Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Funds > About Configuring Trade Funds >

User Properties for Funds

Table 21 lists the user properties administrators must set to control propagation of source products from fund groups to account funds.

Table 21. User Properties For Funds
Parent Object Type
Business Component


You can set the following user properties on the CS Fund Group business component:

  • Populate Products. The value can be Y or N. The default value is N. When you set the value to Y, the source and target products at the fund group level are populated when users click the Generate button to generate account funds.
  • Total Records. The value is a number, for example, 10. The default value uses the business service. If the total number of source and target records at the fund group level exceeds the number in this field, the business service process is used to generate the account funds. Otherwise, the client process is used to generate the account funds.

Functional Area

CS Fund Group

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