Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Creating Communications Promotion Groups > Process of Setting Up Promotion Groups (Administrators) >

Creating Promotion Group Definitions

To create a promotion group definition, which contains general information for generating promotion groups, follow this procedure.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Promotion Groups (Administrators).

To create a promotion group definition

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, Promotion Groups view.
  2. In the Promotion Group Definition list, add a new record, and complete the fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Enter a name for the promotion group definition.


    Select a value that specifies how many times a customer is allowed to use instances of this promotion group definition. The options are: One Per Customer, One Per Order, and No Limit.

    Effective Dates

    This field displays the start date and end date of the period when this promotion group definition is effective. Users can edit these dates in the Versions view. For more information about promotion versions, see the topic on versions of product promotions in Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.

    Show in Catalog

    Select this check box to display this promotion group definition in the product catalogs, so users can select the promotion group definition in quotes and orders in the same way as selecting a product.

    Promotion Group ID

    This field displays a unique ID that the Siebel application generates for the promotion group definition.


    Select an image file that appears if this promotion group definition is shown in a catalog.

    Before you can select this image file, you must set it up. For more information, see the topic on setting up image files for product promotions in Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.


    Select one or more organizations to give them visibility to this promotion group definition. Users who are not in these organizations cannot see this promotion group definition in the Siebel application. For more information about organizations, see Siebel Security Guide.


    If the promotion group definition is part of one or more marketing campaigns, select the campaigns. For more information about campaigns, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.


    Enter a message for the promotion group definition.

    Track as Agreement

    Select this check box to track this promotion group definition as an agreement. This option is necessary if an associated agreement involves an ongoing commitment to the customer that must be referenced in the future. For more information about agreements, see Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide.


    Select the scope of assets that can be associated with the promotion group memberships. The values include the following:

    • Customer Account. Only assets belonging to the promotion group owner account can be associated with the memberships.
    • Account Hierarchy. Assets belonging to any account in the promotion group owner account hierarchy can be associated with the memberships.
    • Across Organizations. Any asset belonging to any account can be associated with the memberships.

    The selection that you make in this field determines which accounts are available in the Account field above the Assets List on the Promotion Group Details view of the quote or order line items. Consequently, the selection controls which assets are available to associate with memberships of promotion groups generated from this promotion group definition. For more information, see Associating Assets with a Promotion Group Membership.

    Notification Account

    Select which member account will receive the notification. The options are: Billing Account and Service Account.

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