Configuring Siebel Business Applications > About Views, Screens, and Applications > About Screens >

About Screen Views

A screen view is an object that displays groups of views or a single view in the Siebel client. It allows you to group related views together and to control the location of where Siebel CRM displays links in the Siebel client. The Type and Parent Category properties determine where Siebel CRM displays the screen view in the Siebel client. The screen view plays a major role in determining where Siebel CRM displays a view in the Siebel client, but a view web template ultimately controls appearance. For example, most web templates display links under tabs. Other web templates display these links in a list. For more information, see Creating a Screen View.

Table 23 describes types of screen views.

Table 23. Types of Screen Views
Type of Screen View

Aggregate Category

Groups all remaining screen view types.

Siebel CRM displays it as a link in the link bar below screen tabs.

Aggregate View

Siebel CRM displays an Aggregate View as follows:

  • If no value is defined for the Parent Category property, then Siebel CRM displays the screen view as a link in the link bar below the screen tabs.
  • If the Parent Category property contains a valid Aggregate Category, then Siebel CRM displays the screen view as a link in the view list in applet headers.

Detail Category

Groups detail views.

Siebel CRM displays it as a tab.

Detail View

Siebel CRM displays a Detail View as follows:

  • If the Parent Category property contains a valid Aggregate Category, then Siebel CRM displays the screen view as a tab.
  • If the Parent Category property contains a valid Detail Category, then Siebel CRM displays the view as a link in a link bar below the tabs, or in another location depending on the web template. For example, Siebel CRM can display the screen view in a view list or in another row of tabs.

In Siebel CRM version 7.7 and higher, Siebel CRM defines a nonvisibility view as a detail view with the Parent Category property set depending on the business object that the view references.

How Siebel CRM Groups Aggregate Categories Beginning With Siebel CRM Version 7.7

In Siebel CRM version 7.7 and higher, visibility views are grouped under aggregate categories according to the business object. For example, some of the views in the Accounts Screen belong to the Account and Global Account Hierarchy business objects:

  • Siebel CRM groups the visibility views that it associates with the Account business object under the Accounts List aggregate category.
  • Siebel CRM groups the visibility views it associates with the Global Account Hierarchy business object under the Global Accounts Hierarchy List aggregate category.

How Siebel CRM Uses Screen Views In Each Navigation Level

Table 24 describes the type of screen view that is defined for each navigation level and the properties for each screen view. For more information, see About the Siebel Client Navigation Model and Process of Creating a Screen.

Table 24. Type of Screen View That Is Defined for Each Navigation Level
Navigation Level
Siebel Client Placement
Object That Is Defined


Screen tabs

Page Tabs, which are child objects of an application. For more information, see Creating a Screen Menu Item.


Links in the link bar directly below screen tabs.

These links refer to groups of views.

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Aggregate Category
  • Parent Category is empty

Links in the link bar directly below screen tabs

These links refer to a single view.

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Aggregate View
  • Parent Category is empty

Links in the view list in an applet header

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Aggregate View
  • Parent Category is Aggregate Category


View tabs

These tabs refer to groups of detail views.

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Detail Category
  • Parent Category is an Aggregate Category

View tabs

These tabs refer to a single detail view.

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Detail View
  • Parent Category is an Aggregate Category


Links in the link bar below view tabs, or in an alternate location depending on the web template.

Screen view with the following properties:

  • Type is Detail View
  • Parent Category is Detail Category

Example of a Screen View Hierarchy

Table 25 describes several screen views from the Account screen and some of the properties that determine the location of the screen view in the Siebel client.

Table 25. Example of a Screen View Hierarchy
Siebel Client Location
Category Name
Category Default View
Parent Category


Link in link bar below screen tabs

Aggregate View

Not applicable

Not applicable

Account Screen HomePage View

Not applicable

Link in link bar below screen tabs

Aggregate Category

Account List

Account List View

Not applicable

Not applicable

Link in view list in applet header

Aggregate View

Not applicable

Not applicable

Account List View

Account List


View tabs

Detail View

Not applicable

Not applicable

Account Detail - Contacts View

Account List

View tabs

Detail Category


ESP Account Plan Overview View

Not applicable

Account List


Link in link bar below view tabs

Detail View

Not applicable

Not applicable

ESP Account Plan Overview View


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