the information automatically appears from the header.

AR Distribution (accounts receivable distribution)

The ChartField values in this group box appear automatically based on the distribution code. If you leave the distribution code blank, you must enter the ChartFields here. Information on this page controls the receivables offset accounting entries that are created for the bill-from general ledger business unit's books.

Note. ChartFields that are defined with inheritance options enabled on the ChartField Inheritance page are not available for entry.

See Also

Processing Deferred Revenue Accounting Entries

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Statistical Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical Info page.


Click to add multiple bill lines. There is no distribution check to ensure the total of all accounting lines equals 100 percent on this page. The absence of a distribution check enables you to enter multiple types of statistical information, each bill line having different statistical accounts.

Important! The Load GL process does not pass any entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger that are prorated into future periods. Statistical information that is associated with a deferred revenue bill is passed to PeopleSoft General Ledger with current period entries on a separate accounting entry line.

Bill Line Distribution - Statistical

Review or edit the value of each ChartField in this group box.

See Also

Tracking Statistical Data in PeopleSoft Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Unbilled Accounts Receivable ChartField Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - Unbilled AR page.

Note. You cannot enter new values on this page unless the bill is an installment bill or is sourced from PeopleSoft Contracts or PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Unbilled AR Distribution (unbilled accounts receivable distribution)

The ChartField values in this group box appear automatically based on the distribution code. If you leave the distribution code blank, you must enter the ChartFields here. Information on this page controls the revenue and inventory accounting entries that are created for the bill-from business unit's books.

Bill Line

The bottom of this group box displays the various totals for this line to provide an overall line status. This is particularly useful if you have distributed accounting information to several general ledger accounts.

See Also

Using Unbilled Revenue Accrual

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line InterUnit Expense and Inventory ChartField Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv page.

Bill Line Distribution I/U Expense (bill line distribution InterUnit expense)

The ChartField values in this group box appear automatically based on the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Setup tables, depending on whether the bill is InterUnit, IntraUnit, InterEntity, or IntraEntity. Information on this page controls the expense and inventory accounting entries that are created for the bill-to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit's books.

See Also

Establishing InterUnit and IntraUnit Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line InterUnit Payables ChartField Information

Access the Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Payables page.

Note. The system populate this page with field values only if you selected a bill-to business unit that is not designated to generate an accounts payable voucher. If you elected to generate an accounts payable voucher for the bill-to business unit, the InterUnit Payables Distribution group box indicates that PeopleSoft Payables generates the voucher and that distribution is defined in PeopleSoft Payables.

InterUnit Payables Distribution

The ChartField values in this group box are based on the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Setup tables, depending on whether the bill is InterUnit, IntraUnit, InterEntity, or IntraEntity. Information on this page controls the accounting entries that are created for the bill-to PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit’s books.

See Also

Establishing InterUnit and IntraUnit Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Discount and Surcharge Information

Access the Standard Billing - Discount/Surcharge page.


When you locate the bill line for which you want to enter discounts or surcharges, enter a level number. Each discount or surcharge must be applied in a particular order. All Level 1 discounts and surcharges are applied to the gross extended amount. Any Level 2 discounts and surcharges are applied to the gross extended amount less any Level 1 discounts or plus any Level 1 surcharges, and so forth. Assign the level accordingly.

Multiple discounts and surcharges at the same level are calculated on the same extended amount. For example, you enter two different Level 2 discounts: a 10 percent new product discount and a five percent storewide discount. After Level 1 discounts and surcharges, the extended amount for this line totals USD 92.50. The two Level 2 discounts are USD 9.25 and USD 4.63. After these Level 2 discounts are applied, the new extended amount totals USD 78.62. Enter the information that is specific to either a discount or surcharge for the level that appears by selecting the appropriate option. Use the prompt table for identification to select a predefined discount or surcharge. The Description, Pct (percent), and Amt (amount) field values appear automatically from the Discount or Surcharge table. If the discount or surcharge that you select is a percentage type discount or surcharge, the system automatically calculates the value in the Amt field based on the extended amount for that line.

You can also define and enter a new discount or surcharge for one-time only usage. In that case, there is no defaulting of values for the Description, Pct, or Amt field. If you enter a percent, the system calculates the amount.


Displays the Account field associated with the distribution code for this discount or surcharge.

Disc/Surcharge Distribution (discount/surcharge distribution)

Click to access the Disc/Surcharge Distribution page, where you can enter ChartField information for a discount or surcharge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Discount Distribution and Surcharge Distribution ChartField Information

Access the Disc/Surcharge Distribution page.

Override any of the information on these pages, if necessary. Only the Account field is mandatory.

Deferred revenue information is required only if deferred accounting is enabled and the revenue recognition basis is not INV or None.

See Also

Processing Deferred Revenue Accounting Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Discount Distribution and Surcharge Deferred Distribution ChartField Information

Access the Disc/Surcharge Deferred page.

