Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


* (asterisk), about fields marked by   1

Back to top


Account Attachment applet, applet details   1

Account Attachment view, view details   1

Account Entry applet, applet details   1

Account Form applet, applet details   1

Activity Attachment applet, applet details   1

Activity Attachment view, view details   1

Activity Form applet, applet details   1

adding records   1

Alert Business Service

alert output page, printing to a file   1

HTTP Transport Method, using to set up alerts   1

SMC alert welcome screen, using to specify default transport method   1

smcalert.cfg file, configuring   1

workflow (diagram)   1

workflow, deactivating   1

workflow, importing and activating   1

workflow, list of steps   1

XML sample document output   1

anonymous user responsibility type, list of responsibilities   1

API methods, table   1

applets, navigating within   1

application definition, configuring

about   1

customizing, about   1

GetApplicationDef, syntax, returns, and example   1

user responsibilities types (table)   1

Application Representation Metadata Business Service component, about   1


components, list of   1

Metadata Business Service, components, list of   1

Siebel database, from a third-party mobile application (diagram)   1

workflow described   1

asterisk (*), about fields marked by   1

authenticating users

about and architecture   1

logging in to SWE, about and example   1

logging off of SWE, about and example   1

session management, cookies and authentication mode   1

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Branch Locator

See SMC Branch Locator Screen

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call center representative, list of responsibilities   1

CanInvokeMethod, syntax, returns, and example   1

COM Data Control

XML output example   1

Contact Attachment applet, applet details   1

Contact Attachment view, view details   1

Contact Form applet, applet details   1

customer, registered, responsibility type   1

Back to top


data sets, retrieving   1

data transfer mechanisms

authenticating users   1

real-time access to data   1

SWE methods, list of   1

types of   1

XML commands and SWE methods, about and list of common commands   1

XML user data, tags used to request user data   1

data, updating and synchronizing

downloading files, about and procedure   1

one-way synchronization, about   1

records, adding   1

records, deleting   1

records, modifying   1

uploading files   1

DDL files, creation location   1

deleting records   1

Document Type Definition

Metadata Business Service for subscriptions   1

XML documents passed through GetApplicationDef method   1

downloading files, about and procedure   1

drilling down

about and procedure   1

specific record, about   1


See DTD for Application Definition

Back to top



See SMC Responsibility Screen

Enable Component Groups dialog box

Alert Business Service, using to   1

Siebel Sales component group, using to select   1

Workflow Management component group, using to select   1

error messages

Reference Configuration Sample, about action   1

eService request

See SMC eService Request Screen

Extractor/Parser Metadata Business Service component, about   1

Back to top


field service representative responsibility type, list of responsibilities   1


downloading, about and procedure   1

uploading, about and procedure   1

Back to top


GetSMCUpdate method

examples   1

parameters, table of   1

update, getting (procedure)   1

using, about   1

global language support, about   1

Back to top


HTTP Transport Method, using to set up alerts   1

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), about using   1

Back to top



application definition, configuring   1

default transport mechanisms, setting   1

interactivity mode, setting   1

query, setting the list rows returned   1

server components, configuring   1

server configuration files and DDL files, creation location   1

Siebel component, optional   1

Siebel components, required   1

Siebel Server settings, configuring   1

smcalert.cfg file, configuring and example   1

user agent, configuring   1

interactivity mode, setting   1

Back to top


Java Data Bean

interface, about using   1

Metadata Business Service, about instantiating   1

XML output example   1

Back to top


language, about global language support   1

load subscription screen, about using   1

Load/Save Selections Metadata Business Service component, about   1

LoadSubscription, syntax, returns, and example   1

logging in, authenticating users, and example   1

logging off, about and example   1

Back to top


Metadata Builder Engine Metadata Business Service component, about   1

Metadata Business Service

about   1

API methods for accessing (table)   1

API methods, called in order (steps)   1

architecture components, list of   1

CanInvokeMethod, syntax, returns, and example   1

CreateStyleSheets, syntax, returns, and example   1

customizing the application definition, about   1

Document Type Definition for subscriptions   1

GetApplicationDef, syntax, returns, and example   1

instantiated, about   1

InvokeMethod, syntax, returns, and example   1

LoadSubscription, syntax, returns, and example   1

MetadataCleanup, syntax, returns, and example   1

process flow, steps   1

Reference Configuration Sample user interface   1

Reference Configuration Sample, using   1

SaveSubscription, syntax, returns, and example   1

workflow (diagram)   1

metadata extractor screen

example (diagram)   1

using, about   1

MetadataCleanup, syntax, returns, and example   1

modifying records   1

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to a screen   1

within a screen   1

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Opportunity Attachment applet, applet details   1

