2 Documentation Errata

This chapter describes changes, enhancements, and corrections made to the existing Oracle Coherence library (Getting Started, Developer's Guide, and User's Guide). The current Oracle Coherence documentation library can be found at the following URL:


2.1 Corrections to "Overview for Implementors"

This section describes the changes made to the Overview for Implementors chapter in Getting Started with Oracle Coherence.

Table 2-1 illustrates the code changes made to Examples 8-1 and 8-2 in the Querying the Cache section. The changes are illustrated in italic and codeItalic.

Table 2-1 Changes Made to the Querying the Cache Section

Old Text New Text

Example 8–1 creates an index:

Example 8-1 Sample Code to Create an Index

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("MyCache");
ValueExtractor extractor = new ReflectionExtractor("getAttribute");
cache.addIndex(extractor, true, null);

The code in Example 8–2 queries a NamedCache and returns the keys corresponding to all of the value objects with an Attribute greater than 5:

Example 8-2 Sample Code to Query a NamedCache

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("MyCache");
Filter filter = new GreaterFilter("getAttribute", 5);
Set keySet = cache.keySet(filter);

Example 8–1 creates an index:

Example 8-1 Sample Code to Create an Index

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("MyCache");
ValueExtractor extractor = new ReflectionExtractor("getQuantity");
cache.addIndex(extractor, true, null);

Note: the named attribute refers to a public zero-argument method on the data object.

The code in Example 8–2 queries a NamedCache and returns the keys corresponding to all of the value objects with an Quantity greater than 5:

Example 8-2 Sample Code to Query a NamedCache

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("MyCache");
Filter filter = new GreaterFilter("getQuantity", 5);
Set keySet = cache.keySet(filter);

2.2 Corrections to "Coherence Features by Edition"

In the Coherence Features by Edition appendix of Getting Started with Oracle Coherence, a change has been made to the text of Note 6.

Table 2-2 Changes Made to the Coherence Features by Edition Appendix

Old Text New Text

6. InvocationService requests from Data Client and Real Time Client are client-only, and there are limitations in Coherence 3.2.

6. Data Client and Real Time Client invocations are executed by the Extend Proxy Server they are connected to

2.3 Corrections to "Understanding the Coherence C++ Object Model"

This section describes the changes made to the Understanding the Coherence C++ Object Model chapter in the Users Guide for Oracle Coherence. Corrected text appears in italics.

Table 2-3 illustrates the changes made to the Thread Safety section

Table 2-3 Text Changes Made to the Thread Safety Section

Old Text New Text

Although the object model includes a thread-safe reference count, this does not provide automatic thread safety for the state of derived classes. As is typical it is up to each individual class implementation to choose to provide for higher level thread-safety. Regardless of the presence or lack of higher level thread-safety, the reference count remains thread-safe.

Although the base Object class is thread-safe, this cannot provide automatic thread safety for the state of derived classes. As is typical it is up to each individual derived class implementation to provide for higher level thread-safety. The object model provides several facilities to aid in writing thread-safe code.

Table 2-4 illustrates the changes made to the Thread Safe Handles section.

Table 2-4 Changes Made to the Thread Safe Handles Section

Old Text New Text

The Handle, View, and Holder nested types defined on managed classes are not thread-safe. That is it is not safe to have multiple threads use the same handle if any of them may change the handle to reference another object. There is an important distinction here, we are discussing the thread-safety of the handle, not the object referenced by the handle. Note it is safe to have multiple distinct handles reference the same object from different threads without additional synchronization.

The Handle, View, and Holder nested types defined on managed classes are intentionally not thread-safe. That is it is not safe to have multiple threads share a single handle. There is an important distinction here, we are discussing the thread-safety of the handle, not the object referenced by the handle. It is safe to have multiple distinct handles reference the same object from different threads without additional synchronization.

This lack of thread-safety for these handle types offers a significant performance optimization by assuming that the vast majority of handles are stack allocated. So long as references to these stack allocated handles are not shared across threads, there is no thread-safety issue to be concerned with. Typically precautions are needed when sharing a handle in one of the following conditions.

