Managing Settlements

This chapter provides an overview of settlements in PeopleSoft Services Procurement and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Settlements in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Managing settlements with PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables individuals who have appropriate permissions to create consolidated proforma invoices. The proforma invoice process can be optionally configured to include or exclude suppliers in the invoice approval process, based on the supplier's setup. Specific timesheets, expenses, or progress logs lines can be added or removed prior to submitting the invoice for approval. Once approved, the proforma invoice is viewed online and printed, or included in a file for export, or both.

You can grant permissions for each of these functions:

With Services Settlement, you can:

See Also

Common Elements Used In This PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must set up these attributes before invoicing a timesheet, expense, or progress log:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Chapter

Batch Invoice Processing

Invoices that are created using a batch process that can be scheduled to run offline.

Use Flexible Date

One of three options used to specify how the Invoice Date is derived during batch invoice processing. If this option is selected, the user must specify the number of days BEFORE or AFTER the run date that will be used as the invoice date. For example, if the scheduled run date is the 15th day of every month (e.g., May 15) and the user specified 10 days BEFORE the run date, then the invoice date will be set to May 5th.

Use Specific Date

One of three options used to specify how the Invoice Date is derived during batch invoice processing. If this option is selected, the user must specify a date that will be used as the Invoice Date. This option is more appropriate for single batch process runs rather than a recurring batch process run.

Use Run Date

One of three options used to specify how the Invoice Date is derived during batch invoice processing. If this option is selected, the current date at run time will be used as the Invoice Date. This is the default option. This option is appropriate for both ad hoc and recurring process runs.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Invoices Manually

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Invoices Manually

Page Name

Object Name



Manage Invoice


Services Procurement, Manage Invoices

Add invoices, search existing invoices, submit, or cancel invoices.

Note. The From Date and Date To fields default to the last 30 days. You may need to change the date fields to see previous invoices.

Create Invoice


Enter the business unit or invoice ID or both, and click the Add button on the Manage Invoices page.

Create invoice header information.

Manage Invoices - Add Lines To Invoice


Save an invoice on the Create Invoice page.

View all non-invoiced timesheets, expenses, and progress logs for the supplier or service provider.

Manage Invoices - Line Summary


Click the Edit button for an invoice on the Manage Invoice page.

Modify the selected invoice.

Invoice Process Detail


Click the View Entry button on the Manage Invoice page.

Click the Process Details link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View invoice processing details.

Invoice To Address


Click the Vendor Location Address link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View the invoice to address.

Remit To Address


Click the Remit To Address link on the Manage - Invoices Line Summary page.

View the remit to address.

Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate Details link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View multicurrency information.

Manage Invoices - Line Detail


For resource-based invoices, click the Edit button on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View timesheet and expense invoice line details or make adjustments, or both.

Manage Invoices - Line Detail


For deliverable-based invoices, click the Edit link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View progress log and expense invoice line details and make adjustments.

Work Order Details


Click View Work Order link on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View details of the work order related to the invoice.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order


Click the View Purchase Order button on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View details of the purchase order related to the invoice.

Approve Timesheet


For resource-based invoices, click the linked timesheet on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View time reports.

Services Expense Report - Services Expense Report Details


For either resource-based or deliverables-based invoices, click the linked expense on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View expense reports.

Progress Log Summary


For deliverables-based invoices, click the linked progress log on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View progress reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Invoices

Access the Create Invoice page.

Service Method

Select a service method. Values are Deliverable and Resource. The selected service method determines the fields that appear on the invoicing pages.

VMS Managed

This option is available when the MSP Installation is not selected on the Services Procurement Installation Option page and the supplier selected on the Create Invoice page is identified as a VMS Supplier for a Business Unit or Service Type. When you select this option, the invoice includes only timesheets, expenses, or progress logs for work orders under VMS management where the selected supplier is the VMS supplier. When this option is not selected, the invoice includes only timesheets or progress logs where the selected supplier is the end supplier actually providing the service.

Internal Supplier

This option is available only when the MSP Installation is selected on the Services Procurement Installation Options page. When you select this option, the invoice includes only timesheets, expenses, or progress logs for work orders where the selected supplier is identified as an internal supplier. When this option is not selected, the invoice includes only timesheets or progress logs where the selected supplier is not identified as an internal supplier.

Invoice To Address

Enter the address of the supplier.

Payment Terms

Select a payment term from the available values defined on the Single Payment Terms page.

Remit To Supplier

View the supplier who receives payment.

