Siebel Field Service Guide > Agreements and Entitlements > Process of Managing Agreements >

Associating Other Records with Agreements (End User)

Complete the procedures in this topic to associate other records with agreements.

This topic contains the following information:

This task is a step in Process of Managing Agreements.

Associating Primary Contacts with Agreements

You can associate a primary contact with an agreement.

To associate a primary contact with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Primary Contacts view tab.

    On the Primary Contacts form, the fields for the Legal Contact, Billing Contact, and Shipping Contact are populated with the primary contact for the account.

  3. If you want to change a primary contact, then drill down on the Account field for a selected agreement.
  4. In the Last Name field, select another contact.

    The list of available contacts is limited to the contacts that are associated with the account.

Associating Activity Plans with Agreements

When you associate an activity plan with an agreement, the activities in that activity plan are automatically associated with the agreement.

To associate an activity plan with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Activity Plans view tab.
  3. Create a new activity plan record, and complete the fields as appropriate.
  4. In the More Info view, select Lock to prevent Assignment Manager from assigning activities that are already in this activity plan.

Associating Activities with Agreements

Instead of using activity plans to automatically associate activities with an agreement, you can manually associate activities with the agreement.

To associate an activity with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Activities view tab.
  3. Create a new activity record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

Associating Financial Details with Agreements

The Financials view of the Agreements screen includes the following sections:

  • Origin and Renewal Details. This section contains order and quote information for the agreement. In the Agreements view in the List view of the Quotes screen and the Agreements view in the List view of the Service Orders screen, users can click the Auto Contract button to automatically create an agreement by using the quote and order content. Data mapping determines the fields that are copied into the agreement. For more information, see Configuring Data Maps to Copy Specified Data.

    This section also includes renewal information for the agreement line items.

  • Total Amounts. This section contains the revenue totals for the agreement and includes net discounts, adjustments, taxes, and shipping. You can synchronize this section with an accounts receivable application to provide suitable visibility for agreement revenue.
  • Estimated and Actual Revenue. This section contains revenue and cost information. Base revenue on price lists and cost lists in the Administration - Pricing screen. This estimated and actual information is useful for agreement renewals. For example, an agreement can have estimated revenue that is calculated using all the products with a service agreement up for renewal. However, when the negotiation of the agreement renewal occurs, support for some of the products no longer applies because the products are no longer used, the products are obsolete, or the products are bundled differently.
  • Revenue Recognition and Invoice Details. This section contains information about the invoiced amount, the date of the invoice, and the invoice schedule. The Charge and Invoice module can populate this information.

This view is also useful for co-term information. For more information, see Co-Terms for Agreements.

To associate financial details with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Financials view tab.
  3. In the Financials form, complete the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Term Months

    Displays the number of months in the term of the agreement header. This field is calculated as follows: (Agreement End Date - Agreement Start Date)/30.

    Renewal Term

    Type the time interval for the next term, if the customer decides to renew the agreement.

    Renewal %

    Type the percentage likelihood of the customer renewing.

    Months Left

    Displays the number of months left in the term. This field is calculated as follows: (Agreement End Date - Current Date)/30.

    Est Margin

    Displays the difference between the estimated cost and estimated revenue.

    Actual Margin

    Displays the difference between the actual cost and the actual revenue.

    Rev Recognition

    Select a value for revenue recognition. Revenue recognition is based on the months left in the term. Values include Annually, As Received, Daily Monthly, and Quarterly.

Associating Terms and Shipping Information with Agreements

You can associate terms and shipping information with an agreement.

To associate terms and shipping information with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Terms and Totals view tab.
  3. Complete the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Displays the sum of the agreement line items for which the Service field (in the Line Detail view for the line item) is not selected, less discounts.


    Displays the sum of the agreement line items for which the Service field (in the Line Detail view for the line item) is selected, less discounts.


    Type an adjustment amount for the term. After you enter an amount in this field, that amount is subtracted from the value in the Total field.


    Displays the shipping cost. The value is this field is the same as the value in the Shipping Charges field.

Associating Products with Agreements

The Line Items view includes a description of each product sold or provided under a selected service agreement.

To associate a product with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement.
  3. In the Line Items view, create a new line item record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Line #

    Displays a number for the agreement line.


    Select the product for the line item. The product can be a service product.

    If you select a product that includes child products (components), then the parent product appears on the agreement line, and the child products appear on additional child lines for the parent line.

  4. On the link bar, click Line Detail.

    NOTE:  Some fields in the Line Detail view are automatically populated. The product that you select in the Line Items view determines the fields that are populated.

  5. Create a new line detail record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Displays a number for the sequence of the line item. This field indicates the hierarchical relationship between line items.

    Asset #

    Select the number of an asset associated with the product for the line item or the number of an asset for a different product. This field is used for asset-based pricing. For more information, see Defining Pricing for Agreements.

    Specify an asset of the product described for the line item, for example, when you specify a trade-in. This situation can include a discount available only for trade-ins.

    Usage Asset #

    Select the number of the asset to use for billing of usage. For more information, see Creating Charge Consolidation Plans.

    Manual Discount Amount

    Type the discount amount applied directly to the selected line item.

    Manual Discount %

    Type the discount percentage applied directly to the selected line item.

    Line Discount %

    Displays the discount percentage for the selected line item. This field is calculated as follows: Discount Amount/Start Price.

Associating Files with Agreements

You can add files that were created in another program (for example, spreadsheet files) to agreements. These files are stored in compressed form.

To associate a file with an agreement

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen, then the List view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field for a selected agreement, and click the Attachments view tab.
  3. Create a new attachment record, and complete the fields as appropriate.
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