Siebel Financial Services Enterprise Application Integration Guide > Siebel Financial Services EAI Architecture >

Integration Requirements and Siebel Financial Services EAI

Table 1 maps real-world data and application integration requirements with their corresponding Siebel Financial Services EAI features.

Table 1. Integration Requirements and How They Relate to Siebel Financial Services EAI Features (1 of 2)
Integration Requirements
Siebel Financial Services EAI Features and Components

Metadata Definition

XML Metadata

External application metadata

  • Integration objects based on Siebel business objects
  • Integration objects based on external metadata
  • FINS ACORD Wizard
  • FINS IFX Wizard
  • FINS OFX Wizard

In any integration project, you need a way to supply data about data, called metadata. Siebel Financial Services applications provides XML as the common format for representing external application data. In addition, Siebel Financial Services applications provides an object type in Siebel Tools called the Integration Object, as well as an Integration Object Wizard, which automates the task of creating integration objects.

Data Transformation

Declarative data transformation mapping

High-performance transformation engine

  • Siebel Data Mapper

Siebel Financial Services EAI allows you define what type of data is to be exchanged, and allows you to export a DTD for a Siebel integration object.

Business Process Coordination

  • Workflow Process Designer
  • Workflow Process Manager

See Business Process Coordination Using Workflows.

Transport Mechanisms (for interfacing with other technologies)

Transport Adapters:

  • IBM MQ Series
  • Microsoft MSMQ
  • HTTP

See Transport Mechanisms.

High Volume Data Exchange

  • EIM (Enterprise Integration Manager)

See Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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