Processing Credit Cards

This chapter provides an overview of credit card processing, lists common elements, list prerequisites, and describes how to:

See Also

Installing the PeopleSoft Credit Card Interlink

(fspf) PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, Defining Financial and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions, Credit Card Encryption (or something like this)

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Credit Card Processing

This section discusses:

You enter the same basic data for credit card payments, regardless of which PeopleSoft application you are using; the difference is where you enter it.

Note. Once credit card numbers are entered, they are stored in an encrypted format. Once saved, only the last four digits of the card number appear on pages used to enter credit card information. Pages used to review the credit card information, such as the Customer Summary using Quick Customer Create, also only displays the last four digits of the number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCredit Card Authorizations in Order Management

This section describes how credit card data can be entered for an order and have an authorization only processed to the card. An authorization and bill of the card will be discussed later.

  1. Enter an order with a payment method of credit card on the Order Entry Form page and click the Credit Card Data button to enter or modify the credit card information.

  2. Authorize the credit card online while entering a sales order or place the order on hold and run these two processes:

    1. Load CC Interface process (OM_CRCARD).

    2. CC Processing page (OM_CRC000).

      Note. In order for OM_CRCARD to load the pending credit card data to the interface table and OM_CRC000 to transmit for authorization or approval, a working 3rd— party integration to the credit card application must be installed in the system.

  3. Review failed credit card transactions in the Identify Pending Transactions component.

  4. Review the credit card transaction history for the order on the Credit Card History page.

  5. Run the OM Billing Interface process (OM_BILL).

    After the authorization is successful or you changed the payment terms for the order, the order can be processed through the fulfillment cycle. Then run OM_BILL to pass the information to PeopleSoft Billing for the shipped orders. It populates the Billing Interface tables in PeopleSoft Billing, which the Billing Interface process (BIIF0001) uses to create invoices. If the amount increases, for example if shipping charges are added in PeopleSoft Inventory, Billing will reauthorize the amount when the invoice is finalized.

Note. Authorizing credit cards in PeopleSoft Order Management is optional. If you aren't performing authorizations, disable the hold associated with the credit card on the order.

PeopleSoft Order Management Credit Card Process Flow

The next four diagrams illustrate the PeopleSoft Order Management credit card process flow:

Creating credit card charges during online order entry in PeopleSoft Order Management

Submitting credit cards for background processing in PeopleSoft Order Management

Processing failed credit card authorizations in PeopleSoft Order Management

Processing orders through PeopleSoft Inventory and passing to PeopleSoft Billing

Credit Card Authorization Status Codes

These authorization status codes are used throughout credit card processing in PeopleSoft Order Management, Billing and Receivables. The system either displays the status code or the description of the status.

Status Code

Short Name, Long Name


Used In




The transaction has not been processed or a previous authorization has failed and is being resubmitted for inclusion in the next CC Processing run.





The transaction is approved and funds are reserved. You can obtain approvals through batch or manual credit card processing.

OM - batch and manual




A credit has been authorized and processed for the transaction. The funds are credited back to the specified card.

BI, OM Refunds



The transaction has failed credit card processing and has been declined, or disallowed, by the organization issuing the credit card.




The transaction is complete. The funds are charged to the credit card. All bill transactions must be preceded by an authorization. Also known as Captured.




Authorized and Billed

The transaction was successfully authorized and billed.



Man Apprv

Manually Approved/Settled

The transaction received verbal approval. Enter manual approvals on the Review Pending Cred Card Trans - Credit Card Address page in PeopleSoft Billing.

BI only


Chg to Trm

Change to Terms

The payment type for the transaction has been changed from Credit Card to Payment Terms. Changes to payment terms are made on the Pending CC Trans page in PeopleSoft Order Management and the Review Pending Cred Card Trans page in PeopleSoft Billing. The Process Credit Card Invoices process picks up the transaction the next time you run the process.



Cancel Ord

Cancel Order

Indicates a canceled credit card order. The transaction is not subject to further processing. Cancellations are entered on the Pending Credit Card Trans page and on the sales Order Entry Form page.

OM only


Validation Errors

The credit card payment has failed PeopleSoft application validation edits and has not been processed by the third party provider for authorization and settlement. Most errors are discovered when editing customer or credit card information.




