Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing Property-Specific Menus and Packages > Process of Managing Menus and Packages >

Looking Up How Many Times a Menu Was Sold

You can look up how many times a menu has been sold to your customers. For example, you might want to know how many times Spring Wedding menu has been sold at your property. Depending on the findings, you might delete or modify the Spring Wedding menu.

This task is a step in Process of Associating Menus and Packages with Functions.

To look up how many times a menu was sold

  1. Display a list of functions associated with quotes.

    For more information, see To display quote functions.

  2. In the Function list, select the function associated with the menu whose sales numbers you want to look up.
  3. Click the Line Items subview tab.
  4. In the line items list, select the menu for which you want to look up how many times it has been sold.
  5. Click Menu Match.

    Siebel Hospitality displays the Category Line Items list, which is filtered by the field value criteria listed in the table that follows.


    Product Type

    Menu Per Person or Menu Item

    Function Date

    Date of the function from which you have navigated

    Parent Quote Property

    Property associated with the quote from which you have navigated

    The Category Line Items list displays all the menus and menu items that have been sold on that day, and their quantities. For example, if the day of the current function is 1/1/10, the list shows all the menus and menu items for all the functions that occur on 1/1/10.

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