
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


Part I Coherence Concepts

1 Defining a Data Grid

2 Provide a Data Grid

3 Provide a Queryable Data Fabric

4 Cluster Your Objects and Data

5 Deliver Events for Changes as they Occur

6 Automatically Manage Dynamic Cluster Membership

7 Managing an Object Model

8 Overview for Implementors

9 Read-Through, Write-Through, Write-Behind Caching and Refresh-Ahead

10 Coherence*Extend

11 Real Time Client—RTC

12 Clustering

13 Cluster Services Overview

14 Replicated Cache Service

15 Partitioned Cache Service

16 Near Cache

17 Local Storage

18 Local Cache

19 Best Practices

20 Network Protocols

21 The Coherence Ecosystem

22 Session Management for Clustered Applications

Part II Installing Coherence

23 Installing Oracle Coherence

24 Installing Coherence*Web Session Management Module

25 Using the Coherence*Web Installer Ant Task

A Coherence Features by Edition

B AbstractMultiplexingBackingMapListener Class Listing