Override any ChartField information for Deferred Discounts or Surcharges if necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Notes Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Note page.

Standard Note Flag

To choose a predefined note, select this option and select a note code in the Std Note (standard note) field. Once you press Tab to exit the Std Note field, the note type ID automatically appears in the Note Type field, and the predefined text for that note appears in the Note Text field.

To create a note, do not select this option. Select a note type and enter the text to appear on the invoice in the Note Text field.

Internal Only Flag

Select to define a note for internal use only (a note which will not be printed on the eventual invoice).

If the bill lines do not appear in the Bill Line group box, use the chunking buttons to view more bill lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bill Line Details

Access the Review Billing Information - Details - Line List page.

Seq (sequence)

Select to sort the bill lines by sequence or by line number. You can view either the identifier or the description of the bill line.

Disc/Surch (discount/surcharge)

Click a link in this column to access the Review Billing Information - Details - Discount/Surcharge page, where you can view discount and surcharge information that pertains to the corresponding bill line.

Tax Amount

Click a link in this column to access the Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Tax Info page, where you can view tax information pertaining to the corresponding bill line.

Vat Amount

Click a link in this column to access the Review Billing Information - Details - Line - VAT Info page, where you can view value added tax information pertaining to the corresponding bill line.

Note. Although you can generate a pro forma directly from the Review Billing Information - Details - Line List page, you cannot generate an invoice.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Source Information

PeopleSoft Billing comes with several bill source pages to facilitate data entry from a variety of online sources. Bill header and line fields that are typically pertinent to certain types of bills are grouped on individual page views. You can reorganize the delivered pages or configure your own.

No fields on the bill source-specific pages are required for bill entry at the header or line level. All of the fields that are required to create a basic bill appear on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page, Standard Billing - Line - Info 1 page, and Standard Billing - Line - Tax Info page.

In many cases, fields that appear on these pages are automatically loaded when you use PeopleSoft Billing with another PeopleSoft application, such as PeopleSoft Order Management. However, if you enter bills for activity from an external system with similar reference information, you can supply values for these fields.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Restrictions on Editing Bills from Other Sources

Several restrictions apply to changing billing information transferred through the Billing interface:

Contracts and Project Costing

Government Contracts

Order Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Bill Source Information

Page Name

Object Name



Standard Billing - Header - Order Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Order Info

Enter bill header order management information.

Standard Billing - Header - Project Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Proj Info

Enter bill header project information.

Standard Billing - Header - Service Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Service Info

Enter bill header service information.

Standard Billing - Header - Misc Info (standard billing - header - miscellaneous information)


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Header - Misc Info

Enter bill header miscellaneous information such as purchase order, contract, and financial sanctions status information.

Standard Billing - Line - Order Info (standard billing - line - order information)


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Order Info

Enter bill line order management information.

Notes Defined on (OM) Order Header


Click the View Order Header Note button on the Standard Billing - Line - Order Info page.

View previously defined order header notes. You must first populate the OM Bus Unit and Order No/Line fields on the Standard Billing - Line - Order Info page.

Standard Billing - Line - Project Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Proj Info

Enter bill line project information.

Standard Billing - Line - Service Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Service Info

Enter bill line service information.

Standard Billing - Line - Misc Info (standard billing - line - miscellaneous information)


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Misc Info

Enter miscellaneous bill line information.

Standard Billing - Line Worksheet


Billing, Maintain Bills, Standard Billing, Line - Worksheet Data

Enter changes to bill line information for bills in the Billing Worksheet component.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Order Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Order Info

Review bill order management information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Proj Info (review billing information - details - header - project information)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Proj Info

Review information about bill project costs at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Service Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Service Info

Review bill service information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Header - Misc Info (review billing information - details - header - miscellaneous information)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Header - Misc Info

Review miscellaneous bill information at the header level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Order Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Order Info

Review information about bill order management at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Proj Info (review billing information - details - line - project information)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Proj Info

Review information about bill project costs at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Service Info


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Service Info

Review bill service information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Review Billing Information - Details - Line - Misc Info (review billing information - details - line - miscellaneous)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Details, Line - Misc Info

Review miscellaneous bill information at the line level in the specified currency perspective.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Header Order Management Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Order Info page.

PO Ref (purchase order reference)

Enter the purchase order that you want to associate with the bill.

Contract, Contract Date, and Contract Type

If a sales contract is associated with the order, enter that contract number, date, and type.

OM Bus Unit (order management business unit)

Enter the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit from where the sales order originated. Order Management business units are linked to PeopleSoft Billing business units in a one-to-one relationship.

Order No (order number)

Enter the PeopleSoft Sales order number.

Order Date

Enter the date on which the sales order was created.

Ship Bus Unit (shipping business unit) and Shipping ID

Enter the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that shipped the ordered product. Associate this value with a shipping ID.