Indicates that the Credit Card Processor is working with the payment.



Pending Approval

The credit card payment can not be sent to the third party provider for authorization and settlement until a user manually reviews and submits the payment.



No Action

A credit card payment worksheet has been created but is not ready to be submitted for authorization and settlement.




A credit card payment worksheet has been created but has been deleted before authorization and settlement.




A credit card payment that has been ready for authorization and payment has been withdrawn for payment. The credit card payment worksheet has not been deleted but the credit card payment will not be attempted.



Zero Dollar Payment

A credit card payment worksheet has been created with a monetary value of 0. This status accommodates credit card payment worksheets that are created for maintenance purposes. For example, automated write off processing or in situations where the net credit and debit items selected on a credit card worksheet are 0.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImmediate Payments

In PeopleSoft Order Management, a credit card can also be authorized and billed immediately. This is used in a counter sale environment when payment is collected immediately at the time of the order. It is also used when accepting a deposit on unfulfilled goods.

  1. Enter a counter sale order, then press the Record Payment button.

  2. On the Record Payment page, select Credit Card (or Procurement Card or Debit Card) as the payment method.

  3. Enter an amount to be charged to the credit card in the Payment Tendered grid and click the Additional Information link next to the amount.

  4. Fill out the Card Data page and click the Process Card button. This will initiate an online authorization and bill of the card to the third-party credit card authorization and payment application. Results of the authorization and bill transmission appear immediately on the Card Data page.

Note. Credit card auth and bill transactions can also be initiated by clicking the Record Deposit button on the regular Order Entry component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeposit Refunds

In PeopleSoft Order Management, a deposit that was taken for an order can be refunded back to a credit card. When doing this, a credit transaction is issued to the third-party credit card application.

  1. On the Deposit Refund page, select Credit Card as the refund payment method and fill in an amount to be refunded back to the card.

  2. Click the Process Card button next to the refund amount.

  3. Fill out the Card Data page and click the Process Card button. This will initiate an online credit of the card to the third-party credit card authorization and payment application. Results of the credit transmission appear immediately on the Card Data page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBilling Processes

Once credit card data has been entered in Billing, you must run these processes:

  1. Run the Pre-Process and Finalization Process (BIIVC000).

  2. Run the Process Credit Card Invoices (BICRC000) process.

    Note. In order for BICRC000 to process pending credit card transactions, a working 3rd party integration to the credit card application must be installed in the system.

  3. Use the Review Pending Cred Card Trans (review pending credit card transactions) (BI_INTFC_CRCARD1) page to review failed and pending credit card transactions.

  4. Use the Pending Credit Card Transactions - Credit Card Address page to correct and resubmit the credit card for billing, authorize the card manually, or remove the transaction from further credit card processing by electing to pay using default payment terms.

PeopleSoft Billing Credit Card Process Flow

The next two diagrams illustrate the PeopleSoft Billing credit card process flow:

Authorizing and Billing Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Billing

Processing failed credit card authorizations in PeopleSoft Billing

See Also

Installing the PeopleSoft Credit Card Interlink

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReceivables Processes

You enter the same basic data for credit card payments, regardless of which PeopleSoft application you are using; the difference is where you enter it.

You can create credit card payments in several different ways:

The credit card workbench enables you to manage credit card payments that have been created but have not been authorized or settled. You can also use this component to inquire on the transaction history for authorized and settled credit card payments. You do not use this component to create new credit card payments.

Note. Once credit card numbers are entered, they are stored in an encrypted format. The encrypted card number does not appear on pages used to enter credit card information. Pages used to review the credit card information, such as the Customer Summary using Quick Customer Create, display the encrypted number.

PeopleSoft Receivables Credit Card Process Flow

This diagram illustrates how the process works in Receivables:

Receivables credit card process flow

See Also

Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Bank Setup and Processing

Defining Additional Processing Options

Managing Credit Card Payments

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Funds are reserved against a specified credit card. An authorization number is obtained for the current amount being authorized. No actual charges take place against the credit card.

