Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Sales Volume Planning > Process of Performing Ongoing SVP Administrative Tasks >

Resetting SVP Hierarchy Locks

You can reset the locks of an SVP hierarchy to allow users at lower account levels to modify SVP data. You can also reset SVP hierarchy locks if an account team lock prevents a user from modifying that user's data, and the members of the account team cannot resolve the lock. For example, the members of the account team might be out of the office or on vacation, or a lock error might occur. Resetting SVP hierarchy locks overrides the established lock and allows other users to modify the previously locked records.

This task is a step in Process of Performing Ongoing SVP Administrative Tasks.

To reset SVP hierarchy locks

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Sales Volume Planning screen, then the Other Actions view.
  2. In the Other Actions form, create a new record.
  3. From the Action field drop-down list, select Reset Locks, and enter text in the Description field.
  4. Click Execute Action.

    In the SVP Action list, the status of Pending appears in the Status field. After the locks in the hierarchy are reset, the Status field changes to Complete and a dialog box appears, confirming that the action was successful.

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