A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


Account Allocation Level parameter   1

account catalogs

assigning product categories to   1

reviewing   1

account credit memos, reviewing   1

account deductions, viewing   1

account distribution lists

adding unauthorized products to   1

amending product details for   1

copying   1

defining product categories for   1

defining products for   1

defining subaccounts for   1

deleting products from   1

modifying   1

account hierarchies

allocating changes down levels in   1

creating account-subaccount relationships for   1

setting up   1

account managers' reports   1

account market segments, about   1

account products

associating with merchandising locations   1

reviewing information for   1

account profile attribute, about using Account Information view to query   1

account promotions

about   1

about relationship to corporate promotions   1

adding attachments to   1

adding promoted categories to   1

adding promoted products to   1

allocating field values in   1

associating objectives with   1

attaching literature to   1

creating   1

creating deals for   1

creating from corporate promotions   1

deal fields for   1

enabling phasing for   1

end-user procedures for   1

fields for   1

finalizing   1

general fields for   1

resolving deductions for   1

retaining when deleting corporate promotions   1

revenue fields for   1

reviewing deals for   1

reviewing information for   1

simulating promotion results for   1

spending fields for   1

tactic fields for   1

transferring incremental volume for   1

viewing audit trail for   1

viewing calendars for   1

viewing performance data for   1

volume fields for   1

Account Targeting

about   1

about importance of database synchronization   1

about saving queries using keyboard shortcut   1

about updating contents of saved target lists for   1

administrator procedures for   1

creating target lists for   1

creating target lists for based on demographics and assessments   1

creating target lists for based on orders   1

creating target lists for based on store conditions   1

deleting saved predefined queries for   1

end-user procedures for   1

making predefined queries public for   1

refining queries for   1

saving target lists for   1

scenario for creating target lists   1

scenario for creating target lists for sales representatives   1

account teams, removing yourself from   1

Account type classification, about   1

account-category hierarchies

about setting up   1

associating categories with accounts in   1

associating subcategories with accounts in   1

deleting   1

modifying   1

resetting account and category levels in   1

account-category relationships

building   1

maximizing aggregation performance and   1

parallel aggregation processing for   1

account-product data, entering   1

account-product nodes

locking   1

manually locking   1

account-product trees

populating locks for   1

resetting levels for   1

resetting locks for   1


about   1

about account hierarchies for   1

about allocations for   1

about assigning categories to using the Account Category view   1

Account Allocation Level parameter for   1

adding merchandising locations to   1

adding to routes   1

administrator procedures for   1

analyzing deductions for   1

associating supply sources with products in   1

associating with activities   1

associating with contacts   1

associating with products   1

creating account-subaccount relationships for   1

creating addresses for   1

creating or modifying   1

deleting   1

end-user procedures for   1

profiling   1

removing from products   1

removing yourself from team in   1

reviewing information for   1

reviewing objectives for   1

scenario for   1

setting up account hierarchies for   1

standard classifications for   1

targeting to objectives   1

accrual funds

automatically creating   1

defined   1

forecasting   1

manually creating   1

Acquire Categories action, about running   1


adding during retail visits   1

associating with accounts   1

changing statuses of   1

checking statuses of   1

creating for objectives   1

creating for retail visits   1

reviewing in account's objectives   1

reviewing prior to retail visits   1

viewing statuses for   1

activity plans, creating for deductions   1

activity templates, creating   1

Add High-Level Categories button, trade promotion configuration for   1


associating with accounts   1

creating accounts for   1

administrative setup tasks

other guides for   1

table of   1

Aggregate action

about   1

about performing periodically   1

improving performance of   1

parallel aggregation processing and   1

Aggregate button, trade promotion configuration for   1

Allocate button, SVP configuration for   1

applets, in home page   1

Apply button

ensuring proper functioning of   1

objective configuration for   1

product distribution configuration for   1

trade fund configuration for   1

Apply Period button, using   1

Apply Updates button, trade promotion configuration for   1

Approve button, deduction configuration for   1

assessments, creating target lists based on   1

assets, associating with inventory locations   1


adding to account promotions   1

adding to corporate promotions   1

adding to plans for account promotions   1

creating for deductions   1

audit trail

viewing for account promotions   1

viewing for plans for account promotions   1

audits, reviewing account information for   1

Back to top


baseline basis quantities

copying   1

establishing   1

generating for existing products   1

generating for new products   1

precalculating adjusted quantities   1

Baseline button, trade promotion configuration for   1

baseline data

associating with promoted products   1

changing dates for retrieval of   1

definition   1

sources   1

viewing   1

baseline planning, about   1

billings, reviewing   1

business solutions, table of   1


deductions and claims   1

objectives   1

product distribution   1