Auth Date/Time, Authorization Date /Time, and CrCardAuth Dt (credit card authorization date)

Reflects the date and time the transaction was authorized plus the expiration days. If a transaction is denied, no date appears. The authorization is only valid for the number of days you entered on the Credit Card Type page. The Return Code is a reason code defining why a transaction is denied. These fields are populated automatically after a successful processing call to the credit card authorization and payment application.


Funds are charged to the credit card. All bill transactions must be preceded by an authorization. It is possible to issue both an authorization and a bill at the same time.


Funds are credited back to a specified credit card.

Credit Card Auth Status (credit card authorization status)

The current state of authorization for the credit card transaction.

Credit Card Auth Code and CrCdAuthCd (credit card authorization code)

The approval code assigned to this transaction upon authorization or billing.

Credit Card First Name

If the name on the card includes a middle initial, include the middle initial after the first name in this field.

Credit Card Number

The system validates credit card numbers as you enter them. If you enter a number that doesn't match the parameters set up for the card type on the Credit Card Type page, you receive an error message and won't be able to save the page until you correct the error. The validation is:

  • The number of digits. You can't save a card number of 17 digits for a card type that requires 16.

  • The prefix of the credit card number. You can't save a card number with a prefix of 1234 for a card type that requires a prefix of 5678.

  • The card number is valid. You can't save a card number that is not a valid credit card number. The system does a check digit algorithm on the number you enter to ensure that it is valid for the credit card type you are entering.

Email Address

Third-party credit card authorization and payment applications often require an Email Address and Telephone number. If the customer doesn't have an email address or does not want to supply this information, then you must enter a dummy email address.

Request ID

A number assigned by the third-party credit card authorization and payment application to identify this processing transaction.

Message 1, Message 2, and Message 3

Display the processing history for the transaction. The prefix ICS: denotes a message that originates from the Cybersource third-party credit card authorization and payment application. These messages appear automatically after an attempt to process this transaction by the third-party application. This information is written to the Credit Card History table.

If you make a change to payment terms, we recommend that you clear the messages and enter comments to maintain an audit trail for the transaction.

Sequence or Seq. Nbr (sequence number)

A unique identifier assigned to each line charge in these tables: INTFC_CRCARD for PeopleSoft Order Management and Billing transactions. CRCARD_AR_HST for PeopleSoft Receivables transactions.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin accepting credit card charges from customers, you must set up this information:

See Also

Installing the PeopleSoft Credit Card Interlink

PeopleSoft Enterprise Components for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management Solutions, Enterprise Service Automation, Asset Lifecycle Management, and Supply Chain Management 9.0 PeopleBook, Setting Up the Credit Card Interface

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Credit Cards for Authorization Only

This section discusses how to:

Processing Replacement Orders created from an RMA

Replacement sales orders created from sales orders with a Credit Card payment type inherit credit card data from the original sales order if the RMA references a prior purchase selected from the Customer Shipment History page. If there is no sales order history for the return, the replacement sales order is created with default credit card information from the Credit Card Data page.

See Populating RMA Lines From the Shipment History, Using the Bill-By Identifier with the Billing Interface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Credit Cards for Authorization Only

Page Name

Object Name



Credit Card Data


Select the Credit Card payment method then click the Credit Card Data link on the Order Entry Form page.

Enter or modify customer credit card information during sales order entry. Use to authorize, if using online authorizations.

Load Credit Card Interface


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create Credit Card Trans, Load Credit Card Interface

Run the Load CC Interface process to load credit card information from the Ord_Header record into the INTFC_CRCARD staging table. Use this process to initiate the background authorization process and to move denied online credit card transactions to the Pending CC Trans (pending credit card transactions) so they can be re-authorized.

Credit Card Processing


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create Credit Card Trans, Request Credit Card Process

Run the CC Processing process to pull credit card information from the INTFC_CRCARD staging table and call the Process Credit Card Invoices process.

Pending Credit Card Transactions


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create Credit Card Trans, Identify Pending Transactions

Review the status of pending or failed credit card transactions, or navigate to additional pages to correct or reset credit card transactions. You can also re-authorize credit card transactions that were denied during sales order entry if using online authorizations.

Credit Status


Click the Credit Status link on the Pending CC Trans page for the transaction you wish to review.

