Siebel Product Administration Guide > Product and Promotion Eligibility and Compatibility >

Enabling Pre-Pick Compatibility

By default, post-pick compatibility is used. To enable pre-pick compatibility, perform the following tasks:

For more information about pre-pick and post-pick compatibility, see About Pre-Pick Compatibility.

Modifying the Web Template to Enable Pre-Pick Compatibility

To enable pre-pick compatibility, you must modify the web template to include the parameter ForceRefresh=Y.

To do this:

  • Manually set the web template for the UI control.
  • Edit the web template to set the ForceRefresh flag to Y.

To manually set the web template for the UI control

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Definitions view.
  2. Modify the product definition:
    1. Select the Locked Flag check box for the product.
    2. Drill down on the Workspace version.
  3. Click the User Interface Tab.
  4. In the User Interface list, add a new record and complete the necessary fields.
  5. Drill down on the Name field of the User Interface record you just created.
  6. In the Group Item List, add a new record and complete the necessary fields.
  7. In the tree structure to the left, right click any item and add select Add Item to add it to the group.
  8. For the item you added, select the desired UI Control web template.

    For example, you might select eCfgControlCheckPriceJS.swt for a check box control.

To edit the web template to set ForceRefresh to Y

  1. Navigate to the directory \siebel install directory\webtempl/
  2. In that directory, find the web template file for the UI control and open it using a text editor such as Notepad.

    For example, you might use Notepad to edit the file eCfgControlCheckPriceJS.swt.

    NOTE:  The web templates for controls all begin with eCfgControl.

  3. Edit the file:
    1. Search for the tag <swe: control>.
    2. Add a line that says: ForceRefresh="Y".
    3. Save the changes.

The edited file has the following code:

<!-- Template Start: eCfgControlCheckJS.swt -->

<swe:include file="eCfgPort_HeaderJS.swt"/>


<td colspan=3>

<swe:for-each id="500" CfgLoopType="DomainAndChildren" startValue="1500" count="Dynamic" iteratorName="101Id"


CfgFieldList="CfgFieldName:Name, CfgUIControl:lblName, HtmlAttrib_width:310, Default:Y*

CfgFieldName:RequireMoreChild, Default:Y*

CfgFieldName:Explanation, CfgUIControl:lblExplanation*

CfgFieldName:Customize, CfgUIControl:lblCustomize"


<swe:control id="swe:111Id + 4000" CfgHtmlType="CfgCheckBox" ForceRefresh= "Y"

CfgJSShow="showCheckBox" CfgJSUpdateExclusion="updateExcludedItemForPort" CfgJSUpdateSelection="updatePortItemsForCheckBox"/>




<swe:include file="eCfgPort_FooterJS.swt"/>

<!-- Template End: eCfgControlCheckJS.swt -->

Setting the Server Parameter to Enable Pre-Pick Compatibility

Use the following procedure to set the server parameter to enable pre-pick compatibility.

To enable pre-pick compatibility

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers and Parameters view.
  2. In the Server Parameters list, query to find the parameter Order Management - PrePick Compatibility.
  3. In the Value field for this parameter, enter True.

    The Value on Restart field also changes to True.

Setting the Server Parameter to Enable Pre-Pick Compatibility on the Siebel Developer Web Client

Use the following procedure to set the server parameter to enable pre-pick compatibility on the Siebel Developer Web Client.

To enable pre-pick compatibility

  1. Use any text editor to open the .cfg file of the Siebel Developer Web Client.
  2. If the InfraObjMgr section already exists, add the following line to that section:

    PrePickCompatibilityEnabled = TRUE

  3. If the InfraObjMgr section does not already exist, add both the section header and the line to the .cfg file, as follows:


    PrePickCompatibilityEnabled = TRUE

Verifying the Variable Map for Pre-Pick Compatibility

Verify that the needed variable map definition is present for the following two variable maps:

  • Product Eligibility Variable Map - Context
  • Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Context

To verify the variable map

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen, then the Variable Maps view.
  2. Query to find the variable map named Product Eligibility Variable Map - Context.
  3. Drill-down on this variable map.
  4. In the Variable Map Definitions list, query to find Pre Pick Compatibility.
  5. If this definition is not found:
    1. Lock the variable map.
    2. Add a new record to the Variable Map Definitions list and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

      Variable Name

      Pre Pick Compatibility





      On Null


    3. Add a new record to the Variable Source list and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.





      Source Type

      Server Parameter

    4. Add another new record to the Variable Map Definitions list and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

      Variable Name

      Pre Pick Mode





      On Null


    5. Add a new record to the Variable Source list and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.




      $Current/Header/Pre Pick Mode

      Source Type


    6. Release the variable map.
  6. Repeat all the above steps for the variable map Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Context.
  7. Clear the Cache.
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