Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Siebel CRM Primary Web Services >


NOTE:  This version of ABOWebService is available only for implementations of Siebel CRM from version 8.1 and later. To use ABOWebService with Siebel CRM version 8.0, see version 8.0 of Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

Use this Web service to make available the following Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) functions: convert a quote into an order, submit an order to the back-end office, convert a completed order line item to an asset, modify an asset, disconnect an asset, suspend, or resume an asset. This Web service works only with an Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) enabled environment. A typical application that uses the Web service is Siebel Communication.

ABOWebService Operations

The asset operations Modify, Disconnect, Suspend, or Resume create a new line item, based on the account or contact profile. They have a similar input and output data schema. If AccountId is provided, then the Web service operates on the account profile. If AccountId is not provided, then it operates on the contact profile.

Affixing ToQuote in the Web service name means: if an active quote is provided, then the Web service adds the quote item to the existing quote. If an active quote is not provided, then the Web service generates a new quote and adds the quote item to the new quote.

Affixing ToOrder in the Web service name means: if an active order is provided, then the Web service adds the order item to the existing order. If an active order is not provided, then the Web service generates a new order and adds the order item to the new order. For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 15.

Table 15. ABOWebService Operations


Converts a Quote to a Sales Order.


Submits an Order.


Creates assets from the completed order line items or updates a current asset.


Modifies a Service Item asset, and generates a quote item to update the selected asset.


Modifies a Service Item asset, and generates an order item to update the selected asset.


Disconnects a Service Item asset to generate a quote item to deactivate the selected asset.


Disconnects a Service Item asset, and generates an order item to deactivate the selected asset.


Suspends an active a Service Item asset to generate a quote item to suspend the selected asset.


Suspends a Service Item asset and generates an order item to suspend the selected asset.


Resumes a suspended a Service Item asset to generate a quote item to resume the selected asset.


Resumes a Service Item asset, and generates an order item to resume the selected asset.

Request Message Description: AutoOrder

The following Web service operations AutoOrder, SubmitOrder, ModifyAssetToOrder, SuspendAssetToOrder, ResumeAssetToOrder, and DisconnectAssetToOrder share a common output message format: PDS Order.

ModifyAssetToOrder, SuspendAssetToOrder, ResumeAssetToOrder, DisconnectAssetToOrder share a common request message format.

ModifyAssetToQuote, SuspendAssetToQuote, ResumeAssetToQuote and DisconnectAssetToQuote share a common request message format, and a common response message format, PDS Quote.

For a description of this request message, see Table 16.

Table 16. Request Message: AutoOrder

Object Id

Required. Row ID of the quote to be converted to the Sale Order.

Response Message Description: AutoOrder

The integration object message format is PDS Order. For a description of this response message, see Table 17.

Table 17. Response Message: AutoOrder

PDS Order

Instance of the integration object PDS Order.


Order Header.

Line Item

Order Line Items.


Order Line Item attributes.

Request Message Description: SubmitOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 18.

Table 18. Request Message: SubmitOrder


Required. RowId of the order to be submitted.

Response Message Description: SubmitOrder

integration object message format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder response message.

Request Message Description: AutoAsset

For a description of this request message, see Table 19.

Table 19. Request Message; AutoAsset

Object Id

Required. RowId of the corresponding Order that contains the Order Line Item to be converted or applied to an asset.


Required. RowId of an Order Line Item to be converted or applied to an asset.

Response Message Description: AutoAsset

This integration object message format is PDS Asset. For a description of this response message, see Table 20.

Table 20. Response Message: AutoAsset

PDS Asset

Required. Integration object.


Asset header.

Line Item



Asset attributes

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

For a description of this request message, see Table 21

Table 21. Request Message: ModifyAssetToQuote


Asset integration ID of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.


Asset integration ID of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.


A document in SiebelOrder Management which refers to either a quote or an order. Each Document can have multiple children, that is Quote Items, or Order Line Items. ActiveDocumentId refers to the current active Document that the current process is working on. In this Web service call, it is the Quote ID of the active Quote to which the generated quote item has to be added. This is an optional input.


Account ID of the account that owns the selected Service Item asset.


Contact ID of the contact who owns the selected Service Item asset to be modified.


The due date of the generated line item.


Specifies a Price List ID that is associated with the quote if a new quote is requested to generate.


Compound Product Number for the Asset Based Ordering (ABO) network ordering. It is not required if network ordering is not used.

Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToQuote

The integration object message format is PDS Quote. For a description of this response message, see Table 22.

Table 22. Response Message; ModifyAssetToQuote

PDS Quote

Required. Integration object.


Quote header.

Line Item

Quote line item.


Quote line item attributes.

Request Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

For a description of this request message, see Table 23.

Table 23. Request Message: ModifyAssetToOrder


Asset integration ID of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.


Asset integration ID of the selected asset. Provide either AssetIntegrationId or AssetNumber.


A document in Siebel Order Management which refers to either a quote or an order. Each Document can have multiple children, which are Quote Items or Order Line Items. ActiveDocumentId refers to the current active document that the current process is working on. In this Web service call, it is the Quote ID of the active Quote to which the generated quote item has to be added. This is an optional input.


Account ID of the account that owns the selected Service Item asset.


Contact ID of the contact who owns the selected Service Item asset to be modified.


The due date of the generated line item.


Specifies a Price List ID associated with the quote if a new quote is requested.


Compound Product Number for ABO network ordering. It is required only if network ordering is used.

Response Message Description: ModifyAssetToOrder

Integration object message format: PDS Order, which has the same format as the AutoOrder response message.

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToQuote

Integration object message format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: SuspendAssetToOrder

Integration object message format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToQuote

Integration object message format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: ResumeAssetToOrder

Integration object message format: PDS Order.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToQuote.

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToQuote

Integration object message format: PDS Quote.

Request Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

This is the same request message as ModifyAssetToOrder.

Response Message Description: DisconnectAssetToOrder

Integration object message format: PDS Order.

ABOWebService Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by this Web service. For more information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 24.

Table 24. ABOWebService Application Interface
Boundary Object Type
Class (if Business Service)



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable



Not applicable

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 25.

Table 25. ABOWebService Data Objects
Siebel Repository Name
External Name

PDS Quote

PDS Quote

PDS Order

PDS Order

PDS Asset

PDS Asset

Example Package for ABOWebService

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (AutoOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AutoOrder)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (ModifyAssetToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (ModifyAssetToQuote)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (AutoAsset)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AutoAsset)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Interface Description (WSDL) for ABOWebservice

To view the interface description for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


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