retail visits   1

routes   1

sales volume planning   1

trade funds   1

trade promotions   1

buying groups

about and associating products with   1

associating member accounts with   1

associating products with   1

associating supply sources with products in   1

creating   1

overview of process for creating   1

Back to top


Calculate Source button, SVP configuration for   1


viewing for account promotions   1

viewing for plans for account promotions   1

catalog-category hierarchies, about   1

catalogs, about administration of   1


about allocations for   1

acquiring   1

assigning to account catalogs   1

associating with products   1

unadopting products for   1

Category Aggregation

configuring   1

configuring baseline custom fields for   1

using   1

category baseline data, executing queries for   1

Category button, product distribution configuration for   1

category-product hierarchies

acquiring categories for   1

associating products with categories for   1

creating   1

setting up   1

setting up account hierarchies for   1

unadopting products for   1

CG Payment Process

accessing   1

CG Payment business service and   1

executing   1

exporting   1

importing   1

testing   1

using   1

child objectives, creating   1


about   1

adding attachments to   1

creating and editing   1

end-user procedures for   1

resolving   1

Commit button

objective configuration for   1

route configuration for   1

competitor products, about viewing   1

Conduct Retail Visit subprocess, about   1

configuration information

buttons for deductions and claims   1

buttons for objectives   1

buttons for product distribution   1

buttons for retail visits   1

buttons for routes   1

buttons for sales volume planning   1

buttons for trade funds   1

buttons for trade promotions   1

Siebel EIM configuration for funds   1

user properties for trade funds   1

Consumer Goods

about   1

screens for   1

Consumer Goods funds

about CG Payment business service for   1

about rolling up paid payments for   1

accessing CG Payment Process   1

executing workflow process   1

exporting CG Payment Process   1

importing CG Payment Process   1

testing workflow process   1

using CG Payment Process for   1


definition   1

sources   1

viewing data   1

contacts, associating with accounts   1

Copy ADL button, product distribution configuration for   1

corporate promotions

about   1

about relationship to account promotions   1

adding attachments to   1

adding promoted categories to   1

adding promoted products to   1

attaching literature to   1

creating   1

creating account promotions from   1

end-user procedures for   1

fields for   1

retaining account promotions when deleting   1

tactic fields for   1

viewing performance data for account promotions in   1

Create Account Promotions button, trade promotion configuration for   1

credit memos

creating or modifying   1

reviewing for accounts   1

Current Year button, SVP configuration for   1

cycle count, performing   1

Back to top


dates, changing for objectives   1


closing   1

creating for account promotions   1

creating for promoted categories   1

creating for promoted products   1

end-user procedures for   1

reconciling against payments   1

reviewing for account promotions   1

reviewing for funds   1

reviewing for promoted categories   1

reviewing for promoted products   1


about   1

about generating   1

about resolving   1 ,  2

about stages for resolution of   1

adding literature to   1

administrator procedures for   1

analyzing for accounts   1

analyzing workloads for   1

approving or rejecting payments for   1

associating and modifying invoices for   1

button configuration for   1

creating activities for   1

creating activity plans for   1

creating activity templates for   1

creating and editing   1

creating attachments for   1

creating credit memos for   1

creating notes for   1

end-user procedures for   1

resolving for account promotions   1

resolving for HQ   1

reviewing   1

reviewing account credit memos for   1

reviewing literature for   1

scenario for account promotion type of   1

scenario for HQ type of   1

splitting   1

types of   1

viewing for accounts   1

voiding and canceling payments for   1

Delete button, product distribution configuration for   1

demographics, creating target lists based on   1

deposits, recording   1

direct distribution, about   1

distribution codes

about classification type   1

creating   1

distribution lists

about   1

about creating and modifying   1

scenario for   1

unauthorized products for   1

viewing products for accounts in   1

distribution methods, about   1

Back to top


Execute Action button, SVP configuration for   1

Execute button, SVP configuration for   1

Back to top


fixed funds

automatically creating   1

defined   1

manually creating   1

Forecast button

configuring   1

trade promotion configuration for   1


about CG Payment business service for   1

about rolling up paid payments for   1

accessing CG Payment Process   1

adding child funds to parent funds in   1

adding grandchild funds to   1

adjusting   1

approving transfers for   1

automatically creating accrual   1

automatically creating fixed   1

button configuration for   1

configuring Siebel EIM for   1

defined   1

executing workflow process   1

exporting CG Payment Process   1

importing CG Payment Process   1

manually creating accrual   1

manually creating fixed   1

reviewing   1

reviewing deals for   1

reviewing payments for   1

submitting payments for   1

testing workflow process   1

transferring amounts for with constraint   1

transferring amounts for without constraint   1

user properties for   1

using CG Payment Process for   1

Back to top


Generate button, trade fund configuration for   1

grandchild funds, adding to funds   1

Back to top



See Process of Defining SVP Hierarchies

high-level promotions

creating for account promotions   1

fields for   1

general fields for   1

revenue fields for   1

