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Siebel Clinical Business Component User Property Reference

Table 17 describes the business component user properties that are used to enable and configure functionality for Siebel Clinical.

Table 17. Clinical Business Component User Properties
Business Component

Apply Templates WorkFlow Process Name

LS Subject Schedule Date VBC

This property defines the workflow process that is invoked when the property Enroll Screen Rescreen Through WorkFlow is set to Y, and when the property Disable Delete Non App Visit is set to N.

The default value is LS Clinical - ApplyTemplates Process.

If the user clicks No on the pop-up message enabled by the Disable Delete Non App Visit property, then LS Clinical - ApplyTemplates Process is invoked, and the subject visit template is applied.

Automatic Missed Status Tracking

Visit Plan

This property is used to configure whether or not Missed status is automatically tracked in the Subject Status MVG for status tracking visits. The status tracking visit for each visit type is configured in the subject visit template.

This property is configured as follows:

  • To enable automatic tracking of Missed status for status tracking visits, set the value to Y.
  • To disable automatic tracking of Missed status for status tracking visits, set the value to N.

The default value is Y.

Completed Status Code

Visit Plan

This property is used for automatic status tracking.

The default value is as follows:


NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

Delete NonApp WorkFlow Process Name

LS Subject Schedule Date VBC

This property defines the workflow process that is invoked when the property Enroll Screen Rescreen Through WorkFlow is set to Y, and when the property Disable Delete Non App Visit is set to N.

The default value is LS Clinical - DeleteNonAppVisits Process.

If the user clicks OK on the pop-up message enabled by the Disable Delete Non App Visit property, then LS Clinical - DeleteNonAppVisits Process is invoked to delete incomplete clinical visits in the previous subject visit template version.

Disable Delete Non App Visit

Clinical Subject

This property is used to turn deletion of non applicable clinical subject visits on or off. When clinical subject visits are scheduled using a revised subject visit template, a pop-up message is displayed to confirm if incomplete visits in the previous template version should be deleted, and if complete visits in the new template version should be deleted. Clicking OK in the pop-up message will delete the non applicable subject visits. Clicking Cancel will retain the non applicable subject visits.

The value is configured as follows:

  • To enable deletion of non applicable subject visits, set the value to N.
  • To disable deletion of non applicable subject visits, set the value to Y.

The default value is N.

Enroll Screen Rescreen Through WorkFlow

LS Subject Schedule Date VBC

This property specifies whether subject visit scheduling tasks are executed through workflows or business component methods.

The value is configured as follows:

  • To execute subject visit scheduling tasks through workflows, set the value to Y.
  • To execute subject visit scheduling tasks through business component methods, set the value to N.

The default value is N.

The workflows used to execute the scheduling tasks are configured in the following business component properties:

  • WorkFlow Process Name
  • Apply Templates WorkFlow Process Name
  • Delete NonApp WorkFlow Process Name

LS Amount Rollup Field 1

Clinical Payments

This property is used for automatic rollup of Amount Paid To Date from the Clinical Payments record to the protocol Site record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"Amount Paid To Date", "Amount Paid To Date", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup Field 2

Clinical Payments

This property is used for automatic rollup of Amount Earned To Date from the Clinical Payments record to the protocol Site record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"Amount Earned To Date", "Amount Earned To Date", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup Field 3

Clinical Payments

This property is used for automatic rollup of VAT amounts from the Clinical Payments record to the protocol Site record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"VAT Amount", "VAT Amount", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup Field 3

Clinical Protocol Site

This property is used for automatic rollup of VAT amounts from the Site record to the clinical Region record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"VAT Amount", "VAT Amount", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup Field 3

Clinical Region

This property is used for automatic rollup of VAT amounts from the Region record to the clinical Protocol record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"VAT Amount", "VAT Amount", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup Field 3

Clinical Protocol

This property is used for automatic rollup of VAT amounts from the Protocol record to the Program record.

The value takes the following parameters:

"<Source BC Field Name>", "<Target BC Field Name>", "<Rollup Parent Buscomp Name>"

The value is set as follows:

"VAT Amount", "VAT Amount", "Rollup Parent Buscomp Name"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

LS Amount Rollup On Status 1

Clinical Payments

This property defines the payment status values that are used to calculate the Paid to Date amount.