Opportunity Attachment view, view details   1

Opportunity Form applet, applet details   1


See SMC eService Order Screen

Back to top


partners, creating authentication mechanism   1

predefined queries (PDQ), about and executing   1

printing alert output page to a file   1

pushed alerts, about   1

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number of list rows returned, setting   1

performing   1

predefined queries, executing   1

request types   1

Back to top


real-time access to data

about   1

authenticating users, about and architecture   1

dates on records, about parsing and example   1

downloading files, about and procedure   1

drilling down on items   1

hidden fields, retrieving data from   1

large data sets, retrieving   1

navigating to a screen   1

navigating within a screen   1

one-way synchronization, about   1

predefined queries, executing   1

querying items   1

records, adding   1

records, deleting   1

records, modifying   1

uploading files   1

XML commands and SWE methods, about and list of common commands   1

XML user data, tags used to request user data   1


adding   1

date and time, about parsing and example   1

deleting   1

large data set, retrieving all records in   1

modifying   1

one-way synchronization, about   1

Reference Configuration Sample

error message received, about action   1

logging off, recommendation for   1

Metadata Business Service component, about   1

style sheets, applying   1

using, about   1

Reference Configuration Sample user interface

load subscription screen   1

metadata extractor screen   1

Siebel applications screen   1

SMC alert welcome screen   1

style sheets screen   1

subscription configuration screen   1

welcome screen   1

registered customer responsibility type, list of responsibilities   1

retrieving data

dates on records, about parsing and example   1

drilling down, about and procedure   1

hidden fields, retrieving data from   1

large data sets, retrieving   1

navigating to a screen   1

navigating within a screen   1

predefined queries, executing   1

querying items, request types   1

querying, performing   1

screens, list of (table)   1

ROW_COUNTER attribute, about using   1

Back to top


sales representative responsibilities, list of responsibilities   1

SaveSubscription, syntax, returns, and example   1

saving, about using SaveSubscription method   1


customer service voice scenario   1

sales voice scenario   1

wireless sales scenario   1


list of (table)   1

navigating to   1

navigating within   1

server components, configuring

Alert Business Service, enabling   1

Siebel Sales component group, selecting   1

Siebel Server settings, configuring   1

Workflow Management component group, about enabling   1

server configuration files, creation location   1

Service Request Activity List applet, applet details   1

Service Request Attachment List applet, applet details   1

Service Request Detail applet, applet details   1

Service Request Detail View with Attachments, view details   1

Service Request Detail view, view details   1

session management, about and   1

Siebel applications screen

example (diagram)   1

using, about   1

Siebel COM Data Control

Metadata Business Service, about instantiating   1

using, about   1

Siebel Java Data Bean interface, about using   1

Siebel Mobile Connector Administrator responsibility, list of responsibilities   1

Siebel Mobile Connector, configuring

interactivity mode, setting   1

query, setting number of list rows returned by   1

server configuration files and DDL files, location where created   1

smcalert.cfg file, configuring and example   1

user agent, configuring   1

Siebel Mobile Connector, workflow described   1

Siebel Sales component group, selecting   1

Siebel Server

Reference Configuration Sample, error message received   1

settings, configuring   1

SMC Account Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Detail - Activities view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Contacts view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Opportunities view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Service Requests view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail view, view details   1

SMC Account List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account screen

about and screen diagram   1

Account Attachment applet, applet details   1

Account Attachment view, view details   1

Account Entry applet, applet details   1

Account Form applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Detail - Activities view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Contact view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Opportunities view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail - Service Requests view, view details   1

SMC Account Detail view, view details   1

SMC Account List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account Service List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account view, view details   1

SMC Oppty List applet, applet details   1

views available (table)   1

SMC Account Service List applet, applet details   1

SMC Account view, view details   1

SMC Activity Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Activity Detail - Contact view, view details   1

SMC Activity Detail view, view details   1

SMC Activity List applet, applet details

SMC Activity screen   1

SMC Contact screen   1

SMC Activity screen

about and screen diagram   1

Activity Attachment applet, applet details   1

Activity Attachment view, view details   1

Activity Form applet, applet details   1

SMC Activity Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Activity Detail - Contacts view, view details   1

SMC Activity Detail view, view   1

SMC Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Activity view, view details   1

views available (table)   1

SMC Activity view, view details   1

SMC alert welcome screen

using, about and example (diagram)   1

SMC Branch Locator applet, applet details   1

SMC Branch Locator screen

about and screen diagram   1

SMC Branch Locator applet, applet details   1

SMC Branch Locator view, view details   1

SMC Branch Locator view, view details   1

SMC Contact Account List applet, applet details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Accounts view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Activities view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Opportunities view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Service Request view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail view, view details   1

SMC Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Contact screen

about and screen diagram   1

Contact Attachment applet, applet details   1

Contact Attachment view, view details   1

Contact Form applet, applet details   1

SMC Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Contact - Service Request view, view details   1

SMC Contact Account List applet, applet details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Accounts view, view detail   1

SMC Contact Detail - Accounts view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail - Opportunities view, view details   1