simulating promotion results for   1

spending fields for   1

tactic fields for   1

volume fields for   1

home page, about   1

HQ deductions

about   1

resolving   1

Back to top


incremental data set

definition   1

sources   1

incremental volumes, transferring to SVP   1

inventory and order management

about   1

associating assets with inventory locations for   1

end-user procedures for   1

recording deposits for   1

recording van information for   1

reviewing billings for   1

scenario for   1

taking retail orders for   1

verifying van inventory for   1


about viewing all   1

associating and modifying   1

reviewing outstanding   1

Back to top


lift factors, importing and copying   1

List Products button, retail visit configuration for   1


adding to account promotions   1

adding to deductions   1

attaching to corporate promotions   1

reviewing for deductions   1

Load from File button, SVP configuration for   1

local database, system administration on   1

Lock button, SVP configuration for   1

Back to top


Market segment classification type, about   1

mass change

configuring   1

making extra fields available for   1

Mass Change button, SVP configuration for   1

member accounts, associating with buying groups   1

merchandising audits, performing   1

merchandising locations

adding to accounts   1

associating with account products   1

Back to top


Next Year button, SVP configuration for   1

notes, creating for deductions   1

number handling, about   1

Back to top


objective data set

definition   1

sources   1


about   1

administrator procedures for   1

applying   1

associating with account promotions   1

button configuration for   1

changing dates for   1

changing statuses of activities associated with   1

checking statuses of   1

creating   1

creating child objectives   1

creating recommended activities for   1

end-user procedures for   1

maintenance procedures for   1

reviewing   1

role of trade promotions in   1

scenario for   1

scheduling store visits for   1

targeting accounts to   1

OK button, product distribution configuration for   1

order management

See About Inventory and Order Management

orders, creating target lists based on   1

outstanding invoices, reviewing   1

Back to top


parallel aggregation processing   1

parent funds, adding child funds to   1

parent-child relationships, creating   1


about rolling up   1

about using Siebel EIM to update   1

approving or rejecting   1

reconciling deals to   1

recording and collecting   1

reviewing for funds   1

submitting against funds   1

voiding and canceling   1

percentage basis calculation   1

Period Type list of values, creating values for   1


conflicting start dates for   1

creating values for Period Type list of values   1

features that use   1

period-type aggregation, about   1

personalization attributes, setting up   1

Phase button, trade promotion configuration for   1


about results   1

enabling for account promotions   1

end-user procedures for   1

finalizing results for   1

promoted categories   1

promoted products   1

plans for account promotions

adding account promotions to   1

adding attachments to   1

creating   1

creating high-level promotions for   1

end-user procedures for   1

viewing audit trail for   1

viewing calendars for   1

predefined queries

deleting saved   1

making public   1

Prior Year button, SVP configuration for   1

product baseline data, executing queries for   1

product distribution

about account market segments for   1

about buying groups for   1

about controlling   1

about distribution lists for   1

administrator procedures for   1

amending product details for distribution lists in   1

assigning product categories to account catalogs in   1

button configuration for   1

copying distribution lists in   1

creating account distribution lists for   1

creating distribution codes for   1

defining product categories for distribution lists in   1

defining products for distribution lists in   1

deleting products from distribution lists in   1

end-user procedures for   1

scenario for   1

setting up personalization attributes for   1

Product Explorer, using   1

product lines, creating   1


about administration of   1

about catalog-category hierarchies for   1

administrator procedures for   1

associating with accounts   1

associating with buying groups   1

associating with categories   1

associating with supply sources   1

creating product lines for   1

defining   1

deleting from account distribution lists   1

end-user procedures for   1

exchanging between sales representatives   1

removing from accounts   1

reviewing information for   1

scenario for   1

unadopting and deleting   1

unauthorized   1

using Product Explorer for   1

Products button

trade fund configuration for   1

trade promotion configuration for   1

promoted categories

about phasing recalculation results for   1

about phasing results for   1

adding to account promotions   1

adding to corporate promotions   1

creating deals for   1

fields for   1

phasing   1

recalculating phasing results for   1

reviewing deals for   1

promoted products

adding to account promotions   1

adding to corporate promotions   1

associating baseline and shipment data with   1

creating deals for   1

fields for   1

phasing   1

recalculating phasing results for   1

reviewing deals for   1

Back to top


quota data set

definition   1

sources   1

Back to top


Recalculate button, trade promotion configuration for   1

recalculating phasing results

about   1

for promoted categories   1

for promoted products   1

Refresh button

SVP configuration for   1

trade fund configuration for   1

Reject button, deduction configuration for   1

Release Commitments button, trade fund configuration for   1


in home page   1

retail activities

performing   1

performing merchandising audits in   1

retail assessments, performing   1

retail audits, performing   1

retail orders, taking   1

retail visits