Freight Terms

Determine when title passes for shipments. PeopleSoft Order Management passes freight term information to PeopleSoft Inventory. Set up freight term codes on the Freight Terms page.

Ship Via

Enter information about the shipping document. Set up ship via codes on the Ship Via Codes page.

Bill of Lading

Enter information about the shipping document. Create bills of lading on the Build Bill of Lading - Bill of Lading page.

PK Slip No (packing slip number)

PeopleSoft Billing tracks this value but does not currently use it.

Sold To and Sold Loc (sold location)

Enter the customer ID for the customer that ordered the product. Customers can have several location addresses that are identified by numbers; but you can also select the location code for this sold to customer in the Sold Loc field.

Ship To and Ship Loc (ship-to location)

Enter the customer ID for the customer that is receiving the order and the ship-to location of that customer.

Ship To CountryandShip To State

These fields appear for VAT transactions only. They default from the ship-to customer address, if the ship-to customer is provided. Otherwise, they default from the bill-to customer's ship-to address.

See Also

Creating Bills of Lading and Shipping Manifests

Establishing Shipping Priority Codes

Setting Up Order Processing Options

Creating Contracts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Header Project Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Project Info page.

Project Info (project information)

Click to access the Projects General Search page, where you can search for specific projects with a variety of search criteria.

CA Bus. Unit (contracts business unit), Contract number, Contract Dt (contract date), and Contract Type

If a sales contract is associated with the order, enter the contract's business unit, number, date, and type.

PO Ref (purchase order reference)

Enter the associated purchase order number.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the contract dates. You can also enter the activity type. Then select an analysis type and system source.

Project ChartFields

Enter the ChartFields that apply to this bill.

See Also

Creating and Maintaining Projects

Defining Activity Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Project Resource Information by Invoice Number

Access the Projects Information page.

Note. If a bill originates in PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Contracts, the fields on the Projects Information page are not available for entry.

PC Business Unit (projects business unit)

Associate the order with a PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit. In the Project ID and Activity ID fields, you can associate a PeopleSoft Project Costing code and activity with the order.

Resource Types

Select to track, analyze, and report on project costs. Resource types are the highest level and may be as general or specific as your needs require.

See Also

Setting Up PeopleSoft Project Costing Control Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Header Service Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Service Info page.

Service Address Num (service address number)

Displays the address of the corresponding service customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Header Miscellaneous Information

Access the Standard Billing - Header - Misc Info page.

Financial Sanctions

Use this section to manage financial sanctions screening (FSS) for the invoice. This section is available when the Financial Sanctions Screening option is activated.

See Enabling PeopleSoft Billing Business Units for VAT and FSS.

See Managing Financial Sanctions Screening for Invoices.

See Setting Financial Sanctions Options.


This option is selected as a default when a new bill is created.

This field can be changed by the system or by a user:

  • If the FSS process does not find a potential match between the customer name and address, then this option will not be cleared. It will remain selected (confirmed).

    If the FSS finds a potential match between the customer name and address, then this option is cleared (unconfirmed).

  • A user can select this option to confirm a bill that has been set to an unconfirmed status by the system, due to a potential match between the customer name and address to a financial sanctions list. If a user selects this option they receive a message indicating that they must provide a reason in the Reason Code field.

This field can only be cleared by the system:

  • The field can be cleared after running either the Screen for Denied Parties (SCM_FSS) process or the Finalization (BIIVC000) process, and the process finds a potential match of the customer name and address to a financial sanctions list.

    Note. If a user attempts to clear this field, they will receive a message indicating that the field can only be cleared by the FSS process.


Review Match

Select this link to access the Financial Sanctions Screening Results search page, which provides the results of the FSS for customers, invoices, sales orders, and material stock requests. This field is available when the Confirmed option is not selected.

See Managing Financial Sanctions Screening for Invoices.

Reason Code

Select a reason code to indicate that the customer name and address are cleared from financial sanctions screening. This field is available when the user selects the Confirmed option .


Consolidation Key

Enter a value to associate groups of bills to consolidate. This is a free-form field, so you can create whatever labels best suit your business needs.

Consol Inv (consolidated bill invoice number)

Displays a value to indicate that this bill is grouped with other bills and is related to the specified business unit and invoice number.

See Also

Understanding the Primary Customer Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Order Management Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Order Info page.

Configured Product

Select if the product is configured using PeopleSoft Product Configurator.

OM Price Adjust (order management price adjustments)

Click to access the OM Price Adjustments page where you can view list price details from PeopleSoft Order Management and the corresponding PeopleSoft Billing amounts.

Product ID

Identifies the product in PeopleSoft Order Management.


A fixed set of components that are sold as a unit. Once you have identified a product as a product kit on the Product Definition - Definition page, click the Product Kit Info link to access more information about the product kit.