SMC Contact Detail view, view details   1

SMC Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Contact view, view details   1

SMC Oppty List applet, applet details   1

SMC Service Request List applet, applet details   1

views available (table)   1

SMC Contact view, view details   1

SMC Employee ReadOnly List applet, applet details   1

SMC Employee screen

about and screen diagram   1

sample XML code   1

SMC Employee ReadOnly List applet, applet details   1

SMC Employee view, view details   1

SMC Employee view, view details   1

SMC eOrder Line Items List applet, applet details   1

SMC eService Order screen

about and screen diagram   1

SMC eOrder Line Items List applet, applet details   1

SMC eService Order view, view details   1

SMC eService Orders List applet, applet views   1

SMC eService Orders List applet, applet details   1

SMC eService Request List applet, applet details   1

SMC eService Request screen

about and screen diagram   1

SMC eService Request List applet, applet details   1

SMC eService Request view, view details   1

SMC eService Request view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail - Activity view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail - Contact view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity screen

about and screen diagram   1

Opportunity Attachment applet, applet details   1

Opportunity Attachment view, view details   1

Opportunity Form applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity Activity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity Contact List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail - Activity view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail - Contacts view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity Detail view, view details   1

SMC Opportunity List applet, applet details   1

SMC Opportunity view, view details   1

views available (table)   1

SMC Opportunity view, view details   1

SMC Oppty List applet, applet details

SMC Account screen   1

SMC Contact screen   1

SMC Responsibility List Administration applet, applet details   1

SMC Responsibility screen

about and screen diagram   1

SMC Responsibility List Administration applet, applet details   1

SMC Responsibility view, view details   1

SMC User List Administration applet, applet views   1

SMC View List Administration applet, applet details   1

SMC Responsibility view, view details   1

SMC Service Request Detail view, view details   1

SMC Service Request List applet

SMC Contact screen   1

SMC Service Request screen   1

SMC Service Request screen

about and screen diagram   1

Service Request Activity List applet, applet details   1

Service Request Attachment List applet, applet details   1

Service Request Detail applet, applet details   1

Service Request Detail View with Attachments, view details   1

Service Request Detail view, view details   1

SMC Service Request Detail view, view details   1

SMC Service Request List applet, applet details   1

SMC Service Request view, view details   1

views available (table)   1

SMC Service Request view, view details   1

SMC User List Administration applet, applet views   1

SMC View List Administration applet, applet details   1

smc.cfg file, configuring   1

smcalert.cfg file, configuring   1

Style Sheet Builder Metadata Business Service component, about   1

style sheets

CreateStyleSheets, syntax, returns, and example   1

Reference Configuration Sample, using to limit data returned   1

sample   1

saved location and naming convention   1

screen, about using and example   1

tip, using to improve performance   1

unsubscribed view, about creating and naming convention   1

subscription configuration screen

example (diagram)   1

using, about   1


Document Type Definition used for   1

load subscription screen, about working with new or existing subscription   1

LoadSubscription method, about   1

SaveSubscription method, syntax, returns, and example   1

SWESetMarkup parameter, about using   1

SWESetRowCnt parameter, about using to retrieve data sets   1

synchronizing records, about one-way synchronization   1

system resources, using MetadataCleanup to free resources   1

Back to top


Third Party Configuration Sample Metadata Business Service component, about   1

ToggleLayout command, using to retrieve data from hidden fields   1

transport mechanism, setting the default   1


ASP Script time-out and session time out values, have they changed?   1

correct spelling, using   1

destination server, about receiving alerts   1

Execute Permissions and Application Protection options, have the values changed?   1

files, are you uploading programmatically or in a browser window?   1

GetSMCUpdate method, using to retrieve an update   1

metadata.cfg files, setting the parameters to the correct values   1

querying many-to-many relationships between parent and child, about   1

Siebel Server and object managers, are they up and running?   1

troubleshooting key (table)   1

XML output, receiving error message in when send XML commands   1

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UNIX systems, server configuration files and DDL files, creation location   1


about   1

GetSMCUpdate method, about using   1

GetSMCUpdate method, examples   1

GetSMCUpdate method, getting update (procedure)   1

uploading files, about and procedure   1

usage scenarios

See Sample Sales Voice Scenario

user agent, configuring for Siebel Mobile Connector   1

user responsibilities, types (table)   1

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Voice Application capability, setting to TRUE   1

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welcome screen

example (diagram)   1

using, about   1

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XML Builder Metadata Business Service component, about   1

XML code, sample   1

XML documents

Alert Business Service sample output   1

DTD for document passed through the GetApplicationDef method   1

XML user tags

common XML tags, list and attributes   1

retrieving data only, about and example   1

retrieving detailed information about the data   1

tags used to request user data, about   1

XML page content, about and tailoring to the application   1

XSL style sheets, sample   1

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