Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide > Setting Up and Making Clinical Payments >

Adjusting Payment Amounts and Generating Payment Records for Sites

Although payments are generally set on per-site basis (Setting Payment Exceptions for a Site), occasionally the financial administrator might want to make additional adjustments to the amount paid for a given payment activity.

When the financial administrator has finalized the amounts, payments are generated for all completed payment subject activities in the currency specified for the site. Each payment record is given a unique identity number. Other information, such as check number, check date, and check amount, can be entered later, either manually or by importing the data from a back-office finance system.

NOTE:  This task requires administrator privileges.

To make final adjustments to the payment amounts and generate payment record

  1. Navigate to the Site Management screen, then the Protocol Site List view.
  2. In the Sites list, drill down on the Site # of the site for which you want to generate payments.
  3. Click the Payment Activities view tab.

    This view lists all scheduled payment subject activities for subjects associated with the site.

  4. (Optional) Adjust the Actual Amount to be paid to the site by entering a value in the Deviation Amount field.

    Standard Amount + Deviation Amount = Actual Amount

  5. Check Completed and click Generate Payment.

    The application removes the completed payments from the Payment Activities list.

  6. Click the Payments view tab.

    The payment generated in Step 5 appears in the Payments list.

  7. Complete the fields in the Payments record.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    This field is read-only and displays the primary account for the contract that the payment record is associated with.

    Check Amount

    The amount of money for which the check is to be made out. This is usually, but does not have to be, the same as the Earned Amount.

    The sum of all values in the Check Amount fields for a site is equal to the Paid to Date value of the site.

    Check Date

    The date on which the check was issued.

    Check Number

    The number assigned to the check.

    Contract #

    The contract with which the payment is associated.

    Earned Amount

    The sum of the Actual Payment amounts for the completed payment activities.

    The sum of all values in the Earned Amount column equals the Earned to Date value of the site.

    Payment #

    The application automatically generates this unique number.

    Requested Amount

    The requested amount of payment for the payment activities carried out at this site. This field is calculated as follows:

    Requested Amount = Earned Amount X [(100 - Withholding Percentage/100) - Withholding Amount]


    For payment subject activities that are generated from the Generate Payment button, this field defaults to Interim Payments.

    For payment subject activities that are generated from a back office system, this field defaults to Initial Payments.


    The status of the payment record, for example, To be Processed, In Progress, Processed, and so on. A preconfigured state model is supplied to allow for a structured state transition.

    VAT Amount

    Enter the value added tax for the clinical site payment. The total VAT amount for all payments is rolled up to the Region, Protocol, and Program levels, and displayed in the VAT to Date field.

    Information can also be automatically loaded from a back-office finance system.

  8. (Optional) Click the hyperlink in the Payment # field to view the payment activities associated with this payment.
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