Remit To Address

View the address where the payments are sent.

Note. When you select or change a supplier, the Supplier Location, Invoice To Address, Remit to Supplier, and the Remit to Address field values automatically default from the vendor base tables.

Note. The Payment Terms field value defaults from the Services Supplier Information page. If no value is defined at that level, the system defaults values defined on the vendor base tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Viewing Lines to Invoices

Access the Add Lines to Invoice page.

To add additional lines to an invoice:

  1. Select the progress log and expense lines or time report and expense lines to include in the invoice.

  2. Click theAdd Selected Line(s) button.

    Use the Select/Deselect All check box if you want to select or clear all the lines at one time.

Note. The available timesheets, progress log, assignment incidents, and expense lines for invoicing are limited to work orders that have a supplier location that matches the location specified on the Create Invoice page.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating and Printing Invoices Automatically

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate and Print Invoices Automatically

Page Name

Object Name



Generate Invoices


Service Procurement, Services Settlement, Create Batch Invoices

Generate invoices for approval and printing.

Print Invoices


Service Procurement, Services Settlement, Print Invoices

Print invoices that you've generated and approved.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Invoices

Access the Create Batch Invoices page.

Enter the run control parameters for the invoice process.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for which invoices are generated.


Select a specific supplier to receive an invoice.

Note. If you leave this field blank, the Supplier Location, Supplier Address, and Payment Terms fields are hidden, and the process generates invoices for all suppliers associated to active work orders that meet the selection criteria. When you select a specific supplier, the supplier location, supplier address, payment terms, and the service provider fields are editable.

For VMS managed work orders, select a VMS supplier. All timesheets, progress logs, and expenses associated with the end suppliers are combined on the VMS supplier's invoice.

Supplier Location

Select to filter out timesheets and progress logs whose work orders have the same supplier and supplier location.

Note. This field is only available when there is a value in the Supplier field.

Provider Contact

Specify the name of the supplier provider contact that receives the invoice.

Note. If you do not specify a value, the provider contact that is associated with the work order receives the invoice.

Service Provider

Select the service provider for whom invoices are generated.

Note. If the supplier is resource-based, the lookup for service providers displays service providers.

If the supplier is deliverable-based, the lookup for service providers displays provider contacts.

If the supplier is both resource- and deliverable-based, the lookup for service providers displays both service providers and provider contacts.

Note. Note

This field is only available when there is a value in the Supplier field.


Select the department for which invoices are generated.


Select the requester for whom invoices are generated.

Selection Range

Start DateandEnd Date

Enter the range of dates for timesheets, progress logs, or expenses that are included in the invoices that you generate. The date range is also used to determine active work orders and their associated timesheets, expenses, and progress logs.

Note. The end date is used to compare different date values depending on invoicing time, expense date, or progress log completion date. For timesheets, the end date is compared to the period end date. For expenses, the transaction date is used for the comparison. For progress logs, the creation date is used for the comparison when the settlement option is Percentage or Rate Based, and the completion date is used when the settlement option is Fixed Cost or Milestone.

Note. To generate invoices for timesheets, expense reports, and progress logs that fall within a specific time-period, you must enter an end date that is equal or greater than the last end date.

For example, if you have a progress logs with a completion date of July 15, 2005, a timesheet with period end date of June 29, 2005, and an expenses report with a transaction date of July 10, 2005, and you enter an end date of July 10, 2005 on the run control page, the progress log invoice will not be generated.

Work Order ID FromandWork Order ID To

Enter the beginning and ending work order for which you want to generate invoices.

Purchase Order ID FromandPurchase Order ID To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase orders for which you want to generate invoices.

Invoice Options

Use Run Date

Select to indicate that when the run control is scheduled to run on a recurring basis (when you use the Recurrence Definition), the invoice date is assigned the date of the scheduled run.

Note. This option is selected by default. Refer to Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks for details on how to set up a Recurrence Definition.

Use Specific Date

Select to define the specific invoice date. This date is used regardless of the scheduled run date.

When you select this option, the current date defaults in. Do not select this option if you are using a Recurrence Definition and you want to have different invoice dates at different run times. Refer to PeopleTools PeopleBooks for details on how to set up a Recurrence Definition.

Use Flexible Date

Select to define invoice dates that are a specific number of days before or after a scheduled run date.

Note. When you select this option, the default is 10 days before the scheduled run date. Refer to Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks for details on how to set up a Recurrence Definition.

Supplier Address

Select a supplier address for the invoice.

