Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Employee Asset-Based Ordering > About Synchronizing Product Attributes, Product Classes, Products, and Promotions >

About Synchronizing Promotions

A promotion represents the marketing definition of a product. Promotions are time-sensitive, and they state discounted prices and contractual terms. A promotion is different from a generic product, because of characteristic fields, such as Upgrade Path, Commitment Plan, Aggregated Product, Aggregated Pricing, and so on.

The parameters of a promotion in Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub that are synchronized with Siebel CRM are as follows:

  • Default Language Code
  • Basic promotion information (header information):
    • Name
    • Description
    • Promotion Structure Type
    • Effective Dates
    • Message, Score, and so on
  • Local component products structure (one-to-many):
    • Product ID (complex product or simple product)
    • Cardinality and other flags (Recommendable and so on)
    • Specific setup for the promotion (complex product):
      • Product 1 Id
      • Product 2 Id ...
  • Local component products pricing (one-to-many):
    • Product ID (complex product or simple product)
    • Discount type, value, and effective dates
    • Specific setup for the promotion (complex product):
      • Product 1 Id, Discount type, value, effective dates
      • Product 2 Id, Discount type, value, effective dates ...
  • Upgrade Paths:
    • Original Promotion ID
    • Effective Date
    • Other fields
  • Commitment Plan:
    • NRC/RC set up
    • Charge/Credit
  • Compatibility rules (one-to-many):
    • Effective Date
    • Subject product Id, product line Id, and class Id

Multiple upgrade paths for a promotion can be defined in Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub and published to Siebel CRM. The integration creates or updates the upgrade paths. The specific upgrade paths depend on the value of the original Promotion Id field, which has been previously synchronized.

Multiple instances of the same product cannot be associated with a promotion.

A promotion can be updated in Siebel CRM through the integration when an Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub user changes the promotion definition in one or more of the scenarios that follow:

  • The header information is changed. For example, the value of the Score field or the Instances field might be modified.
  • The structure is changed, for example, component products are removed or added, cardinality is changed with existing component products, a default product selection is changed, or an exclusive rule of product selection is modified.
  • The component pricing is changed. Pricing changes might involve modifications to child component product pricing discount type, value, effective dates, and so on.
  • The rules are updated.
  • The upgrade path is changed. Changes to the upgrade path might involve an existing rule being assigned a different term, a new rule being added, an old rule being removed, and so on.
  • The commitment plan is changed.

The integration does not support aggregate products, aggregate pricing, multi-value group fields such as Campaign, or multi-value group fields in Commitment. Additionally, no synchronization occurs between Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub and Siebel CRM for the following parameters, which must be entered and maintained in Siebel CRM:

  • Schedule fields. No schedule fields (for example, RC Schedule or NRC Schedule) are synchronized.
  • Plan field. The Plan name is manually synchronized between Siebel CRM and Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub. In other words, an Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub user copies the Plan name from Siebel CRM.
  • Charge/Credit field. Charge/Credit is not synchronized from Siebel CRM back to Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub. When Siebel CRM receives an update from Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub for the promotion, the integration completely overrides the value of Charge/Credit (that is, the integration deletes the existing value in Siebel CRM and adds the new content from Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub).
  • Promotion Term field. Promotion Term is not synchronized from Siebel CRM back to Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub. When Siebel CRM receives an update from Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub for the promotion, the integration completely overrides the value of Promotion Term (that is, the integration deletes the existing value in Siebel CRM and adds the new content from Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub).
  • Pro-Rate Plan field. The Pro-Rate Plan field is not defined in Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub and appears blank in Siebel CRM. Siebel CRM users can complete this field manually.

The specific fields that are synchronized are visible in the Administration - Product screen, Product Promotions view. Component products are visible in the Administration- Product screen, Components view.

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