Using Surveys in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

This chapter provides an overview of surveys in PeopleSoft Services Procurement and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Surveys in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables enterprise users to create performance surveys that are sent to recipients once their work orders are complete, canceled, or terminated. Enterprise users can create, edit, and send surveys to individual recipients, or distribute surveys to a list of recipients. Surveys are sent both automatically and manually, depending on the configuration of the work order environment. Once the survey is received and completed by the recipient, enterprise users can view survey responses.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Surveys

To set up surveys, use the Setup Surveys (SP_SUR_DEFN) component. To define format and answer choices for work order survey questions, use the Response Type (SP_SUR_RESTYP) component. To set up surveys by service type, use the Survey by Service Type (SP_SURVEY_BY_SVTYP) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Surveys

Page Name

Object Name



Services Procurement Bus Unit (services procurement business unit)


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Services Procurement, Services Procurement Definition

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Definitions, Services Procurement options

Define PeopleSoft Services Procurement business units.

Work Order Settings


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Definitions, Services Procurement options

Click the Work Order Settings tab.

Define work order alerts and settings.

Service Types


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Service Types/Roles, Service Types

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Service Setup, Service Type Setup, Service Types

Define service types options for surveys.

Role Distribution List


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Role Distribution Lists

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Service Setup, Role Distribution Lists

Set up role distribution lists to use with performance surveys.

Response Type


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Surveys, Response Type

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Services Setup, Survey Setup, Response Types

Define formats and answer choices for work order survey questions.

Setup Survey


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Surveys, Survey Setup

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Services Setup, Survey Setup, Survey Setup

Define titles, question sequence, and response types for work order surveys.

Survey Setup - Service Type


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Surveys, Setup Survey

    Select the Service Type tab.

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Services Setup, Survey Setup, Survey Setup

    Select the Service Type tab.

View the service types related to the survey.

Survey by Service Type


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Services Procurement, Surveys, Surveys by Service Type

  • Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Services Setup, Survey Setup, Surveys by Service Type

Associate service type with one or more surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Survey Business Unit Option

Access the Work Order Settings page.

Enable Surveys

Select to indicate that surveys may be used for work orders that are related to the specified business unit.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Services Procurement Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Service Type Attributes

Access the Service Types page.

Require Survey by Default

Select to indicate that surveys are mandatory for work orders that are associated with the specified service type. If you select this check box, surveys must be complete before the work order is finalized.

Note. You can change the status of a mandatory survey on a work order.

Automatically Send Survey

Select to indicate that surveys will be automatically sent to recipients at the time the work order is terminated, closed, or canceled. If surveys are not sent automatically, then you must click the Send Survey to Recipients button on the work order.

Note. If a survey is automatic, it is sent to all recipients that are tied to the role action that is specified on the distribution list.

See Also

Maintaining Service Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Role Distribution Lists

Access Role Distribution List page.

Role Distribution List

Indicates the name of the new distribution list.

Role Action Description

Add role actions to the survey distribution list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Response Types

Access the Response Type page.

Response Type ID

Name of the response type. Response types are used to define a set of appropriate responses that can be associated to multiple questions within or across surveys.

Select One of Many Choices

Select to indicate that a question is limited to only one response.

Free Form Text

Select to indicate that a recipient can respond to a question as freeform text.


Enter the order that responses appear to recipients.

Note. This option is for single choice selections only.

Response Text

Enter the text for the response. The response texts for a response type are shown to survey recipients as the list of available answers to a survey question.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Surveys

Access the Setup Survey page.

Survey ID

Displays the name of the survey.

Note. This field is keyed by SetID upon entering the page.


Enter the title of the survey.


Click to copy an existing survey to a new survey. When you click this button, the system enables you to copy from a prior survey SetID and survey ID.

Note. This button only appears if you are creating a new survey.


View the predefined statues of a survey. Statuses include Draft, Publish, and Retired.

Draft: This is the initial status of a survey that is assigned when the survey is created and saved.

Published: The system changes the status from Draft to Publish once you select the Publish Survey button.

Note. Once you click the Publish Survey button, the Save Draft button is no longer available. You can only select published surveys as a work order survey.

Retired: This status indicates that the survey is retired, and the survey does not show up on the work order selection. The survey, however, is viewable in the survey results. It is possible to republish a retired survey.

Note. You cannot retire a survey that is the default for a service type unless you change the default first.


Determines the order in which the questions will be displayed to the survey recipients.

Role Distribution List

Select a survey distribution list to associate with the survey.


Enter a survey question.

Response Type ID

Select a response type to associate with the question on the survey.

Allow Comments

Select to provide a comments text box to recipients for the survey question.

Retire Survey

Click to retire a survey.

Note. When you retire the survey, the survey is removed from the work order selection.

It is possible to republish a retired survey.

Preview Survey

Click to view a survey before it is published.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Survey - Service Type

Access Survey Setup - Service Type page.

Service SetID

View the service SetID that is associated with the survey.

Service Type

View the service types that are related to the survey.

