Siebel Service Handheld Guide > Data Filtering for Siebel Handheld Applications > Primary Business Components for Siebel Service Handheld >

Summary of Siebel Service Handheld Filters

Table 20 shows the list of Siebel Service Handheld filters and the query defined for each filter. All filters are public—that is, they are visible to users. Administrators can modify these business object filters in the Administration - Mobile screen > User Administration views in the Web client.

The Siebel Service Handheld application includes all business object filters for all of the Siebel Handheld applications, some of which are not relevant to Siebel Service Handheld. Therefore, it is recommended that you delete any business object filters for the Handheld applications that are not listed in Table 20 so that your users do not attempt to use business object filters that do not apply.

Table 20. Siebel Service Handheld Filters
Business Object


Def_*No Accounts

'Account'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" 'Asset Mgmt - Asset'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" 'FS Asset Warranty'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" "'Entitlement Account'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL""


Def_Today's Activities

'Action'.Search = "[Planned] = Today() OR ([Planned] = """" AND [Created] = Today() AND [Created By] = LoginId())" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


Def_*No Contacts

'Contact'.Search = [Id] IS NULL""

SHCE Asset Management

Def_*No Assets

'FS Asset Measurement Characteristics'.Search = [Id] IS NULL""

Service Request

Def_*No Service Requests

'Service Request'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" 'FS Invoice'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" 'FS Invoice Line Items'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL" "'Order Entry - Line Items'.Search = "[Id] IS NULL""


Def_Today's Activities

'Action'.Search = "[Planned] = Today() OR ([Planned] = """" AND [Created] = Today() AND [Created By] = LoginId())" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


Past Due and Today

'Action'.Search = "[Planned] <= Today() OR ([Planned] = """" AND [Created] = Today() AND [Created By] = LoginId())" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


Past Due till Tomorrow

'Action'.Search = "[Planned] <= Today() + 1 OR ([Planned] = """" AND [Created] = Today() AND [Created By] = LoginId())" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


Today Due and Tomorrow

'Action'.Search = "[Planned] = Today() OR [Planned] = Today()+1 OR ([Planned] = """" AND [Created] = Today() AND [Created By] = LoginId())" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


All_All Accounts

'Account'.Search = "" "'Account'.Sort = "Name, Location""


All_All Activities

'Action'.Search = "" "'Action'.Sort = "Planned""


All_All Contacts

'Contact'.Search = "" "'Contact'.Sort = "Last Name, First Name""

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