Note. When you select a specific supplier, the supplier’s address may be edited. If you do not select a supplier, the field is hidden and the value is blank. However, the invoice process picks up the default supplier address for each supplier at run time.

Payment Terms

Select payment terms for the invoice.

Note. When you select a specific supplier, the payment terms and may be edited. If you do not select a supplier, the field is hidden and the value is blank. However, the invoice process will pick up the default payment terms for each supplier at run time.

Process Options

Invoice Report Currency

Select if the invoice should be created in the base currency or the work order currency. The field is disabled if the Purchasing Business unit does not allow multicurrency purchase orders.

Process Results

When you create an invoice for a work order that allows overtime entry, the system performs the overtime calculation during the Generate Invoices Application Engine process (SPF_INVGEN_C). The system validates that the time template associated with the work order is enabled for Use Overtime and also references the overtime calculation rules that you defined on the Overtime Rules page. The resulting invoice amount includes the overtime calculation based on the selected time reporting code for a time/expense line.

Note. You can also run the Generate Invoice Report process (SPINV002) to generate a report about the invoices that you are processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Invoices

Access the Print Invoices page.

Enter the run control parameters for the invoice printing process.


Select the supplier for whom invoices are to be printed.

Note. For VMS managed work orders, the VMS supplier should be selected. All timesheets, progress logs, and expenses associated with the end suppliers are combined on the VMS supplier's invoice.

Invoice Report Currency

Select to print in either the base or work order currency. The field is disabled if the Purchasing business unit does not allow multicurrency purchase orders.

From and To andInvoice ID

Select the range of invoices that you want to print.

Assignment Pay Based on Number of Incidents

If there is any assignment pay based on the number of incidents, there will be a separate section included on the printed invoice.

Process Results

The Process Invoice Application Engine process (SPF_PRNTINV) processes invoices that have been generated and approved. It prints the proforma invoice to be sent to the suppliers. This process also adds any manually created invoices to the invoice report table so that invoices can be printed.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Invoices

Use the Manage Invoice page to create new invoices manually, review existing invoices, edit invoices, view statuses of invoices, cancel invoices, or submit selected invoices for approval. The Manage Invoice page is the central location and starting point for maintaining invoices. Use the search and sort features to streamline the search results. Once entered, proceed to the roster area where you can view invoice details, edit the invoice, submit or cancel invoices.

Note. This page displays invoices created by the login user. Invoices generated by other users do not appear in this roster.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Creating Invoices Manually

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Page Name

Object Name



Manage Invoices


Services Procurement, Manage Invoices

Add invoices, search existing invoices, submit, or cancel invoices.

Note. The From Date and Date To fields default to the last 30 days. You may need to change the date fields to see previous invoices.

Create Invoice


Enter the business unit or invoice ID or both, and click the Add button on the Manage Invoices page.

Create invoice header information.

Manage Invoices - Add Lines To Invoice


Save an invoice on the Create Invoice page.

View all non-invoiced timesheets, progress logs, and expenses for the supplier or service provider.

Manage Invoices - Line Summary


Click the Edit button for an invoice on the Manage Invoice page.

Modify the selected invoice.

Invoice Process Detail


Click the View Entry button on the Manage Invoice page.

Click the Process Details link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View invoice details.

Invoice To Address


Click the Vendor Location address link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View the invoice to address.

Remit To Address


Click the Remit To Address link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View the remit to address.

Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate Details link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View multicurrency information.

Work Order Details


Click View Work Order button on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View details of the work order related to the invoice.

Manage Invoices - Line Detail


For resource-based invoices, click the Edit button on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View invoice line details or make adjustments, or both.

Manage Invoices - Line Detail


For deliverable-based invoices, click the Edit link on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

View invoice line details or make adjustments, or both.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order


Click the View Purchase Order button on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View details of the purchase order related to the invoice.

Approve Timesheet


For resource-based invoices, click the linked timesheet on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View time reports.

Services Expense Report - Services Expense Report Details


For either resource-based or deliverables-based invoices, click the linked expense on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View expense reports.

Create Progress Log Submittal - Progress Log Summary


For deliverables-based invoices, click the linked progress log on the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

View progress log reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching and Viewing Invoices

Access the Manage Invoices page.

You can access this page when you log in as the PeopleSoft Services Procurement invoice manager.

Search Invoices

Enter search criteria used to retrieve, edit, and view invoices.

Select Currency

Displays amounts in either base or work order currency. The Select Currency field is only available if Allow Multicurrency is selected on the Services Procurement business unit page.

