Reviewing and Awarding Bids

This chapter provides an overview of the service coordinator's communications with the supplier and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Supplier Communications

In PeopleSoft Services Procurement, supplier communications enable service coordinators to collaborate and communicate with suppliers and requesters to match qualified bids with open service requisitions.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables service coordinators and requesters to perform these tasks:

To communicate with suppliers:

  1. Access the Incoming Bids page to view qualified bids submitted by service provider contacts.

  2. Use the Incoming Bid Contact Information page to respond to supplier bids.

    Note. A successful bid selection occurs if you select Fill Requisition. This action officially ends the bid process between you and the supplier. An email notification is automatically sent to all bidding service provider contacts to inform them that the request has been filled by another supplier.

  3. Use the Outgoing Bids page to view the responses sent.

  4. Access the Interview Schedule page to schedule and rate interviews (service coordinator and requester).

  5. Use the Analyze Events page to Analyze bid amounts and line scores for all bids submitted for the requisition request.

    You can also change the bid factor weightings on this page to perform a what-if analysis.

  6. Fill the requisition from either the Analyze events page or the Bid Response page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can communicate with suppliers about requisitions, a supplier must submit a bid.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Incoming Supplier Bids and Creating Bid Responses

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Incoming Bids and Create Bid Responses

Page Name

Object Name



Incoming Bids (for service coordinators)


Services Procurement, Assess and Award Bids

View incoming bids submitted by suppliers.

Incoming Bids (for requesters)


Services Procurement, Requisition Fulfilment, Review Submittals, Incoming Bids

View incoming bid response details submitted by the service coordinator.

Job Summary Details


Click the linked requisition number or line number on the Incoming Bids page.

View job summary details.

Bid Response (for service coordinators)


Click the Bid Response button on the Incoming Bids page.

View supplier bids and submit bid responses to the supplier or forward the bid to the requester for review (for service coordinators).

Bid Response (for requesters)


Click the Bid Response button on the Incoming Bids page.

View supplier candidates and submit bid responses to the service coordinator (for requesters).

Analyze Events (for service coordinator)


Click the Analyze Events button on the Incoming Bids page.

Analyze bid amounts and line scores for all supplier bids that respond to your requisition request.

Analyze Events - Award Details (for service coordinators)


Select which bid to award and click the Award Details link on the Analyze Events page.

View the details of your events.

Vendor Information (for service coordinators)


Click the Bidder Name link associated with an event to view.

View vendor information.

Line Bid Factors (for service coordinators)


Click the Add/Edit Bid Factors link on the Analyze Events page.

Add line bid factors while analyzing events.

Assign Contract Clauses


Click the Add Clauses to Bid Factor link on the Line Bid Factors page.

Assign contract clauses.

Search Bid Factors by Group


Click the Add Bid Factors by Group link on the Line Bid Factors page.

Add bid factors by group.

Submittal History


Click theSubmittal History button on the Incoming Bids page.

View the history for your bid responses.

Interview Schedule


Click the Interview Schedule button on the Incoming Bids page.

Create and update an interview schedule for a candidate.

Interview Schedule Details


Click the Evaluate Candidate button on the Interview Schedule page.

View the details for your interview schedule and rate the candidate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Bid Responses

Access the Incoming Bids page.

Req ID (requisition identification)

Click the 10-digit requisition ID to view the details of the requisition.

Req Line (requisition line)

Displays the requisition line number.

Click to view the Bid Response page and to respond to the supplier or requester.

Click to view the Bid Analysis page to compare competing bids.

Click to view the Bid History page.

Click to view the Interview Schedule page.

Click to generate a bid response that ends the communication regarding the particular bid. Once communication has been ended, it is no longer possible to consider that bid for a requisition.

Candidate Name

Displays the service provider submitted by the supplier.

Note. The candidate name is blank for bids on deliverables-based requisitions.


Displays calculated score based on the previous response.


Displays rate in requisition currency for resource-based requisitions.

Note. The rate is blank for deliverables-based requisitions.


Displays amount in requisition currency for deliverables-based requisitions.

Note. The amount is blank for resource-based requisitions.

Supplier Name

Displays the name of the supplier bidding on the requisition.

Last Action

Review the last actions submitted by the supplier.


Displays the date and time that the supplier responded to the bid.

Sent From

Displays the name of the user who sent the bid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResponding to Bids

Access the Bid Response page.

Send Response To

Select the appropriate option in this group box to send communications to the requester who originally submitted the requisition or to the service provider contact who submitted the bid.

Note. A service coordinator can send a response to either the requester or the service provider contact, not both. If a response is sent to a requester, the service coordinator and requester can only select bid actions that are specific to their communications. Additional bid actions that are intended for the service provider contact are filtered out.