OM Bus Unit (order management business unit)

Enter the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit where the sales order originated. Order Management business units are linked to PeopleSoft Billing business units in a one-to-one relationship.

Order No. (order number) and Line

Define the product and quantity for an order. Sales order schedules define shipping information for orders. If an order line is shipped in subquantities or at different times, you can have multiple schedule lines for a single order line.

Click the View Order Header Note button to access the Notes Defined on (OM) Order Header page, where you can view previously defined order header notes. This button appears only when you complete the OM Bus Unit and Order No/Line fields.

Order Info (order information)

Click to access the Order Header page, where you can enter customer and order information that pertains to the entire order.

RMA Bus Unit (return material authorization business unit)

Enter the originating business unit for the return material authorization (RMA).

Customer PO Info(customer purchase order information

Click this link to view the Customer Purchase Order Information page, where you can view the purchase order number, line, and schedule.

RMA Order No (return material authorization order number) and Line

Enter the order number and line of the returned material authorization.

RMA Info (return material authorization information)

Click to access the RMA Form page (in the PeopleSoft Order Management component), where you can capture return information from the customer and assign an RMA ID to the order.

Ship Unit

Enter the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that shipped the ordered product. Associate the ship unit with a shipping ID.

Freight Trm (freight terms)

Enter information to determine when title passes for shipments. PeopleSoft Order Management passes freight term information to PeopleSoft Inventory. Set up freight term codes on the Freight Terms page.

Ship Via

Enter information about the shipping document. Set up ship via codes on the Ship Via Codes page.

Bill of Lading

Enter information about the shipping document. Create bills of lading on the Build Bill of Lading - Bill of Lading page.

Sold To

Enter the customer ID for the customer that ordered the product. Customers can have several location addresses identified by numbers; you can select the location code for this sold to customer from the values in the Loc (sold location) field.

Ship To and Loc

Enter the customer ID for the customer that is receiving the order and the shipping locator of that customer.

Ship To CountryandShip To State

These fields appear for VAT transactions only. They default from the ship-to customer address, if the ship-to customer is provided. Otherwise, they default from the bill-to customer's ship-to address.

Ord Date (order date)

Enter the date on which the sales order was created.

Ord Accept (order accepted)

Enter the place of business where you accepted a purchaser's offer to buy or the place where you became contractually obligated to make the sale.

See Also

Working With PeopleSoft Order Management

Calculating VAT in PeopleSoft Billing

Creating Bills of Lading and Shipping Manifests

Implementing PeopleSoft Order Management Options

Setting Up Products

Managing Returned Material for Sales Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Previously Defined Order Header Notes

Access the Notes Defined on (OM) Order Header page.

Standard Notes

The standard order header notes appear in this group box. Notes that you defined appear in the Custom Notes group box.

If multiple bill lines point to the same order, only one set of order header notes prints on the invoice.

Note. The system does not print RMA header notes and order header notes linked to an RMA.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Project Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Project Info page.

Project Info

Click to access the Projects General Search page, where you can search for specific projects with a variety of search criteria.

Project ChartFields

Enter the ChartFields that apply to this line.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the length of this contract

See Also

Creating and Maintaining Projects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Service Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Service Info page.

Service Loc (service location)

Displays the address of the corresponding service customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Bill Line Miscellaneous Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line - Misc Info page.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the to and from dates of this project or job.

User 1, User 2, User Amt 1 (user amount 1), and User Date 1

Enter information specific to your business needs.

If you elect to use these fields, you must configure all aspects of their use, including integration with the Load AR Pending Items process (BILDAR01).

Summarization Template ID

Select a summarization template.

Summarization Group Type

If summarization groups are used in the selected summarization template, select the group type.

Summarization Group ID

Select a summarization group from the members of the selected group type.

Preview Summarization Template

Click this link to view a generic display of how lines of this type will appear when summarized.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Billing Worksheet Information

Access the Standard Billing - Line Worksheet page.

Back to Worksheet Line Detail

Click to access the Billing Worksheet - Line Details page after you have reviewed or changed the bill line.

Less Discount

Enter any discounts that are applied to the bill line.

Note. You cannot delete rows that originate in PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Contracts on the bill entry pages. To prevent a line originating in PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Contracts from being billed, delete the billing worksheet on The Billing Worksheet - Worksheet Search page. For PeopleSoft Project Costing lines, tag the line as deferred or write-off prior to approval on The Billing Worksheet - Line Details page.

Important! Changing the bill line amount in bill entry for bill lines with SYSTEM_SOURCE = CBI is not recommended, as it can produce inconsistencies in that data that is maintained in PeopleSoft Contracts, PeopleSoft Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Billing.

