Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Discount Matrices >

About Configuring Discount Matrices

The criteria, calculation, and result dimensions that are available for each discount matrix type are the ones that are most commonly used for that type of adjustment. However, your business model may require you to use additional dimensions that are not available by default.

To make these additional dimensions available, you can configure the application with Siebel Tools. For more information about Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

To make additional dimensions available, you must understand the tables used to store the discount matrix data, which are shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35. Discount Matrix Data Tables

Discount matrix fields are stored in the following tables:

  • The Discount Matrix Name, Status, and Type are stored in the S_ADJ_GROUP table.
  • The criteria dimensions that the administrator has selected for the discount matrix are stored in the S_ADJ_GRP_COL table.
  • The discount details are stored in the following tables:
    • S_STDPROD_PMTRX (if the discount matrix type is Product-Based Adjustment)
    • S_STDENTL_PMTRX (if the discount matrix type is Entitlement-Based Adjustment)
    • S_STDTRNG_PMTRX (if the discount matrix type is Training-Based Adjustment)

To extend the available criteria, calculation, or result dimensions, you may add columns to any or all of these tables.

The following topics include instructions for configuring discount matrices:

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