Managing Time in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

This chapter lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Time in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

The service provider uses the timesheet to record and submit time to an approver for immediate, online approval. The service provider can also track daily activities and report issues. The timesheet approver can provide feedback to the service provider, including performance-rating information through the approval process.

When the service provider logs time against a work order, the time template determines the time reporting codes for that work order. There could be different rules for applicable pay types. For instance, you may pay the pay rate, fixed cost and markups for the first eight hours but only pay the pay rate and fixed costs after eight hours. There could be shift pay differentials or assignment pay differentials associated with the time being logged. When creating invoices against timesheets, the invoicing process considers the rates defined on the work order and the pay types and multipliers associated with the time reporting code to determine the rate for the supplier.

The timesheet provides the following capabilities:

You use the Manage Timesheets page as the focal point for all time activity in PeopleSoft Services Procurement. Use this page to:

Approval Process

The timesheet approval process begins when the service provider submits his or her time, along with any project issues, to the designated timesheet approver for review and approval. Any rejected timesheets are returned to the service provider for correction. Submitted timesheets are eligible for adjustment prior to approval. Approved timesheets are eligible for adjustment upon invoicing.

The following diagram illustrates the timesheet approval process:

Timesheet Approval Process

Approval Methods

There are three ways to approve a timesheet:

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These attributes must be set up before entering time information:

A work order must also be defined before time transactions can be logged against it. The work order must be resource-based services (versus deliverables-based for progress logs), and it must be in a released status.

See Also

Maintaining Settlement Setup

Managing Work Orders

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Timesheets

This section discusses how to:

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Manage Timesheets


Services Procurement, Maintain Timesheets (external)

View, search, and sort the list of timesheets. Access the timesheet that you want to modify. To add a new timesheet, select a reporting period end date, business unit, and work order. Click the Add button.

Enter Time


Click a linked time report on Manage Timesheets page to view an existing timesheet.

Click the Create button on Manage Timesheets page to enter time on the timesheet.

Enter time worked.

View/Select Work Order Distribution For:


Click the Work Order Distribution button on the Enter Time page.

(Optional) Select the appropriate accounting line for the work order.

Timesheet Details


Click the Timesheet Details button on the Enter Time page.

View timesheet details.

Review Timesheet


Click the View Summary button on the Enter Time page.

Review the timesheet summary.

Timesheet Attachment


Click the Add Attachment link on the Enter Time page.

Add, delete, or view an attachment for the timesheet.

Note. You can add more than one attachment for each timesheet. Click the plus sign to include more attachments for the timesheet.

See Also

Maintaining Settlement Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Time Worked by Week Using a Non 24-Hour Clock Template

Access the Enter Time page.

The format of the time entry page is determined by the time template specified on the work order. In this example, the time template makes it possible to enter time on a weekly basis.

Report Time for Work Order

Click the Work Order Distribution button to access the View/Select Work Order Distribution For: page to select the appropriate accounting line for the work order. This column is available only for actual allocation time reporting.


This field is populated with the work order distribution line number selected on the View/Select Work Order Distribution For: page or can be manually selected for actual allocation time reporting.


This field is available if Project Costing is not installed. It is populated with resource based service activities associated to the work order and generic service activities.


Select the valid shift for the project, if applicable. This column is available if the Enable Shifts option was selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, and if there are shifts associated to the service for the reporting time period.


Select the valid assignment for the project, if applicable. This column is available if the Enable Assignments option was selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, and if there are assignments associated to the service for the reporting time period.

Time Period

Enter the number of hours worked for the time period.


Displays the total hours by line for the time period reported.

See Enabling the Use of Shifts and Assignments.

Report Incidents for Work Order

This section appears if the Enable Assignments option is selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, if there are valid assignments associated to the service during the time period reported, and if the Based on Incidents option is selected on the Assignment by Service definition page.

Assignment pay rates come from the Assignment by Service definition if the Define for This Service option is selected; otherwise, the assignment pay rates come from the Assignment definition.

Assignments can be based on time or number of incidents. Any applicable MSP or VMS fees are in addition to the assignment pay rate.

Assignments have the following attributes:


Select the dates for the incident. You can report time against multiple assignments in the same day.


Select the appropriate assignment for the time period.


