Siebel Mobile Connector Guide > Working with the Metadata Business Service > Using the Reference Configuration Sample >

Applying Style Sheets

You can limit the Siebel data returned to the third-party application using the XSL style sheets generated by the Reference Configuration Sample. The XML query parameter SWEXslStyleSheet allows you to pass the name of the style sheet you want to apply to the XML output. The command must be in the format of SWEXslStyleSheet=<style sheet name>.

In this example, Siebel data from the SMC Account List Applet is limited by applying a style sheet called CompanyName_SiebelMobileConnector_SMCAccountView_GM.xsl.

http://localhost/smc_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=InvokeMethod&SWEMethod=GetSMCUpdate&SWEView=SMC+Account+View&SWEApplet=SMC+Account+List+Applet&SWESetMarkup=XML&LastUpdate=07/30/2002 12:00:00&SWEXslStyleSheet=CompanyName_SiebelMobileConnector_SMCAccountView_GM.xsl

TIP:  Apply style sheets to an application in order to limit data to the minimum necessary so that the application can generate its output. This will improve performance by minimizing the data sent back to the third-party application. For example, a mobile voice application should receive only enough data required to generate its speech grammars.

For additional information about using XSL style sheets with SWE, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

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