Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Setting and Achieving Objectives >

Creating Recommended Activities for an Objective

You can create one or more recommended activities for an objective. These recommended activities are a guide for sale representatives. Sales representatives can review this list and create similar activities for their accounts and contacts targeted for the objective.

To create recommended activities for an objective

  1. Navigate to the Objectives screen.
  2. In the Objectives list, drill down on the objective for which you want to create an activity.
  3. Click the Activities view tab, in the Activities list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The type of activity to be performed; for example, an assessment or presentation.

    Assessment Template

    If the recommended activity requires an assessment to be carried out, the relevant assessment template should be added here.


    Each activity can have one or more products associated with it. The choice of products is restricted to products that are already associated with the objective. To add products to an objective, see Creating an Objective.

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