Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Testing Personalization Rules > About Test Mode >

Using Test Mode to Test Personalization Rules

See also About Test Mode and Using Test Mode to Test Personalization Rules.

You can test personalization rules in a staging environment before being used in the production environment. This is done in the Test view under Personalization Administration.

To test personalization rules using Test Mode

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Personalization screen > Test view.
  2. Either:
    • Click Open to use a saved test setup, or
    • Fill in the following fields, and click Load

      Primary User Login

      Required. User who is logged in to the application, such as a call center agent.

      Primary User Password


      Secondary User Login

      Optional. Someone who interacts with the primary user, such as a customer speaking with the call center agent.

      Test Application

      Path to the test application.

      • For the Siebel Web Client use a URL, for example:


      • For the Siebel Mobile Web Client use a command string, for example:

        /l language_code /c "D:\<Siebel_
        /d data_source


        • <Siebel_install_dir> is the full path to the client installation directory
        • language_code is the three-letter code for the language, for example, ENU for US English and
        • config_file is the application configuration file, for example, uagent for Siebel Call Center and siebel for Siebel Sales
        • data_source is the database to which to connect: Local, Sample, or ServerDataSrc

      Test View

      Optional. If not specified, the screen is blank when the test application launches. You have to navigate to a view.

  3. Select an attribute to edit its value.
    • The persistent user profile attributes of the:
      • Primary user are loaded into the Primary User Attributes list with a Me. prefix.
      • Secondary user are loaded into the Secondary User Attributes list with a You. prefix.
      • Name and Source fields are read-only for persistent user profile attributes.
    • Person-related attributes have the value Person in the Source field.
    • Organization-related attributes have the value Organization.
  4. Add a new record under Primary User Attributes or Secondary User Attributes to add a new dynamic user profile attribute.
  5. Fill in the Name and Value fields.

    The Source field is read-only and has the value Dynamic.

  6. Click Test under the Test tab and take the following action.

    You are using a connected Web Client (accessed though an appropriate URL).

    The Test Mode dialog box appears, which prompts users to open a new browser window (by using a desktop icon or the Start menu, if using Windows).

    The Test Mode dialog box provides a URL to paste into the new browser window.

    You are using a Mobile Web Client.

    A new instance of the application opens.

    Go to Step 9.

  7. Copy the URL shown in the Test Mode dialog box, and then click OK.
  8. Open a new browser window, and then paste the URL into it.

    A new instance of the specified application launches.

    If the test view was not specified, the screen is blank and you have to navigate to a view.

  9. After testing personalization rules, click Save in the Test view to save the test setup.
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