Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Configuring and Administering the Siebel ADM Framework > Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents >

Configuring the Siebel Server for ADM

This topic is a step in Process of Configuring the Siebel ADM Framework After Installing Siebel Management Server and Agents.

This topic describes how to configure the Siebel Server for Application Deployment Manager (ADM) after installing the Siebel Server. This configuration task must be performed for each Siebel Server that has the ADM server components enabled. Each Siebel Enterprise Server must have at least one Siebel Server with the ADM component group enabled to use ADM for deployments to that Siebel Enterprise Server.

For information on configuring the Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agents after installation, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

To configure the Siebel Server for ADM

  1. Verify that the ADM component group is enabled on at least one Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server and that all three ADM-specific server components have the status Online or Running.

    If it is not, enable the ADM component group and restart the Siebel Server. For more information on this procedure, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  2. Verify that the Auxiliary System Management component group is enabled.

    If it is not, enable the Auxiliary System Management component group and restart the Siebel Server. For more information on this procedure, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  3. Create a directory at the root level of your drive, for example D:\jar (Windows) or /jar (UNIX), with read and write access privileges.

    NOTE:  This step is necessary because there is a restriction on the number of characters that can be specified for the Java CLASSPATH environment variable.

  4. Navigate to MgmtAgentInstallDir\lib and copy the following files to the directory you created in Step 3:
    • siebelmgr.jar
    • admstatussvc.jar
    • Siebel.jar
    • SiebelJI_xxx.jar

      where xxx is the deployment language; for example, enu is for a U.S. English deployment.

  5. Log in to your Siebel application (for example, Siebel Call Center).
  6. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises, and then the Profile Configuration view.
  7. In the Profile field of the Profile Configuration list, query for the ADMJavaSubsys profile.

    The Profile Parameters list displays the parameters for the ADMJavaSubsys profile.

  8. Select the JVM Classpath parameter and verify that it references each of the files that you copied to the directory in Step 4.

    Using the example, this parameter must reference:

    D:\JAR\siebelmgr.jar;D:\JAR\admstatussvc.jar;D:\JAR\Siebel.jar; D:\JAR\SiebelJI_xxx.jar

    where xxx is the deployment language.

    NOTE:  For UNIX environments, use a colon (:) in place of a semicolon (;) in the previous reference.

  9. Select the JVM DLL Name parameter, and verify that the entry in the Value field references the location of the jvm.dll file in the JRE installation.

    The JVM DLL Name parameter value depends on the operating system. See the following table for the values for the different operating systems.

    Operating System
    Parameter Value




    JRE_HOME/bin/j9vm/ (IBM JRE)







  10. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises, and then the Parameters view.

    The Enterprise Parameters list appears.

  11. In the Enterprise Parameters list, query to retrieve the record for the JVM Subsystem Name parameter.
  12. Enter ADM Java Systems in the Value field for the JVM Subsystem Name parameter.
  13. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises, and then the Synchronize view.
  14. Click Synchronize.

NOTE:  In the case of heterogeneous server environments, create a named subsystem for each server platform, and set the parameter ADM Java Systems at the ADM component level, with the named subsystem applicable to the environment.

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