  • Managed class implementations. It should be assumed that any instance of a managed class may be shared by multiple threads. Though this may not be strictly true, if the object is passed to code outside of your control (for instance put into a cache), there is no guarantee that the object will not made be visible to other threads.

  • Non-managed multi-threaded application code.

This lack of thread-safety for these handle types offers a significant performance optimization as the vast majority of handles are stack allocated. So long as references to these stack allocated handles are not shared across threads, there is no thread-safety issue to be concerned with.

Thread-safe handles are needed any time a single handle may be referenced by multiple threads. Typical cases include:

  • Global handles - using the standard handle types as global or static variable is not safe.

  • Non-managed multi-threaded application code - Use of standard handles within data structures which may be shared across threads is unsafe.

  • Managed classes with handles as data members - It should be assumed that any instance of a managed class may be shared by multiple threads, and thus using standard handles as data members is unsafe. Note that while it may not be strictly true that all managed classes may be shared across threads, if an instance is passed to code outside of your explicit control (for instance put into a cache), there is no guarantee that the object will not made be visible to other threads.

There are optimizations in place for the first case, namely the special thread-safe handle types:

  • coherence::lang::MemberHandle<T> - thread-safe version of T::Handle

  • coherence::lang::MemberView<T> - thread-safe version of T::View

  • coherence::lang::MemberHolder<T> - thread-safe version of T::Holder

  • coherence::lang::WeakHandle<T> - thread-safe weak handle to T

  • coherence::lang::WeakView<T> - thread-safe weak view to T

The use of standard handles should be replaced with thread-safe handles in such cases. The object model includes the following set of thread-safe handles.

  • coherence::lang::MemberHandle<T> - thread-safe version of T::Handle

  • coherence::lang::MemberView<T> - thread-safe version of T::View

  • coherence::lang::MemberHolder<T> - thread-safe version of T::Holder

  • coherence::lang::WeakHandle<T> - thread-safe weak handle to T

  • coherence::lang::WeakView<T> - thread-safe weak view to T

These handle types may be read and written from multiple thread without the need for additional synchronization. They are primarily intended for use as the data-members of other managed classes, and they make use of their parent's internal atomic state to provide thread-safety. When using these handle types it is recommended that they be read into a normal stack based handle if they will be accessed more than once within a code block. This assignment to a normal stack based handle is thread-safe, and when completed allows for essentially free dereferencing of the stack based handle. Note that when initializing thread-safe handles a reference to a guardian Object must be supplied as the first parameter, this reference can be obtained by calling self() on the enclosing object.

These handle types may be read and written from multiple thread without the need for additional synchronization. They are primarily intended for use as the data-members of other managed classes, each instance is provided with a reference to a guardian managed Object. The guardian's internal thread-safe atomic state is used to provide thread-safety to the handle. When using these handle types it is recommended that they be read into a normal stack based handle if they will be accessed more than once within a code block. This assignment to a standard stack based handle is thread-safe, and when completed allows for essentially free dereferencing of the stack based handle. Note that when initializing thread-safe handles a reference to a guardian Object must be supplied as the first parameter, this reference can be obtained by calling self() on the enclosing object.

The same basic technique can be applied to non-managed classes as well. Since non-managed classes do not extend coherence::lang::Object they cannot be used as the guardian of thread-safe handles. It is possible however to use another Object as the guardian. When taking this approach it is crucial to ensure that the guardian Object outlives the guarded thread-safe handle. To facilitate this Coherence starting with Coherence 3.4.1 you can obtain an immortal guardian from coherence::lang::System by calling the System::common().

The same basic technique can be applied to non-managed classes as well. Since non-managed classes do not extend coherence::lang::Object they cannot be used as the guardian of thread-safe handles. It is possible however to use another Object as the guardian. When taking this approach it is crucial to ensure that the guardian Object outlives the guarded thread-safe handle. To facilitate this Coherence starting with Coherence 3.4.1 you can obtain a random immortal guardian from coherence::lang::System through a call to System::common().

