7 Configuring a Local Cache for C++ Clients

A Local Cache is a cache that is local to (completely contained within) a particular C++ application. There are several attributes of the Local Cache that are particularly interesting:

For additional information, see "Local Cache" in "Getting Started with Oracle Coherence".

7.1 Configuring the Local Cache

The key element for configuring the Local Cache is <local-scheme>. Local caches are generally nested within other cache schemes, for instance as the front-tier of a near-scheme. Thus, this element can appear as a subelement of any of these elements in the coherence-cache-config file: <caching-schemes>, <distributed-scheme>, <replicated-scheme>, <optimistic-scheme>, <near-scheme>, <versioned-near-scheme>, <overflow-scheme>, <read-write-backing-map-scheme>, and <versioned-backing-map-scheme>.

The <local-scheme> provides several optional subelements that let you define the characteristics of the cache. For example, the <low-units> and <high-units> subelements allow you to limit the cache in terms of size. Once the cache reaches its maximum allowable size it prunes itself back to a specified smaller size, choosing which entries to evict according to a specified eviction-policy (<eviction-policy>). The entries and size limitations are measured in terms of units as calculated by the scheme's unit-calculator (<unit-calculator>).

You can also limit the cache in terms of time. The <expiry-delay> subelement specifies the amount of time from last update that entries will be kept by the cache before being marked as expired. Any attempt to read an expired entry will result in a reloading of the entry from the configured cache store (<cachestore-scheme>). Expired values are periodically discarded from the cache based on the flush-delay.

If a <cache-store-scheme> is not specified, then the cached data will only reside in memory, and only reflect operations performed on the cache itself. See <local-scheme> for a complete description of all of the available subelements.

The XML code in Example 7-1 illustrates the configuration of a Local Cache. See "Sample Cache Configurations" for additional examples.

Example 7-1 Local Cache Configuration

<?xml version="1.0"?>


7.2 Obtaining a Local Cache Reference for C++ Clients

A reference to a configured Local Cache can be obtained by name by using the CacheFactory class:

NamedCache::Handle hCache = CacheFactory::GetCache("example-local-cache");

7.3 Cleaning Up Resources Associated with a LocalCache

Instances of all NamedCache implementations, including LocalCache, should be explicitly released by calling the NamedCache::Release() method when they are no longer needed, to free up any resources they might hold.

If the particular NamedCache is used for the duration of the application, then the resources will be cleaned up when the application is shut down or otherwise stops. However, if it is only used for a period, the application should call its Release() method when it has finished using it.