See Setting Up Business Unit Definitions.

Note. Invoices are generated in both base and work order currency.

Invoice Roster

Estimated Total

Displays the estimated total including expenses and estimated prorated tax.

Note. The sales and use tax (SUT) included in the estimated total includes only the sales tax. The use tax is displayed as a separate line item on the Invoice Detail page.

Click the Edit button to access the Manage Invoice Line Summary page, where you can review and edit invoice lines.

Click the View Entry button to access the Invoice Process Detail page, where you can review invoice processing information.


Click to submit selected invoices for approval.


Click to cancel selected invoices. Canceling invoices releases the timesheet, progress log, or expense associated with that invoice so that it can be invoiced again.

Note. Invoices can be adjusted by adjusting the associated timesheets, progress logs, or expenses. If the adjusted timesheet, progress log, or expense is included in an invoice, the status of the invoice line associated to the adjustment is changed to Canceled and the invoice header status is changed to Adjusted. Invoices can also be adjusted after the invoice has been generated by adjusting the amounts on the Manage Invoice Line Detail page. Adjusting invoices in this manner does not change existing timesheets, progress logs, or expenses. Adjustments can be made prior to invoices being approved by either the supplier invoice approver or the enterprise invoice approver.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Manage Invoice Line Summaries

Access the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page.

The data appearing in the Invoice Header Information and Estimated Invoice Totalsections depend on whether or not the invoice is for VMS services.

Business Unit

Displays the business unit associated with the invoice.

Invoice ID

Displays the number automatically or manually assigned to the invoice when it is created.

Invoice Header Information

Invoice Date

Displays the creation date of the invoice.

Invoice Status

Displays the current status of the invoice. Values are:

  • Generated: Line has been created but not yet submitted for approval.

  • Submitted to Enterprise: Invoice has been submitted for approval, but the line has not yet been approved or rejected.

  • Submitted to Supplier: Invoice has been submitted for approval to the supplier, but the line has not yet been approved or rejected.

  • Rejected by Enterprise: The approver has rejected the line.

  • Rejected by Supplier: The supplier invoice approver has rejected the line.

  • Approved by Supplier: The supplier invoice approver has approved all lines, and the invoice has not been processed.

  • Approved by Enterprise: The invoice approver has approved all lines, and the invoice has not been processed.

  • Processed: All lines have been approved and the invoice has been processed.

  • Canceled: The invoice has been canceled and the related timesheets, progress logs or expenses have been released to be re-invoiced.

Payment Terms

Displays the payment terms assigned to the invoice.


Displays the end supplier who performed the service. This option only appears in the Invoice Header Information section when invoices are not VMS managed. The supplier appears at the line level when invoices are VMS managed.

VMS Suppler

Displays the VMS supplier that managing the work orders for time and progress invoices. This option only appears in the Invoice Header Information section for VMS invoices.

Estimated Invoice Total

Line Amount

Displays the total invoice amount in base or work order currency.

Any assignment pay based on time is included with the base pay in the line amount.

Any assignment pay based on number of incidents is displayed in the Time/Expense Details group box, and is not included in the line amount.

Estimated Tax

Displays the total estimated tax for the invoice.

Expense Amount

Displays the total expense amount in base or work order currency.

Estimated Total

Displays the estimated total for the invoice.


Displays the amount paid to the VMS suppler for managing the service.

The data appearing in the Invoice Line Information grid depends on the selected service method and whether the invoice is for VMS services. Select the Base Currency or Work Order Currency option to display amounts.

View the estimated tax and estimated total amount for the invoice.

Note. This option only appears and is included in the Estimated Invoice Total for VMS invoices.


Displays the amount paid to the MSP supplier for managing the service.

Note. This option appears and is included in the estimated invoice total only if MSP is installed and the supplier is an internal supplier.

External suppliers can view MSP fees, however, the fee is not included in the estimated total.

Invoice Line Information — Amount Information tab

Click the Line Details button to access the line details.

Invoice Line Information — Work Order Details tab

Work Order

Links to the related work order for viewing more details.


Displays the end supplier who performed the service. This option only appears for VMS invoices.

Provider Contact

Displays the provider contact for the work order.

Time Sheet ID

Displays the timesheet for the invoice line and only has a value for timesheet lines.

Expense Sheet ID

Displays the expense sheet for the invoice line and only has a value for expense lines.

