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Fields for Volume and Revenue in Promotions

Table 15 shows the fields for volume and revenue in high-level promotions and the levels of the account promotion hierarchy. These levels include plans, account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products. The field comments indicate if a particular field does not appear in high-level promotions. Volume includes cases and units.

The Incremental Sell-In and Incremental Sell-Out volume fields are related to each other based on the values in the Warehouse Withdrawal field and Forward-Buy Volume field. The value entered and the value stored are based on whether the account plan's volume plan is sell-in or sell-out.

If the promotion (account plan) has a sell-in volume plan, manually enter values in the Incremental Sell-In Volume, Warehouse Withdrawal Volume, and Forward Buy Volume fields. The Incremental Sell-Out Volume field is a read-only field that is calculated automatically and stored using the following formula:

  • Upon simulation, Incremental Sell In field equals Override Lift % field multiplied by Baseline Volume field.
  • Incremental Sell-Out Volume field equals Incremental Sell-In Volume field plus Warehouse Withdrawal Volume field minus Forward Buy Volume field.

If the promotion (account plan) has a sell-out volume plan, manually enter values in the Incremental Sell-Out Volume, Warehouse Withdrawal Volume, and Forward Buy Volume fields. The Incremental Sell-In Volume field is a read-only field that is calculated automatically and stored using the following formula:

  • Upon simulation, the Incremental Sell Out field equals Override Lift % field multiplied by Baseline Volume field.
  • Incremental Sell-In Volume field equals Incremental Sell-Out Volume field minus Warehouse Withdrawal Volume field plus Forward Buy Volume field.
Table 15. Fields for Volume and Revenue in Promotions

Volume Fields

Est Baseline Volume

The estimated volume of product that would have been sold without an account promotion. For account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products, this field is populated when you click the Baseline button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion Baseline field in the Promoted Product Baseline view with product baseline data from sales volume plans. The volumes roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, and account promotions, but not to plans. This field is updated for plans when you click the Update button in the Plan List view.

For high-level promotions, this field is populated when you click the Forecast button to update a high-level promotion with category baseline data from sales volume plans.

Est Incremental Volume

The incremental volume over and above the estimated baseline volume that is attributable to the promotional tactics in the account promotion. This field is populated when you enter a value in the Incremental field in the Promoted Product Baseline view or when you click the Simulate button to simulate an account promotion and thus change the Incremental field in the Promoted Product Baseline view. The incremental volumes roll up to promoted products, promoted categories, account promotions, and, if the account promotions are associated with plans, to plans. If you change the plan, these values roll up to the Est Incremental Volume field for the new plan and are deleted from the prior plan.

Est Incremental Volume can be one of two types: Sell-In or Sell-Out. A type is calculated when a user modifies the opposite type. The calculation involves the values from the Forward Buy Cases/Units and the Warehouse Withdrawal Cases/Units fields, along with the Incremental Qty field.

This field is populated for high-level promotions when you click the Simulate button to simulate the results for a high-level promotion. Also, you can enter a value in this field for high-level promotions.

You can enter a value in this field for an account promotion, and then click the Spread button to allocate that value to the incremental volume field for records in the lower levels of the account promotion hierarchy.

Est Total Volume

Est Baseline Volume plus Est Incremental Volume.

PY Baseline Volume

For the prior year, the estimated volume of product that was sold. This field is populated when you click the Baseline button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion PY Baseline field in Promoted Product Baseline view with product baseline data from sales volume plans. The volumes roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, and account promotions, but not to plans. This field is updated for plans when you click the Update button in the Plan List view. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Target Baseline Volume

The expected volume of product to be sold. This field is populated when you click the Baseline button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion Target Baseline field in the Promoted Product Baseline view with product baseline data from sales volume plans. The volumes roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, and account promotions, but not to plans. This field is updated for plans when you click the Update button in the Plan List view. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Baseline Volume

Equal to the Est Baseline Volume field. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Incremental Volume

Actual Total Volume minus Actual Baseline Volume. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Total Volume

The shipment volume for the account promotion. This field is populated when you click the Shipment button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion Shipment field in the Shipments view with product shipment data from sales volume plans. The volumes roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, account promotions, and plans. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Revenue Fields

Est Baseline Revenue

For promoted products, this field is calculated as follows: Est Baseline Volume multiplied by List Price. The estimated baseline revenue values roll up to promoted categories, account promotions, and, if the account promotions are associated with plans, to plans.

For high-level promotions, this field is populated when you click the Forecast button to update a high-level promotion with data from sales volume plans.

Est Incremental Revenue

For plans, account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products, this field is calculated as follows: Est Total Revenue minus Est Baseline Revenue. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Est Baseline Net Revenue

Equals Est Baseline Revenue minus Trade Spend.

Est Sell-Out Incremental Gross Revenue

Equals Case Price multiplied by Est Sell-Out Incremental Cases.

Est Sell-Out Incremental Net Revenue

Equals Est Sell-Out Incremental Gross Revenue minus Trade Spend.

Est Total Revenue

For plans, account promotions, promoted categories, and promoted products, this field is calculated as follows: (Est Baseline Volume plus Est Incremental Volume) multiplied by Promoted Price. This field is not available for high-level promotions. For more information about Promoted Price, see Promoted Price.

PY Baseline Revenue

For the prior year, the revenue for estimated volume of product that was sold. This field is populated when you click the Baseline button in the Account Promotions List view to update the PY Baseline Revenue field in for promoted products with product baseline data from sales volume plans. The revenues roll up from this view to promoted categories and account promotions, but not to plans. This field is updated for plans when you click the Update button in the Plan List view. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Target Baseline Revenue

The expected revenue for the volume of product to be sold. This field is populated when you click the Baseline button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Target Baseline Revenue field for promoted products with product baseline data from sales volume plans. The revenues roll up from this view to promoted categories and account promotions, but not to plans. This field is updated for plans when you click the Update button in the Plan List view. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Baseline Revenue

Equal to the Est Baseline Revenue field. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Incremental Revenue

Actual Total Revenue minus Actual Baseline Revenue. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Actual Total Revenue

The revenue that is associated with the shipment volume for the account promotion. This field is populated when you click the Shipment button in the Account Promotions List view to update the Promotion Shipment Revenue field in the Shipments view with product shipment data from sales volume plans. The revenues roll up from this view to promoted products, promoted categories, account promotions, and plans. This field is not available for high-level promotions.

Warehouse Withdrawal Cases

The number of cases withdrawn from a warehouse in using the inventory on hand.

Warehouse Withdrawal Units

The number of units withdrawn from a warehouse in using the inventory on hand.

Forward Buy Cases

The additional number of cases that a retailer may purchase over and above what will be sold to consumers, so that the retailer can buy additional volume on a sale to increase the profit margin.

Forward Buy Units

The additional number of units that a retailer may purchase over and above what will be sold to consumers, so that the retailer can buy additional volume on a sale to increase the profit margin.

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