Review or change credit card address information, review the results of any processing calls made to the third-party credit card authorization and payment application for a transaction, change the authorization status to resubmit the transaction, change the payment terms from the credit card to the default terms for this customer, or cancel the order.

Credit Card Data


Click the Credit Card Data link on the Pending Credit Card Trans page for the transaction you wish to review.

Review or modify credit card information for a transaction.

Credit Card Address


Click the Credit Card Address link on the Credit Card Data page.

Review or modify address information for a transaction.

Credit Card History


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Review Credit Card History

Review credit card transaction information for an order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Credit Card Data and Authorizing Credit Card Transactions Online

Access the Credit Card Data page.

When modifying credit card information, note that:

Modify the credit card information on the Credit Card Data page; enter the required values for:

Clear Credit Card Info

Click the Clear Credit Card Info button to erase current credit card information on the page.

Select Primary Card

Click the Select Primary Card button to populate the page with the customer-contact's primary credit card information established on the Contact Additional Info page.

Select Credit Card

Click the Select Credit Card link to enter a new credit card for this customer.


If the contact has only one number on file, this number populates the field automatically. If the customer has:

  • Multiple telephone numbers, select one from the drop-down list box before saving the page.

  • A business or home phone number on file, the business phone appears by default first. If there is no business phone, the home phone appears.

Authorization Status

The system updates the fields in this group box after you've entered the order lines and freight charges. The Amount field represents the total amount of goods, services, tax, and freight that will be transmitted for authorization to the credit card payment processing service.

The authorization information is populated automatically after you authorize the credit card online by clicking the Authorize Credit Card link or run the Process Credit Card Invoices process (OM_CRC000) for the order.

Authorize Credit Card

Click the Authorize Credit Card link if you are authorizing credit cards online. Online authorizations on the Order Entry Features page must be selected in order to use this option. The link is only available if the option is selected for the business unit. If you don't select this option before saving the order, you will receive a message reminding you that online authorization is turned on for the business unit. If you don't authorize the order, it will be placed on hold and the credit card will be authorized in the background if hold codes are set up. If you click the link after the order has been authorized, a message appears letting you know that the order has already been authorized. If the amount on the order has increased, you will be prompted to reauthorize the order. PeopleSoft Billing uses the information in the credit card history table to bill the customer as long as the authorization has not expired. If the authorization has expired, PeopleSoft billing will reauthorize the purchase. If the credit card is:

  • Approved, the message Credit card approved appears.

  • Denied, the message Credit card denied appears. The CSR can enter a new credit card by clicking the Clear Credit Card Info button and the Select Credit Card link.

Note. Manual authorizations are not allowed in PeopleSoft Order Management. If you copy a sales order that was paid with a credit card, the Payment Type is copied, but you need to select or enter new credit card information on this page.

See Also

Maintaining Contacts

Adding General Customer Information

Establishing Order Entry Features

Implementing PeopleSoft Order Management Options

Maintaining Order Header and Line Information

Processing Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Billing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Credit Card Charges in Background Authorization-Only Processing

When submitting credit card charges for third-party authorization and processing:

  1. Access the Load Credit Card Interface page to initiate the Load CC Interface process.

    This process loads the credit card information from the ORD_HEADER table and address information from the CUST_ADDRESS table into the INTFC_CRCARD, the main staging table for the credit card authorization interface program to the third-party credit card authorization and payment application.

  2. Access the Credit Card Processing page to initiate the Credit Card Processing process.

    The Credit Card Processing process takes the credit card information from the INTFC_CRCARD staging table and calls the Process Credit Card process. It also removes the hold that was applied when the order was created, assuming you have set up the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit to do that.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Processing Parameters for a Pending Transaction

Access the Credit Status page. Use the radio buttons in the Actions group box to intercede in credit card processing:


Sets the authorization status to Unproc/Ret. You can reauthorize the same credit card or enter a different credit card number. The CC Processing process picks up the transaction the next time you run the process and resubmits the credit card amount for batch authorization. If using online authorization, you can click the Authorize Credit Card link to re-authorize the failed transaction.

Change to Terms

Removes the transaction from credit card processing. You can change the payment method from credit card to payment terms. Once you change the order to payment terms, the system checks the credit limit and Receivables balance before the order is released.