Transaction Details

Activity ID

Activities are the individual tasks or events that make up a project. You can add resources to a project only at the activity level. Resources are the transactions that are tracked and reported in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Activity Type

Activity types are the labels that identify and group projects in PeopleSoft Project Costing. If activity types are assigned consistently throughout the PeopleSoft Project Costing system, you can analyze and report on all similar activities across all projects.

Analysis Type

The analysis type identifies the type of costs—budgets, commitments, actuals—that are assigned to individual resource rows to track costs as they move through different stages of a project. Common analysis types include:

  • BAJ: Billing adjustment

  • BIL: Billable amount

  • BLD: Billed amount

  • BRT: Billing retainage

  • DEF: Billing deferral

  • DSC: Billing discount

  • OLT: Over the limit

  • RRT: Billing retainage release

  • SUT: Sales and use tax

  • UAJ: Utilization adjustment

  • UTL: Utilization of a prepaid balance

  • WTH: Government Contract withholding

  • WRL: Government Contract withholding release

  • WWO: Government Contract withholding write-off

  • WAJ: Government Contract withholding adjustment

  • WRJ: Government Contract withholding release adjustment

Reference Information

Contract Number

The contract number that is associated with the bill line.

Purchase Order

Any purchase order number that is associated with the bill line.

Transaction ID

A unique identifier used in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Resources are the means by which the activities are conducted. Labor and materials are examples of resources. Resource IDs enable you to navigate to the source of the corresponding transaction in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Summarization Information

Summarization Template ID

Displays the summarization template. If blank, the line will not be summarized when a summary invoice is printed.

Summarization Group Type

Displays the summarization group type, if set.

Summarization Group ID

Displays the summarization group. If you set a group type, you should also set the group.

Preview Summarization Template

Click this link to view a generic display of how lines of this type appear when summarized.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Contracts, Project Costing, Grants, and Pay/Bill Management

Setting Up PeopleSoft Project Costing Control Data

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Bill Summary Information

Use the Bill Summary Info (bill summary information) pages to review summary information on bills and to calculate taxes.

This section discusses how to:

Note. Although you can generate a pro forma directly from the Bill Summary Info pages, you cannot generate an invoice.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Bill Summary Information

Page Name

Object Name



Bill Summary Info


Billing, Maintain Bills, Bill Summary, Bill Summary

Review bill summary information and calculate taxes.

Bill Summary - VAT Information


Click the Total VAT Amount link on the Bill Summary Info page.

Review summary detail information for VAT calculations.

Bill Summary Info 2


Billing, Maintain Bills, Bill Summary, Bill Summary Info 2

Review the options that have been set and the processes that have been run for the corresponding bill.

Bill Summary Info (inquiry)


Billing, Review Billing Information, Summary

Review bill summary information in the specified currency perspective.

Bill Summary Info 2 (inquiry)


  • Billing, Review Billing Information, Summary, Bill Summary Info 2

  • Billing, Review Billing Information, Bill Summary (Base Currency), Bill Summary Info 2

  • Billing, Review Billing Information, Bill Summary (Euro Currency), Bill Summary Info 2

Review the options and processes that are applied to the corresponding bill. The general ledger level, accounts receivable level, and accounts receivable options are defined on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page.

The remaining fields on this page are selected if the particular option or process has been applied; they are cleared if they have not been applied for the corresponding bill.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bill Summary Information

Access the Bill Summary Info page.

Calculate Taxes

Click to calculate both sales and use taxes and VAT for bills that you have not yet invoiced and that have a valid VAT code or sales and use tax code. You must click the Save button to save the new calculated amounts. The system uses the current effective-dated tax rates. You can also recalculate taxes after changing the bill. The system calculates the taxes on the gross extended amount, less all discounts and including all surcharges.

Note. The system does not calculate taxes or VAT for a bill line when the bill line's tax timing option (populated by PeopleSoft Contracts) is defined as S (taxes on services rendered).

Total VAT Amount and Total Taxes

Displays the sales and use tax amount. Because the system tracks VAT separately, the VAT amount appears on a separate line called Total VAT Amount. Click the Total VAT Amount link to access the Bill Summary - VAT Information page, where you can review the VAT details that pertain to the bill.

Click the Estimate Currency button to run the PeopleSoft Billing currency conversion to estimate base and euro currency amounts.

Warning! Do not use the Estimate Currency function when the Currency Conversion (BICURCNV) process is already running. The Estimate Currency button runs the Currency Conversion process. If you run two Currency Conversion processes concurrently, one or both processes may fail.

See Understanding the Currency Conversion Process (BICURCNV).

Important! Regardless of the third-party tax vendor that you use, saving the calculated taxes on this page does not write or override any information in the third-party tax register or audit files. Final invoicing always recalculates sales and use taxes, even if they have been previously calculated in bill summary. Final invoicing is the only time transactions are sent to the third-party tax audit or register file. Any adjustments that you need to make to the audit file must go through final invoice processing. For example, to adjust the taxes when a customer pays an invoice less the tax amount and supplies an exempt certificate, you should reverse the original invoice and create another invoice without the taxes. This action sends the tax adjustments to the audit files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Additional Bill Summary Information

Access the Bill Summary Info 2 page.

