Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Universal Connector API >

Parameter Setting Functions

Most third party software vendors provide lists of parameters to customers so that the customers can configure the vendor library's behavior to suit their business needs.

This topic describes the functions that set parameters at both the global context and at the session context (that is, specific to a session):

sdq_set_global_parameter Function

This function is called to set global parameters. This function call is made after the call to sdq_init_connector.

The vendor must put the configuration file, if using one, in ./siebsrvr/SDQConnectorpath. When the vendor DLL is loaded, it calls the sdq_init_connector API function (if it is exposed by the vendor) with the absolute path to the SDQConnector directory. It is then up to the vendor to read the appropriate configuration file. The configuration file name is dependent on vendor specifications.

An XML character string is used to specify the parameters. This provides an extensible way of providing parameters with each function call.

Using the sdq_set_global_parameter API, any global parameters specific to the vendor can be put as a user property to DeDuplication business service, where the format of the business service user property is as follows:

"Global", "Parameter Name", "Parameter Value"

These global parameters are set to the vendor only after the vendor DLL loads. You can define user properties for the DeDuplication business service as follows:

Property: My Connector 1
Value: MyDQMatch

Property: MyDQMatch Parameter 1
Value: "Global", "zGlobalParam1", "zGlobalParam1Val"


int sdq_set_global_parameter (const SSchar* parameterList)


parameterList: An XML character string that contains the list of parameters and values specific to this function call. An example of the XML is as follows:


Return Value

A return value of 0 indicates successful execution. Any other value is a vendor error code. The error message details from the vendor are obtained by calling the sdq_get_error_message function.

sdq_set_parameter Function

This function is called, after the call to sdq_init_session, to set parameters that are applicable at the session context.

The vendor must put the configuration file, if using one, in ./siebsrvr/SDQConnectorpath. When the vendor DLL is loaded, it calls the sdq_init_connector API function (if it is exposed by the vendor) with the absolute path to the SDQConnector directory. It is then up to vendor to read the appropriate configuration file. The configuration file name is dependent on vendor specifications.

Using the sdq_set_parameter API, any session parameters specific to the vendor can be put as a user property to the DeDuplication business service, where the format of the business service user property is as follows:

"Session", "Parameter Name", "Parameter Value"

These session parameters are set to the vendor, after each session opens with the vendor. You can define user properties for the DeDuplication business service as follows:

Property: My Connector 1
Value: MyDQMatch

Property: MyDQMatch Parameter 2
Value: "Session", "zSessParam2", "zSessParam2Val"


int sdq_set_parameter (int session_id, const SSchar* parameterList)

  • session_id: The session ID obtained while initializing the session.
  • parameterList: An XML character string that contains the list of parameters and values that are specific to this function call. An example of the XML is as follows:



Return Value

A return value of 0 indicates successful execution. Any other value is a vendor error code. The error message details from the vendor are obtained by calling the sdq_get_error_message function.

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