Progress Log ID

Displays the progress log for the invoice line. Appears only for deliverable invoices and only has a value for progress lines.


Displays the activity for the invoice line. This option only appears for deliverable invoices.

Note. For deliverable-based requisitions, the rate-based activity is displayed in the Invoice Line Information region.


Click to submit the selected invoice lines for approval.

Note. Until all lines have been submitted for approval, the invoice header status remains Generated.


Click to remove the selected line from the invoice. Deleting the invoice line releases the timesheet, progress log, or expense associated with that invoice so that it can be invoiced again.

See Also

Setting Up Business Unit Definitions

Establishing and Managing VMS

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Line Details

Access the Manage Invoices - Line Detail page.

The information appearing on this page depends on the selected service method.

Invoice Line Information

Invoice Line Number

Displays the number automatically assigned to the invoice line when it is created. Allows adjustments to the progress log line amount.

Line Status

Displays the current status of the invoice line. Values are:

  • Generated: Line has been created but not yet submitted for approval.

  • Submitted: Invoice has been submitted for approval, but the line has not yet been approved or rejected.

  • Submitted to Supplier: Invoice has been submitted for approval to the supplier, but the line has not yet been approved or rejected.

  • Rejected: The approver has rejected the line.

  • Approved by Supplier: The supplier has approved all lines.

  • Approved: The invoice approver has approved all lines.

Purchase Order

Click to view the purchase order assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Note. The button is only available if the PO Work Order Integration (purchase order work order integration) check box is selected on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Supplier Invoice ID

Enter the supplier's invoice ID for each invoice line. This field is for reference only in the event that the supplier uses a different invoice ID.

Work Order ID

Click to view the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Provider Contact

Displays the provider contact assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.


Displays the requester assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

WO Amount Remaining

Displays the amount still available for the work order. This amount is updated when invoices are approved.

Service Provider

Displays the name of the individual service provider associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Note. This value displays for resource-based engagements only.

Time Approver

Displays the time approver assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Note. This value only appears for resource invoices.

Expense Approver

Displays the expense approver assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Note. This value only if resource or deliverable invoices include expenses.

Progress Log Approver

Displays the progress log approver assigned to the work order that is associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Note. This value only appears for deliverable invoices.

Invoice Approver

Displays the invoice approver assigned to the work order associated with the services included on the invoice line.

Supplier Invoice Approver

Displays the supplier invoice approver assigned to the work order that is associated with the services included on the invoice line. This option only appears for suppliers that are included in the invoice approval process.

Time/Expense Details - Resource-Based Invoices

Adjustments can be made after the invoice has been generated and not yet approved. Once approved, invoices cannot be adjusted.

Timesheet ID or Expense Sheet ID

Displays the timesheet or expense associated with the invoice line. Click to view the timesheet or expense details.

Period End Date

Displays the period end date of the timesheet associated with the invoice line.

VAT Applicability (value-added tax applicability)

Indicates if value-added tax (VAT) applies to this invoice. If VAT Applicability is Taxable, the system displays the VAT percentage and VAT amount information.

SUT Applicability

Indicates if sales tax or use tax (SUT) applies to this invoice. If SUT Applicability is Sales Tax or Direct Pay/Sales Tax, then the Sale Tax % and Sales Tax Amount fields appear.

If the value is Use Tax, then the system displays the use tax percentage and the use tax amounts.

Note. Use tax is not included in the invoice total and is displayed for informational purposes only. Suppliers can only view the sales tax, not the use tax.

Original/Adjusted Time Quantity

Displays the original and adjusted time quantity for resource-based invoices. No manual adjustments are allowed for this field.

Original/Adjusted Line Amount

Displays the amounts based on the original and adjusted time quantity. You can adjust the line amount in the work order currency and the system automatically converts to base currency if multi-currency option applies.

Original/Adjusted MSP Fee

Displays the MSP fee. This option appears and is included in the estimated invoice total only if MSP is installed and the supplier is an internal supplier. External suppliers will have the MSP fee shown, but is not included in the estimated invoice total. No manual adjustments are allowed for this field, but any adjustments made to the line amount will recalculate the adjusted MSP fee.

Original/Adjusted VMS Fee

Displays the VMS fee. This option only appears for VMS invoices. No manual adjustments are allowed for this field, but any adjustments made to the line amount recalculates the adjusted VMS fee.

Original/Adjusted Expenses

Displays the original and adjusted expenses from the expense sheet associated with the invoice line. You can enter adjustments prior to approval, but the adjustment must be made in the work order currency. The system automatically converts to base currency.