Enter the number of incidents for the assignment during the time period. The number of incidents is entered on a per line basis.

Other Buttons and Links

Save Timesheet

Select to save the timesheet. When you save the timesheet, the timesheet appears in the Active Timesheet group box on the Manage Timesheets page.

Review and Submit

Select to review and submit the timesheet to the timesheet approver.

Return to Maintain Timesheets

Click this link to access the Manage Timesheets page.

See Also

Maintaining Settlement Setup

Managing Work Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Time Worked by Calendar and 24-Hour Clock

Access the Enter Time page.

The format of the time entry page is determined by the time template specified on the work order. In this example, the time template enables you to enter time using a 24-hour clock. This method of reporting time enables users to record time on a day-by-day basis, with both start and end times. For example, a user can enter time for a day with a start time of 8:00 a.m., a lunch break from 12:00 noon until 1:00 p.m., and an end time of 5:00 p.m. Time can be reported across two days, meaning that time greater than 24-hours can be reported. For such a timesheet, any hours reported as AM following hours reported for PM will be considered as AM of the next day.

Report Time for Work Order


Select the valid shift for the project, if applicable. This column is available if the Enable Shifts option was selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, and if there are shifts associated to the service for the reporting time period. In addition, the Derive Shift From Time of Day option on the Service/Time Template page cannot be selected or this column will not display.

Shifts can be selected manually or automatically based on the time template.

Pay rates come from the service itself if the Define for this Service option is selected on the Shift by Service definition page. Otherwise, the pay rates come from the Shift definition page.

  • Manual selection: Used for non 24-hour clock templates and for 24-hour clock templates where the Derive From Time of Day option is not selected.

    Service provider selects the related shift for each line.

    Service providers can manually enter shifts based on the following scenarios:

    • Different shifts on different days.

    • Multiple shifts on the same day.

    • Gaps in time such as split shifts.

  • Automatic selection: Used for 24-hour clock templates where the Derive From Time of Day option is selected.

    Service provider enters Start Time, Break time, and Stop Time for each line and the system automatically derives the shift based on the times entered. The system can derive multiple shifts for a single time line.

Shift Pay Rate Calculations

Shift rate calculation is based on the shift pay type. Any applicable MSP or VMS fees are added in addition to the shift rate.

See Defining Shifts for Use on Timesheets.


Select the valid assignment for the project, if applicable. This column is available if the Enable Assignments option was selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, and if there are assignments associated to the service for the reporting time period.


Displays the total number of hours worked for that week.

Report Incidents for Work Order

This section appears if the Enable Assignments option is selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, if there are valid assignments associated to the service during the time period reported, and if the Based on Incidents option is selected on the Assignment by Service definition page.


Select the dates for the incident. You can report time against multiple assignments in the same day.


Select the appropriate assignment for the time period.


Enter the number of incidents for the assignment during the time period. The number of incidents is entered on a per line basis.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Timesheets for Approval

To submit timesheets for approval:

  1. Access the Enter Time page.

  2. Click Submit for Approval.

  3. Click OK on the Submit Confirmation page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Timesheets

Use the Manage Timesheets menu to:

Overriding Time Categories

With PeopleSoft Services Procurement, you can override time categories on timesheets. In order to accomplish this, the following must be in place:

The following diagram illustrates the setup of the time category override feature:

Time Category Override Definition

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Manage Timesheets


Services Procurement, Maintain Timesheets (external)

View, search, and sort the list of timesheets. Access the timesheet that you want to modify. To add a new timesheet, select a business unit, work order, time template, and date range. Click the Create button.

Enter Time


Click a linked time report on Manage Timesheets page to view an existing timesheet.

Click the Create button on Manage Timesheets page to enter time on the timesheet.

Enter time worked.

Timesheet Details


Click the Timesheet Details button on the Enter Time page.

View timesheet details, including any associated shift or assignment information such as time line type or number of incidents.

Review Timesheet


Click the View Summary button on the Enter Time page.

Review the timesheet summary. If there is any time based on incidents, the Assignments Incidents Summary grid appears.

Timesheet Attachment


Click the Add Attachment link on the Enter Time page.

Add, delete, or view an attachment for the timesheet.

