Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Predefined EAI Business Services >

Predefined EAI Business Services

Table 52 presents the predefined Siebel EAI business services.

Related Topic

For general information on using business services, see Business Services.

Table 52. Predefined EAI Business Services
Business Service

EAI BTS COM Transport


EAI Siebel to BTS COM Transport.

EAI Data Transformation Engine


EAI Data Transformation Engine (DTE). For information, see Business Processes and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

The display name for this business service is EAI Data Mapping Engine.

EAI Dispatch Service


Dispatch Service. For information, see Business Processes and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI DLL Transport


EAI DLL Transport. For information, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI HTTP Transport


EAI HTTP Outbound Transport. For information, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI Import Export


EAI Import Export Service. Imports integration objects from, or exports them to, XML files.

NOTE:  This business service is intended only for Siebel user interface sessions in the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Mobile Web Client. For information on converting integration objects to and from XML files, see the chapter on Siebel XML converters in XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI Integration Object
to XML Hierarchy Converter


EAI Integration Object Hierarchy (also known as SiebelMessage) to XML hierarchy converter service. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI MIME Doc Converter


MIME Document Conversion Service. For information, see Siebel EAI and File Attachments.

EAI MIME Hierarchy Converter


EAI MIME Hierarchy Conversion Service. For information, see Siebel EAI and File Attachments.

EAI MQSeries Server Transport


EAI MQSeries Server Transport.

EAI MSMQ Transport


EAI MSMQ Transport.

EAI Null Envelope Service


EAI Null Envelope Service. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI Query Spec Service


Used internally by the EAI Siebel Adapter to convert the SearchSpec method argument as a string to an Integration Object Instance that the EAI Siebel Adapter can use as a Query By Example object.

EAI Siebel Adapter


EAI Siebel Adapter. For information, see EAI Siebel Adapter Business Service.

EAI Transaction Service


EAI Transaction service for working with Siebel transactions, such as begin and end, to find out whether in transaction.

EAI UI Data Adapter


EAI UI Data Adapter. For information, see EAI UI Data Adapter Business Service.

EAI XML Converter


Converts between XML and EAI messages. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI XML Read from File


Reads an XML file and parses to a property set. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI XML Write to File


Prints a property set to a file as XML. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

EAI XML XSD Generator


Used to generate an XSD file from an integration object.

EAI XSD Wizard


Used to create integration objects based on XSD files.

EAI XSLT Service


EAI XSL Transformation Service.

Supports the Apache Xalan API as the XLST processor and Xerces as the XML parser.

Read CSV File


Converts a CSV file to a property set, and can then convert the property set to XML.

Siebel Message Envelope


EAI Siebel Message Envelope Service. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

XML Converter


Converts between XML documents and arbitrary Property Sets. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

XML Hierarchy Converter


Converts between XML documents and XML Property Set or Arbitrary Property Set. For information, see XML Reference: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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