Note that when writing managed classes it is preferable to obtain a guardian through a call to self() then to System::common().


Add the following note before Example 2-18:

Note: In the rare case that one of these handles is declared by using the mutable keyword, it must be informed of this fact by setting fMutable to true during construction.

Table 2-5 illustrates the changes made to the Memory Leak Detection section:

Table 2-5 Changes Made to the Memory Leak Detection Section

Old Text New Text
  • object - The coherence::lang::ObjectCountHeapAnalyzer will be used. It provides simple heap analysis based solely on the count of the number of live objects in the system. This is the default analyzer.

  • object - The coherence::lang::ObjectCountHeapAnalyzer will be used. It provides simple heap analysis based solely on the count of the number of live objects in the system.

2.4 Corrections to "Building Integration Objects for C++ Clients"

This section describes the changes made to the Building Integration Objects for C++ Clients chapter in the User's Guide for Oracle Coherence.

Table 2-6 illustrates the changes made to the chapter overview. Corrected text appears in italics.

Table 2-6 Changes Made to the Building Integration Objects for C++ Clients Overview

Old Text New Text

Enabling C++ clients to successfully store C++ based objects within a Coherence cluster relies on a platform-independent serialization format known as POF (Portable Object Format). POF allows value objects to be encoded into a binary stream in such a way that the platform and language origin of the object is irrelevant.

Enabling C+\+ clients to successfully store C+\+ based objects within a Coherence cluster relies on a platform-independent serialization format known as POF (Portable Object Format). POF allows value objects to be encoded into a binary stream in such a way that the platform and language origin of the object is irrelevant. The stream can then be deserialized in an alternate language using a similar POF-based class definition.

A new section, POF Intrinsics, has been added to the Building Integration Objects for C++ Clients chapter.

POF Intrinsics

The following types are internally supported by POF, and do not require special handling by the user:

  • String

  • Integer16, Integer64

  • Float32, Float64

  • Array<> of primitives

  • ObjectArray

  • Boolean

  • Octet

  • Character16

Additionally, automatic POF serialization is provided for classes implementing these common interfaces:

  • Map

  • Collection

  • Exception

Corrections were made to Example 3-6 in the PofSerializer (External Serialization) section. The corrected code appears in bold italic.

#include "coherence/lang.ns"
using namespace coherence::lang;
class Address
  : public cloneable_spec<Address> // extends<Object> is implied
  friend class factory<Address>;
  protected: // constructors
    Address(String::View vsCity, String::View vsState, int32_t nZip)
       : m_vsCity(self(), vsCity), m_vsState(self(), vsState), m_nZip(nZip) {}
    Address(const Address& that)
       : super(that), m_vsCity(self(), that.m_vsCity), m_sState(self(), that.m_vsState), m_nZip(that.m_nZip) {}
  public: // Address interface
    virtual String::View  getCity()  const {return m_vsCity;}
    virtual String::View  getState() const {return m_vsState;}
    virtual int32_t       getZip()   const {return m_nZip;}
  public: // Object interface
    virtual bool equals(Object::View that) const
      if (instanceof<Address::View>(that))
        Address::View vThat = cast<Address::View>(that);
        return getZip() == vThat->getZip() &&
               Object::equals(getState(), vThat->getState()) &&
               Object::equals(getCity(), vThat->getCity());
      return false;
    virtual size32_t hashCode() const
      return (size32_t) m_nZip;
    virtual void toStream(std::ostream& out) const
      out << getCity() << ", " << getState() << "  " << getZip();
    const MemberView<String> m_vsCity;
    const MemberView<String> m_vsState;
    const int32_t            m_nZip;

Table 2-7 illustrates the changes made to the Need for Java Classes section. Corrected text appears in italic.

