Siebel Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types Reference > Table Object Types >


A table creates a new table to save additional attributes.

This object type occurs in the following location in the object hierarchy:

  • Siebel Objects > Table

Table 178 describes properties that Siebel CRM uses with a table.

Table 178. Properties of the Table

Abbreviation 1 (O)

Abbreviation 2 (O)

Abbreviation 3 (O)

Abbreviation 4 (O)

Abbreviation 5 (O)

Abbreviation 6 (O)

Specifies an alternative abbreviation for the table. You must not modify the abbreviations that the EIM Generator and wizard use to determine how to name interface table columns in foreign key mappings.

Alias (O)

Not used.

Append Data (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM inserts any new rows it creates at the end of the table. If a clustered index exists on this table, and if the Append Data property is TRUE, then Siebel CRM cannot access any new rows that it appends to this table.

Base Table Name (R)

Specifies the name of the base table. If the Type property of this table is Ext or Journal, then Siebel CRM extends or journals the table that the Base Table Name property specifies.

Dflt Mapping Col Name Prefix (S)

Specifies the default prefix that Siebel CRM uses. If Siebel CRM creates an interface table column, then it adds this prefix to the name of this column.

For Oracle use only.

External API Write

If TRUE, then the following applies:

  • An external API handles any insert, update, or delete in any external table.
  • The BusComp_PreWriteRecord must include a script that publishes the insert, update, or delete to this external API.

File (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM uses this table to save file attachment data.

Group (O)

Specifies to group tables. Siebel CRM uses this property only for an IBM System 390. It places tables in groups that correspond to dock objects. It groups these tables according to table size, access frequency, and so on.

Key Generation Business Service

Specifies the business service that Siebel CRM uses to create the primary key for the business component. If this property is empty, then Siebel CRM uses the default row Id generator for tables that include a column that corresponds to the Id system field.

Key Generation Service Method

Specifies the name of the business service method that Siebel CRM calls when it creates the primary key for the business component.

Name (R)

Specifies a unique name for this table.

Node Type

Specifies the client type that can use this table. For example, if you set this property to Mobile Only, then Siebel CRM includes this table in the Remote client database but not on the Siebel Server.

Owner Organization Specifier

Not used.

Parent Table Column1 Name (O)

Specifies the column that references the primary parent if this table is a child table or intersection table.

Parent Table Column2 Name (O)

Specifies the column that references the second parent if this table is an intersection table.

Status (O)

Specifies the current status of this table. It can include one of the following values:

  • ACTIVE. Use this table in the current version of Siebel CRM.
  • INACTIVE. Discontinue and do not support this table in the current version of Siebel CRM. You must move any extension column that resides on an inactive table to another table. For example, you must the S_EMPLOYEE table to one of the following tables:
    • S_USER
    • S_EMP_PER
  • EOL (End of life). Do not use this table in the current version of Siebel CRM. You must delete this table because Siebel CRM no longer uses it. For example, Siebel CRM no longer uses the S_*_IF tables.
  • NOT USED. Use this table in the current version of Siebel CRM. Siebel CRM objects do not use this table in the current version but you can continue to use it. For example, you can use tables for docking or EIM.

Type (S)

Specifies the type for this table.

User Name (R)

Specifies the name for this table.

Volatile (O)

If TRUE, then Siebel CRM does not use the statistics that the runstats utility creates on the Siebel database for this table.

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