By default, only payments with a status of Paid are used to calculate the Paid to Date amount.

This property takes a comma delimited list of values, as follows:

"Amount Paid to Date","Paid"

LS Clinical Enable Revert On Status

Clinical Payments

This property defines the payment status values for which the Revert button is enabled.

The value takes a comma delimited list of payment statuses, as follows:

"<Status1>", "<Status2>"

By default, the Revert button is enabled for the following payment Status values:

  • In Progress
  • To Be Processed

Missed Status Code

Visit Plan

This property is used for automatic status tracking.

The value is set to Missed.

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

Named Method 1

Action (No Owner Lock)

This property is used for generating payment records.

The value string is set as follows:

"GenerateNewPayment", "INVOKESVC", "Action (No Owner Lock)", "LS SubjectVisits Service", "GeneratePayment", "'Site Id'", "[Protocol Site Id]", "'srcBusComp'", "'Action (No Owner Lock)'", "'srcBusObj'", "'Clinical Protocol Site'", "'tgtBusObj'", "'Clinical Payments'", "'tgtBusComp'", "'Clinical Payments'"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

Named Method 1

LS Clinical Subject Status Snapshot

This property is used for generating the subject status snapshot for a clinical site.

The value string is set as follows:

"SiteSnap", "INVOKESVC", "LS Clinical Subject Status Snapshot", "LS Clinical Trip Report Svc", "GetSiteSnapshot", '"SVId"', "ParentFieldValue('Id')"

NOTE:  This value must not be changed.

Named Method 2

Clinical Trip Report

This property is used to turn trip report approver verification on or off. When enabled, the User Verification screen is launched during the trip report approval process, to verify the user logon credentials of the approver.

The value is configured as follows:

  • To enable this property, set the value as follows:

    "ValidateUser", "INVOKESVCSEL", "Clinical Trip Report", "Workflow Process Manager", "RunProcess", "ProcessName", "LS Clinical Trip Report Approval", "RowId", "[Id]", "Enable Verification", "Y"

  • To disable this property, set the value as follows:

    "ValidateUser", "INVOKESVCSEL", "Clinical Trip Report", "Workflow Process Manager", "RunProcess", "ProcessName", "LS Clinical Trip Report Approval", "RowId", "[Id]", "Enable Verification", "N"

This property is disabled by default, and cannot be null.

Status Field RollUp n

Clinical Subject Status

This property is used to collate subject numbers for each status value. It can also be configured to collate subjects status and visit type value pairs. The subject accruals data is rolled up to the site record.

The following comma-delimited parameter configurations are supported:

  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Visit Type]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Null]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]"

The Subject Status and Business Component Field Name parameters are mandatory. The Visit Type parameter is optional. The Visit Type value is not populated by default.

The following example provides the default configuration for the Enrolled status, and collates the subjects with status Enrolled for automatic rollup to the site record:

"Enrolled", "# Enrolled"

Status RollUp Fields:Protocol n

Clinical Protocol Site

This property is used to collate subject numbers for each status value. It can also be configured to collate subjects status and visit type value pairs. The subject accruals data is rolled up to the protocol record.

The following comma-delimited parameter configurations are supported:

  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Visit Type]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Null]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]"

The Subject Status and Business Component Field Name parameters are mandatory. The Visit Type parameter is optional. The Visit Type value is not populated by default.

The following example provides the default configuration for the Enrolled status, and collates the subjects with status Enrolled for automatic rollup to the protocol record:

"Enrolled", "# Enrolled"

Status RollUp Fields:Region n

Clinical Protocol Site

This property is used to collate subject numbers for each status value. It can also be configured to collate subject status and visit type value pairs. The subject accruals data is rolled up to the region record.

The following comma-delimited parameter configurations are supported:

  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Visit Type]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]", "[Null]"
  • "[Subject Status]", "[Business Component Field Name]"

The Subject Status and Business Component Field Name parameters are mandatory. The Visit Type parameter is optional. The Visit Type value is not populated by default.