Original/Adjusted Total

Displays the total of the original and adjusted line amount, the original and adjusted expenses, and any associated fees and taxes.

VAT Percent

Displays the actual VAT percentage. Enables you to adjust the original VAT percentage for resource-based invoices.

Note. The field is hidden if VAT is not applicable.

Estimated VAT (estimated value-added tax)

Displays the estimated VAT amount. Adjusting the line amount or VAT percentage recalculates the estimated VAT amount.

Note. The field is hidden if VAT is not applicable.

Sales Tax Percent/Use Tax Percent

Displays estimated sales tax percentage if the tax applicability is sales tax or direct pay. If tax applicability is use tax, then the system displays the estimated use tax percent. Enables you to adjust the tax percentage, which recalculates the estimated SUT amounts.

Note. The field is hidden if SUT Applicability is notSales Tax or Direct Pay/Sales Tax.

Includes VAT

Indicates if the estimated VAT amount should be added to the line amount before SUT is calculated. If yes, the VAT amount is added to the line amount before SUT is calculated. Otherwise, the line amount is used for VAT calculations.

Note. The field is hidden if VAT and SUT is not applicable.

Estimated Sales Tax

Displays the estimated sales tax. Adjusting the line amount or SUT percentage recalculates the estimated sales tax amount. If the Includes VAT option is yes, then adjusting the VAT percentage will also recalculate the estimated sales tax amount.

Note. The field is hidden if SUT Applicability is notSales Tax or Direct Pay/Sales Tax.

Original/Adjusted Assignment Incidents

Displays the number of assignments based on incidents associated with the invoice.

Line Amount

Displays the sum of all items associated with the invoice line.

Estimated Total

Displays the sum of the line amount, expense amount, VMS or MSP fees, and VAT or sales tax.

Estimated Use Tax

Displays the estimated sales tax. Adjusting the line amount or SUT percentage recalculates the estimated sales tax amount. If the Includes VAT option is yes, then adjusting the VAT percentage will also recalculate the estimated sales tax amount.

Note. The field is hidden if SUT Applicability is notUse Tax.

Progress Log Details - Deliverables Based Invoices

Progress Log ID or Expense Sheet ID

Displays the progress log or expense associated with the invoice line. Click to view the progress log or expense details.


Displays the activity associated with the invoice line.

Note. This field is not visible if the settlement option on the work order associated with the invoice line is set to Percentage.

% Complete(percent complete)

Displays the total percent completed entered.

Note. This field is only visible if the settlement option on the work order associated with the invoice line is set to Percentage.


Displays the rate from the work order associated with the invoice line.

Note. This field is only visible if the settlement option on the work order associated with the invoice line is set to Rate Based.

UOM (unit of measurement)

The unit of measurement defined for the rate.

Note. This field is only visible if the settlement option on the work order associated with the invoice line is set to Rate Based.


Displays the number of units being billed on the invoice line.

Note. This field is only visible if the settlement option on the work order associated with the invoice line is set to Rate Based.

VAT Applicability

Indicates if VAT applies to this invoice. If VAT Applicability is Taxable, the system displays the VAT percentage and VAT amount information.

SUT Applicability

Indicates if SUT applies to this invoice. If SUT Applicability is Sales Tax or Direct Pay/Sales Tax, then the Sale Tax % and Sales Tax Amount fields appear.

If the value is Use Tax, then the system displays the use tax percentage and the use tax amounts.

Note. Use tax is not included in the invoice total and is displayed for informational purposes only. Suppliers can only view the sales tax, not the use tax.

Original/Adjusted Line Amount

Displays the amounts based on the original and adjusted progress log for this invoice line. You can adjust the line amount in the work order currency and the system automatically converts to base currency if multi-currency option applies.

Original/Adjusted MSP Fee

Displays the MSP fee. This option appears and is included in the estimated invoice total only if MSP is installed and the supplier is an internal supplier. External suppliers can view MSP fees, however, the fee is not included in the estimated invoice total. No manual adjustments are allowed for this field. Any adjustments made to the line amount will recalculate the adjusted MSP fee.

Original/Adjusted VMS Fee

Displays the VMS fee. This option only appears for VMS invoices. No manual adjustments are allowed for this field. Any adjustments made to the line amount will recalculate the adjusted VMS fee.

Original/Adjusted Expenses

Displays the original and adjusted expenses from the expense sheet associated with the invoice line. You can enter adjustments prior to approval, but the adjustment must be made in the work order currency. The system automatically converts to base currency.

