Siebel Product Administration Guide > Releasing Products and Other Versioned Objects >

Migrating Products Among Environments

Some businesses develop new versions of products in the same environment that they use for product that are already in production. Other businesses use separate environments for development and for production.

If you use separate environments for development and production, you can migrate product data from the development to the production environment in either one of two ways:

NOTE:  You cannot use EAI to import versioned data.

Migrating Products Using Import and Export in Workspace Projects View

Using import and export in Workspace Projects view, you can migrate the versioned data that you can add to the Workspace Projects list, and you have the option of migrating related objects. When you export objects, a dialog box appears with these options:

  • Object(s) Only. Exports only the objects in the Workspace Projects list.
  • Full Structure. Exports the objects in the Workspace Projects list and related objects, such as attribute definitions and product classes. If you use this option, the related objects are imported automatically when you import the objects in the Workspace Projects list.

In either case, all the objects are exported to a single XML file. When you import this XML file, they are imported as separate objects.

The data that is exported depends on the value in the Testing Date field and Use Project flag of the Workspace Project header. If no base date is entered, it depends on the value in the Effective Start Date field.

NOTE:  To extend the import/export XML schema, extend integration objects under the project ISS VOD Import Export.

Each object is imported in a single transaction. Extend text fields only and avoid extending FK columns or adding child entities. An inconsistent product definition might result in the case of one object failing to import due to an invalid FK or child entity, and other objects import correctly.

It is recommended not to extend integration objects because the preconfigured import is staged in the Workspace version and does not take effect until you release new product versions. However, an extension which is non-versioned takes immediate effect after the import.

The recommended approach is to use preconfigured IO to migrate product headers and versioned objects, and extend the production ADM object to migrate the customer's extension.

To migrate product data using export and import in Workspace Projects view

  1. In the development environment, navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Workspace Projects view.
  2. In the Workspace Projects list, in the record for workspace containing the objects you want to migrate, enter the necessary information in the fields shown in the following table.

    Effective Start Date

    This date is used for publishing. If no Testing Date is entered, this value is the date that the application uses to determine what versions must be exported for dependent items when the user chooses to export the full structure of the items in the Workspace Project

    Base Date

    This date is used for temporarily setting arbitrary time mainly for testing and development when Workspace Project is activated. Enter the date used as the date for dependent items for full structure export. If both Effective Starting Date and Base Date are filled, Base Date is used.

    If you are exporting from an active Workspace Project (Use Project is checked):

    • All root objects, listed in the content, use Workspace Project versions
    • All referenced objects (resolved through dependencies) use a published Workspace Project version effective for Base Date

    If you are exporting from a non-active Workspace Project (Use Project flag is not checked):

    • All root objects, listed in the content, use a published Workspace Project version effective for Base Date
    • All referenced objects (resolved through dependencies) use a published Workspace Project version effective for Base Date

    If Base Date is not specified, Effective Start Date is used. If both Effective Start Date and Base Date are not specified, then current time is used.

    Use Project

    If Use Project is checked, the workspaces of the objects in the Contents list are exported.

    If Use Project is not checked, the relevant versions of those objects are exported.

  3. In the Workspace Projects menu, select Export Contents.
  4. In the Export Versioned Object dialog box, click Object(s) Only or Full Structure.
  5. Save the files that are exported.
  6. In the target environment, navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Workspace Projects view.
  7. In the Workspace Projects list, add a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    The contents will be imported into this new Workspace Project.

  8. In the Workspace Projects menu, select Import Contents.
  9. In the VOD Import dialog box, click Browse and select the file to import, and then click Import.

    The imported file appears in the Workspace Projects list.

Migrating Products Using Application Deployment Manager (ADM)

You can also migrate products using Application Deployment Manager. You use the Joint WorkSpace content object to migrate key fields and versioned content for product itself, and you use the Product (ADM) content object to migrate the non-versioned content of product.

If you are migrating non-standard fields, you must customize the Product (ADM) content object.

For information about how to use ADM, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.

Importing and Exporting Product Promotions

Product promotions can be imported and exported as follows:

  • Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Workspace Projects view.
    • In the Workspace Projects menu, select Export Contents.

      The Export Full Structure option invokes method ExportFullVod of the ISS Authoring Import Export Service.

  • Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Promotions view.
    • In the Product Promotions menu, select XML Export option.

      In this case, method ExportVOD of ISS Authoring Import Export Service is invoked.

      NOTE:  The XML file generated contains the definition of the promotion. Only one promotion can be exported at a time.

For more information about methods of the ISS Import Export Authoring Service, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

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