Supplier Scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

This chapter provides an overview of supplier scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Supplier Scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Supplier scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement provides you with supplier metrics to help score, analyze, and compare suppliers across the requisition life cycle. Use supplier scoring to determine the best suppliers that meet the requisition requirements. We provide standard scoring setup pages to assist you in creating the own enterprise metrics for scoring suppliers.

Use supplier scoring to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Supplier Scoring Process

This is the basic task flow of the service scoring process:

  1. Access the Supplier Performance Level Codes page to set up supplier performance level codes.

  2. Use the Supplier Scoring Rules page to set up supplier scoring rules.

  3. Access the Services Procurement Business Units page to set up supplier scoring parameters.

    You can also use this page to identify the scoring rule, define a specific period of time for gathering scoring data, and calculate supplier scores.

  4. Use supplier scoring logic within the Scoring component.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Performance Level Codes

Determines various levels at which suppliers perform. Use the Performance Level Codes page to create specific performance codes to help evaluate suppliers' performance. Each performance code has four levels that are used to determine a range for evaluation. For example, you might create the performance level code RESPONSE_TIME to determine the average response time of suppliers. Or, you might create performance level CAND_SUB_PER_REQ to determine the average number of candidates that suppliers submit per requisition. The performance range for the CAND_SUB_PER_REQ level code might include the following levels: Level One = 2, Level Two = 4, Level Three = 6, and Level Four = 8, to represent the number of candidates that are submitted per requisition.

Note. Reverse performance levels as needed.

The combined level amount can equal more than 100 percent.

Supplier Scoring Rules

User-defined rule that calculates supplier performance metrics, level codes, weight, and performance-level ranges.

Supplier Performance Element

Essential performance factors (such as total candidates submitted, total positions filled, or total work orders rejected).

Supplier Performance Metrics

Measurement of supplier performance based on specific predefined elements.

Services Supplier Score

Overall supplier score.

Note. This score is the supplier total weight (or score) divided by the total weight of the supplier rule.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Performance Level Codes

To set up performance level codes, use the Performance Level Codes (SPB_LVL_CD) component.

This section discusses how to set up performance level codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Performance Level Codes

Page Name

Object Name



Performance Level Code


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Sourcing Setup, Supplier Scoring Setup, Performance Level Codes

Determine various levels at which suppliers perform.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Performance Level Codes

Access the Performance Level Code page.


Select Absolute Value.

Level One, Level Two, Level Three, and Level Four

Enter four maximum range values for the performance level that you create. Use these values to determine the range for evaluating supplier performance levels. For example, you might create performance level code INTERVIEW to determine the number of candidate interviews that a supplier is scheduled for per requisition. The performance levels for the INTERVIEW performance code might include the following levels: Level One = 2, Level Two = 4, Level Three = 6, and Level Four = 8. In this example, level four represents the best possible score and level one represents the worst possible score.

Note. Reverse levels as needed.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supplier Scoring Rules

To set up supplier scoring rules, use the Supplier Scoring Rules (SPB_SUP_SCORE_RULE) component.

This section discusses how to set up supplier scoring rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Supplier Scoring Rules

Page Name

Object Name



Supplier Scoring Rule


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Sourcing Setup, Supplier Scoring Setup, Scoring Rules

Define a supplier scoring rule that calculates supplier scoring metrics, level codes, weight, and performance-level ranges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supplier Scoring Rules

Access the Supplier Scoring Rule page.

Performance Metrics

Select one or more performance elements to calculate the supplier score.


Enter the best possible weight that you want suppliers to receive.

Note. Enter desired weighting amount. The weight value need not equal 100 percent.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supplier Scoring Parameters

This section discusses how to set up supplier scoring parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Supplier Scoring Parameters

Page Name

Object Name



Services Procurement Business Unit Options


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Definitions, Services Procurement Defn (Services Procurement Definition)

Define consolidation structures for accounting and reporting purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Supplier Scoring Parameters

Access the Services Procurement Business Units Options page.

Supplier Scoring

Minimum Supplier Score

Enter the minimum score that a supplier must have in order to bid on a requisition. Supplier must have this score or higher to meet the requisition requirements and appear on the sourcing selection page. Suppliers below the score do not appear on the sourcing selection page.

Note. It is also possible to define a minimum supplier score at the service type level. If a minimum score is defined, it takes precedence over the minimum score setting of the BU.

Scoring Rule ID

Enter the scoring rule (group of metrics) that is used to score suppliers.

Use Current Date

Select to define duration date as the current system date. If selected, the system uses the number of reporting months relative to the current system date for each process instance.

Duration Date

Enter the date that is used to determine the ending date for the analysis data. Score processing includes the duration defined by the specified number of months going backward or forward from this date.

Note. This field is only available when the Use Current Date is not selected.

Exclude All Data Before

Enter the date that is used to determine the absolute begin date of the analysis data. The system retrieves data from this date forward. The default is the current system date.

Note. If the values that you enter for duration date and number of reporting months define a date before the entered start date, the system does not retrieve data prior to the entered start date. For example, if the start date is January 1, 2006, the duration date is June 30, 2006, and number of reporting months is 12, indicating that you want 12 months of data prior to June 30, 2006, then the system retrieves data only for the period between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006. Data prior to January 1, 2006, or in this example between July 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005, is not retrieved.

# of Reporting Months (number of reporting months)

The system uses the duration date in conjunction with the number of reporting months to determine the time period that is used to retrieve the analysis data. Enter the number of reporting months to define the number of months before or after the duration date for which you want to retrieve data.

Enter a positive value for number of reporting months to indicate the number of months starting from the duration date to be included in the process. Use a negative number to indicate the number of months prior to the duration date to include in the process.

Note. The system does not retrieve data prior to the entered start date regardless of the entered duration date and number of reporting months.

Process Scores

Click to access the Supplier Score page, where you can process scores for the specified scoring rule ID.

See Also

Setting Up Business Unit Definitions

Setting Up Application Specific Options for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Click to jump to parent topicViewing PeopleSoft Services Procurement Pages That Use Supplier Scoring

This section provides you with a table of PeopleSoft Services Procurement pages that use supplier scoring.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTable of Pages That Use Supplier Scoring

There are three Supplier Scoring pages:

Page Name



Sourcing Selection

Services Procurement, Review and Source Requisitions

Click the sourcing selection icon that corresponds with the requisition ID and line that you want to source.

Home, Worklist

Click the link that corresponds with the requisition ID and line that you want to source.

Enter sourcing requirements.

Supplier Scoring Results

Click the Score Analysis button on the Sourcing Selections page.

View the vendor score.

Services Procurement Business Unit Option

Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Definitions, Services Procurement Defn (Services Procurement Definition)

Set up sourcing parameters.