Original/Adjusted Total

Displays the total of the original and adjusted line amount, the original and adjusted expenses, and any associated fees and taxes.

VAT Percent

Displays the actual VAT percentage. Enables you to adjust the actual VAT percentage for resource-based invoices.

Note. The field is hidden if VAT is not applicable.

Estimated VAT

Displays the estimated VAT amount. Adjusting the line amount or VAT percentage recalculates the estimated VAT amount

Note. The field is hidden if VAT is not applicable.

Sales Tax Percent/Use Tax Percent

Displays estimated sales tax percentage if tax applicability is sales tax or direct pay. If tax applicability is use tax, then the system displays the estimated use tax percent. Enables you to adjust the tax percentage, which recalculates the estimated SUT amounts.

Note. The field is hidden if SUT Applicability is notSales Tax or Direct Pay/Sales Tax.

Includes VAT

Indicates if the estimated VAT amount should be added to the line amount before SUT is calculated. If yes, the VAT amount is added to the line amount before SUT is calculated. Otherwise, the line amount is used for VAT calculations.

Note. The field is hidden if VAT and SUT is not applicable.

Estimated Sales Tax

Displays the estimated sales tax. Adjusting the line amount or SUT percentage recalculates the estimated sales tax amount. If the Includes VAT option is yes, then adjusting the VAT percentage will also recalculate the estimated sales tax amount.

Estimated Total

Displays the sum of the line amount, expense amount, VMS or MSP fees, and VAT or sales tax.

Estimated Use Tax

Displays the estimated sales tax. Adjusting the line amount or SUT percentage recalculates the estimated sales tax amount. If the Includes VAT option is yes, then adjusting the VAT percentage will also recalculate the estimated sales tax amount.

Note. The field is hidden if SUT Applicability is notUse Tax.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Invoices

The Manage Invoice Approval page is the central location for reviewing and approving invoices.

Note. Similar approval pages are provided for the supplier role.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Invoices

Page Name

Object Name



Manage Invoice Approval


Services Procurement, Services Settlement, Approve Invoices

Review, accept, or reject invoice approvals.

Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary


Click the Invoice Approval Line Summary button on the Manage Invoice Approval page.

View invoice lines that you are authorized to approve.

Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail (resource-based)


Click the Line Details button for a resource-based invoice on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View invoice line details, make adjustments to line amounts, expenses, tax percentages, and enter comments before approving or rejecting the invoice line.

Invoice Approval Line Detail (deliverables-based)


Click the Line Details button for a deliverables-based invoice on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View invoice line details, make adjustments to line amounts, expenses, tax percentages, and enter comments before approving or rejecting the invoice line.

Invoice To Address


Click the Vendor Location Address link on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View the supplier's invoice to address.

Remit To Address


Click the Remit To Addresslink on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View the supplier's remit to address.

Currency Information


Click the linked currency abbreviation on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View multicurrency information.

Work Order Details


Click a linked work order on the Manage Invoices - Line Summary page or Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View details of the work order related to the invoice.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order


Click the View Purchase Order button on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View details of the purchase order related to the invoice.

Approve Timesheet


For resource-based invoices, click the linked timesheet on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View time reports.

Services Expense Report - Services Expense Report Details


For either resource-based or deliverables-based invoices, click the linked expense on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View expense reports.

Create Progress Log Submittal - Progress Log Summary


For deliverables-based invoices, click the linked progress log on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View progress log reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Invoice Approvals

Access the Manage Invoice Approval page.

You can access this page when you log in as a Services Procurement invoice approver.

Search and Sort Invoices

Enter criteria used to retrieve submitted invoices.

Note. This page only displays invoice and invoice lines that the login user is authorized to approve. Authorization is defined on the Work Order page when the work order is created. If the supplier is to be included in the invoice approval process, the option must be selected on the Services Supplier Information page. The specific supplier invoice approver will be identified on the work order when the supplier is set up to be included in the approval process.

Invoice Roster

Click the Line Summary button to access the Invoice Line Summary page to view details associated with the line.

Approve and Reject

Click to approve or reject the selected invoices.

When a line is rejected, the invoice header status is set to Rejected. The invoice manager that creates that invoice can then review the rejected invoice, make any necessary adjustments, and resubmit the invoice for approval.

Note. The enterprise invoice approver can only approve or reject invoices that have the status of Submitted To Enterprise or Approved by Supplier. Otherwise the approve and reject buttons are hidden.

