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Choosing a Candidate as the Primary Assignee

This topic is part of About Assignment Rule Administration.

Siebel Assignment Manager provides the ability to influence a particular candidate to act as a primary assignee for a specific assignment rule. You do so by picking an employee, position, or organization from the Primary Employee, Primary Position, or Primary Organization pick dialog box in the Assignment Rules list. This primary assignee represents the candidate (employee, position, or organization) that is assigned as the primary owner of the assignment object if the candidate passes the criteria for that rule.

NOTE:  Typically, you choose a primary assignee when creating an assignment rule, however, you can add a primary to an existing assignment rule at anytime. You must release the rule for the change to take effect.

This task is a step in Process of Defining Assignment Rules.

To choose a candidate as the primary assignee

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Assignment Rules List view.
  2. In the Assignment Rules list, select the assignment rule for which you want to assign a particular candidate as the primary assignee.
  3. In one of the following fields, click the select button.
    • Primary Employee. If you want to assign a particular employee, query for that employee, and then click OK.
    • Primary Position. If you want to assign a particular position, query for that position, and then click OK.
    • Primary Organization. If you want to assign a particular organization, query for that organization, and then click OK.
TIP:  The Primary Employee, Primary Position, and Primary Organization fields may not be visible in the initial view. Use the Columns Displayed feature to make the fields visible (right-click, select Columns Displayed, use the arrows to move a field from Available Columns to Selected Columns, and then click Save).
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