Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Lists and Pick Applets >

Creating a List of Values

A list of values is a set of values that Siebel CRM uses to enter values in a static list. If the user chooses a static list, then it displays a list of values. The user can choose a value from the list to cause Siebel CRM to enter values into the field.

Siebel CRM stores the values in a list of values as records in the S_LST_OF_VAL table. A list of values includes the following parts:

  • Header Row. Defines the name of the type grouping. For example, the first row in Table 58. This type grouping name is the value of the Display Value property, such as ACCOUNT_STATUS. The row includes a Display Value property, but Siebel CRM does not display the header row in the list of values. The Display Value property for a header row defines only the name for the list of values. It does not display any strings in the Siebel client.
  • Display Value Rows. Includes the values that Siebel CRM displays in a list that references the list of values. The rows in Table 58 where Type is ACCOUNT_STATUS are examples of display value rows. These rows contain the display values that Siebel CRM displays in the Siebel client. The Type property for each display value row is ACCOUNT_STATUS, which is the same as the Display Value of the Header Row.

The Type field groups List of Value records. For example, the Type value is ACCOUNT_STATUS for values that the Status field of the Account Entry Applet includes.

A picklist object includes a Type property that identifies the LOV Type that is associated with the list. Siebel CRM reads this information to determine the list of values that it displays for a list in the Siebel client. For more information, see About Static Lists.

Table 58 lists the values that belong to the LOV Type defined as ACCOUNT_STATUS.

Table 58. Example Values from the ACCOUNT_STATUS LOV Table
Display Value











Creating a New List of Values

Siebel CRM comes with many predefined lists of values that support the static lists that it displays in the Siebel client. You can modify a predefined list of values, or you can create a new one:

  • You can use the List of Values view in the Administration - Data screen in the Siebel client to modify a list of values. You can add, modify, or deactivate LOV values for LOV types for predefined list of values. For example, you can add another value to the ACCOUNT_STATUS LOV type. For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.
  • You can create a new list of values in Siebel Tools. If you must add a new set of values that you define as a new LOV Type, then you must use Siebel Tools.

To create a new list of values

  1. In Siebel Tools, click the Screens application menu, click System Administration, and then click the List of Values menu item.
  2. In the List of Values list, create a header record for the new LOV Type using values from the following table.


    Enter LOV_TYPE.

    Display Value

    Enter the name of the LOV Type. For example, ACCOUNT_STATUS.

    Do not use single quotes in the Display Value property. Single quotes cause search specifications that reference the Display Value field to fail. For more information, see Options to Filter Data That Siebel CRM Displays In an Applet.


    Do not modify this property. For more information, see Modifying the Translate Property for a Predefined List of Values.

    Language Independent Code

    In most cases, enter the same value that you enter for the display value. For more information, see Overview of Language-Independent Code.

  3. Enter a new record for the LOV value using values from the following table.


    Choose the name of the LOV type that you created in Step 2. For example ACCOUNT_STATUS.

    The value you define for this property must match the value you define in the Type property of the list that you configure to display these values.

    Display Value

    Enter the value that Siebel CRM must display in the list.

    Language Independent Code

    In most cases, enter the same value that you enter for the display value.


    Do not modify this property. For more information, see Modifying the Translate Property for a Predefined List of Values.

    Language Name

    Choose the name of the language for the Display Value.

    You use some properties only for a multilingual list of values, such as Translate, Multilingual, and Language-Independent Code. For more information, see Defining Properties of an MLOV. For a complete description of LOV fields, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for each LOV value.
  5. Create a list to display the LOV Type.

    For more information, see Configuring Lists and Pick Applets.

  6. Compile and test your modifications.

    Make sure you clear the cache. For more information, see Step 7.

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