Note. You can add more than one attachment for each timesheet. Click the plus sign to include more attachments for the timesheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Timesheets

Access the Manage Timesheets page.

Create New Timesheet

The Create New Timesheet grid groups together a unique combination of work orders for a given work order time template.

Date Range

Date specified for timesheet entry.

Note. This value always defaults to the next available timesheet. However, if there is no timesheet specified, the date defaults to the first day of the week.

Active Timesheet

This section is used to display timesheets that are in an active status. These timesheets can include timesheets that were created but never submitted, or timesheets that were denied and require re-submission.

To modify a timesheet, click the link that corresponds with the active timesheet,

Timesheet History

This section is used to search and view past timesheets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Adjusting Timesheets

Access the Review/Adjust Timesheet page.

Note. You cannot change the work order ID if you are adjusting approved timesheets. You can, however, change the distribution, activity ID, shift, assignment and Time fields as required, if they are available.

Report Time for Work Order

If the user does not have the appropriate role action to adjust time, the label will read Review Time for Work Order.

(Time Reporting Period)

Revise the number of hours and then click the Adjust Timesheet button.

Adjust Timesheet

Click this button to update the timesheet and save your changes.

Review/Override Time Category

Select the time period for which you want to override the time category on the Review/Override Time Categories page.

The actual navigation that you'll use to access the Review/Override Time Categories page is determined upon which service time template that was used to create the timesheet. After you have selected the time period that you want to override:

  • For Non 24-Hour clock timesheets, click the Go button to access the Review/Override Time Categories page.

  • For 24-Hour clock timesheets, click the Review/Override Time Category button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Time Categories on Timesheets

Access the Review/Override Time Categories page.

Note. The title of this page will read “Review Time Categories” if the user does not have the appropriate role to override time categories.

Note. Fields on this page will appear differently based on the use of a 24-hour or a non-24-hour clock time template. Differences are discussed.

Time Category Status

This field displays the current time category status for the reporting period. Values are:

  • System Assigned: Indicates that no manual override has occurred.

  • Approver Override: Indicates that one of the approvers of the timesheet has manually overridden the system assigned value.

The Enable Time Reporting Override option on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page must be selected in order for this field to be available.

Time Category

If the business unit is not enabled to override time categories, the label for this group box is Time Category. In addition, information is display-only.

Report Time for Work Order

If the user does not have the appropriate role action to approve time, the label will read “Review Time for Work Order” and the Review/Override Time Category field is unavailable.

In addition, if you do not have the appropriate approval role action, you will only be able to review the time information in this section.

Review/Override Time Category

Select the time period for which you want to override the time category on the Review/Override Time Categories page.

The actual navigation that you'll use to access the Review/Override Time Categories page is determined upon which service time template that was used to create the timesheet. After you have selected the time period that you want to override:

  • For non 24-Hour clock timesheets, you must select the time period that you want to override in the Review/Override Time Category field, and then click Go to access the Edit Time Categories page.

  • For 24-Hour clock timesheets, scroll to the time period that you want to override and then click the Review/Override Time Category button to access the Edit Time Categories page.

Adjust Timesheet

Click this button to accept and save the changes. You will receive a confirmation message after the changes have been successfully saved.

The Timesheet Status changes to Adjusted.

Reviewing and Overriding Time Categories

When the Time Category Status is Approver Override, a warning will be displayed if an approver makes a subsequent adjustment to the hours. Clicking the Adjust Timesheet button will trigger the warning in this case. You will have an opportunity to cancel the adjustment before the TRC values are recalculated.

Important! If there are multiple approvers for the timesheet, a warning message will display to indicate that subsequent changes will affect previous overridden time. For example, if one approver changes the time categories so that overtime will not be charged against his or her work order, another approver may need to make an associated change to 'pick up' the overtime on his or her work order.

Adjusting Timesheet After TRCs Have Been Overridden

The system displays this confirmation message time categories have been successfully overridden:


Click this button to accept the changes. The system returns the approver to the Adjust Timesheet page.


Click this button to indicate that the hours should not be changed, and the system returns the approver to the Adjust Timesheet page.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Timesheets

This section discusses how to:

Note. Before you can approve timesheets, you must have a role action of SP_TIME_APPROVER.

See Also

Setting Up Roles for Role Actions

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Worklist, Worklist, Filter By 'Submitted Timesheets'.