Current Bid

Click to enter the new bid action response.


Select an action and optionally respond to suppliers with comments. Values include:

  • Schedule Interview

  • Offer Position

  • Fill Requisition

  • Reply

  • Decline

  • End Communication

Note. Once you select End Communication, the bid process between the service coordinator and the supplier officially ends.

Note. To fill the requisition, select Fill Requisition. This sends a worklist entry to the requestor notifying him that a work order must be generated. The worklist may also go to the service coordinator if his defaults specify that he can create work orders.

When Commitment Control is on, the service coordinator cannot offer the position or manually release the work order until the requisition has been budget checked.

See Also

Creating Bid Factors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Events

Access the Analyze Events page.

Award Event

To award an event to a bidder, select Award in the field that appears under the bidder's name. You can only award the event to one bidder.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting an Award

Access the Events Details page.

Post Award

Click to post your bid event and award the contract to a supplier. Posting the award sends a worklist item to the requester to generate a work order. A worklist item also is sent to the service coordinator if he is authorized to create work orders as defined in the service coordinator defaults.

Note. Once you post the award, the line details appear on screen.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Outgoing Bids

This section discusses how to view outgoing bids.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Outgoing Bids

Page Name

Object Name



Outgoing Bids (for service coordinators)


Services Procurement, Assess and Award Bids.

Select the Outgoing Bids tab.

View outgoing bids.

Outgoing Bids (for requesters)


Services Procurement, Requisition Fulfillment, Review Bids.

Select the Outgoings Bid tab.

View outgoing bids sent to the service coordinator.

Bid History


Click the Bid History button on the Outgoing Bid Summary page.

View bid history.

Interview Schedule


Click the Interview Schedule button on the Outgoing Bids page.

Create and update an interview schedule for a candidate.

Interview Schedule Details


Click the Details button on the Interview Schedule page.

View interview schedule details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Outgoing Bids

Access the Outgoing Bids page.

Click to edit the request.

Click to view the Bid History page.

Click to view the Interview Schedule page.

See Also

Implementing PeopleSoft Services Procurement Workflow

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Maintaining Interview Schedules

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Interview Process

Here is an overview of the interview process:

  1. Access the Interview Schedule page (Service Coordinator and Requestor).

    Enter the required values such as the interview date, time, and interviewer.

    Note. Once you schedule a candidate interview, the interview schedule details appear for the supplier.

    Note. The interviewer has the requestor or approver role.

  2. Access the Interview Schedule Details page (service coordinator, requestor, and interviewers).

    Use this page to rate the candidate interview. Once the interview is complete, select the Interview Complete check box. The service coordinator can also select the Send Email Notification check box to notify interviewers and the service provider contact of the interview schedule information.

    Note. Only the service coordinator and the requestor can access the Send Email Notification check box.

  3. Save the page.

If Use Ratings is enabled on the business unit, upon completing the interview, the interviewer rates the candidate using the star rating system. Once the Interview Completed check box is selected, the system calculates the average interview score for that candidate by selecting the rating for all completed interviews and dividing it by the number of completed interviews. This value is then saved in the strategic sourcing bid factor tables, and it is used to calculate the candidate's overall score.

Note. The calculation of scores only happens if the interview bid factor is associated with this requisition. If the interview bid factor is not used, the rating on the interview page is used for information purposes and is not used to determine the candidates overall score.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Maintain Interview Schedules

Page Name

Object Name



Interview Schedule


Click the Interview Schedule button on the Outgoing Bids page.

Create and update an interview schedule for a candidate.

Interview Schedule (for requesters)


Services Procurement, Requisition Fulfillment, View Scheduled Interviews

View interviews that are scheduled for a particular requester.

Interview Schedule Details


Click the Evaluate button on the Interview Schedule page.

Rate the candidate interview

Job Summary Details


Click the linked requisition number or line number on the Incoming Bids page.

View job summary details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an Interview Schedule

Access the Interview Schedule page.

Enter the details of the interview schedule, including date, time, and interviewer.

Requesters can view the service providers scheduled for interviews.

Note. You cannot update an interview schedule after you select Fulfill Requisition, Position No Longer Available, Offer Accepted, Confirm Offer Acceptance, or No Longer Available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvaluating an Interview

Access the Interview Schedule Details page.

Candidate Rating

Select a candidate rating. Options include: Excellent, Good, Fair,Poor, and None.

Interview Completed

Select to indicate that the interview was completed.

Send Email Notification

Select to notify interviewers and the service provider contact of the interview schedule information.

Note. Only the service coordinator and the requestor can access the Send Email Notification check box.