Tracking Statistical Data in PeopleSoft Billing

This chapter provides an overview of statistical data tracking in PeopleSoft Billing.

See Also

Entering Bills Online

Using Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Statistical Data Tracking in PeopleSoft Billing

PeopleSoft Billing maintains statistical data to facilitate financial analysis and reporting, or to form the basis for allocating certain expenses. Using statistics, you can track a variety of non-monetary amounts, including labor hours per product or workstations per department. Use direct labor hours, for example, to allocate overhead to products or to calculate a ratio of expense versus number of customers for a regional expense analysis.

PeopleSoft Billing supports statistical data tracking by:

  1. Capturing statistical data in statistical accounts using the Bill Entry - Acctg - Statistical Info page.

  2. Capturing statistical data in statistics codes using these pages:

  3. Carrying statistical data in statistics codes at the bill header level.

  4. Passing statistical data to the Billing Accounting Entries table (BI_ACCT_ENTRY), the staging table for the information that the Load GL process (BILDGL01) eventually passes to the general ledger system.

    Use the account entry type translate value ST (statistical entry) to enter statistical data into the Billing Interface table, resulting in capturing data in statistical accounts. The system creates entries and displays them on the Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical Info page after the Billing Interface creates the bill.

PeopleSoft tracks statistical information by:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStatistics Codes

Statistics codes are values that you use to identify non-monetary amounts; for example, full-time equivalent (FTE) workdays, shipment size, or generic units. To add or modify statistics codes, use the Statistics Code page.

You also use statistics codes to track statistical amounts on the same journal line as the corresponding monetary amount entry. For example, the journal line that records an individual department's rent expense can include the dollar amount of the rent charged as well as the amount of floor space that is used to determine the charge.

For example, if you enter these accounting entries on the Bill Line Distribution pages:

Bill Line Distrib. Page





AR Offset


 <no value>

<no value> 

 <no value>

Revenue Dist.


 <no value>

 <no value>

 <no value>



Stat Code

Monetary Amt

Stat Amt

UOM Derived

 <no value>

Fl Space




 <no value>



 <no value>

<no value> 

then the Load GL process and Journal Generator generate these accounting entries and journal entries when passing this information to the general ledger system:






<no value> 

<no value> 

 <no value>


 <no value>

<no value> 

 <no value>



Stat Code

Monetary Amt

Stat Amt

 <no value>

Fl Space



 <no value>

 <no value>


 <no value>

These resulting journal lines include both the monetary and statistical amounts.

Associating Statistic Codes with UOMs at the Distribution Level

All statistics codes are associated with a specific unit of measure (UOM), a value that quantifies the statistical amount. The UOM that is associated with a statistics code or a statistical account may differ from the UOM that is associated with a charge code on the bill line. Statistical information can be a different type of information from the charge code information that is carried in the bill line distribution pages. For example:

Charge Code

Unit of Measure That Is Associated With Charge Code

Correlated Statistical Data

Unit of Measure That Is Associated With Statistical Data



Floor Space


Parking Fee


Parking Space


Consulting Service


Head Count


In this example, the UOMs that are associated with the charge code and with the statistical data are the same for rental charges and parking fee. For consulting services, however, the charge code is billed by hours, whereas the statistical data that is tracked is the head count for the consulting staff and is measured by FTE.

Because the UOMs that are associated with statistical information and with the charge code can be different, QTY (quantity) and statistical amount can also be different. However, there are situations in which these would be the same. For example, if the UOM that is associated with a charge code is SQF, and the UOM that is associated with the statistical data is SQF, QTY and statistical amount are identical.

In some scenarios, there may be a correlation between a charge code and a statistics code. However, a statistics code can represent an aspect of the data that is different from that which the charge code represents, primarily from a general ledger, budgeting, and financial reporting perspective. The example reflects this difference: The charge code is consulting service, and the statistics code is head count.

See Also

Adding Scenario Values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStatistical Accounts

A statistical account is a type of account used for tracking non-monetary data. As with statistics codes, statistical accounts must have an associated UOM. The statistical account Workdays, for example, might use DAY as a UOM.

You define an account as either statistical or monetary on the Account page. The choices are mutually exclusive. For instance, you can’t identify statistical accounts with a monetary account type. When passing data to the general ledger, the Load GL process generates a separate journal line for each account number, whether it is a statistical or a monetary account type. When you use a statistical account type to track non-monetary data, the Load GL process generates a separate journal line for each statistical account to accommodate a transaction's statistical amount.

For example, suppose that you are billing a customer for 10 workstations. You enter these accounting entries on the Bill Line Distribution pages:

Bill Line Distrib. Pages





AR Offset


 <no value>

 <no value>

 <no value>

Revenue Dist.


 <no value>

<no value>

 <no value>

Stat Info


<no value> 

 <no value>

 <no value>



Stat Code

Monetary Amt

Stat Amt

UOM Derived

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>

<no value>

<no value>



The Load GL and Journal Generator processes generate these accounting entries and journal entries when passing this information to the general ledger system:






<no value>

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>



Statistics Code

Monetary Amount

Statistical Amount

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>


<no value>

<no value>

<no value>

<no value>


To track statistical data using the statistical account method, enter the information on the Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical Info page.

See Also

Adding Account Values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPassing Statistical Data That Is Associated with Deferred Revenue Bills

To pass to the general ledger statistical data that is associated with deferred revenue bills, use the Standard Billing - Acctg - Statistical Info page. The Load GL process creates a separate accounting entry line for the statistical data and passes the information to the general ledger system with the current period entries.

The Load GL process passes to the general ledger statistical data that you enter on the Standard Billing - Acctg - AR Offset, Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Exp/Inv, and Standard Billing - Acctg - InterUnit Payables pages. It passes statistical data regardless of whether the statistical data is associated with a deferred revenue bill, as these accounting entries are not prorated into future periods.

However, the Load GL process does not pass to the general ledger any statistical data entries that are prorated into future periods. Consequently, it does not pass statistical data that is associated with deferred revenue bills that you enter on the Standard Billing - Acctg - Deferred page, the Standard Billing - Discount/Surcharge page, or the Standard Billing - Acctg - Rev Distribution page.