Siebel Product Administration Guide > Creating Custom Siebel Configurator User Interfaces >

About Default and Custom Siebel Configurator User Interfaces

You must decide whether to use the default Siebel Configurator user interface or to design a custom user interface.

The default user interface displays all the configurable items in the customizable product on a single selection page. If you create a custom interface, you can display the configurable items on multiple pages.

The default user interface makes intelligent choices for UI controls based on attribute domain type and upon relationship cardinality. For example:

  • If an attribute has an LOV type domain, the default interface displays a combo box for setting the attribute.
  • If a relationship has a min and max cardinality of 1, the application displays a combo box without multiple instances. If the max cardinality is greater than 1, the application displays a combo box with multiple instances.

If you create a custom interface, you can select the control used for each configurable item.

If you use the default interface, the application creates a high interactivity (HI) interface and a standard interactivity (SI) interface. It assigns the appropriate interface to each user based on the user's browser. Users are assigned the HI interface if their browser supports it. Users are assigned the SI interface if their browser does not support the HI interface.

If you create custom interfaces, you can create several HI and SI interfaces and assign them to users based on their responsibilities and their browsers.

The application decides which interface to assign to a user using the decision flow shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Evaluation Logic for Assigning a Siebel Configurator User Interface

For more information about high interactivity and standard interactivity and the browsers used for each, see the topic about deployment modes for Siebel Web clients in Siebel System Administration Guide.

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