Siebel Forecasting Guide > Forecasting (End User) >

Scenario for Forecasting - Product Quantity Forecasting

A regional sales manager runs a forecast report on a monthly basis. The sales manager needs to view the forecast results grouped by Accounts, by Product Line within the accounts, and by Products within product lines (three dimensions). The sales manager creates the forecast by selecting a predefined forecast series for which the aggregate levels for the three dimensions have been defined.

The sales manager has three direct reports and usually creates the forecast for their own use as well as for use by all direct reports, so that subordinates can focus their time and energy on managing the revenue pipeline and keeping opportunities up to date. The sales manager drills down into the forecast and uses the Forecast Summary view to easily find out the forecasted revenue and quantity of the products being forecasted and sold in each quarter of the year. After running the forecast, the sales manager analyzes all revenue records in the List and Tree view tabs.

The sales manager rejects or approves and adjusts the subordinates' forecasts as appropriate. The sales manager makes appropriate adjustments for individual products, aggregated revenues for Product Lines, as well as total revenues for some Accounts. The sales manager notices that when changing the revenue or quantity values for a particular product, the adjusted value is automatically rolled up to its parent Product Line and in turn to its immediate parent Account. The same is true if the sales manager changes the revenue/quantity values for a Product Line or Account, that is, their respective aggregated values are rolled up to their immediate parent (for example, Account rolls up to Date). After making the adjustments the sales manager submits the forecast to management.

When the sales manager's manager logs into the Siebel Sales application, all subordinates' forecasts including the regional sales manager's forecasts are visible in the forecast screen. The sales manager's manager looks at the sales manager's revenue adjustment and makes a note to call and discuss the changes with the sales manager over the telephone.

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