Cancel Order

The credit card amount for the order will not be re-authorized. The order must be canceled on the Order Entry Form page.

See Also

Processing Credit Cards for Authorization Only

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Reauthorizing Pending Credit Card Transactions

Access the Review Pending Cred Card Trans (review pending credit card transactions) page to:

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Credit Cards for Immediate Payment

This section lists the page used to process credit cards for immediate payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Process Credit Cards for Immediate Payment

Page Name

Object Name



Additional Information - Card


Click the Additional Information link on the Record Payment page of the sales order.

Record credit card data and process for immediate payment.

See Entering Payments for Credit, Debit, and Procurement Cards.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Credits of Deposit Refunds

This section lists the page used to process credits of deposit refunds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Credit Deposits

Page Name

Object Name



Customer Deposits


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Customer Deposits

Use to view and refund deposits.

See Viewing and Refunding Deposits.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Billing

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Billing

Page Name

Object Name



Credit Card Information


Click the View Credit Card Information button on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 1 page.

Enter or modify customer credit card information.

Credit Card Address


Click the Credit Card Address button on the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page.

Enter customer credit card billing address information.

Credit Card Data


Click the View Credit Card Pmt (view credit card payment) link on the Bill Summary Info Page. This button appears only when the bill is finalized and is to be paid by credit card.

Review credit card information.

Run Credit Card Processing


Billing, Generate Invoices, Process Credit Cards, Request Credit Card Processing, Run Credit Card Processing

Run the Billing Credit Card Processing application engine process (BICRC000) to submit a credit card transaction for authorization and billing.

Pending CC Trans


Billing, Generate Invoices, Process Credit Cards, Review Pending CC Transaction, Pending CC Trans

Review the status of pending or failed credit card transactions.

Credit Card Address


Click the Credit Card Address button on the Review Pending Cred Card Trans page.

Review or modify credit card address information, review the results of failed processing calls to the third-party credit card authorization and payment application for this transaction, enter manual credit card authorizations, or change the authorization status of a transaction.

Credit Card Hist (credit card transaction history)


Billing, Generate Invoices, Process Credit Cards, Review CC Transaction History, Credit Card Hist

Review the most recent credit card transaction information available for an invoice.

Credit Card Address (inquiry)


Click the Credit Card Address button on the BI Crcrd Hst page.

View address information for the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Credit Card Data

When you enter a bill with a payment method of credit card on the Header Info 1 page, the system reads the customer's default payment method based on the bill to customer ID. If the default payment method is credit card, the system marks this bill for credit card processing. If you don't want this bill charged to a credit card, change the payment method to something other than credit card.

Access the Header Info 1 - Credit Card Information page, and enter values for all required fields.

Credit Card Address

Click to access the Credit Card Address page to enter or edit customer credit card address information.

See Also

Installing the PeopleSoft Credit Card Interlink

Entering Bill Header Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Credit Card Charges

When submitting credit card charges for third-party authorization and processing:

Note. For partial shipments, the first shipment is authorized at order entry. It can be billed without doing another authorization in PeopleSoft Billing as long as the authorized amount is greater than or equal to the billed amount. The second shipment requires another authorization for the amount of the second shipment.

See Also

Running the Pro Forma, Finalization, Print, and Reprint Processes

Entering Bill Header Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pending Credit Card Transactions

Pending credit card transactions are created by the Pre-Process and Finalization Process (BIIVC000) when you finalize credit card bills. The system sets the bill status of these transactions to FNL (final).

Access the Pending CC Trans page to review the status of failed or pending credit card transactions.

Credit Crd Address (credit card address)

Click to access the Credit Card Address page, where you can enter customer credit card address information and change the authorization status of a transaction.

Credit Crd Info (credit card information)

Click to access the Credit Card Information page, where you can enter or modify customer credit card information.

Retry All

Resets the status of all transactions to Unproc/Ret (unprocessed/retry).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Processing Parameters for Pending Transactions

Access the Credit Card Address page (BI_INTFC_CRCARD2) to correct and resubmit the credit card for billing, authorize and bill the card manually, or change the invoice to terms to remove the transaction from further credit card processing.

