Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Working with Dynamic Candidates > Process of Defining Dynamic Candidates >

Configuring Join Specifications for Dynamic Candidate Object Definitions

Siebel Assignment Manager supports complex joins to relate base table with other related entities. The Dynamic Candidate Component object properties define the table and column names used when performing a join from the assignment object primary table to the candidate table to retrieve the dynamic candidates.

Using the dynamic candidate feature, you can configure Assignment Manager to identify related business entities and retrieve potential candidates from these entities.

For example, you use the dynamic candidate feature when:

  • Assigning a position, such as Executive Sponsor, from the account team to a related child account
  • Assigning account sales representative positions to a child account's opportunity
  • Assigning an activity and you want to evaluate only employees who belong to that activity's service region, and if necessary, add more criteria for product skills, and so on.

Because potential assignees for dynamic candidates can be derived from various related business entities, you must configure the relationship between these entities.

This task is a step in Process of Defining Dynamic Candidates.

Use the following procedure to configure join specifications for dynamic candidates.

NOTE:  Before you can successfully use join specifications for creating dynamic candidate definitions, you must have a thorough understanding of database administration and how to use Siebel Tools. Also familiarize yourself with the basics of the underlying Siebel Business Applications architecture. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools and Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.

To configure join specifications for dynamic candidates

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, expand Workflow Policy Object, and in the Workflow Policy Objects window, select the object you want to configure.
TIP:  If Workflow Policy Object is not visible in the Object Explorer, you can enable it in the Development Tools Options dialog box (View, then Options, and then Object Explorer).
  1. Lock the project for the object by choosing Tools, then Lock Project (or Alt+L).

    The pencil icon appears in the W field to indicate the project for the object is locked.

  2. In the Object Explorer, expand Assignment Object, and then expand Dynamic Candidate.
  3. Expand the Dynamic Candidate object further, and then select Dynamic Candidate Component.
  4. In the Dynamic Candidate Component window, choose Edit, then New Record.
  5. In the new record, enter values for the relevant information.

Table 42 provides descriptions of some of the Dynamic Candidate Component properties.

Table 42. Dynamic Candidate Component Object Properties

Additional Join Spec

Use this property to specify an additional join.

Candidate Id Column

The column in the Team table containing the ID of the candidate (employee, position, or organization).

Candidate Table

The name of the source table at the last level of a join.


Indicates if the component is active or inactive.


The name of the dynamic candidate component.


When checked, indicates whether the dynamic candidate component is the primary for the dynamic candidate selected for the assignment object.

Score Column

The column in the Team table containing scores of the candidates.

Source Column Name

The column in the source table that relates to another dynamic candidate component.

Source Table Name

The table that the dynamic candidate component is based on.

Target Column Name

The column in the source table that relates to another dynamic candidate component.

Target Component Name

The target dynamic candidate component that is related to this dynamic candidate component.

NOTE:  Each dynamic candidate specified can have only one primary dynamic candidate component.

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