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Fields for Spending in Promotions

Table 16 shows the fields for spending in high-level promotions and the levels of the account promotion hierarchy. These levels include plans, account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products. The field comments indicate if a particular field does not appear in high-level promotions or some levels of the account promotion hierarchy.

Table 16. Fields for Spending in Promotions

% ACV Promoted

Percentage All Commodity Volume promoted. The percentage of the total sales volume that applies to the high-level promotion, account promotion, promoted category, or promoted product. The default value for this field is 100%. You enter a value in this field to simulate results for a high-level promotion or an account promotion. This field is not available for plans.

Variable Spending Fields

Off Invoice Rate

The discount rate (dollars for each unit) that you subtract from the product price on the invoice to the customer. You provide this discount to the customer as compensation for participating in an account promotion. If you enter data in this field, you cannot enter data in the Off Invoice Pct field. You can click the Spread button to copy a value in this field from a promoted category to its promoted products. This field is not available for plans and account promotions.

Off Invoice Pct

The discount percentage that you subtract from the product price on the invoice to the customer. You provide this discount to the customer as compensation for participating in an account promotion. If you enter data in this field, you cannot enter data in the Off Invoice Rate field. You can click the Spread button to copy a value in this field from a promoted category to its promoted products. This field is not available for plans and account promotions.

Est Off Invoice Spend

For promoted products, this field is calculated as follows: (Off Invoice Rate multiplied by Est Total Volume multiplied by [% ACV Promoted divided by 100]) plus (Off Invoice Pct multiplied by [Est Total Revenue divided by 100] multiplied by [% ACV Promoted divided by 100]). The values for estimated off-invoice expenditures roll up to promoted categories, account promotions, and, if the account promotions are associated with plans, to plans.

Bill Back Rate

The discount rate (dollars for each unit) that the customer applies to the appropriate units to bill you or that the customer subtracts from the product price on the invoice to the customer to short pay that invoice. You provide this discount to the customer as compensation for participating in the account promotion. If you enter data in this field, you cannot enter data in the Bill Back Pct field. You can click the Spread button to copy a value in this field from a promoted category to its promoted products. This field is not available for plans and account promotions.

Bill Back Pct

The discount percentage that the customer applies to the appropriate units to bill you or that the customer subtracts from the product price on the invoice to the customer to short pay that invoice. You provide this discount to the customer as compensation for participating in the account promotion. If you enter data in this field, you cannot enter data in the Bill Back Rate field. You can click the Spread button to copy a value in this field from a promoted category to its promoted products. This field is not available for plans and account promotions.

Est Bill Back Spend

For promoted products, this field is calculated as follows: (Bill Back Rate multiplied by Est Total Volume multiplied by [% ACV Promoted divided by 100]) plus (Bill Back Pct multiplied by [Est Total Revenue divided by 100] multiplied by [% ACV Promoted divided by 100]). The values for estimated bill back expenditures roll up to promoted categories, account promotions, and, if the account promotions are associated with plans, to plans.

Variable Spend Pay Method

The payment method for the variable expenditure, for example, Bill Back, Off Invoice, or Deduction. This field is not available for plans.

Est Variable Spend

Est Off Invoice Spend plus Est Bill Back Spend.

Fixed Spending Fields

Fixed Slot Fee

The fee that the retailer charges to you for placing the promoted products for the account promotion on the retailer's shelves. You can enter a value in this field for an account promotion, promoted category, or promoted product, and then click the Spread button to allocate that value to the Fixed Slot Fee field for records in the lower levels of the account promotion hierarchy.

Fixed Slot Fee Pay Method

The payment method that is associated with the slotting fee for the account promotion, for example, Bill Back, Check, or Deduction. This field is not available for plans.

Other Fixed Spend

The other fixed expenditures that you pay to the retailer to encourage the retailer's participation in the account promotion, for example, a fee that you pay to include your products in the retailer's weekly catalog. You can enter a value in this field for an account promotion, a promoted category, or a promoted product, and then click the Spread button to allocate that value to the Other Fixed Spend field for records in the lower levels of the account promotion hierarchy.

Other Fixed Spend Pay Method

The payment method that is associated with the other fixed expenditures for the account promotion, for example, Bill Back, Check, or Deduction. This field is not available for plans.

Est Fixed Spend

Fixed Slot Fee plus Other Fixed Spend.

Other Fields

Est Total Spend

Est Variable Spend plus Est Fixed Spend.

Est Fund Allocations

The sum of the deal amounts. This field is populated from the Amount field in deals that are associated with account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products. This field is not available for high-level promotions. For more information about deals, see Process of Managing Deals for Account Promotions (End User).

Actual Total Spend

The payments relating to the deal amounts. This field is populated from the Amount field for payments with a status of Paid in deals that are associated with account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products. This field is not available for high-level promotions. For more information about deals, see Process of Managing Deals for Account Promotions (End User).

Est Incremental COGS

Est Incremental Volume multiplied by COGS for promoted products. COGS is a rate applicable to the cost of goods sold. The values roll up from promoted products to promoted categories and account promotions. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Incremental COGS

Actual Incremental Volume multiplied by COGS for promoted products. COGS is a rate applicable to the cost of goods sold. The values roll up from promoted products to promoted categories and account promotions. This field is not available for high-level promotions.


The estimated return on investment. If the Est Total Spend field is 0, then this field is 0. Otherwise, this field is calculated as follows: ([Est Incremental Revenue minus Est Incremental COGS] divided by Est Total Spend) multiplied by 100. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual ROI

The actual return on investment. If the Actual Total Spend field is 0, then this field is 0. Otherwise, this field is calculated as follows: [(Actual Incremental Revenue minus Actual Incremental COGS] divided by Actual Total Spend) multiplied by 100. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

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