Table 2-7 Changes Made to the Need for Java Classes Section

Old Text New Text

After completing any of the above approaches your data object will be ready to be stored within the Coherence cluster. This will allow you to perform get- and put- based operations with your objects. If, however, you want to make use of more advanced features of Coherence, such as queries, or entry processors you will need to write some Java code. For these advanced features to work the Coherence Java-based cache servers need to be able to interact with your data object, rather then simply holding onto a serialized representation of it. To interact with it, and access its properties, a Java version must be made available to the cache servers. The approach to making the Java version serializable over POF is quite similar to the above examples, see com.tangosol.io.pof.PortableObject, and com.tangosol.io.pof.PofSerializer for details, either of which is compatible with all three of the C++ based approaches.

After completing any of the above approaches your data object will be ready to be stored within the Coherence cluster. This alone will allow you to perform get- and put-based operations with your objects. If, however, you want to make use of more advanced features of Coherence, such as queries, or entry processors you will need to write some Java code. To use these advanced features from a C++ client the Java-based cache servers need to be able to interact with your data objects, rather then simply holding onto a serialized representation. To interact with it, and access its properties, Java versions of your data-object classes must be made available to the cache servers. The approach to making the Java version serializable over POF is quite similar to the above examples, see com.tangosol.io.pof.PortableObject, and com.tangosol.io.pof.PofSerializer for details, either of which is compatible with all three of the C++ based approaches. Once the cache server has theses corresponding Java data-object classes you can invoke queries, entry processors, and other advanced Coherence features directly from C++ clients.

2.5 Corrections to "How to Manage Coherence Using JMX"

This section describes the changes made to the How to Manage Coherence Using JMX chapter of the Developer's Guide for Oracle Coherence.

Table 2-8 illustrates the changes made to the Configuring the Coherence Management Framework section. Changed text is in italic.

Table 2-8 Changes Made to the Configuring the Coherence Management Framework Section

Old Text New Text

The use of dedicated JMX cluster members is a common pattern. This approach avoids loading JMX software into every single cluster member, while still providing fault-tolerance should a single JMX member run into issues.

The use of dedicated JMX cluster members is a common pattern. This approach avoids loading JMX software into every single cluster member, while still providing fault-tolerance should a single JMX member run into issues. Setting tangosol.coherence.management to all on nodes that are not acting as MBeanServer hosts, will consume capacity (~3-5%) when the node starts and increase the time required for the node to join the cluster. Therefore, it is recommended to set the value to none or local-only for remotely managed nodes.

2.6 Corrections to "Production Checklist"

This section describes the changes made to the Production Checklist appendix of the Developer's Guide for Oracle Coherence.

Table 2-9 illustrates changes made to the JVM section. New text is in italic.

Table 2-9 Changes Made to the JVM Section

Old Text New Text

Oracle recommends testing and deploying using the latest supported Sun JVM based on your platform and Coherence version.

Oracle recommends testing and deploying using the latest supported Sun JVM based on your platform and Coherence version. It has been observed that running Coherence on 1.5 and later JVMs exhibits significant performance improvements as compared to running on older JVMs.

Table 2-10 illustrates the changes made to the Coherence Cache Configuration section. Corrected text is in italic.

Table 2-10 Changes Made to the Coherence Cache Configuration Section

Old Text New Text

Unless explicitly specified all cluster nodes will be storage enabled, i.e. will act as cache servers. It is important to control which nodes in your production environment will be storage enabled and storage disabled. The tangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage system property may be utilized to control this, setting it to either true or false. Generally only dedicated cache servers, all other cluster nodes should be configured as storage disabled. This is especially important for short lived processes which may join the cluster perform some work, and exit the cluster, having these nodes as storage disable will introduce unneeded repartitioning.

Unless explicitly specified all cluster nodes will be storage enabled, i.e. will act as cache servers. It is important to control which nodes in your production environment will be storage enabled and storage disabled. The tangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage system property may be utilized to control this, setting it to either true or false. Generally only dedicated cache servers, all other cluster nodes should be configured as storage disabled. This is especially important for short lived processes which may join the cluster perform some work, and exit the cluster, having these nodes as storage enabled will introduce unneeded repartitioning.