View timesheets that require your approval.

Approve Timesheet


Select timesheets that require your approval from the Worklist page.

Approve timesheets.

Enter Time


Click the View/Adjust Timesheet button on the Approve Timesheet page.

View a list of adjustments entered for the timesheet.

Edit Time Categories


Click the View/Adjust Timesheet button on the Approve Timesheet page.

Select the time period for which you want to override the time category and click the Go button.

Edit time categories for a specific time period.

Timesheet Details


Click the Timesheet Details button on the Enter Time page.

View the details for the timesheet.

Review Timesheet


  • Click the View Summary button on the Enter Time page.

  • Click the View Summary button on the Review/Adjust Time page.

View summary information for adjusted timesheets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving and Denying Timesheets

Access the Approve Timesheet page.

Time Category Status

This display-only field indicates whether the system assigned time categories have been manually overridden for this timesheet. This field displays only if the Enable Time Category Override option is selected on the Services Procurement Bus definition page.

Amount Details

Use this section to view a graphical presentation of timesheet amounts, including logged, available, timesheet, and remaining amounts.

Time Line Approvals

Use this section to approve or deny timesheet lines. The columns that appear differ depending upon whether assignments are associated to projects for the reported time period.

Note. If there are any incidents associated with the time line, the group box will be named Incidents for Work Order.


Displays the status of the time line approval.


Column displays the basis for which assignment is based. Values are Time or Incident.This column appears if there are assignments associated with the time reporting period.

Note. The sort order for this column is by time and then by incident. Rows are sorted within each time line type based on line number.


This column displays the number of incidents for each time line. This column appears if there are assignments (based on incidents) associated with the time reporting period.


Select an option to approve or deny the timesheet. Values include:

Approve: Changes status to Approved. The timesheet is now available for invoicing.

Deny: Changes status to Denied by Approver. If you deny the timeline, enter a comment to indicate a reason. The timeline returns to the service provider for modifications and re-submission.

Click to access the Timesheets Details page, where you can view the details of the timesheet and select the rating for the work that the service provider performed for this time line.

Mark All

Select to mass approve or deny timesheets.

View/Adjust Timesheet

Click to access the Enter Time page, where you can make adjustments to the timesheet. Use this page to override time categories if the Enable Time Reporting Override check box is selected on the Services Procurement Bus Defn page.

See Setting Up Business Unit Definitions.

Incidents for Work Order

This group box appears if there is any time being reported that is based on incidents which works with assignments. If there are no incidents reported for the work order for the timesheet, the group box will not appear.


This column summarizes and displays the number of incidents per assignment for the entire timesheet.


This column summarizes and displays the total amount of incidents for each assignment for the entire timesheet.

Incident Approvals

This group box appears if there are any assignments associated to the time being reported. If there are no incidents reported for the work order for the timesheet, the group box will not appear.


Select an option to approve or deny the incident. Values include:

Approve: Changes status to Approved. The incident is now available for invoicing.

Deny: Changes status to Denied by Approver. If you deny the timeline, enter a comment to indicate a reason. The timeline returns to the service provider for modifications and re-submission.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Time Categories on Timesheets

Access the Edit Time Categories page.

Note. This page is available only if the Enable Time Reporting Override option has been selected on the Services Procurement Bus Unit definition page, and if the user has the appropriate role action that enables time category overrides.

Time Quantity

Enter the new quantity for the time category.

You can add additional time quantities for each time reporting code.


Click this button to save your changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Proxy Time Entry

Service Provider Contacts can create timesheets for service providers within the supplier office location.

If an approver denies a timesheet, the service provider and provider contacts in the supplier office location receive a worklist notification indicating that the timesheet is denied. If the timesheet is approved, the service provider and the provider contacts in the supplier office location receive an email notification indicating that the timesheet is approved.

When a service provider contact resubmits the timesheet, the denied worklist entry is removed from all other provider contacts within the same supplier office location.

Click to jump to parent topicManage Timesheet Worklists

This section discusses how to trigger worklist and email notifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTriggering Worklist and Email Notifications

The following status changes trigger a worklist entry and an email notification:

The email notification contains values from the Enter Time page and a URL that the recipient should use to access the timesheet.