The general ledger level, accounts receivable level, and accounts receivable option that you define on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR Options page appear at the top of the page.

The remaining fields on this page are selected if the options and processes have been applied; the fields are cleared if the options and process have not been applied for the corresponding bill.

See Also

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Consolidated Bill Information

Some customers might want to receive the individual invoices grouped or consolidated for ease in processing. To consolidate bills, create a consolidated bill header and then attach the individual bills to it. Bills that are attached to the same consolidated bill header are invoiced at the same time, but only if all the attached bills and the consolidated header are in RDY (ready) status. With PeopleSoft Billing, you can consolidate across business units and across bill-to customers.

This section provides an overview of consolidated bill information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidated Bill Information

Design and group bills in a way that best meets your business requirements. The following restrictions apply:

See Also

Generating Consolidated Billing Through the Billing Interface

Defining Additional Billing Installation Options

Entering Bill Header Miscellaneous Information

Managing Financial Sanctions Screening for Invoices

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Consolidated Bill Information

Page Name

Object Name



Create Consolidated Header - Header


Billing, Maintain Bills, Create Consolidated Header, Header

Create a consolidated bill header. The consolidated header acts as the grouping mechanism for the attached bills and has its own payment term, invoice date, and due date. Each attached bill can have a different payment term, invoice date, and due date.

Notes Defined on Customer


  • Click the View Notes Defined On Customer button on the Create Consolidated Header - Header page.

  • Click the Customer Notes link on the Header - Notes page.

Review notes that will be printed on the invoice. Previously defined notes for the corresponding customer appear in the Text field.

Create Consolidated Header - Address


Billing, Maintain Bills, Create Consolidated Header, Address

Enter address information for consolidated headers.

Attach and Detach Bills


Billing, Maintain Bills, Attach and Detach Bills

Attach bills or detach them from the consolidated bill header.

Bill Header Detail


Click the Bill Detail link for an invoice on the Attach and Detach Bills page.

Review a summary of all possible field values for individual bills.

Review Billing Information - Consolidated Bills - Header


Billing, Review Billing Information, Consolidated Bills, Header

Review consolidated bill header information.

Review Billing Information - Consolidated Bills - Address


Billing, Review Billing Information, Consolidated Bills, Address

Review a consolidated bill address.

Attached Bills inquiry


Billing, Review Billing Information, Attached Bills

Review data regarding the attachments to a particular consolidated bill in the specified currency perspective.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Consolidated Bill Header

Access the Create Consolidated Header - Header page.

Billing Control

In this group box, the Bill Type, Bill Status, and Bill Source fields are required. If you don't provide a bill status, the system automatically sets the value to NEW.



Click the View Notes Defined on Customer button to access the Notes Defined on Customer page, where you can view notes to be printed on the invoice.


This group box includes internal contacts, such as the salesperson, credit analyst, collector, and billing specialist, as well as the Bill Inquiry Phone field. The Sales field, Credit field, and Collect (collector) field are required. If you do not specify a contact in these fields, the system populates them with default values from the Customer table. The Biller field and Bill Inquiry Phone fields are optional. These fields might display default information from the business unit, bill type, bill source, or customer options, depending on the level at which you specify these values. You can override any of the defaults by entering values.

From Date and To Date

(Optional) Indicate the date range of billing activity that the invoice covers.

Invoice Dt (invoice date)

The system automatically assigns an invoice date when you generate the invoice. However, you can manually enter an invoice date to override the system-generated date. If you specify an invoice date that falls within an accounting period that is currently closed in PeopleSoft General Ledger, the system issues a warning. To specify an open period in PeopleSoft General Ledger, use the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page.

Invoice Form

(Required) Select to specify the sorting and summarization level of invoice information.

Remit To

Enter a code and corresponding account number to override the defaults.


Displays the currency that is assigned to the bill after you select a bill-to customer number in the Bill To Customer field. When you select a bill-to customer, the system populates the Currency field with the customer's default currency. You can select a different currency for the bill.

See Also

Defining Accounting Calendars

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Address Information for Consolidated Headers

Access the Create Consolidated Header - Address page.


Enter the location sequence number of the bill-to customer address and complete the Attention to field (the contact sequence number at the customer location for this bill and the contact name). You can also override the default contact name for the consolidated bill.


Select the output type. Options are Printer, EDI, and Email. (Email is only an option when PeopleSoft eBill Payment is installed.) If EDI transmissions are defined, the EDI profile displays the EDI profile name for this customer. However, If you select EDI and the Profile ID field is blank, the profile has not been set up for the customer and the EDI bill cannot be saved in RDY status.

