Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Product Offers > Workflow Reference for Product Offers >

Product Offer GetProductOfferStructure Workflow

Product Offer GetProductOfferStructure Workflow, shown in Figure 33, queries the product offer business component on ProductOfferId to get the product offer structure. It is called when calling the method GetProductOfferStructure of the Web service Product Offer Web Service.

NOTE:  For more information about the request and response messages for this workflows, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

Figure 33. Product Offer GetProductOfferStructure Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  • Query Product Offer. This step calls the Query method of the business service EAI Siebel Adapter by using the ProductOfferId to retrieve the product offer structure from RAFProductOfferStructureIO.
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