about   1

adding activities during   1

button configuration for   1

creating activities for   1

ending   1

end-user procedures for   1

exchanging products between sales representatives for   1

performing assessments for   1

performing merchandising audits for   1

performing retail activities for   1

performing retail audits for   1

planning   1

reviewing account audits for   1

reviewing account products for   1

reviewing account promotions for   1

reviewing account's objectives prior to   1

reviewing activities prior to   1

reviewing store conditions for   1

scenario for   1

starting   1

Route Accounts view, using to add accounts to a routes   1

Route Explorer view, using to add accounts to routes   1


about   1

about limited durations in   1

adding accounts to   1

assigning target lists to   1

button configuration for   1

creating   1

end-user procedures for   1

scenario for creating   1

scenario for creating for sales representatives   1

scenario for creating frequently changing   1

using to schedule visits   1

Back to top


sales representatives, exchanging products between   1

sales volume planning

about algorithms for   1

about category and account level allocation for   1

about percentage basis calculation for   1

about period-type aggregation for   1

adjusting source data in   1

administrator procedures for   1

building account-product trees for   1

button configuration for   1

copying baseline basis quantities in   1

creating periods for   1

data sets for   1

defining account-category hierarchies for   1

end-user procedures for   1

entering data for   1

establishing baseline basis quantities for   1

executing queries for baseline data in   1

generating baseline basis quantities for existing products in   1

generating baseline basis quantities for new products in   1

importing or copying data for   1

locking account-product nodes in   1

locking nodes in   1

manually locking account-product nodes in   1

modifying business service for   1

performing administrative tasks for   1

populating locks for account-product trees in   1

predetermining adjusted baseline basis quantities in   1

scenario for   1

setting up category-product hierarchies for   1

viewing data for   1

Sales Volume Planning module

about using with account-subcategory hierarchy   1

baseline and target planning for   1

process overview of workflow policies for   1

Save to File button, SVP configuration for   1

Schedule - Routes More Info view button, route configuration for   1

Schedule - Target Accounts view button, route configuration for   1

screens, described   1

Select Categories button, product distribution configuration for   1

servers, parallel aggregation processing on multiple   1

setup tasks

creating periods   1

creating values for Period Type list of values   1

implementation of multiple modules or options and   1

other guides for   1

setting up Siebel workflow policies   1

table of   1

shared notes, about   1

Shipment button, trade promotion configuration for   1

shipment data

associating with promoted products   1

definition   1

sources   1

viewing   1

Siebel Business Applications

business solutions for   1

screens for   1

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager

configuring for funds   1

using to update status of Payment records   1

Simulate button, trade promotion configuration for   1

simulations, end-user procedures for   1

Skip All button, SVP configuration for   1

source data, excluding or skipping   1

Spread button

configuring   1

trade promotion configuration for   1

store conditions

about querying on   1

creating target lists based on   1

reviewing   1

store visits, scheduling   1

subcategories, about designating as SVP adoptees   1

supply sources, associating with products   1

SVP Adopt button, SVP configuration for   1

SVP Adoptee field, about populating automatically   1

Back to top


target data set

definition   1

sources   1

viewing   1

target lists

about saving queries using keyboard shortcut   1

about synchronizing with Siebel Server   1

about updating contents of saved   1

assigning to routes   1

creating based on demographics and assessments   1

creating based on orders   1

creating based on store conditions   1

creating for Account Targeting   1

refining queries for   1

saving   1

target planning, about   1

trade funds

adding child funds to parent funds in   1

adding grandchild funds to   1

adjusting   1

administrator procedures for   1

approving transfers for   1

automatically creating accrual   1

automatically creating fixed   1

button configuration for   1

configuring Siebel EIM for   1

end-user procedures for   1

manually creating accrual   1

manually creating fixed   1

reviewing   1

reviewing payments for   1

scenario for   1

transferring amounts for with constraint   1

transferring amounts for without constraint   1

user properties for   1

Trade Promotion deductions, about   1

trade promotions

about relationship between corporate and account promotions   1

button configuration for   1

end-user procedures for   1

role of objectives in   1

scenario for   1

types of   1

trade promotions, configuring

changing dates for baseline data retrieval   1

changing visibility filter for team members   1

retaining account promotions when deleting corporate promotions   1


approving for funds   1

performing for funds   1 ,  2

Back to top


unauthorized products

adding to account distribution lists   1

defined   1

Unlock button, SVP configuration for   1

Update button

configuring   1

retail execution configuration for   1

trade promotion configuration for   1

Back to top


van information, recording   1

van inventory, verifying   1

visibility filter, changing for team members   1

visits, using routes to schedule   1

Back to top


workflow policies, Consumer Goods modules that use   1

workloads, analyzing for deductions   1

Back to top

Siebel Consumer Goods Guide Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.