Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Special-Purpose Applets > Configuring a Chart Applet >

Configuring a Chart That Includes Multiple Lines Against One Y-Axis

This topic includes an example that defines different combinations of the source field and function to determine how Siebel CRM plots a chart with multiple lines against the same Y-axis. Siebel CRM displays the name for each line in the legend. For example, it can display revenue, expected revenue, and net profit as superimposed lines on the same line graph.

To configure a chart that includes multiple lines against one Y-axis

  1. Complete Step 1 through Step 5.
  2. Define properties of the chart object, using values from the following table.

    Data Point Field

    Create a comma separated list of source fields, one for each line that Siebel CRM displays in the graph.

    Data Function

    Create a comma separated list that includes some of the following function names: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, or PLOT.

    PLOT indicates that Siebel CRM gets the Y values directly from the values in the source field.

    The list of function names must include the same number of entries that the Data Point Field list includes. The order in the list in the Data Function property determines the association with the data point field and title.

    Picklist Functions

    Create a comma separated list of Y-axis titles. Items in this list define the individual lines in the Legend. The list of titles must include the same number of entries that Siebel Tools displays in the list in the Data Point Field property. The order in the list determines the association with the data point field and data function.

    Series Field

    This property must be empty. Remove any existing values from the Series Field property. If the Series Field property contains a value, then Siebel CRM converts the multiple lines to a Z-axis.

    Multi Data Point

    Set to TRUE to plot multiple lines.

  3. In the Applet Web Editor, remove the Show combo box and the label for the Show combo box.
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