Note. You receive an error message if the sum of the invoiced amount (listed on the work order) and the amount of the invoice is greater than the purchase order amount.

Estimated Total

Displays the estimated total in either work order or base currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Approval Line Summaries

Access the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

You can access this page when you log in as a PeopleSoft Services Procurement approver and clicking the Edit button from the Invoice Roster.

Line Amount

Displays the total amount for the invoice line, excluding expenses and taxes.


Displays the amount paid to the MSP supplier for managing the service. This option appears and is included in the estimated invoice total only if MSP is installed and the supplier is an internal supplier. External suppliers will have the MSP Fee shown, but is not included in the estimated invoice total.


Displays the amount paid to the VMS suppler for managing the service. This option only appears and is included in the estimated invoice total for VMS invoices.

Expense Amount

Displays the total expense amount in base or work order currency.

Estimated Tax

Includes VAT and sales tax, but not use tax.

Estimated Total

Displays the sum of the line amount, expense amount, MSP or VMS fee, and the estimated tax.

Work Order Details

The Work Order Details tab in the Invoice Line Information grid shows the information related to the work order.

View Work Order

Click the link work order to view additional work order details.


Displays the end supplier for invoices that are under VMS managed. This field is only shown when VMS applies on the Work Order.

Service Provider

Displays the service provider associated with the Work Order. This is only displayed for resource-based invoices.

Timesheet ID

Displays the timesheet associated with the invoice line. This is only displayed for resource-based invoices

Period End Date

Displays the period end date for the timesheet associated with the invoice line. This is only displayed for resource-based invoices.

Expense Sheet ID

Displays the expense sheet associated with the invoice line if one exists.

Amount Information

The Amount Information tab in the Invoice Line Information grid shows the amounts for the invoice line.

Deliverables Based Invoice Approval

Progress Log ID

Displays the progress log ID associated with the invoice line.


This field appears for deliverables-based requisitions for rate-based and milestone-based activities.

Percent Complete

This field does not appear for milestone, fixed-amount, and rate-based progress logs.

See Also

Establishing and Managing the MSP Environment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Approval Line Detail

Access the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

The information appearing on this page depends on the selected service method and is similar to the information appearing on the Invoice Line Detail page.

View invoice lines that you are authorized to approve, and enter comments before approving or rejecting invoice lines.

Timesheet ID , Expense Sheet IDand Progress Log ID

Displays the timesheet, expense, or progress log associated with the invoice line. Click to view the timesheet, expense or progress log details.

Period End Date

Displays the period end date of the timesheet associated with the invoice line.

See Also

Viewing Invoice Line Details

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Invoice Approval for Suppliers

This section discusses how to:

Note. Many of the field definitions mentioned in the Approving Invoices section can also be used for this section.

See Approving Invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Invoice Approval for Suppliers

Page Name

Object Name



Manage Invoice Approval


Service Procurement, Approve Service Invoices (external)

Review, accept, or reject invoice approvals as a supplier invoice approver.

Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary


Click the Invoice Approval Line Summary button on the Manage Invoice Approval page.

View invoice lines that you are authorized to approve as a supplier invoice approver.

Work Order Details


  • Click the Work Order details tab on the Invoice Line Information grid of the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page, and then select a linked work order.

  • Click a linked work order on the Manage Invoice Approval - Invoice Approval Line Detail page.

View details of the work order related to the invoice.

Invoice Approval Line Detail


Click the Line Details button on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View approvals for invoice line summaries, and enter comments before approving or rejecting the invoice line as a service provider.

Invoice Approval Line Detail


Click the Line Details button on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

View approvals for invoice line summaries, and enter comments before approving or rejecting the invoice line as a service provider.

Approve Timesheet


For resource-based invoices, click the linked timesheet on the Manage Invoice Approval- Line Detail page.

View time reports.

Services Expense Report - Services Expense Report Details


For either resource-based or deliverables-based invoices, click the linked expense on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View expense reports.

Create Progress Log Submittal - Progress Log Summary


For deliverables-based invoices, click the linked progress log on the Manage Invoice Approval - Line Detail page.

View time reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Supplier Invoices

Access the external Manage Invoice Approval page.

Select the invoice to approve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Invoice Detail

Access the Invoice Approval - Line Summary page.

Select the invoice line to approve.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTriggering Worklist and Email Notifications

The following status changes trigger a worklist entry and an email notification:

Note. To receive an email, an email definition must be set up for the approval activity.