Warning! Changing the media setting in the consolidated header changes the media setting for all of the attached bills.

Financial Sanctions

This option operates exactly like the Financial Sanctions option on the Standard Billing - Header - Misc Info page, However if a user changes a consolidated header from unconfirmed (the Confirmed field is not selected) to confirmed (the user selects the Confirmed field), then the user receives this message, “Cannot confirm the financial sanctions status of this bill. There are one or more unconfirmed attached bill(s). The attached bill(s) need to be confirmed first.”

See Entering Bill Header Miscellaneous Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttaching and Detaching Bills to the Consolidated Bill Header

Access the Attach and Detach Bills page.

Bill Search Criteria

Key Sel (key selection)

The primary selection criteria. The selection in this field determines the values that are available in the other search fields and the invoices that are returned. For instance, to see all the invoices with the contract number of CON-00020, select Contract from the available options in this field and CON-00020 from the available options in the Bill To ID field.


Click this button, and then select a value from the available options in the Invoices to Attach or Detach group box. Invoices that meet the specified criteria appear in the lower portion of the page.

The other fields on this page enable you to narrow the list of returned invoices. A blank value indicates a wildcard and displays bills with any value in this field. All standard wildcards are supported by PeopleSoft Billing search engines.

Page Orientation

Ref ID (reference ID) and Query

Set the orientation of the search page. Selecting a reference enables you to qualify which values for the reference to include. For instance, use the reference I (invoice) and enter a search value of OE% in the Query field to retrieve only invoices that begin with the letters OE. Selecting a reference and then performing a search also sets a default column name for the dynamic column in the scroll section of the results.

Use reference options for searching on either the bill header or bill line level. Regardless of the reference field that you select, enter the value to search by in the Query field. You can also leave the fields in search parameters blank or use wildcard characters. If you leave the fields blank, the system returns all bills.

The reference parameter options are:

  • C: Contract number.

  • I: Invoice.

  • J: Project ID.

  • K: Consolidated key.

  • L: Bill of lading.

  • N: Consolidated invoice.

  • O: Order number.

  • P: Purchase order.

  • U: Customer.

Note. Unlike the other options, which refer to an alternate document, the consolidated key is a field to which you can assign a value to associate groups of bills that you might consolidate.

If you perform multiple searches and change the criteria several times, re-enter the criteria. This resets the search path and assures a complete search.

Currency Option

Select to use the transaction currency, base currency, or euro currency for the search.

Search Results

The Sort field orders the query results and displays the results based on the following specified sort options:


Invoice amount (ascending).


Invoice amount (descending).


Bill-to customer (ascending).


Bill-to customer (descending).


Invoice number (ascending).


Invoice number (descending).


Invoice status (ascending).


Invoice status (descending).

Click the Sort button after you select an option to obtain the results.

The status of the results—that is, the number of rows retrieved by the search—appears on the page. The number of rows is expressed in the following format:

XTo Y Of Z

Z is the total number of rows that meet the search criteria, and X and Y refer to the rows that appear in the query chunk.

Use the scroll bar to scroll through the rows of bill header data. If you do not find the bill that you want but additional rows exist, click the Get Next Chunk button to obtain the next chunk of data.

The sort criteria that you specify determine the order of the rows that appear in a chunk. For example, if the sort order is AA (amount ascending), the first chunk of rows returned by a query displays the first maximum rows of data with the lowest invoice amounts. If the Max Rows field is set to 15, the 15 bills with the lowest invoice amounts that match the rest of the query parameters appear first. If you were to run the query again with the same search parameters, but specify the sort order as AD (amount descending), the 15 bills with the highest invoice amount would appear first.

You can change the sort order without rerunning the search query by clicking the Sort button. The system doesn't invoke the query again, but it resorts the rows in the current chunk.

Note. If you resort a chunk of information, you must refresh the search to retrieve additional chunks. The sort command invalidates related chunks.

Bill Selection

All bills that satisfy the search criteria appear within the scroll area at the bottom of the page. Note that only bills with a transaction currency that matches the transaction currency of the consolidated invoice are selected for this function.

The columns that appear are:


Click to select a bill for attachment or detachment.

Bill To

Displays the bill-to customer number.

Invoice Amount

Displays the pretax invoice amount total.

Bill Detail

Click to access the Bill Header Detail page, where you can view a summary of all the possible field values for each bill.

The open field with a drop-down arrow is a dynamic column containing a series of fields. Select a field and the system returns all the values in that field for each of the bills that are listed. For instance, if you select Media, the system returns the media value for each of the bills. You can change the field selection at any time during the display without having to rerun the query. Select from the available field values:


Bill of lading.

Cons. Inv:

Consolidated invoice, if the bill is already attached to a consolidation group.

Cons. Key:

Consolidated key.