The following example provides the default configuration for the Enrolled status, and collates the subjects with status Enrolled for automatic rollup to the region record:

"Enrolled", "# Enrolled"

Status Tracking Field n

Clinical Subject

This property is used to configure automatic status tracking for clinical subject status. By, default, automatic subject status tracking is provided for fields related to the following subject statuses:

  • Screen Failure
  • Randomized
  • Withdrawn
  • Early Terminated

Additional custom subject statuses can be tracked by configuring additional values for this property type. This property takes the following comma-delimited list of parameters:

"[Business Component Field Name]", "[Date Field]", "[Status Value]"

  • [Business Component Field Name] is the name of the business component field that will be tracked for automatic status tracking, for example, Randomization ID.
  • [Date Field] is the name of the corresponding date field that will be tracked for automatic status tracking, for example, Randomized Date.
  • [Status Value] is the corresponding status value that will be tracked for automatic status tracking, for example, Randomized.

Status Tracking Field 1

Clinical Subject

This property is used for automatic status tracking for the Randomized clinical subject status.

The default value is as follows:

"Randomization Id", "Randomized Date", "Randomized"

To track additional custom subject statuses, see Status Tracking Field n.

Status Tracking Field 2

Clinical Subject

This property is used for automatic status tracking for the Screen Failure clinical subject status.

The default value is as follows:

"Reason Excluded", "Screen Failure Date", "Screen Failure"

To track additional custom subject statuses, see Status Tracking Field n.

Status Tracking Field 3

Clinical Subject

This property is used for automatic status tracking for the Withdrawn clinical subject status.

The default value is as follows:

"Withdrawn Reason", "Withdrawn Date", "Withdrawn"

To track additional custom subject statuses, see Status Tracking Field n.

Status Tracking Field 4

Clinical Subject

This property is used for automatic status tracking for the Early Terminated clinical subject status.

The default value is as follows:

"Early Termination Reason", "Early Terminated Date", "Early Terminated"

To track additional custom subject statuses, see Status Tracking Field n.

Validate Field

LS Subject Enrollment Date VBC

NOTE:  This property is deprecated in version and later.

Represents the name of the field to be validated.

The default value is Enrollment ID.

Validate On 1

Clinical Trip Report

This property is used to turn validation on or off for trip reports that have a status of Rejected.

When enabled, trip reports that have a status of Rejected are validated to ensure that one of the following fields has been completed:

  • Reviewer Comments
  • Approver Comments


The value is configured as follows:

  • To enable the property, set the value as follows:

    "Rejected", "Y"

  • To disable the property, set the value as follows:

    "Rejected", "N"

This property is enabled by default.

Validate On 2

Clinical Trip Report

This property is used to turn validation on or off for trip reports that have a status of Submitted.

When enabled, trip reports that have a status of Submitted are validated to ensure that a Reviewer has been assigned to the trip report.

The value is configured as follows:

  • To enable this property, set the value as follows:

    "Submitted", "Y"

  • To disable this property, set the value as follows:

    "Submitted", "N"

This property is enabled by default.

Validate On 3

Clinical Trip Report

This property is used to turn validation on or off for trip reports that have a status of Submitted for Approval.

When enabled, trip reports that have a status of Submitted for Approval are validated to ensure that an Approver has been assigned to the trip report.

The value is configured as follows:

  • To enable this property, set the value as follows:

    "Submitted for Approval", "Y"

  • To disable this property, set the value as follows:

    "Submitted for Approval", "N"

This property is enabled by default.

WorkFlow Process Name

LS Subject Schedule Date VBC

This property defines the workflow process that is invoked when the property Enroll Screen Rescreen Through WorkFlow is set to Y.

The default value is LS Clinical - SubjectVisits Process.

This workflow process applies the approved subject visit template to the subject.

If the subject visit template being applied is different to the previous subject template version that was applied, and if the business component property Disable Delete Non App Visit is set to N, a pop-up message is displayed to confirm if incomplete visits in the previous template version should be deleted, and if complete visits in the new template version should be deleted. Clicking OK in the pop-up message will delete the non applicable subject visits. Clicking Cancel will retain the non applicable subject visits.

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