Enter any address changes. Use the radio buttons in the Actions group box to intercede in credit card processing:


Sets the authorization status to Unproc/Ret (unprocessed/retry). The Process Credit Card Invoices application engine process (BICRC000) picks up the transaction the next time you run the process and resubmits the credit card amount for authorization.

Manual Charge

Sets the authorization status to Man Appr (manual approval). You must enter an authorization code in the CrCdAuthCd field. Use this option for those instances when you obtain verbal authorization for a credit card charge. The Process Credit Card Invoices application engine process (BICRC000) picks up the transaction the next time you run the process but makes no call to the third-party processor.

Change to Terms

Removes the transaction from credit card processing. Select this option to change the payment method from credit card to payment terms.

Note. If you authorize the card manually, or change the invoice to terms to remove the transaction from further credit card processing, you still need to run BICRC000 to process the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Credit Card Transaction History

Access the BI Crcrd Hst page; the fields are read-only.

If you obtained a manual authorization, the approval code you entered on the Review Pending Cred Card Trans - Credit Card Address page appears.

Note. There are two menu items in PeopleSoft Billing that access credit card processing history. The Cred Crd Transaction History page displays the historic data for credit card transactions completed within the current interface. The Prior Credit Card Transactions page displays transactions placed before PeopleSoft Release 8.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Receivables

This section describes how to:

See Also

Managing Credit Card Payments

Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Credit Cards in PeopleSoft Receivables

Page Name

Object Name



Credit Card Details


  • Click the Pay Balances by Credit Card link on the Account Overview - Balances page.

  • Select Pay by Credit Cardin the Item Action field on the Item List page and click the Go button.

  • Click the Pay By Credit Card link on the View/Update Details - Detail 1 page.

  • Click the Pay By Credit Card link on the Worksheet Selection page.

View or modify the customer’s credit card details and settle a credit card transaction.

Credit Card Worksheet Selection


Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Create Worksheet, Worksheet Selection

Create a new worksheet, modify an existing one, and select items to include in the worksheet.

Credit Card Worksheet Application


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Update Worksheet, Worksheet Application

Apply payments to selected items.

Worksheet Action


Accounts Receivable, Payments, Apply Payments, Finalize Worksheet, Worksheet Action

Click the Worksheet Action link on the Worksheet Selection page or the Worksheet Application page.

Select posting options for the payment applied on the payment worksheet including entry events and worksheets that the Payment Predictor process generated.

Credit Card Scheduler


Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Process Credit Cards

Create credit card worksheets and settle credit card transactions automatically.

Credit Card Workbench


Accounts Receivable, Credit Cards, Credit Card Workbench

Select credit card payments and perform mass actions on credit card payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Credit Card Payments Using Item Inquiries

You can create credit card payments on any of the following Receivables inquiry pages:

Use any of these inquiry pages to access the Credit Card Details page.

You can maintain credit card information on the Credit Card Details page and settle the payment immediately or settle the payment in a batch process.

For the credit card data to be authorized, you must enter data in all the fields required by the third party authorizing authority.

Note. If you access this page from a Receivables inquiry page, the system displays a warning at the top of the page. If you want to leave the Credit Card Detail page without saving or processing the credit card transaction, you must use the indicated hyperlink to cancel the transaction. Leaving the page using another method, such as clicking the back button on your browser, creates a credit card worksheet based on the items you indicated on the inquiry page.

Access the Credit Card Details page.

Credit Card Action

Select the settlement action for this credit card transaction. The values are:

No Action: The system does not perform any settlement action on this transaction.

Authorize and Settle Now:The system obtains an approval for the credit card transaction from the third party authorizing authority and charges the amount of this transaction to the specified credit card.

Authorize and Settle Later: The system processes the credit card transaction the next time the Credit Card Processor multiprocess job (ARCRCARD) is run.

Manually Approved/Settled: The credit card payment has been processed outside of the PeopleSoft system. You can optionally enter the authorization code. This option is called a Manual Charge in Billing.

Cancel Settlement Request: The settlement request is cancelled. The history is retained for this transaction but the status of the transaction is set to No Action.

Authorization Code

Displays the authorization code for the transaction.