Contract ID.


Bill-to customer.



Order Num:

Order number.


Purchase order.

Project ID:

Project identifier.


Bill source.


Bill status.


Bill type.

See Also

Using Wildcard Features to Refine Bill Search Queries

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Supporting Documentation to a Bill

You can attach documents to a bill to provide supporting information. Customers can view attached documents in the eBill Payment application, but attachments will not be presented with printed invoices. Billing specialists can also view attached documents using the Supporting Documentation component under the Maintain Bills and Review Billing Information sections. You can mark documents as Internal Only to prevent customers from seeing the documents in eBill Payment.

You can attach supporting documents to invoices in any status except TMP and TMR; however, you can attach documents to temporary bills once the worksheet is approved. You cannot attach documents through the Billing Interface.

When a bill is copied or adjusted, the system does not copy attachments to the new invoice. Likewise, when an installment or recurring invoice is generated, the system does not copy attachments from the template bill.

The system stores attached documents on the file server that is identified on the Administer File Servers page (under Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Utilities).

Note. When you detach a document from a bill, the file is not deleted from the file server. You should institute a maintenance policy to remove outdated files from the server periodically.

See Also

Setting Up Attachments for Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Add and Remove Supporting Documentation

Page Name

Object Name



Header Documentation


Billing, Maintain Bills, Supporting Documentation, Header Documentation

Upload, detach, and view supporting documentation attached to a bill header.

Line Documentation


Billing, Maintain Bills, Supporting Documentation, Line Documentation

View a list of bill lines. Click the Edit Supporting Documents link to manage attachments.

Edit Supporting Documents


Billing, Maintain Bills, Supporting Documentation, Line Documentation. Click the Edit Supporting Documents link.

Upload, detach, and view supporting documentation attached to a bill line.

View Header Documentation


Billing, Review Billing Information, View Supporting Documentation, View Header Documentation

View documents attached to a bill header.

View Line Documentation


Billing, Review Billing Information, View Supporting Documentation, View Line Documentation

View documents attached to a bill line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Removing Bill Header Documents

Access the Header Documentation page.

To add a supporting document:

  1. Click the Plus button to add a row to the Invoice Documents grid, if necessary.

  2. Click the Upload button.

  3. Identify the file to attach. Either

  4. Click Upload.

  5. If desired, clear the box in the Internal Only column. The eBill Payment application will not display internal documents.

  6. Click Save.

To remove a supporting document

  1. Click the minus button in the row containing the document to be removed.

  2. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Removing Bill Line Documents

Access the Line Documentation page.

To add a supporting document:

  1. Click the Edit Supporting Documents link in the row containing the line to which you wish to attach documentation.

  2. Click the plus button to add a row to the Line Documents grid, if necessary.

  3. Click the Upload button.

  4. Identify the file to attach. Either

  5. Click Upload.

  6. If desired, clear the box in the Internal Only column. The eBill Payment application will not display internal documents.

  7. Click Save.

To remove a supporting document from a bill line:

  1. Click the Edit Supporting Documents link in the row containing the line which has the attached documentation you wish to remove.

  2. Click the minus button in the row containing the document to be removed.

  3. Click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicAccumulating Balances

Accumulated balances enable you to dynamically define and run balances for key combinations in the PeopleSoft Billing application.

The Balance Accumulation process (BIACCUM) performs behind-the-scenes calculations that generate the invoiced balance, uninvoiced balance, and total (invoiced plus uninvoiced) balance. This process only maintains the current balances for each key combination defined by the accumulation description. Through the process, the system deletes old values and replaces them with current values. If you do not want to erase existing balances, change the Accumulation Start Dates field on the Accumulation Description page. The process calculates new balances without erasing the existing ones.

In this section, we discuss how to update balances for balance accumulations.

See Also

Defining Accumulations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Accumulate Balances

Page Name

Object Name



Balance Accumulations


Billing, Generate Invoices, Accumulated Balances, Calculate Balances, Balance Accumulation

Update balances for one balance accumulation ID at a time.

Review Balances - Cumulative Billing Inquiry


Billing, Generate Invoices, Accumulated Balances, Review Balances, Cumulative Billing Inquiry

Review results of a balance accumulation in the specified currency perspective. Select keys for the inquiry by selecting the accumulation ID, currency choices, and values for the keys that you associate with this accumulation ID. Once you run the accumulation, view the results in the specified currency: transaction, euro, or base.

Compare Balances - Cumulative Compare


Billing, Generate Invoices, Accumulated Balances, Compare Balances, Cumulative Compare

Review the results of the accumulation process in the specified currency perspective.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Balances for Balance Accumulations

Access the Balance Accumulation page.

The Balance Accumulation process (BIACCUM) updates balances for one balance accumulation ID at a time.

Select a balance accumulation ID. The identifiers are defined on the Accumulation Description page.