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About Colors for Notifications

Colors in notifications indicate the level of importance (or severity) of the message or of specific text in the message. Table 10 describes the level of importance for each color in the preconfigured Siebel application.

Table 10.  Colors for Notifications
Level of Message Importance








Urgent with Alert

The color for the level of message importance applies to the vertical bar to the left of the message text in the Notification Summary pane. After you read a message, this color changes to a lighter shade. If specific message text in the Notification Details pane is tagged with a level of importance, then that text appears in the color associated with the tag.

The Notification icon appears in different colors to indicate the most important unread message. For example, if 3 unread messages exist, and if one message has a normal level of importance, one message has a high level of importance, and one message has an urgent level of importance, then the Notification icon appears in the color for the urgent message. If no unread messages exist, then the Notification icon appears in a gray color.

Your Siebel administrator can configure different colors by changing the style sheet for the Siebel application.

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