You can enter an authorization code if the Credit Card Action is Manually Approved and Settled. If the transaction has been settled through a third party authorizing authority, the system populates Authorization Code field.

Credit Card Message 1, Credit Card Message 2, and Credit Card Message 3

Displays any processing messages. A message with a prefix of ICS indicates that the message is from a third-party credit card authorization and payment application.

Clear Credit Card Data

Click to erase the credit card information on the page

See Also

Creating Credit Card Payments Using Item Inquiries

Changing Discount, Payment, and Draft Options and Customer Relationship Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet

Credit card worksheets enable you to select existing Receivables items and pay them by credit card. Credit card worksheets are created during credit card batch processing, when items are paid by credit card from inquiries, and when they are built directly through the credit card worksheet pages.

Important! If you click the Cancel button on the Credit Card Detail page, or if credit card batch processing creates payments that are not authorized, the system still creates credit card worksheets for the selected items. If you do not create a credit card payment or delete these worksheets, the amount owed on the selected items may not be collected.

Credit card worksheets populate the same tables as payment worksheets.

The credit card worksheet components behave differently depending on whether or not the credit card payment has been authorized and settled. Before settlement, use the credit card worksheet to select items that make up the amount to be authorized and settled. After the credit card payment has been settled, unposting the payment enables you to use the credit card worksheet to apply the payment to items in the same way you would use a payment worksheet.

Working with a credit card worksheet consists of these high-level steps:

  1. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Selection page to select the items that you want to work with and build the worksheet.

    If you add items to an existing worksheet, the system adds the new items that you selected and does not delete any selected items that are already on the worksheet.

  2. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Application page to select items to pay by credit card.

    To use the credit card worksheet, follow these high-level steps:

  3. Use the Credit Card Worksheet Action page to select a posting action for the worksheet or to create accounting entries online.

    You can also delete the worksheet, that is, remove the items from the worksheet, or you can save your work and complete the worksheet later.

    The Delete Worksheet button behaves in two ways. If the credit card payment has not been authorized and settled, clicking the Delete Worksheet button deletes the entire payment. If the credit card payment has been settled, clicking the Delete Worksheet button removes the items from the worksheet.

See Also

Creating Credit Card Payments Using the Credit Card Worksheet

Posting and Unposting Groups

Applying Payments Using Payment Worksheets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Credit Card Payments in Batch

The Credit Card Processor multiprocess job (ARCRCARD) enables you to create credit card worksheets and settle credit card transactions automatically. The worksheet creation phase selects open items that are due with a payment method of credit card and builds credit card worksheets. A credit card profile is applied to limit the selection of open items and to apply rules for building and approving the worksheets. The authorization and settlement phase of the AR Credit Card process selects credit card worksheets that are ready for settlement.

Access the Credit Card Scheduler page.

From Due Date

Specify the beginning due date to use when the Credit Card Processor selects items.

Increment Due Dates By

Enter the amount of time to increment the From Due Date and the To Due Date fields. Enter the numerical value and the time scale in days, weeks, or months that you want the due dates to change. These values are used when you click the Increment Now button or select the Automatic Increment Dates check box.

Increment Now

Click to increment the From Due Date and To Due Date based on the Increment Due Dates By fields.

To Due Date

Specify the last due date to use when the Credit Card Processor selects items.

Automatic Increment Dates

Select this check box so that the From Due Date and To Due Date fields are automatically increment each time you run the Credit Card Processor. This enables you to reuse a run control without having to change the dates.

Deposit Unit

Enter the deposit business unit. This controls the bank account from which the credit card payment is made. The system processes each specified deposit unit separately.

Create Credit Card Worksheets

Select this check box to create credit card worksheets for the selected deposit business unit. Credit card worksheets are created from items that have a credit card payment method and a due date that falls within the specified range of due dates. The process selects all items in the selected business units that have the payment method set to credit card, as well as any items in the business unit that have originated in Billing and been paid by credit card.

Authorize and Settle Worksheets

Select this check box to enable credit card authorization and settlement for the specified deposit business unit. All credit card worksheets in the defined deposit business unit that have a credit card authorization status of Unprocessed/Retry are selected.