Surveys by Service Type

Click to access the Survey by Service Type page for the specific Service Type. You can add and delete surveys for the service type, as well as select the default survey.

Default for Service Type

Indicates that the survey is the default survey for the specified service type when a work order is created and requires a performance survey.

Add Survey by Service Type

Click to access the Survey by Service Type page, where you can add and delete surveys for Service Types, as well as select the default survey for the service types. The system will prompt you for the Service Type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Surveys by Service Type

Access the Surveys by Service Type page.

Survey ID

Add and delete survey IDs that are associated to a service type.


Click to access the Setup Survey - Service Type page for the survey title that is visible. You can view all service types associated to the survey.

Survey Status

View the status of the survey that is associated to a service type.

Default for Service Type

Indicates whether a particular survey is the default survey for service type when the service type is entered on a work order and the business unit uses surveys. The default survey is used to initially populate the work order survey field.

Click to jump to parent topicEditing and Submitting Work Order Surveys

This section discusses how to edit and submit work order surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Edit and Submit Work Order Surveys

Page Name

Object Name



Manage Work Orders - Surveys


Services Procurement, Manage Services Work Order

Select the Survey tab.

Include survey details and send surveys to the appropriate recipients.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing and Submitting Work Order Surveys

Access the Manage Work Orders - Surveys page.

Require Survey

Indicates that a survey is mandatory for the work order that is associated with the specified service type.

Note. This value defaults from the service type associated with the survey. You can modify this value before sending the survey.

Automatically Send Survey

Indicates that a survey will be automatically sent to a recipient at the time the work order is terminated, closed, or canceled. All recipients listed on the survey distribution list will receive notification.

Note. This value defaults from the service type associated with the survey. You can modify this value before sending the survey.

Distribution List Roles

Work order-related role actions that are included in the distribution list that you select for the work order survey.

Note. After sending a survey, users may only cancel a survey. Use the + and - buttons to add a new survey recipient or remove a recipient if the survey has not yet been sent.

If a survey is mandatory, all recipients must complete and submit the survey before the work order can be finalized. The survey status changes to complete once the survey is submitted.

See Also

Managing Work Orders

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Surveys

This section discusses how to view my survey summary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Surveys

Page Name

Object Name



My Survey Summary


Services Procurement, Respond/View Survey, My Survey Summary

Search for your work order performance surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing My Survey Summary

Access the My Survey Summary page.

Enter a specific business unit, work order ID, survey ID, vendor ID, service provider, service contact, user ID (survey recipient), or status to restrict the surveys to only those that match. Or leave those fields blank to pick up all values. Click the Search button to return valid surveys that a user can complete for himself or on behalf of another user.

The Status field displays work order surveys that are not started, in progress, or canceled. Initially only those particular surveys that a user must complete as the survey recipient appear in the Survey List.

Survey ID

Click to access the Respond to Survey page, where you can respond to and view the work order surveys.

Click to jump to parent topicResponding to Surveys

This section discusses how to respond to surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Respond to Surveys

Page Name

Object Name



Respond To Survey


  • Services Procurement, Respond/View Survey, My Survey Summary

    Click the Search button to locate your surveys.

  • Worklist, Filter on Survey Routing

    Click Survey.

Respond to and review your work order surveys.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResponding to Surveys

Access the Respond To Survey page.

User ID

Review the survey recipient user name.

Completed By

Review name of the person that filled out the survey. This may differ from the recipient user name. The service coordinator, requester, and other service team members have the ability to respond to the survey on behalf of recipients. This field is blank if the survey is not complete.

Survey Question

View the questions for the survey.


Provide answers to the survey questions.

Submit Survey

Click to submit the survey to the survey reviewer.

Note. This action disallows further changes to the survey, marks the survey as complete for the user, and removes the worklist entry.

Save for Later

Click to save the survey. Once you save the survey, you can access and complete it at a later time.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Survey

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review the Survey

Page Name

Object Name



Review Survey Summary


Services Procurement, Respond/View Survey, Review Survey Summary

Search for completed surveys to review.

Review Survey User Responses


Services Procurement, Respond/View Survey, Review Survey Summary

Click the Search button to locate survey responses.

Review work order evaluation summaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Survey Summary

Access the Review Survey Summary page.

Enter a specific business unit, work order ID, survey ID, vendor ID, service provider, service contact, user ID (survey recipient), or status to restrict the surveys to only those that match. Or leave those fields blank to pick up all values. Click the Search button to return surveys that a user can complete for himself or on behalf of another user

The Status field displays work order surveys that are completed. Initially only those particular surveys that a user must complete as the survey recipient appear in the Survey List.

Survey ID

Click to access the Review Survey User Responses page, where you can review completed work order evaluation summaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Survey User Response

Access the Review Survey User Responses page.

User ID

Review the name of the survey recipient.

Completed By

Review name of the recipient that filled out the survey. This may differ from the user name.


View completed surveys. Use the My Survey Summary page to view surveys that are not started, in progress, or canceled.